Continued From Page 2
BUMPER STICKER OF THE DAY–A man is incomplete until he’s married… then he’s finished.

AIRELINER FRAMES BY WIL–Wil Phillips designed the rubbertail frame that was the first true rubbermount Softail frame. He has take it to the next stage creating a touring rendition of the rubbertail through his new Aireliner configuration. It makes a good looking long distance cruiser. You can contact Wil at:
THE TALKING DOG–A guy sees a sign in front of a house: “Talking Dog for Sale.” He rings the bell and the owner tells him the dog is in the backyard.The guy goes into the backyard and sees a black mutt just sitting there.
“You talk?” he asks.
“Yep,” the mutt replies.
“So, what’s your story?”
The mutt looks up and says, “Well, I discovered this gift pretty young and I wanted to help the government, so I told the CIA about my gift, and in no time they had me jetting from country to country, sitting in rooms with spies and world leaders, because no one figured a dog would be eavesdropping. I was one of their most valuable spies eight years running.
“The jetting around really tired me out, and I knew I wasn’t getting any younger and wanted to settle down. So I signed up for a job at the airport to do some undercover security work, mostly wandering near suspicious characters and listening in. I uncovered some incredible dealings there and was awarded a batch of medals. Had a wife, a mess of puppies, and now I’m just retired.”
The guy is amazed. He goes back in and asks the owner what he wants for the dog. The owner says, “Ten dollars.”
The guy says, “This dog is amazing. Why on earth are you selling him, so cheap?”
The owner replies, “He’s such a liar. He didn’t do any of that shit!
–from S. Redhorse

SON’S OF LIBERTY NEWS–The Environmental Protection Agency is likely to lob its final rule onstreetmotorcycles right into your garage. In a matter of days! You have one lastchance – one small break in the traffic – to level what may be the lastquestions the powerful agency should answer before the rule is final. Haveyou called your U.S. Representative and asked him/her to sign the letter tothe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) penned by U.S. Reps. John Shimkus(R-Illinois) and Ted Strickland (D-Ohio)? If you did, great! CALL AGAIN!If you haven’t called, you need to call…TWICE!
Here’s the scoop. Both Congressmen Shimkus and Strickland have heard fromsome Congressmen, but most of the calls are just expressions of interest.Courtesy phone calls. Now we need SIGNATURES! If your Congressman (or hisor her staffers) told you that he/she will “look at the letter,” that’sgood. Now we need more. Now it is time for you to call them again and ask,”What did you think of the letter? Won’t you SIGN THIS LETTER – to askthese important questions – for ME, at this most critical time?” Again, ifthey have questions you can’t answer, I am happy to help.
DO NOT RELY ON SNAIL MAIL. There’s no time. You need to telephone oremail your Congressman TODAY. You can find your Congressman’s email addressand phone number at Phone calls to your U.S.Representative’s district office are welcome. Make the call today! Makecopies of this LEADERS’ REPORT and take them to a riding event this weekend!

1st Annual West Virginia Freedom Rally
Rain, Rain , Rain. That’s the way the First Annual Freedom Rally inSummersville WV started off. It scared all the fair weather riders off,but Uncle Rock showed up. I was waiting at the court house to take picsof the parade, and there he was. Right in the middle of it.My kind of guy. Rode down in the rain, and never blinked. he hung aroundall day, and helped out everywhere he could. Thanks Rock.
Even with the bad weather we still had a fair turn-out. This shindig wassponsored by the Secretary of state of West Virginia, and he rides, anddon’t want to wear a helmet either. Did I mention he is running forGovernor next go-around?Sput was going to speak, but was unavoidably detained in Texas, so I hadto take his place. I was told that the subject was bikers, and Liberty.Took two days to put something together. No time for rehearsal. At thelast minute I found out that the topic was honoring our troops, andvets. My carefully prepared speech went out the window! I was forced towing it.
All in all it was a good weekend though. Got to meet a few new members,and signed some up. but I made contact with people in areas of the statewhere I had no contact before. I also got to show a few of my officersmy back yard (South Eastern WV) They are all from the northern part ofthe state, and had no idea of the roads they have been missing. A lot ofgood quality time with these people, and they are more fired up thanI’ve seen them in years.The rain put a damper on things, but I had a great time doin what I dobest. Dealing with motorcycle people. Setting some small brush fires intheir minds.
Don “DUCK” Smith
WV ABATE State President

“HOT OFF THE PRESS” Pa.Senate votes to repeal motorcycle helmet law
The bill moves to House, and Rendell vows to sign measure.Motorcyclists are a step closer to being able to ride without headprotection after the Senate voted last night to repeal the state’s35-year-old helmet law.The bill, which passed in the Senate 29-20, now moves to the House for avote. Gov. Ed Rendell has indicated that he will sign the bill if it passesin both bodies.”It’s about time,” said Aliquippa resident Kerry Hawk, who was among thedozens of cyclists who stayed until 7 p.m. to hear the vote, which crossedparty lines.
“This is the hardest of the three hurdles that we have to confront,” saidCharles Flack of Plum, former communications officer for Pennsylvania’sAlliance of Bikers Aimed Toward Education (ABATE). “We’ve been workingtoward it for 30 years. When we pass the hurdle in the House, we’ve alreadybeen guaranteed by Gov. Rendell that he will sign our legislation.”
The bill requires riders over the age of 21 to wear helmets if they havebeen licensed to operate motorcycles less than two years. But the two-yearrequirement would be waived if riders took a state-run motorcycle safetycourse. Motorcyclists with more than two years experience would simply beallowed to ride without a helmet if they so choose.The vote came hours after demonstrations from people on each side of thedebate.

Keep Internet Taxes At Bay
According to Wired News (, if a coalitionof congressmen has its way, the government’s temporarymoratorium on Internet-access taxes could soon becomepermanent.
This week, a House of Representatives committee is expectedto consider a proposal that would bar states from imposinglevies on Internet service, but would not affect theirability to collect sales taxes.
HR 49, the Internet Tax Nondiscrimination Act, introducedby Rep. Christopher Cox (R-CA), would make permanent amoratorium the congressman initially introduced in 1998.The current ban is set to expire in November.
Cox urged support for the measure, backed by more than 30other representatives, noting, “The average American doesnot need new taxes, especially on their Internet access.”
ACTION ITEM: This is just one effort to resist theinevitable urge of politicians to somehow tax the Internet –but it’s a good start.
Go to our site below NOW to send a message directly to yourCongressman and Senators, and ask them to support theInternet Tax Nondiscrimination Act:
If you need more info on this or any other subject just go to the Sons ofLiberty Riders Info Zone or
ICQ 34668186
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