DEVIL DOLLS FIRST GIRL POWER RUN–JULY 1. All bikes welcome. All women riders are welcome. There will be Bands, BBQ, contests and mo’. The men are supposed to meet at Erin Evans Custom Cycles or at Eaglerider. Here’s the Devil Dolls hotline: (415) 546-3700.
I need to warn you guys that this is a set up, you know, a trick bag. The hot line is to a phone sex number.
HARD OF HEARING–Monica Lewinsky walks into her local dry cleaning store andtells the guy, “I’ve got another dress for you to clean.”
Slightly hard of hearing, the clerk replies, “Come again?”
“No”, she says, “Mustard…..”
STURGIS RALLY UPDATE–The 2001 Sturgis Rally is just 7 weeks away.This year we are able to provide your Web site with liveupdating pictures of downtown Sturgis. This is a freeservice. Go here for more information:
We are also happy to advertise your Web site on our popularSturgis Banner Exchange network. This too, is free. Moreinformation here:
THREE ELDERLY LADIES– are sitting on a park bench feeding pigeons when they are approached by a man in a trenchcoat. He steps in front of them and whips open his coat exposing his huge, rock-hard penis.
The first woman immediately has a stroke.
The second woman immediately has a stroke.
The third woman, being older and more feeble, can’t reach that far.

CYRIL HUZE UPDATE–Last Monday, a guy from San Mateo called to have a bike built. He’s interested in?Expresso, but wants some modifications like turn signals, possibility of passenger pegs, etc…I stopped the molding and paint preparation in case we have to drill holes, etc…He was supposed to?be in Florida this Monday, but yesterday called to postpone one week.?Waiting also for a down payment.
So, I freeze everything for one?more?week. With or without him, I will finish the bike, but it’s going to be two weeks, at least, without any update.
CALL FOR ASSISTANCE– Earlier this year, Remeo Carano and his 12-year-old daughter, Jessica, were struck broadside by a pickup that “didn’t see them” while on Remeo’s Harley. Remeo sustained severe injuries and lost his leg above the knee and Jessica was in a coma. She eventually regained consciousness, but remains partially paralyzed from the accident.
Remeo was a North Port, Fla., fireman who spent his career helping others, and like the true fighter he is, has not let his misfortune hold him back. He is currently working on getting his instructor’s license so he can teach future fire/rescue team members.
My name is J.J., and last year I organized an event called NOODLEFEST at Chubbyz Bar in Port Charlotte, Fla., with owner Danny Lutinski to raise money for the family of our fallen brother, James “CHEECO” Bishop. With the help of many local and national contributing sponsors, we raised over $7,000 for Cheeco’s wife and two children.
I am hoping we can turn this event into a greater success for Remeo and Jessica with your help! Any items you can donate for our auction and raffle from gift certificates, t-shirts, parts, or whatever will be greatly appreciated. All proceeds from the event go right to Remeo and Jessica, including the bar take for the day, and all entertainment is donated as well. THIS IS NOT A MONEY MAKING EVENT!!! THIS IS FOR THE PEOPLE WHO NEED IT!
Donated items can be mailed to:
J.J. Armstrong
26358 Tobago Dr.
Punta Gorda, FL 33983

The Blue Flame is currently for sale at Micah McCloskey’s Custom Cycles in Canoga Park, Calif.; (818) 348-8967.
LA CALENDAR BIKE SHOW UPDATES FOR JUNE–New Bike Show Hostess Brenda FoxThe LA Calendar Bike Show is pleased to announce that actress, stuntwomanand biker babe Brenda Fox will be working with us as mistress ofceremoniesand hostess at the Calendar Bike Show the weekend of July 21 and 22.Brendawill be on stage throughout the weekend to introduce activities,interviewnotable personalities and our Exhibitors at the show and to keepspectatorsinformed of what’s going on. Plus Brenda will be helping out at Bandit’s(aka Keith Ball of former Easyrider editorship fame) snakeoiland T-shirt booth throughout the weekend where you can meet her.Brenda Fox will also be hosting the BikerNet party onboard the QueenMary onSaturday night in the Observation Lounge from 9 p.m. to midnight with aliveJazz band where she’ll be giving away highly valuable BikerNet doorprizes.And did we tell you about the huge fireworks display aboard the QueenMary,covering Long Beach Harbor and lighting up the downtown cityscape. Youdon’twant to miss this.Check out Brenda’s too hot picture riding a stretched chopper on oursite at
And if you’re smart you’ll book a hotel room aboard the Queen so you canwalk from the show on Saturday evening when it ends at 8 p.m. to the QueenMary’s restaurant for dinner, to the party and fireworks show, then fallright into your nearby stateroom bed for the night, wake up in themorningand crawl back to the park. There are just a few rooms left, so give theQueen’s reservation desk a call at (562) 435-3511.
HOLLYWOOD BLOND BEER IS OUR NEW BREW MASTERLike most of us, Bike Show producer Jim Gianatsis enjoys a great qualitybeer, and at the top of Jim’s favorite list is Hollywood Blond Beerwhich isbrewed here in California and found in specialty markets like Gelsons.Thetaste is somewhat similar to Sam Adams, but we think even better. Wewerehappy that Hollywood Blond will be our featured beer at this year’sShow,with one of our beautiful Calendar models serving as theHollywood Blond spokes model throughout the weekend. We hope you’ll trythisgreat beer during the course of the weekend and choose to make it yourfavorite beer as well.
NEW Pre-1956 Classic Vintage Bike Contest ClassAlso added to the bike show this year is a new Vintage Bike Class forpre-1965 bikes, a spin-off from the previous Classic Streetbike Classnowfor 1965 and newer bikes. The Vintage Class is being puttogether by bike show contest judge and famed bike restorer Don Whalen.Manyof Don’s restored bikes are featured in the premier collections of OtisChandler, the Petersen Museum, The Barbour Museum, Jay Leno and others.Donpromises to have the class filled with some of the finest vintagecollectors’ bikes on the West Coast. It should be a real treat!
Exhibitor Spaces Almost Sold Out–As of this date we have over 80 major manufacturers signed for theupcomingJuly event. Many Exhibitors joining us from as far back as the EastCoastwith big rigs include Drag Specialties and RC Components.This is shaping up to be our 3rd sellout year again despite theexpanded2-day format. If you would like your company to be part of America’spremierstreetbike event please give us a call quickly this week at(818) 223.8550.

HOLLISTER 4TH OF JULY UPDATE–Thank you for yoursupport. Checkout NEWS FROM THE CHIEF–June is the month bikers are busting out all over, and Sonny is at the Laconia Rally this weekend in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire with 350,000 others. Saturday and Sunday he and club brothers can be found at Weirs Beach Drive-In. Next weekend, he will be at Steel & Skin in San Diego, and the Bike Show & Swap Meet in Canoga Park. Get details and maps for his personal appearances: “Hells Angel” is now printed in five languages (the newest is Italian) and the Japanese edition is rumored to be rolling out next (not to mention Estonian and Turkish). See what all the editions look like, including the limited Collector Edition which is still available by special order: Sonny Barger Cave Creek Cycles now has its own Web site, where you can order shop shirts and other support merchandise. Visit and see for yourself: If anybody thinks Sonny is in retirement, they should try keeping up with him. He’s not slowing down, just getting even better. The next project is his second book with the same co-authors, Keith and Kent Zimmerman. They are already fired up and putting together a great collection of biker tales, and our thanks go out to those who have contributed stories. “Ridin’ High, Livin’ Free” will be about clubs and independent riders of both sexes, showing the rich and complex culture that has been misundertood by the general public and press for decades. Those who have experienced it will be proud, and those who have not will be enlightened. It will be published by HarperCollins in 2002. The photo galleries have more shots of Sonny and fans at events, the guestbook has entries from all around the world, and you can cast your vote in the new poll about sex on a motorcycle: REDLINE DEAL OF THE WEEK– Well summer is here and if you can stay dry (not here) you should be?starting to rack up?some miles on your rides about now. If there’s anything we can do to make those trips a little better let me know (since I’m not?putting on any miles I may as well make your life easier) and we’ll do our best to help. On to the good stuff, our?Monthly Free Gear winner for May is Dwight S.Dwight?is the proud owner of a new set of Heavy Duty Tie Down Straps and one of our famous Water Bottles. Thanks Dwight and everyone else for entering. June’s Special Deal is on Coleman/Peak1 Tents. The (Aries which is standard in our Deluxe Packages is on sale (only to you receiving the newsletter) for $99.00. Check out the nice article City Cycle Motorcycle News ( That will do it for now, good riding to you. Rick Thomas PENDING GUN LAWS– H.R. 31 (Bartlett): This bill, the Citizens’ Self-Defense Act of 2001, wouldreaffirm the right of an individual to obtain a firearm for self-defense andto use the firearm to protect himself, his family, and his home. H.R. 70 (Jackson-Lee): This bill would:Extend the labyrinthine rules making it almost impossible to legally teachyour kid the safe and responsible use of handguns by (1) expanding the rulesto semi-automatics; (2) raising the age to 21, and (3) raising the penaltyto five years in prison;Effectively require purchasers from licensees to purchase “gun storage orsafety devices”; With fairly narrow exceptions, impose a three year prison sentence if anindividual “recklessly” keeps a loaded firearm (or an unloaded firearm andammunition) which is used by a child to cause death or serious injury; Require that a child be accompanied by an adult at a gun show — a provisionwhich will effectively require the carding of gun show attendees;Allow the Attorney General to fund anti-gun safety education programs. GUN OWNERS ALLIANCE GORILLA REMOVER–A couple of days after a gorilla escaped from the zoo, a man wakes up onemorning to find the gorilla on his roof. So he calls the zoo and they send azookeeper over. The zookeeper arrives, and gets out of his van. He’s got aladder, a baseball bat, a shotgun, a big bunch of bananas, and a mean oldpit bull. “What are you going to do”, the homeowner asks? “First, I’m gonna throw this bunch of bananas on the roof. While the gorillais distracted eating the bananas, I’m going to put this ladder up againstthe roof, then I’m going to go up there and knock the gorilla off the roofwith this baseball bat. When thegorilla falls off, the pit bull is trained to grab his testicles and not letgo. The gorilla will then be subdued enough for me to put him in the cage inthe back of the van.” So the guy throws the bananas on the roof. Sure enough, the gorillainstantly starts munching and doesn’t pay any attention to the zookeeper ashe puts the ladder up, gets the bat and the shotgun and walks towards theladder. As he gets to the bottom of the ladder, he hands the shotgun to thehomeowner. “What’s the shotgun for?” asks the homeowner. “If the gorilla knocks me off the roof, shoot the dog!” DUCK OUT–As bikers we’re all wanderers, roaming roads all over the world, facing the elements like no other vehicle. It’s treacherous, but we love it. Sailors are the same in many respects, but watch out. Once you leave the harbor, there are no bar stops unless the toothless Captain decides to pull into port. Something’s happened to alter all that, and of course there’s a woman involved, a ship, a constant Internet connection and a dark challenge. I’ll keep you informed. In the meantime, we ride “like the feds are after us.” –Bandit
Wino Joe,USA
Redline Compact Camping & Travel Gear
PO Box 1113
Lakeville, MN 55044
Chris W. Stark – Director
P.O. Box 1924
Crosby, Texas 77532-1924
Ph. 1-713-202-9548 Fax 1-810-283-7459
email: Director@GOA-Texas.orgBob’s been trying to get me to sail around the world with him for years. We’ve been through the Tahitian islands together, through the Panama Canal and from Cabo to Puerta Vallarta, but to this day he reminds me of the days when we discussed 6 months at sea. I couldn’t go. There were the girls back home, all the magazines I had to look after, the runs to Sturgis, the bikes to build and books to write.