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We have been talking to Conrad, and he sent hisscript for ASPHALT COWBOYS, which we really dug. I spoke to him again thismorning about making some changes and combining it with the other scriptthat we like, so that we can have a real ensemble cast with a lot of actorfriends we know who ride. He had sent me a list of people interested inbeing in the film and we both thought Danny Trejo would be perfect forBlister. This will really help in getting sponsors and media behind thefilm, as well.
Conrad is open to working with us and I hope to get the samelevel of support from the other writer that we have been talking too. Itseems that we all have a lot of friends in common who ride and as soon as Iget the final draft of the Business Plan done, I’d like you to take a lookat it. We were thinking that you might consider being a consultant on thefilm, as we want to keep it real and feel like your experience would reallyhelp make it a better film.
A lot ofriders kind of fall into a particular slice and are content to stay there,but what we like about the whole story is that people who ride come from allwalks of life, old/young, rich/poor, educated/uneducated, naive/streetsmart. The commonality is the love of riding, the personal and physicalsense of freedom, the camaraderie, the solitude, the call of the road andthat amazing V-Twin machine.
Take care and I’ll try to stay in touch. Maybe we can hook up at the showin Long Beach or will you be crazy busy then?
–L.N., producer

WEEKLY CANTINA GIVEAWAY–Our newest winner is:
Kurt Gregory from Demotte, IN
Wanted: i wanna century motorcycles t-shirt
Well he gets it, compliments of the beautiful Cindy Rutherford, DMN. She was thrilled to learn someone from Indiana even knew about her shop. Be sure to clink on the Century logo to find out more about the shop and Cindy.
Congrats Kurt!

BIKERNET MEDICAL ADVICE–One day a young man and woman were in their bedroom makinglove. All of the sudden a bumble bee entered the bedroomwindow. As the young lady parted her legs the bee enteredher vagina. The woman started screaming, “Oh my god, helpme, there’s a bee in my vagina!” The husband immediatelytook her to the local doctor and explained the situation.
The doctor thought for a moment and said, “Hmm, trickysituation. But I have a solution to the problem if youwould permit me, sir.”
The husband, being very concerned, agreed that the doctorcould use whatever method to get the bee out of hiswife’s vagina. The doctor said, “Okay, what I’m gonnado is rub some honey over the top of my penis andinsert it into your wife’s vagina. When I feel thebee I’ll withdraw my penis and the bee should followmy penis out of your wife’s vagina.”
The husband nodded and gave his approval. The younglady said, “Yes, yes, whatever, just get on with it!”
So the doctor covered the tip of his penis with honeyand inserted it into the young lady’s vagina. Aftera few gentle strokes, the doctor said, “I don’t thinkthe bee has noticed the honey yet. Perhaps I should goa bit deeper.” So the doctor went deeper and deeper.After a while the doctor began shafting the younglady very hard indeed.
The young lady began to quiver with excitement. Shebegan to moan and groan aloud.
The doctor, concentrating very hard, looked like he wasenjoying himself. He then put his hands on the younglady’s breasts and started making loud noises.
At this point the husband suddenly became very annoyedand shouted, “Now wait a minute! What the hell doyou think you’re doing?”
The doctor, still concentrating, replied, “Change of plan.I’m gonna drown the bastard!”
–from Ray R.

NEW BIG DOG RUNS AVONS–That’s right, some of the best custom motorcycles in the world run Avon Tyres. In this case Avon enjoys doing business with Big Dog, “It’s a first class company,” Larry Hoppe said today regarding Big Dog. Larry heads up sales and marketing for Avon in North America “We have supplied tires to Big Dog for several years. They are the kind of people we like to do business with.”

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Maybe it’s me but time is flying, June is almost history and the gears thatmake Sturgis happen are running full speed. I guess this is how we grow oldand don’t even notice, it’s always one thing after another, sometimeswithout even getting a chance to enjoy what we have. I was talking to afriend of ours that works for an airline, he was bitchin’ about the placeshe had to fly to during the next week. Most of us were thinking aboutsomething to do in each place, while he was bitching, since he saw it aswork.
It’s like working late every day just to be able to have a ride ready forthe next season. Most people can’t wait to get home and work on it andenjoy their garage time, I happen to see it as work. I guess that it’sdifferent and things become tedious when you “have to do it”. Some of us spend so many hours doing what we must do, that we forgetthose minutes of doing what we want to. I’m sure our friend would love togo and ride all over the Black Hills and I would not mind at all flying toBrasil and hanging out for a day, no shop, no bikes, no worries.
Anyway, nopeI’m not bitching about what I do. I like it and chose to do it, but it getsa bit boring sometimes. That’s why we build new bikes, write articles andgo thru the major pain of taking our bikes to far away places, to changeour pace and change the scene.
Sometimes people ask me why I don’t ridethat much? Simple, when you are around bikes six days a week for over 12hours a day, all you want to do is sit back and relax.
Even our “vacations” are based on bike stuff, and Itget’s harder to escape as time goes by. I’m not saying I’m good, but to begood at what you are doing you have to spend a lot of time doing it. Inother words, work your fuckin’ ass off.
I used to sail competitively andsailed so much that it became something that I was forced to do, so much that Istarted dreading the whole thing. Now that I don’t have time for it, I missthe fun and the places we visited.
I do like whatI’m doing and have enjoyed all that I have done, every effort has been worth it, and every decision a lesson learned. Idon’t believe in killing myself to make money. I’d rather be filthy rich instories to tell. I would rather travel around the world than have the moneyin the bank, and I bet so would you. That’s why we ride.
Okay, goddamnit, Jose, I got the point. Drink a fifth of Jack and fuck off for a day, you need it.–Bandit

This upcoming Sunday TLC will show Monster Garage at 8:00 eastern time, weheard that Jesse James and Billy Lane will create some weird mechanicalstuff….Can’t wait to see what they are up to.
The Jack Daniels BBQ competition will take place this Sunday at the LuisMu?oz Marin park, like every year the event will have a solid bikerepresentation and free BBQ to al those who pay the entrance. We will haveour usual booth and a few dozen choppers, photos of the event will be herenext week.

I don’t want to let the cat outta the bag, but I know who elsewill be featured in the new Motorcycle Mania 3 besides Billy Lane. I’mgoing to wait ’till next week. There will be a West vs East kinda thing,and we know that Discovery will almost for sure be present at the HORSE’sSMSO( Geno says 99% sure). Nope they are not coming to Puerto Rico, yet.
Our friends from the island of Curacao paid us a visit at the shop thisweek, we were talking about the new custom bikes that they are building ,their rides and new clubs. They are planning a ferry ride to Venezuela andsort of a bike week end for next year.We will report as soon as they do. Chopper fever is hitting all theislands, cool.
We also heard from our friends on the West side of the island. They aremeeting every Thursday night and are reaching the hundred mark. There’sgossip that they drag race at night at an undisclosedlocation. We will have to venture one of this days and see in person whatit’s all about.

Our friends from the military in the eastern town of Ceiba are boosting their biker numbers. We have reports of over 90 Harleys on base. I know that they can raise some hell. We will be featuring somethingpretty soon here and in The HORSE on their favorite watering hole,Papa Joe’s.
Also we want to wish a safe trip and so long to our friend Mark, he wastransfered to Bolivia and won’t be back to our sunny shores.We gave him a Sam Chopper Orwell book for his trip, a few magazines andBikernet’s address, no choppers in Bolivia yet.
I’m outta here. We have gobbled really late nights in the shop this past two weeks. Between WorldCup soccer and WCC’s 4th bike, we’re pooped. When the bike is complete all will be back to normal, if such thing exists.
Caribbean “Island Chopper Master Mon”
Bikernet reporter
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