THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more Information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at

Time off: First off I want to apologize to those of you that missed the last issue of the Gunny’s Sack. The truth is the Sack didn’t get out because Gunny was on a 21 state 7000 mile motorcycle ride with his wife.
Left Redmond, Oregon at 12:30 PM on the first of May and got back home the evening of the twenty-seventh. We went to Milwaukee, WI for the National Coalition Of Motorcyclists Convention that took place the 8th to 11th of May. We stopped in Chicago and took delivery of our new “Aspen Classic” camp trailer for the bike. The thing has a KING sized bed in it when erected. All that and 25 cubes of cargo space too. Ahh, luxury for the old man.
To get to Milwaukee we crossed Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nebraska, Wyoming, Iowa, Illinois, and into Wisconsin. NCOM: This 18th Annual Convention was one of the best I’ve ever attended and some of the information passed along to us was positively frightening. Namely, the PATRIOT Act and the possibility of the passage of PATRIOT II. If you attach any value to the freedom you have left in this country you will write your Congressmen and Senators NOW and voice your opposition to the stealing of your liberties by elected officials.
More on that later.
We left Wisconsin and continued to West “By God” Virginia via Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and down into West Virginia to visit my daughter and that bunch. I was blessed with seeing my grandson who just graduated from the Naval Academy and is now a Second Lieutenant in the Marine Corps. Some kinda proud of him I am.
We left from there continuing to Bakersfield, California crossing West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and into California. Spent a few days at my brother’s place and enjoyed the wedding of my Granddaughter there. From there home to Oregon, winding up a fantastic month.
We hit some of the worst storms I’ve ever experienced. The first was the back end of the storm that did so much tornado damage all through the Nebraska, Kansas, and Alabama. We got past that and coming out of West Virginia we were rained on for four days all the way to Oklahoma. One day we had to stop after only forty miles because it was raining so hard I couldn’t see the road. Shawnee, Oklahoma was the last of the rain and then it got HOT, poor Sue doesn’t do heat well so she paid the fiddler for the next three days getting to Bakersfield. It was 109 in Needles, Ca. when we got there. Bakersfield was just as hot, so she spent a lot of time indoors and I spend some time soaking up a lot of my brothers beer at his hangar home there on the Bakersfield Airpark. Brothers and sisters, I’d load up tomorrow morning and do it again if I had the bucks to do it. Sue says the same thing.
We no more than got home and had to rush to Forest Grove, OR to attend to our daughter-in-law ,who was pregnant with her first child, and Sue’s first natural Grandbaby. Angie was in trouble with the pregnancy and wound up with a beautiful 29-week baby girl weighing just one pound eleven ounces. Mom and child doing very well. Mom’s home and visiting the infant twice a day for feedings and whatever else it is that moms do with little guys. Pop is working his way though the whole thing, kind of bewildered, but OK.
Granddad will live but not sure about Grammaw. She’s a mess. The upshot of the whole thing was we decided a move back to the Forest Grove area was indeed necessary.
So away we went and in just a few days I find myself moved back to the Willamette Valley. Thank God for the Washington County ABATE of Oregon members who helped us unload at the new house. All this in the Gunny’s life in less than 40 days. Anyone want to follow me around for the next few months to see what else can happen when you’re not lookin?

REPEAL THE USA PATRIOT ACTAll over the country early in July there will be public hearings concerning the USA PATRIOT Act. You all need to be aware of the dangerous precedent this madness represents.
On Oct. 26, 2001, our Congress passed the most far-reaching snatch of liberty from the American people ever passed. Never in the history of this nation has a law been passed so quickly. It took only 11 days for this to take place. That is record time for our Congress to act on anything. The events on 9/11 took the good sense out of our leaders and we need to bring it to a screeching halt before our country winds up like Europe did in the days of Hitler’s rise to power.
These are just part of what this thing does to every citizen of this country not just bikers. You can bet, however, we are the most immediate targets available.
1) Eliminates FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION: Government may monitor religious, labor, and political institutions without having to suspect criminal activity, if it is to assist “terror” investigation.
2) FREEDOM OF INFORMATION: Government has closed once-public immigration hearings, has secretly detained hundreds of people without charges, and has encouraged bureaucrats to resist public records requests.
3) FREEDOM OF SPEECH: Government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any other records, if they tell anyone that the government subpoenaed information related to a terror investigation.
4) RIGHT TO LEGAL REPRESENTATION: Government may monitor federal prison jailhouse conversations between attorneys and clients, and deny lawyers to American citizens accused of crimes.
5) FREEDOM FROM UNREASONABLE SEARCHES: Government may search and seize Americans’ personal records, business documents and telephone/internet activity records without probable cause, to assist alleged terror investigations.
6) RIGHT TO A SPEEDY AND PUBLIC TRIAL: Government may jail Americans indefinitely without a trial.
7) RIGHT TO LIBERTY: Americans may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront the witnesses against them.
What you have just read is just a sample of what your government has up it’s sleeve besides the arm. If you aren’t shaken by these words, I don’t know what to tell you except bend over and kiss your sweet patootee goodbye.

BOISE, IDAHO: Recently here a motorcycle officer jumped aboard a runaway locomotive and was instrumental in stopping the thing. Can you imagine the adrenalin rush this guy had going? WOW! No one was hurt but it could have been disastrous. Kudos to the Cop.

PHILADELPHIA, PENN. : The city is tired of kids without licenses driving motorized scooters on sidewalks and streets without regard to pedestrian traffic. They passed a resolution with teeth that can result in the confiscations of the scoot being illegally ridden by non-licensed drivers. Not too sure I blame them on this one. Some kid on a motorized scooter runs into me on the sidewalk and I just might have a word or two with him if ya know what I mean.

SAN JOSE, CA: A biker here was apparently the victim of a road rage incident that left him paralyzed from the neck down when a man rammed him from the rear. The guy that caused the wreck is being sought by police and will be charged with attempted homicide and assault with a deadly weapon. Hope they catch this guy and lock his butt up for a long, long time. There is no place for road rage in this country. There was a witness to the incident so they should get this clown soon. Our best to the injured biker.

GUNNY AGAIN: Glad to be back and remember the Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (AIM) attorneys are the ones who take care of us so call yours if you find yourself with any legal problem. They will help you. Call 1-800-ON-A-BIKE and get hooked up, or look on the web at
Keep the round side on the bottom.
–Gunny, Oregon’s AIM Chief of Staff