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VINCE GOODEVE AIRBRUSH TECHNIQUES BY WOLFGANG PUBLICATIONS–Wolfgang Publications, Longtime publisher of how-to books, has released:Professional Airbrush Techniques with Vince Goodeve
Written by well-known Airbrush artist Vince Goodeve, this new book uses 144 pages and over 500 color images to explain a lifetime’s worth of learning. Follow Vince through multiple photo sequences that explain his choice of color, sense of design and preference for tools and materials.
Early chapters explain shop set up and preparations of the metal canvas. Ten start-to-finish sequences walk the reader through Vince’s airbrush work with both motorcycles and cars. Projects include simple graphics as well as complex and intricate designs. Accustomed to teaching, Vince’s style is easy to understand, while his enthusiasm for the airbrush makes the text easy to follow. Vince Goodeve is an artist with great how-to help for all airbrush artists – whether beginner or advanced.

Pro Airbrush Techniques, 144 pages, 100% color, $24.95Available for $24.95 + $5.50 S&H, this 144 page all-color book can be purchased from Wolfgang Publications, 217 Second Street North, Stillwater, MN 55082. Order by phone at the 24 hour order line: 651-275-9411 or on the web at
Join the Bikernet Free Contest/Door Prize area, quick. We’re going to be giving away several Wolfgang books including this one. I guarantee your odds are better than state lotteries.–Bandit

BIKERNET READER FIGHTS NOISE POLICE–Dude,I live in New Hope. PA, every week end there must be 100 bikes parked on main street . Small little artsy artsy town 1 sq mile on the Delaware river, north of Philly. Great bike riding area on a river road.
I bought a ’72 super glide new when I came home from Nam, just sold it last year. Anyway the city fathers have a noise law now because dick heads (mostly dudes on $50,000 bikes), sit on their bikes and rev their fricking straight pipe machines either parked or sitting at one of two traffic lights in town, because they think it sounds cool. That in a nut shell is the problem — dumb asses ruin it for us all.
This is a constant dilemma, so Bikernet performed and Independent noise study to point out both sides of the issue. The completed study is available to anyone who needs to share the motorcyclists’ side of the issue with their communities. It’s available to all in our Special Reports section under political issues. Michael printed it out and took it to the city fathers. He’s currently doing life for pissing them off.–Bandit

KEEP WRENCHIN’ TIL IT’S FIXED– At the Motorcycle Riders Foundation Best of the West Conference in Prescott Arizona this weekend a great story about maintaining our motorcycle freedoms was told that I will relay to you.
As the story goes an old time biker had as long as anyone could remember always hung around ABATE. He seldom missed a meeting, a run, or a party but never got involved in the legislative activities saying others were much better than he at doing that sort of thing. Well after years of trying they finally got him to agree to attend a letter writing party, most likely because of the free beer they figured.
He did show, surprising the others, and he did write a letter highlighting his concerns about the latest motorcycling issue and shortly thereafter got a polite response. You know the one that says thanks for your interest however you’re dead wrong. That supported his feelings that writing letters and getting involved didn’t really work for him. The local members stayed on him and after about two months he broke down and came to another letter writing party only this time he wrote it “biker style”. This shouldn’t come as a surprise that he never did get a response to his second letter, and that cemented his belief that he wasn’t cut out for this type of thing.
The old time biker then fell off the face of the earth and nobody had seen him for several months so they decided to take a ride out to his place. They found him in the garage with a few parts lying around. When he was questioned about his absence, he said he was wrenchin’ on his bike and just didn’t have time to come around anymore. After they worked on him for a while he did commit that when he got his ride fixed he would eventually come around again.
Some time passed and having still not seen the biker show someone rode out to his place again and this time he had parts absolutely everywhere and his bike completely torn down. He said he had wrenched on his bike and got it going but he wasn’t happy with it so he decided to tear it down and wrench on it some more until he got it just right.
Seeing a correlation the quick thinking local ABATE rep. took the opportunity to drive a point home. He looked at the old biker and said you know after just a few letters you gave up on the legislative process, but with your bike you’re willing to spend hundreds of hours tearing down a bike and wrenchin’ on it until it runs just right. And you’ll do it more than once. He went on to say, our freedom as a biker is just like wrenchin’ on a bike. It takes hundreds of hours. You do it several times, and won’t compromise until it is just right. It’s simply that important.
The story has a great ending. The old biker not only showed up at the next meeting but suggested they all come to his place for the next letter writing session. And to continue the story he now can be seen regularly lobbying at their State Capital and has even served as an ABATE rep. for a time.
So you see the moral of the story here is that our freedom is just like our bikes. You gotta keep wrenchin’ on it, over and over, until you get it right and sometimes it doesn’t come easy.

BOOTH SPACE AVAILABLE–Lucky Les here, putting the word out about The 2006 PACIFIC NORTHWEST SKIN N STEEL EXPO. This is going to be an event like the northwest has never seen. Hardcore Custom Motorcycles , Hot Ink from the industries wildest tattoo artists , and Vendors from all over the place displaying all types of Motorcycle and Body Modification merchandise.
Skin N Steel Presents, Inc.

BIKER FOLK HERO, CHARLIE BRECHTEL–“The soul of the American biker and the music of Charlie Brechtel are truly one and the same…”
There is a history, a legacy and a brotherhood that comprise the soul of the American biker. Those are also the elements that separate the music of Charlie Brechtel from any other musician or band who aim their talents at the motorcycling community.

With Charlie it’s all about reality. It’s about what actually goes on –and has gone on– within the inner circle of America’s last breed of folk heroes. Charlie doesn’t just play the kind of rockin’ blues that is the perfect soundtrack to this way of life; Charlie takes his listeners into a world that was begun in America’s post WWII years, screamed through the 50s and 60s and has evolved into one of the most powerful and envied sub-cultures that this country has ever produced.
His tribute tunes are becoming legendary. His music pays homage to the biker lifestyle in a way that no other musician has ever done. Charlie Brechtel weaves the personalities who pioneered this way of life into the heart of all of his songs. Men like Sonny Barger, Wino Willie Forkner, the Bravo Brothers…vintage bikes like the Indian…biker Meccas like Sturgis, Hollister and the Buffalo Chip…all supply the ever-sharp edge to the music of Charlie Brechtel.
Charlie’s roots extend back to his hometown of New Orleans…the tradition of that town…the power…the feel…it’s all there…it’s deep within the blood. He’s played with Gregg Allman and John Lee Hooker and a host of others…his CDs feature some of the best musicians in blues and rock ‘n roll today…he’s played Sturgis, Love Ride 21, Easyriders, Las Vegas Bikefest and countless other major biker events and venues…The soul of the American biker and the music of Charlie Brechtel are truly one and the same…
check out charlie’s music at

NEW FLORIDA MOTORCYCLE TAG LAW–This Florida Tag law does nothing for motorcyclist. Making Rider Education Mandatory is a money-making adventure for those looking to gain from the popularity of motorcycles.
Though I am In Favor or Motorcycle Rider Education I Am Against Making It Mandatory.LOOK at the prices that are being charged for classes. What Has Happened to the MONEY That is added to every License Fee that is suppose to Go To Education.These Courses Should Be Free To Who Ever Wants To Take Them
Florida — A new piece of legislation will be law by the time this article goes to press. Motorcycle riders in the state of Florida between the ages of 16 and 21, will be required to purchase a tag for the motorcycles they own, that is a different color from the rest of the motorcycle population. This tag would make underage riders easily identified by local law enforcement.
Aside from the obvious issues concerning the processing, cost and inconvenience of changing tags, is one of law enforcement being able to match underage riders with helmet usage, or the lack thereof, at a glance. (Profiling?) The rationale for introducing separate tags for the 16 to 21 year old, motorcycle rider is a direct result of the number of underage riders who died in crashes over the past few years, who were not wearing the required helmet. Although these individuals were riding illegally, there is no data indicating if age or experience level was a factor in those crashes or if the usage of a regulation helmet would have had any impact on the eventual outcome.
The case against a separate tag, for motorcycles registered by riders under twenty-one, is the ease by which the rule can be circumvented. The registered owner of a motorcycle and the person riding the bike are not necessarily the same person. A motorcycle, owned by a person over twenty-one, could easily be ridden by an underage rider. The tag would not alert anyone to the matter and there does not appear to be anything illegal with this scenario. The current rules for underage riders would remain in place.
On the surface, this doesn’t appear to be a big deal. Ok, underage riders have to wear helmets, so now they have a tag identifying their age. If you obey the laws there is no problem. What’s one more law? But, who are the kids who will follow the rules? Probably the same ones who followed the rules before the change! Who will circumvent the regulations? More than likely, the same ones who broke the laws that caused the change in the first place. So, what has been accomplished, besides another paper chase and a bit of profiling? Stay tuned?
Another piece of legislation that is likely to be signed into law deals with rider training. There are a number of questions on how this one will work and what will be entailed in fulfillment of the requirements. At first glance, this bill would require all new riders, regardless of age, to complete a basic rider training course before they would be eligible for their motorcycle endorsement. Currently, the course is only mandatory for those under eighteen. It appears those riders who already have the “motorcycle also” endorsement on their operator license would be grand fathered into the system. The bill has also been tied to the registration of new motorcycles. Before registering a newly purchased motorcycle, the rider would be required to show proof of the successful completion of a basic rider course.
The rationale from lawmakers is wrapped up in the number of riders killed on Florida roads. Without specific numbers sited, the mandated rider training supports the idea that many of the riders have been killed or injured riding motorcycles are inexperienced or lack proper training. Tying this basic rider training to endorsements and motorcycle registrations would bring dealers into the accountability loop for rider training. At the very least it would make all parties more conscious of a riders ability to handle a particular machine, before they take to the streets.
In a recent survey, conducted by ABATE of Florida, Inc., the vast majority of experienced riders expressed a desire to see new riders complete basic rider training before getting on a motorcycle. However, there are several issues involved in this new legislation that should send red flags up for all of us. If basic rider training is required for everyone who applies for a motorcycle endorsement or to purchase a motorcycle, everyone will eventually need to take the coarse, regardless of how long they have been riding. No such training is required for a new car driver to obtain a drivers license and you need not be a licensed driver to buy a car.
If a basic rider class is required for motorcycle endorsement eligibility or to purchase a motorcycle, and this class continues to be given by private businesses, without a cap on the provider charge for the class, what is to keep the cost from being driven by supply and demand? Classes currently cost between $180, to over $300. The training centers process around 33,000 riders per year. With the training becoming mandatory, those sites would be processing over 100,000 riders per year just for new endorsements. With 6 to 8 week wait times currently experienced in some metropolitan areas, the demand for the classes could send the enrolment fees through the roof, making them unattainable for the average person.
By accepting these mandates from our state government, what is to keep them from requiring basic rider classes to obtain a motorcycle, learning permit, advanced training for an endorsement and a masters riding class to purchase a motorcycle over 1000cc’s? The precedent has already been established. Each of these classes could have mandated waiting periods of 12 to 18 months and cost upwards of $1,500, as is currently the case in much of Europe.
Do we apply freedom of choice only to helmet issues? Are we willing to let our government take over when personal responsibility is ignored by some, ignorance practiced by others and disregard for public safety becomes common place? We can stand back and watch our motorcycles and our life style, legislated into nonexistence? Or, we can vote out the lawmakers who have no regard for personal freedoms and educate our people and the public on motorcycle related issues.
We’ve fought the helmet issues for so long. Now, when it looks like we might have gotten a few to understand that it is not the helmet, but the right to make personal choices that is at stake, our government throws out another mandate that appears to be “FOR OUR OWN GOOD”. What may appear to be a move toward making motorcycle riding safer could be the open door for the restrictions and control we have fought so long to prevent. The proverbial “wolf in sheep’s clothing” is again knocking at our door. We can open the door or choose to regard these pieces of legislation as the threat they are while we still can.
–ABATE of Florida, Inc.
P.O. Box 2520
DeLand, FL 32172
–Cyndi von Bulow
Public Relations Office

SEMINOLE HARDROCK ROAD HOUSE ALIVE AND WELL–Our next Roadhouse isn’t until BiketoberFest at Destination Daytona; thenthe Christmas Toys in the Sun Run in Ft. Lauderdale where we’ll fly in thefive semi-finalists and give one of the bikes away. Our builders will leadthe 60,000 + bike parade down 25 miles of highway!
People have got to enter to win on the website at! Only wayto win is enter.
–Carrie Repp
R&R Promotions

LIFESTYLE CYCLES RIDES TO ROSE BOWL SHOW–It’s finally here! The ride of the year! This Saturday, June 24th, join us for LifeStyle Cycles Ride to the Rose Bowl BikeFest! Your friends from American IronHorse and the AIR (American IronHorse Riders) Group will be sponsoring a huge free breakfast and giving away some cool T-shirts. We’ll have music, raffles, giveaways and much more! Don’t miss out … this will be the ride of the year to the event of the year!
It all happens at LifeStyle Cycles at 8:00AM that morning for free registration and the IronHorse-sponsored breakfast! The store will be open too, so you can get that last minute riding gear or cool accessory for the trek over to Pasadena for the motorcycle experience of a lifetime … the Rose Bowl BikeFest!
If you haven’t done so already, please RSVP to let us know if you and a passenger will attend (we gotta make those last minute plans for breakfast, you know). This is going to be a GREAT ride!
Here’s the date and times:
Saturday, June 24th
8AM: LifeStyle Cycles store opens, Free Ride
Registration and American IronHorse breakfast begins.

ROLLIN SIXES CUSTOM CHOPPERS COMES TO BIKERNET–I’m Ellis owner of Rollin’ Sixes Choppers North. Jerry told me he talked to you the other day about the parts. He told me to send you a part a week for the Bikernet News. I’m not the best on a computer so I hope if what I send is wrong just let me know. I don’t know how to size the pics he said you need jpeg 1meg.
Not sure if they are 1meg or not. I’ll have one of my buddies stop by and set me straight on how to change the pic sizes, if they are wrong and send it over again. Just wanted to get on this and send it over to you.
Rollin Sixes Grips — Grab hold of sensational style for your bike with show polished CNC machinedbillet grips from Rollin? Sixes Choppers. It’s like having four grips in one. Our gripsfeature interchangeable end caps. Choose from four designs: Maltese-Cross, Ace ofSpades, Nautical Star and Dome Style.
Our grips fit models from 1973 to present withsingle or dual throttle cable. Grips for internal throttles are also available.
We welcome news, new bikes and new products from shops all over the world. We post two Bikernet news columns a week, so the world will see the shit weekly. –Bandit

BIKERNET JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK-DYNA MAIN TRANS CASE BEARING TOOL No. 987– Use on all 2006 to present Dyna Trans.Use this tool to safely install a new main trans case bearing by using hand tools. Tool will hold bearing square to its bore, eliminating any marring of the bearing bore. This tool is used in the same manner as JIMS Tool No.35316-80 that you’ve been using for years.

FROM THE BIKERNET MONASTERY–Lost on a rainy night, a nun stumbles across a monastery and requests shelter there. Fortunately, she’s just in time for dinner and was treated to the best fish and chips she’s ever had.
After dinner, she goes into the kitchen to thank the chefs.
She is met by two brothers, “Hello, I’m Brother Michael and this is Brother Charles.”
“I’m very pleased to meet you. I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful dinner. The fish and chips were the best I’ve ever tasted. Out of curiosity, who cooked what”?
Brother Charles replied, “Well, I’m the fish friar.”
She turns to the other brother and says, “Then you must be”?
“Yes, I’m the chip monk.”
–from CarlR

FLAMED LED MIRROR ASSEMBLIES–Adding to their rapidly growing line of crowd stopping custom accessories, Aeromach recently introduced these wayyyyy different Oval Mirrors set on Flamed LED stems. Cool or what!
Mirror and flamed stem assemblies are CNC machined from 6061-T6 extruded billet aluminum which is fully polished and flawlessly chrome plated. Flamed stems are fit with an amber LED board and 25 amber lights designed to wire into your bike’s running and turn signal circuits. Wires are run through the stem so they can be routed inside handlebars.
Sold in pairs, these awesome LED MIRROR assemblies are available with OVAL and FLAMED OVAL head units and can be purchased to fit directly to stock Harleys, American Iron Horse and American Customs as well as aftermarket levers from PM, Ness and Jay Brake.
Mirror head dimensions are 2.5″ H x 5.25″ L and the stems are 3.5″ H x 5″ L. For complete details contact Aeromach Manufacturing at 800-990-9392 or catch them on the Web at

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