June 22, 2006 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

Blood Sweat n Gears banner

BILLY LANE BUILDERS BREAKFAST OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AT BROKEN SPOKE IN STURGIS–As you can see, by reading the news each week, Billy is heavily involved in this industry and with our Veterans. He’s programmed a massive schedule for the Blood Sweat and Gears tour, and now he’s heading to Germany to visit our Armed Forces overseas.

Blood Sweat and Gears will rock Sturgis at the Chip, but Billy is taking a morning out to support Kids And Chrome, a charity devoted to the Rapid City Children’s Hospital and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

Tuesday morning, the 8th of August, we will have the opportunity to have breakfast with Billy and most of the industry’s master builders. You’re invited. I’m waiting tables with Darcy Betlach’s dad, Jim, and Bikernet is a Sponsor of the event. Be there, be there, be there!

“$25 buys you breakfast with the biggest, best builders ever. All in one place, at one time. The $25 ticket charge goes straight to charity. Every penny,” said Bob Illingsworth, of Kid and Chrome.

Tuesday August 8th, 2006
Broken Spoke Saloon on Lazelle
BUY TIX ONLINE for guaranteed seat and food
TIX available ONLY at:


Nicks Amsoil banner

NICK ROBERTS SPONSORS BIKERNET BONNEVILLE EFFORT-OFFERS $500 CONTINGENCY PRIZE–Here’s our new logo you can use whenever you mention my sponsorship of your bikes and/or the $500.00 prize for fastest American V-twin using Amsoil Synthetic Motorcycle Oils at Bonneville.

broken spoke logo

BRITISH COMPANY DEVELOPING COMPUTER CHIP THAT STORES MUSIC IN WOMEN’S BREASTS–This is considered a major breakthrough since women complain about men staring at their breasts and not listening to them.

from Art Friedman

josh seat n fender

BIKERNET PRODUCT OF THE WEEK–Okay, the sissy bar is almost done. I have been hand fabbing this piece out of some old fender struts. The seat is on, but I still need to rivet the front half (I had to shorten this ol ’70s choppa seat 4 inches).

The fender is a fiberglass Arlen Ness fender I picked up from Big Al In New York. I had to put a new socket in before I could install the cat eye taillight and plate mount. I think it’s a big improvement over what I started with! Still got a long ways to go, but who says ya can’t chop a jap bike!

Let me know what ya think



MRF LEADERS REPORT–The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has begun to finalize the details of the Motorcycle Safety Grant program set forth in the SAFETEA-LU highway legislation (PL 109-59) signed into law in August 2005.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is pleased to report NHTSA has maintained the integrity of the program as drafted by the MRF in conjunction with the US House and Senate. The program description and qualifying requirements are simple and clear cut, just as the MRF and the supporting motorcycle rights organizations intended when they lobbied the Congress to include this important program.

“The grants made available through this program are a monumental step for motorcycle safety and a tremendous accomplishment for the motorcycle rights community” remarked Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation.

“The MRF looks forward to working closely with motorcyclists’ rights organizations across the country to secure and implement the funds set aside by NHTSA specifically for motorcycle safety”.

The comments submitted to NHTSA by the Motorcycle Riders Foundation are included below. To view or submit comments of your own visit http://dms.dot.gov and search for Docket Number 23700. You may also mail your comments directly to the agency:

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
400 Seventh Street S.W.
Nassif Building, Room PL – 401
Washington, D.C. 20590

whiplash sturgis


Ride Hard,

Whiplash Biker Photog

dino pet announcement

DINO PETROCELLI ART EXHIBIT–World Famous Photographer Dino Petrocelli (www.dinopetrocelli.com) will be hosting an Art Exhibit on July 29, 2006, featuring the work of Pete Fischer from Star Custom Creations(www.starcustomcreations.com) and many other motorcycle builders, as well as the bands and celebrities he has photographed through the years.

Dinos work has been in countless magazines and has worked for The Discovery Channel and the American Chopper show. The bike pictured named “Eclipse”, courtesy of Star Custom Creations will be one of the fine bikes on display.

BUB tshirt art

BUB?s T-SHIRT DESIGN–Hey Bandit, we have our design for our ’06 t-shirt and thought you might want it for your website!

Please note- they are not for sale until the event (at this stage- if that changes I will let you know)…..and the image is not to be reproduced in any way.

And your girl Valerie is one of the riders on the T-shirt!



LA CALENDAR MOTORCYCLE AUCTION FOR EXOTIC BIKES COMING TO THE SHOW–The 15th annual Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend, Sponsored by Bikernet.com, July 15-16th 2006 at the Queen Mary Event Park in Long Beach / Los Angeles, continues its extraordinary growth and success as the biggest Custom and Performance Streetbike Show in America and possibly the World focused on the custom, cruiser and high performance sport / streetbike markets.

Many of the world’s top Pro and Amateur Builder street bike builders will be on hand to compete in the Performance Machine Calendar Show Bike Building Championship with a record breaking purse of our $70,000 in cash and awards.

A new feature at the Show this year will be the Calendar Motorcycle Show Auction scheduled for Saturday evening at 7pm. Top motorcycle builders will have a chance to put their latest creations on the block with a Reserve Price, or move out an older Custom or Shop Rat Bike to the Best Available Bid. With Los Angeles being home to many of the most affluent bike buyers owners in America, the Calendar Motorcycle Show Auction is certain to pull some incredible bikes and bidders and will continue to grow in years to come. Among the top builder bikes up for auction at this year’s Calendar Motorcycle Show is Harold Pontarelli’s “Toxic” green chopper featured on the cover of the 2005 Iron & Lace Calendar.

Additional details for entering bikes and registering to bid at the Calendar Motorcycle Show Auction are on the FastDates.com Website at http://www.fastdates.com/BIKESHOW.09MotorcycleAuction.HTM

easyrider ad

EASYRIDERS AWARDS AND MANUFACTURER’S LICENSE ACCELERATES ALBRIGHT BIKES–Broomfield, CO , 6/18/06 – After taking home a best of show award and a best radical custom honor at this years Easyrider bike show in Denver people are starting to notice Albright Bikes as a real player in the custom V-twin industry.

This year’s winning bike is highlighted by handlebars, fuel tank, exhaust, belt drive, rear fender and battery tray all custom built for the Santee Rigid Frame. Performance Machine controls were modified to fit the look of the custom bars. The Springer Front End runs an 80 spoke DNA wheel with a 80/90/21Metzler front tire and rear fender hugs a Metzler 240/18 rear tire riding also on a DNA 80 spoke wheel. The 113″ S&S motor is mated to a Primo 6 Speed Transmission and breathes through a Goodson finned air filter.

Other key features are stainless steel hard lines and drilled heat shields for the hand made exhaust. The custom fabrication is coated with a eye-catching cobalt blue metal flaked kandy paint job with black and silver pinstriping accents. The custom seat pan was covered by Bitchin’ Stitchin’ and the gas cap is a Mark Williams filler bung modified to work for a gas cap. The custom parts, paint, chrome and stainless pieces all work to accent the flow and unique style of this timeless bike design.

Denver area riders trust Albright bikes to service and maintain their high-end custom bikes from builders such as Simms, West Coast Choppers , Bourget and Young Hot Rods And Choppers. In addition to the repair work, Scott Albright will soon release his distinct custom handlebars, belt drives, battery mounts and forward controls. These pieces will begin production this Spring and will be available to the public this fall. Albright hopes to find more time in 2006 for additional custom builds and hopefully continue his streak of Easyrider honors.

If you’re interested in a custom build, original Albright accessories or need reliable service work, you can reach Albright Bikes at 303-618-5497, info@albrightbikes.com or visit their website at www.AlbrightBikes.com.

BUBs logo

BONNEVILLE PRE-ENTRY DATE JULY 4TH–The pre-entry deadline to get your forms in to save $$$$$ is fast approaching

Your entry MUST be POSTMARKED by 4th July to be eligible for pre-entry pricing.

Pre- enter and you get $125 off the entry price and an additional savings by getting four (4) gate/pit passes (FIM?AMA entries only, Gate passes for Run watcha Brung entries).

Entry details are available on our website at http://www.speedtrialsbybub.com/2006_event/rego-06.html

If you need an entry form mailed or faxed to you call me on 530-272-4310- leave your name and address of fax number and I’ll send one out right away.

FIM PARTICIPANTS:- you must have you licensing and world record application into the AMA by the end of this week- please call Sue at the AMA if you have any questions. If you have not already sent in your entry form to us- you must do this in addition to your FIM paperwork.

I will confirm- either by phone or email when I have received your entry form. If you have faxed or emailed your form and not received a confirmation please let me know. If you have posted it and not received a confirmation, it may still be in the mail- but feel free to contact me to check. Passes and event information etc, will be mailed to participants in early August.

PLEASE REMEMBER:-You need to confirm your motorcycle number or if it is already taken you will need to change it.

You have to be an AMA member. If you have applied for membership but have not got your card yet- leave it blank- you can contact me when you have your card to give me the number (we have to confirm this at the event also by seeing your card).

If you are not sure of your class, or are still deciding on your class you have a few options and can still get your entry in on time:

1) Call our Scrutineer who can assist with putting your bike in the right class- Ken @ 530-477-7490 ext 211 OR event-tech@speedtrialsbybub.com

2) leave it blank and call be PRIOR to the event to fill in the details.

Of course if you have any question please contact us we are happy to take your call!

Event Manager
International Motorcycle Speed Trials by BUB Information
PH: 530 272 4310
FAX: 530 477 7489
Email: eventinfo@speedtrialsbybub.com

A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS-Drag Specialties, Parts Unlimited, Pingel Enterprises, BUB Enterprises, Bikernet.com, Potter Lumber, NRHS V-Twin Performance, Buell Bros Racing, Bennett’s Performance, Bakker Motorsports, Dealer-World.com, Nick’s Performance, Horsepower Marketing.


MC ADVANTAGES FIRST DISTRIBUTOR FOR WORLD CHAMPION ROGER GOLDHAMER–With the introduction of a 2006 catalog update, MC Advantages is the firstdistributor to offer parts from World Champion Roger Goldammer of GoldammerCycle Works. The first part to be offered is the distinctive Air Time AirCleaner.

This polished stainless steel breather helps to define theGoldammer look that can complement any style of bike. The Air Time isdesigned for 40mm CV carbs and Delphi? EFI units. It can also bolt onto S&S?and Mikuni? carbs with an adapter from MC Advantages. See your local MCAdvantages dealer or log on to www.MCAdvantages.comhttp://www.MCAdvantages.com today.

MC Advantages

horsepower rosebowl and skull logo

MORE ON ROSE BOWL BIKE SHOW THIS WEEKEND–You already know that the Rose Bowl BikeFest (June 24th – 25th) SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM is going to be THE V-Twin Experience of the year, and your friends at LifeStyle Cycles are going to make it even better by having INCREDIBLE DEALS at the show! How incredible? Let’s just say we have a show special on SAXON MOTORCYCLES that’s so crazy, we can’t even print it. How about checking out the 2006 line of AMERICAN IRONHORSE bikes? They’ll be there, as well as the new line from BIG DOG MOTORCYCLES and a surprise line of motorcycles we haven’t even announced yet! The bottom line is you will not want to miss this show!

We’ll also be doing a live engine swap on stage with S&S CYCLES on Saturday, installing a ProCharger Supercharger system on a bike Sunday, and on BOTH DAYS, we’ll be having the popular LifeStyle Cycles FASHION SHOW, featuring some of the hottest girls and coolest guys around.


And you still have time to come into LifeStyle Cycles and get a FREE LifeStyle Cycles VIP Parking band.


avon venom banner

AVON BOBBER PROJECT ROLLING–Well, my ‘bobber’ project is coming along finally.The frame showed up yesterday and the motor, transmission and ton of other stuff should be here in a few days.Once I get the build started I’ll be sure to update you with photos and all that stuff.

It should be pretty damn cool when it’s all done. The front end I’m using is super trick.It came off my old Husaberg Supermoto race bike, Marzocchi 50mm conventional with billet clamps.

Of course the lowers will be painted black.

–John Leach – Sales / Racing Support

twisted chop bike w girl

NEW FROM TWISTED CHOPPERS–check out this little sled the TC crew just finished.Too bad the girl has her clothes on….


ILLINOIS BIKERS GO TO COURT TO PROTECT SAFETY FUNDS– Illinois motorcyclists, tipped off by state Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka, have sought to block Governor Rod Blagojevich from using biker safety funds to bolster the state budget.

An aide to Topinka, Blagojevich’s Republican challenger, acknowledged alerting ABATE of Illinois that the governor intended to transfer specially earmarked motorcycle safety money to the state’s general bank account..

ABATE went to Sangamon County Circuit Court to prevent the Democratic governor from transferring money in the funds set aside for biker safety and training. Money in those funds comes from motorcycle registration fees and other surcharges paid by bikers. The group argued the governor lacks the constitutional authority to transfer the funds.

Aides to the governor said state lawmakers approved the fund transfers, which gave Blagojevich the authority to move the money. A lawyer for the state told the court the money is needed to pay bills, and that the money transfers, totaling about $90 million from a number of specially earmarked funds, are part of the overall budget plan.

A spokeswoman from the governor’s office criticized the state Treasurer’s long-standing opposition to fund transfers; “If Treasurer Topinka had her way, special interest funds would continue to sit unused year after year, serving no purpose whatsoever.”

Recently in Ohio, the Office of Budget and Management proposed transferring $750,000 from the state’s Motorcycle Safety and Education Fund for other purposes, but motorcyclists’ rights organizations throughout Ohio successfully persuaded the Ohio Controlling Board to deny the raid on this rider-supported fund.

US Chopper banner

Continued On Page 4

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