Continued From Page 3

RED FRIDAYS– You will soon see a lot of people wearing Red on Fridays. Here’s why….. The Americans, who support our troops, are the silent majority. We are not “organized” to reflect who we are, or to reflect what our opinions are. Many Americans, like yourself, and all their friends, simply want to recognize that Americans support our troops. Our idea of showing our solidarity and support for our troops is starting Friday and continuing on each and every Friday, until this is over, that every red -blooded American who supports our young men and women, WEAR SOMETHING RED.
Word of mouth, press, TV — let’s see if we can make the United States, on any given Friday, a sea of red much like a home football game at a University. If every one of our memberships share this with other acquaintances, fellow workers, friends, and neighbors, I guarantee ! that it will not be long before theUSAwill be covered in RED – and make our troops know there are many

THE PERFECT TRICK– One of the latest exclusives to come from the innovative minds at Doug Keim Creative Cycles is the billet aluminum Voltage Regulator Relocator Ditty. It?s a tongue twister of a name but the perfect little trick when using a belt drive with an oil filter provision.
The Ditty allows you to relocate your voltage regulator to the spot where your oil filter adapter was when using a relocated oil filter. Machined from 6061 billet aluminum and available finished in polish or chrome, the Doug Keim Creative Cycles? Voltage Regulator Relocator Ditty also includes mounting hardware.
You?ll be more than happy to spit out the name once you get the part on your bike. For more information, contact: Doug Keim Creative Cycles, (732) 751-1403,
Please Note: The NHTSA has a long History of issuing figures pertaining to motorcycles that has been incorrect. Be assured they are The Enemy!Members of NHTSA have also had numerous derogatory statements about motorcyclist.–ROGUE–
The National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) has issued a response to the Motorcycle Riders Foundation?s (MRF) April 24th news release, as well as several other issues the MRF has brought to NHTSA?s attention. In an undated letter, received at the MRF?s Washington D.C. Office on June 16th, Mr. Brian McLaughlin, NHTSA Senior Associate Administrator, not only addresses the MRF?s April 24th release regarding the FARS Data, he also addresses questions raised by the MRF in a letter to NHTSA dated May 5th.
Mr. McLaughlin also answers questions raised in an April 21st letter from Congressman Don Young (R-Alaska), Chairman of the House Transportation Committee. This letter, generated at the request of the MRF, questions the release dates for both phases of the Best Practices Study.The MRF does not find Mr. McLaughlin?s explanation of the discrepancies in the FARS Data between Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) figures to motorcycle sales figures to be satisfactory. The MRF will be pursuing this in the future.Chairman Young?s April 21st letter, the MRF?s May 5th letter, and the NHTSA response are posted on the MRF website at

THUNDERMAX EFI ZIP KIT–New Bike Owners, have you been looking for an affordable and hassle free way to add sound and performance to your stock EFI Twin Cam? Look no further! Zipper?s has what you need, all in a one convenient kit.
It?s true, no new bike responds to simple intake and exhaust upgrades like a new Harley?! But today?s new EFI bikes are more complicated to modify. Gone are the days of changing a few jets, plugging in a new ignition module?EFI has changed that. Understanding the need for simplicity, combined with exceptional drivability, Zipper?s has developed the ThunderMax Zip Kit for stock 88-INCH EFI Big Twins that includes a Zipper?s high flow air cleaner, performance exhaust and our cutting-edge ThunderMax EFI Controller.
The ThunderMax ECM is pre-mapped for the intake and exhaust system supplied, so there are no worries about dyno tuning, we?ve done that for you! And the ThunderMax gives you the flexibility of future upgrades with just the download of a new map. Just bolt-on / plug-in the ThunderMax Zip Kit and enjoy the power, performance and drivability of the most highly refined EFI system on the market!
See your favorite dealer or contact:
6655-A Amberton Drive
Elkridge, MD 21075
Phone 410.579.2828Fax 410.579.2835

RICHARD CONLEY JOINS HOLLEY– Richard Conley has been appointed Powersports Sales Manager for Holley Performance Products. After graduating from Evergreen Valley College, Conley began his career working at Custom Chrome, starting as a customer service agent before progressing to management as a product specialist in the company’s research and development department. A short spell at Indian Motorcycle in research and development ended with that company’s demise. The next move was to K&L Supply where he was manager of research and development, marketing and distributor sales before taking up his new position at Holley.
Jason Bruce, VP Sales for Holley Performance Products, welcomed the addition of Rick Conley to the sales team, saying he will ‘be a vital part of our future growth in the powersports market’.
Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA
Tel: 270 782 2900
Fax: 270 745 9544
WORLD SHORTEST FAIRYTALE– Once upon a time a guy asked a girl “Will you marry me?”She said “No” And they lived happily ever after…….THE END
–from James Schnarr
DRAGSTRIP CAMPOUT TEXAS STYLE–A $500 Guaranteed to Win Bracket Race highlights Hallsville Dragway?s June 25th DRAGSTRIP CAMPOUT “All Bike Drags” & Party. THIS SATURDAY NITE
In conjunction with Red Roberts? “Texas Style Party Drags” 05 Tour the popular East Texas 1/8th mile will also feature Top Fuel Harley Match Races, Nostalgia Fuel Harleys, Trophy Harley & Trophy “All Bike” E.T. Bike Classes in what?s shaping up to be a BIG RACE!!
The 100% Payback Money E.T. with “buybacks” for a $40 race entry fee is expected to bring out some of Texas BEST E.T. Bike Racers and the $200 posted for Low E.T. Of The Meet by J.W. Burgess Enterprises will “sweeten the pot” for some hard charging racer. Harley or Import ?? We?ll See!!
Trophy E.T. Classes are only a $10 entry at this Harley Shop of Longview, Texas Thunder Harley Davidson of Nacogdoches, Mom?s Bar, Dwight?s Bikers Dream of East Texas sponsored race.
Overnight camping at the picturesque wooded track is permitted AND ENCOURAGED as Mad Max & the Max Attack turns up their style of Rock & Roll & Blues after the drags and ON INTO THE WEE HOURS!!. Between sets, Max holds his ever popular “$100 to Win” WET T-SHIRT CONTEST, all “Saturday Nite Under The Lites”!!
Gates Open 2 p.m. Saturday June 25th with Time Trials at 4 p.m. and Eleminations at 8 p.m. Admission is $20 a head with No Children’s Tickets being sold. Less than 18 years old will be admitted with Parent Only.
Hallsville Dragway is located 4.5 miles north of I-20 on FM 450 (exit 604) between Longview & Marshall. Information on the race and the rest of the “Texas Style Party Drags” O5 Tour is at 254-687-9066 or Track Phone is 903-668-2858.
WEIGHING TASERS–Officers should be trained to use utmost restraint with stun gunsDozens of deaths have been linked to stun guns nationwide, spurring law enforcement groups to limit their use.In Brevard County, guidelines issued in May restrict police use of stun guns on children, pregnant women, the disabled and the elderly.But now there’s a new category for the “do not Tase” list, at least in Palm Bay.
Michael Hughes, a thin, unarmed 17-year-old, underwent surgery this month for a collapsed lung after Palm Bay police used a stun gun on him.A doctor who treated Hughes has said the Taser probe may have punctured the chest, causing his lung to collapse.
That’s why Palm Bay officers now are forbidden to use Tasers on the chests of “extremely thin” people.Our question is, how do officers decide how thin is thin enough to qualify?And how can they be expected to make other distinctions in high-pressure situations, about whether someone has a hidden health problem or may be pregnant?
That’s why law enforcement agencies should mandate stun guns be used not as a weapon of convenience, but only as a last resort before deadly force.Much more research is needed, but in the meantime, this policy will better protect citizens and officers who may be held responsible for errors of judgment that cause serious injury or death.

NEW TANK DESIGNER HITS THE BRICKS ON HIS OWN–Bandit, Hey you really caught me off guard by answering the phone thisMorning. I thought it would take me a few weeks of constant calling to evenget a chance to talk with you… That was cool, blew me away.

OK this iswhat I do. I make gas tanks, pipes, handmade fenders and oil bags. Almosteverything but frames. My friend Ducati Dave and I are currently working onthe designs for frame table.
Here?s some pics of recent bikes and tanks I’ve built over the lastfew months. The bike with the air dam was built in 15 days and I tookdetailed pics through the build. People say they like my stuff but I can?tfind people to step up to the plate. If anyone gives me a cardboard cut-out of the center line profileand dimensions of width’s locations I can be spot on.
— Dennis Sanchez
He?s built tanks for some of the great builders in the country.–Bandit
TEXAS REPORT FROM LUCKY DEVIL–The beast is getting close. This girl in in the slammed position, the ride height is about 3 inches taller. I was going to leave hours ago and I just got to welding my life away.
I’m out of here.
— Kent

THE STEALTH REPORT FROM NC–Here is a little something for the Thursday News(6-23-05)! I am sending it early, it is going to be a busy week around here, with the Smoke-Out coming to town!
This past Sunday was Fathers day, I got a great gift from “THE MEANEST,” a 1947 model National cash register to be used at STEALTH BIKE WORKS. Chopper John started on our first in house fabbed part last week. A gas tank, it is about half done. It is going to be a killer tank when it is fininished. I will have pictures soon.
Our first shop ride is this Saturday to the HORSE SMOKE-OUT, we leave at 12 noon. If you are in town and want to ride with us give us a call at 704-882-0889. We will be looking forward to seeing you!
On a completely different subject , last Saturday night “The Meanest” and I headed out to visit a so called new “biker’ bar/restaurant here in the Charlotte area. There have been articles in the local paper about the place. So we thought we would check it out. When we arrived, there was only one bike in the parking lot, the rest of the lot was packed with cars. So right then something didn’t seem right. As we began to go in, I noticed on the front door, “No Colors–No Patches.” That was the second thing that didn’t seem right.
When we walked in, the place had nothing to do with bikes or bikers, oh they had two new Harleys and one Triumph parked inside. Big deal! I won’t use the name of this place because I don’t want any crying over me picking on anyone. This place wants to ride the coat tails of bikers to attract customers but then discriminates against bikers. We turned around and left, like any real biker would do.
The atmosphere at this establishment is plastic and artificial, in other words the whole place is a poser, not a biker bar at all. Well that is my rant for the week, I haven’t had one in awhile.
Places such as this do not deserve our money. Don’t be fooled because they say it is a “biker” bar. Go see for yourself and then leave!
Until next week, RIDE!

VOTE FOR S&S–While I was in Laconia last week, I had the chance to speak to the S&S guys at their booth and personally show them the problem with my bike. They were very helpful and indicated that when I let go of the gas, oil is being sucked through the intake valve which is why I am burning oil. The problem seems to be that I am over-feeding the boxes so they suggested two solutions:
1. Install a restrictor in the oil feed line to the rear rocker box. They told me to thread in a 60 main jet.
2. Retard the timing on the breather gear by one tooth to improve the suction on the return.
My question is: Do I rotate the breather gear clockwise or counter-clockwise in order to retard it? Right now, the dots on the cam gear line up with the dot on the breather gear and the dot on the idler gear.

Riding high at Doncaster–In the finest tradition of show bikes, Warhorse, the winner of the ‘Best in Britain’ award at the Pro Custom Bike Show at Doncaster, was finished on the Friday morning; a matter of hours before the show was declared open. The bike is the creation of Vic Jefford and Destiny Cycles and is owned by Vic’s partner Lin. There were more problems when the key could not be found. However, the weary team managed to raise a smile on arriving at Doncaster when they unloaded the bike and discovered the missing item still hooked up on the engine!
The late night rush was the culmination of five months’ work to complete Warhorse, a name suggested by Lin. The engine is an unusual choice, an Indian Power Plus 100ci, rebuilt by Vic. The engine is sparked by Thunderheart ignition and breathes through a Mikuni 42mm carburetor.
The frame is a Vic Jefford original, with much detailing work including an oil cooler in the downtube. Vic is also responsible for the gas and oil tanks and modifying the BK Stiletto rear fender. The unusual wheels are from French company Kabkris, with a 330 Avon at the back, and a 130 at the front. Other components are sourced from a wide variety of aftermarket suppliers, with many from Europe such as Technoplus pegs and foot controls, the disc and caliper from bigb in Germany.
Once Vic was satisfied with the mechanics of the bike, all the relevant parts were sent off to Percy at Bad Brush Designs to have him apply the finish.

Runner-Up in ‘Best of Britain’ was ‘Zero Style’ from Krazy Horse. Styling cues came from the Zero bikes that are big in Japan. After some time spent idle in a barn, a set of Springer forks became the catalyst that started the whole creative process. Over the next 8 months the job was a free time project at Krazy Horse with input from all the staff. Once again, in the fine tradition of an evolutionary (no pun intended) building process, none of the original parts were used! The style, according to Krazy Horse’s Paul Beamish, became Zero meets bobber out of flat tracker.
The frame is a one-off rigid, built by Krazy Horse, with early Big Twin Springer forks. The chassis rolls on wheels with stainless spokes and powder-coated rims. The Iron Head Sportster engine, 4-speed transmission and final drive connect by chains. A selection of aftermarket parts from various suppliers were used, although there were many modifications, such as the cut-down engine cases and rocker covers.
Individual touches included the grips and shifter handle – made from 200-year old iron-stained yew! Detail items of copper and brass (sourced from the local pub) are used, together with forged forward controls and other parts which are nickel plated. These contrast with the Krazy Horse produced ceramic-coated exhaust. The remaining bare metal was painted with Pageant French Grey, enhanced by pinstriping.
Best in Britain: Warhorse (Vic Jefford, Destiny Cycles)
Runner Up: Zero Style (KHC 1 Krazy Horse Customs)
Best Engineering: Warhorse (Vic Jefford, Destiny Cycles)
Best Paint: Fullbore chop (Roger Stephenson, Fullbore Motorcycles)
Best Streetfighter: Suzuki (Back Street Heroes)
Best Chop: Ace of Spades (Steve Wheeler, SHD)
Best Low Rider: Zero Style (KHC 1 Krazy Horse Customs)
Best Trike: Green Mantis (Andrew Rushton)
Best Brightwork: Monster Bobber (AKO)
Participants choice: Big Red (Mark Bosher Hot Rod Bikes)
Doncaster, South Yorkshire, UK
Tel:+44 (0)1302 783 584
Fax:+44 (0)1302 783 584

THAT?S A WRAP–I?m in a daze fighting with my new computer. It?s supposed to be faster, but I don?t think so. I?m running at lot?s of bumbling elements. I also discovered something about my bike that I?m pissed about. Kent, from Lucky Devil threw some option at me and I?ll study them. I may be mounting a Muller kicker system from Germany and eliminating the starter system until Compu-Fire is finished developing their new engine driven unit with BDL Belt drives. We lucked out again as Sin Wu ran to my side, “We have a kicker system,” She said pointing to the Muller box in the corner of the shop. That?s a helluva option.

Remember I mentioned that Hot Rod Bikes is about to become BikeWorks for tech heads. Frank Kaisler, the master technician will steer the ship and I wish him luck. Watch for this book on newsstands near you next month.
So last night I hooked up my Custom Chrome clutch cable to the Joker machine handlebar controls. Speaking of Custom Chrome. They have a tremendous sale going on all Jesse James apparel. I?m talking $300 jackets for $100. Jesse requested that they not use his name on their products in the future. He’s going in his own direction.

I?ll scramble to post more stories on the Sturgis Chop progress. Hopefully, over the weekend I?ll make serious progress. I?ve got less than 6-weeks to make her Badlands worthy.
Ride Forever,