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RAFFLE BENEFITTING THE CRAZY HORSE MOUNUMENT FOUNDATION–Hosted by: American Motorcycle 1902, Branscombe Richmond, and Keith Ball of
A Raffle to benefit the ongoing endeavors to complete the building of the Crazy Horse Monument. When completed the Crazy Horse mountain carving will be 641 feet long by 563 feet high. Crazy Horse’s completed head is 87 feet 6 inches high. The horse’s head, currently the focus of work on the mountain, is 219 feet or 22 stories high.
Help us support Mr. Korczak vision. He believed that if the public accepted the goals of Crazy Horse Memorial, they would support it financially. He believed in individual initiative and private enterprise without governmental influence. So they need our support. Join us to make it a successful event.
Grand Prize: Custom Performance is making available a Turbo Your Harley package (total value of $6495) for your Harley Davidson Motorcycle, and Keyboard Carriage will transport your motorcycle to and from a local authorized Harley Davidson dealership near you.

Second Prize: Cowboy & Indian?s magazine has donated a custom pair of Ostrich and Leather, hand tailored to the winners specifications, cowboy boots (men?s or women?s), valued at $1000. Other sponsor prizes may also be made available.
All prizes will be raffled off to lucky winners at the Horsepower Shootout awards ceremony on Friday evening, August 12th at 7:30-8:30 PM at the Full Throttle Saloon w/ Branscombe Richmond, of American Motorcycle 1902 and movie and TV fame. Proceeds from this raffle will then be made available to benefit the Crazy Horse Monument and Foundation.
Raffle tickets are available online at (, at The Long Beach Calendar Show in the American Motorcycle/ booth, at local bar?s and restaurants throughout the greater Phoenix area, and from, Sat, Aug. 6 through Friday Aug.12 available at the following locations: the Custom Performance booth, the Hot Bike / Full Throttle Horsepower Shootout, as well as at Hot Bike / American Motorcycle 1902 Vendor Row, and at all Full Throttle souvenir stands and their Chop Lot office locations, which are all located at the Full Throttle Saloon . Raffle tickets are available at a cost of $10, or five tickets for $30, and are fully tax deductible contribution.

Support this events sponsors: American Motorcycle 1902, American Indian, Custom Performance, The Full Throttle Saloon, Hot Bike, Hot Rod Bike, Street Choppers, Keyboard Motorcycle Shipping, BIKERNET.COM, Pacific Health, Hacienda Custom Motorcycles,, and the Seminole Hard Rock Road House. Sponsors of the raffle to benefit The Crazy Horse Monument and Foundation.
Also, join us on the Crazy Horse Charity Ride leaving the American Motorcycle 1902 booth at The Full Throttle Saloon, on Thursday the 11th of August. Ride with Branscombe and his friends on this fabulous ride through the wonders of South Dakota. Registration is available online at ( or from 9 AM till 10:30 AM the day of the event, leaving the Full Throttle Saloon for Crazy Horse at 11AM that morning. Join these worthwhile causes. Help keep The Crazy Horse Monument project moving forward. We look forward to seeing you there.
If you cannot make it to Sturgis to participate but would like to contribute please send a tax deductible check payable to The Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation to: 19528 Ventura Blvd, Suite 425, Tarzana, CA 91356
BIKERNET RUN TO STURGIS– I’ll give you a brief rundown: Thecharity efforts are to support the Crazy Horse Monument in the Black Hills.We leave from Phoenix on Wednesday the 3rd of August and ride along warmtwisting highways, ducking interstates wherever possible to Durango,Colorado for the night. Then it’s up Thursday morn and down the terrificmountain roads into Aspen, Colorado for the night. Both these towns areknock-outs for terrific restaurants and nightlife. Friday morning we cut adusty trail north again into Cheyenne and we’re almost home. Saturday wemeander up killer roads into the Badlands and Deadwood, but we won’t stopuntil we reach the Full Throttle Saloon for our first party of the Rally.
Each day will cover 250-300 miles so we’ll roll into town in time to hangout by the pool, hit the gym, shop in town then have a killer meal.
Here?s the latest: Master Builder Harold Ponteralli, Barry Wardlow ofAccurate Engineering, Bandit, Rogue the writer, are riding alone. Guys areflying in from Hawaii and moto-journalists from Australia. On the final daywe?ll meet up with the Hamster Ride in Wyoming for lunch before the finalblast into the Badlands. Just today we found that a national non-motorcyclemag will be covering the ride and the celebrity ride to the Crazy HorseMonument during the rally with Branscomb Richmond. We may even have a filmcrew along for the Sturgis Run. We?ve already collected a check for $250 from Biker Attorney and Bikernet Sponsor Mike Hupy?Thanks Mike. Let?s ride.
That’s it, you cover the hotels and your expenses, we make all thearrangements and you make a donation to Crazyhorse.
To get hooked up you need to contact Joerlene, our travel agent and line uphotels. She will have rooms booked from Phoenix to Cheyenne and if you’renot hooked up in Sturgis, she’ll try to help. Her contact info is:
(808) 638-8550
fax 808- 638-0171
email –

Blak Flag Will Hold Up What they Stand For–Blak Flag, the name stands for straight up fearless independence and liberation. If that?s how you?re looking to start a new bike project or style your current ride, than Blak Flag will serve you well.
The 14-gauge, cold-rolled seat pan with reinforced bottom plate includes three mounting tabs, allowing for custom applications. Measuring 12-1/2 inches long by 10-3/4 inches wide, the Blak Flag Seat Pan is ready for your bike.
For more information, contact: Blak Flag, (818) 707-1246,

HOT BIKE TEASER, MAYBE?We assigned this Hot, HOT BIKE shoot regarding an incredibly clean, Matt Kraft bike with Japanese tattoo art work that would make a grown man cry. We had a incredible opportunity to feature the original artist, applying his craft to the lovely Erica Rose. The art took 3.5 hours. You?ll see it all in an upcoming issue of HOT BIKE.
? Yes I did complete the airbrush shoot,? said Florida photog, Don Rogers. ?The shots are awesome! You be the judge. The layout went in, haven’t got ant feedback as to whether it’s to ?hot? or not.?
Don Rogers

PRUNO AND KENDALL JOHNSON JOIN FORCES– We at Pruno Mfg. are proud to announce that we are now anauthorized distributor for Kendall Johnson Customs enginesand accessories. We will be distributing to both dealersand end users across the United States. Check out ourengine section for more.

You can visit us on the web or you can reach us at 805-577-8787.Fo more info on Pruno check out page 45 of this month’s Julyissue of Street Chopper Magazine.
KC?S CALENDAR OF EVENTS–June 25 – KC Creations 10th Anniversary Party at KC Creations 7524 Frontage Road Overland Park KS – Ride for Special Children takes off at 2:00 pm
June 29 – Wheels of Thunder at Church of the Harvest 14841 Blackbob Rd Olathe KS 5-9pm (call Dan @ 913-393-9500 for more information)
July 4 – Happy 4th of July!!!
July 15-17 – North Texas Rock Rally in Northlake Texas (Dallas TX)
July 22-23 – 1st Annual Westport Biker Festival on Westport Road in KCMO
FIRST ANNUAL WESTPORT BIKERS FESTIVALJULY 22 ? 23–Keep these dates open on your calendar. The Dog Days of Summer will be in full swing and we’ll be looking for something ?cool? to do. Wayne Thompson, a promoter for the event tells us that the festival kicks off with live music in the parking lot across from the New American Chrome on Westport Road on Friday evening. Featured will be 6 hot regional rock bands.
On Saturday, a portion of Westport at Mill St. will be blocked off for a ride in bike show and Weld Wheels will sponsor a burn out contest. Enter the tattoo contest and watch the Miss American Chrome Bikini Contest.
Kids are welcome. Keep them busy with free video games, face painting, contests and give-aways. Miller Light will sign up 50 people to win the new bike built for them by Kim and the crew at KC Creations to be given away later in the year at KCIR. Saturday night, listen to national recording artist, Jeff Scheetz. See you there.
August 6-14 – Sturgis Bike Rally – Watch our website for Kim’s location
August 27 – Weld Wheels present the All Wheels Event at Weld Wheels 6600 Stadium Drive in KCMO (see newsletter for more information)
Sept. 15-18 Las Vegas Bike Fest 2005 & Artistry in Iron Master Builders Bike Show

PROVE YOUR INTELLIGENCE– Every piece you put on your ride makes a statement, just make sure you don?t say anything stupid. Solution, Johnny Chop Ind. Pegs. J.C.I. Pegs are designed with clevis ends and outer end caps, which also happen to be interchangeable allowing you to mix and match. How about brass centers with aluminum clevis or end cap or aluminum with brass and end cap, pretty nifty eh?
Yeah, there?s nothing like well-crafted parts with options that allow you to show off your personal style. For more information, contact: Johnny Chop Ind.,

LA CARRERA PAN AMERICAN RACE WITH A STINKIN? ?54 LINCOLN–Yeah I signed on to run in the junior class of this famous race, as co-pilot, with Dr. Hamster. We?re running 2,500 miles from the bottom of Mexico in Oaxaco, to Texas in a mad dash to get out of the country.

Here?s a couple of shots of the car. This particular car ran the race in 1999. This model won the race two years running in the mid ?50s. We?re looking for a sponsor or two to have their emblems emblazoned on the big sheet metal panels. Kellog cereal, Mercedes and major corporate sponsors are all over these cars like Nascar players. Some race efforts eat over a million bucks on this annual competition.
We?re looking for $8,900 in sponsorship funds to keep up with the big dogs. Let us know if you want your company logo running with the big dogs all over Mexico. Sure, it?s crazy for a couple of bikers to enter this race, but what the hell. Ya only live once.

PUERTO BIKE WEEK–The dates are 2nd, 3rd and 4th of December , we will do the event once more in Rincon, as you might know I have nothing to do with Alexis anymore and he will be putting his own event up. I’m working on a web page right now with all the info…..

CVO Displacement and Performance is Street Legal
MILWAUKEE (June 15, 2005) ? The Screamin’ Eagle 103 Cubic Inch Stage I Kit for EFI Models (P/N 29842-04, $2,999.95) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories brings a Twin Cam Touring motorcycle up to the same 1690cc displacement and power output as the CVO Screamin’ Eagle Touring models. This kit is 50-state street-legal and combines all the proven components of the Screamin’ Eagle Touring models: the 4 3/8-inch stroker flywheel assembly, 3 7/8-inch big-bore cast pistons, big-bore cylinders, SE-253 camshafts, cylinder heads, air cleaner assembly and cover insert, and replacement catalyst mufflers. The black highlighted Screamin’ Eagle 103 cylinder heads and cast piston combination offer a 9:1 compression ratio for easy starting. The cylinder heads also prominently feature the ?Screamin’ Eagle 103? script.
This kit fits 2004-2005 EFI Touring models and includes all required gaskets (except primary cover) and hardware to complete the installation. Separate purchase of muffler end caps to achieve the desired custom style and recalibration of the ECM is required
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