We’re rockin’ at the headquarters this week. Between girls, workouts and pinstrippers we’re pounding a Custom Chrome Goliath 100-inch bike kit together. Yesterday was slow, with glitches to installing the inner primary and clutch. We’ll explain all aspects in several articles that will flash onto the site and in American Rider in the near future.
Yesterday we had three photographers slowing our progress while George, the Wild Brush, cleaned up the partially powder coated wheels with his pinstriping talents. Plus, we were distracted by the heavenly form of Sin Wu wearing a short/short top and a island wrap over naked hips as she delivered chow to the crew. How the hell can we get anything done?
Last night I fell asleep watching El Captain Thunder starring Fay Ray from the ’40s. Before the movie kicked off, Captain Thunder’s code was flashed across the screen. He was a South of the border outlaw of honor who stood by his word always in pursuit of life, liquor and ladies. I like his code. Let’s hit the news:

MYRTLE BEACH SPRING RALLY, May 7-16, 2004– “The 4th Annual Myrtle Beach Fall Rally”. Welcome to the fastest growing Fall Rally on the East Coast, The 4th Annual Myrtle Beach Fall Rally is going to be bigger and betterthan ever before. All the normal vending locations will be open during TheFall Rally and many with special attractions just for this time of year.Are you making your plans now to be part of all the fun and excitement ofthe Fall Rally at Myrtle Beach? We are .. Excellent weather, less trafficand congestion means Great Riding on the Grand Strand.
Why a Fall Rally at Myrtle Beach??? The answer is simple, Myrtle Beach and The Grand Strand Area offerssomething for everyone. The Myrtle Beach and The Grand Strand Area isabsolutely stunning, a great Coastline to explore, historic locations inalmost every small town, and a fantastic ride from Myrtle Beach to HistoricCharleston which you can easily do in a day. The Myrtle Beach Area is one ofthe top vacation destinations in the nation with over 16 million visitorsannually and over 60,000 guest-rooms, 1,600+ dinning establishments, toaccommodate visitors. And cops that run over bikers.
Getting Around Myrtle Beach during the Fall Rally?? There is two (2) ways to go South out of Myrtle Beach. One is Business 17and the other is Bypass 17. Business 17 South of Myrtle Beach State Park iswhere Sonny Productions Office Location and many vendors for the Fall Rallyare located. Many of the vendors that were here for the Spring event comeback for the Fall Rally and are located on this property. Watch out for the cops. They don’t know how to drive.
Sonny Productions Inlet Square Mall vending location is located where bothBusiness 17 and Bypass 17 come together. Over 25 acres centrally locatedaround some of the Major Restaurants in Murrells Inlet (Lone*Star Steakhouse& Saloon, TGI Fridays, Hooters of Murrells Inlet, AppleBee’s, and close to K& W Restaurant and Wendy’s.
A new road that has just opened up in the Myrtle Beach area is #31 a greatway to get from Myrtle Beach all the way to Hwy #9. This road also crosses#22 which is another new road from 501 to North Myrtle Beach.
Attention Vendors or Businesses interested in selling or display yourproducts or services during the Myrtle Beach Fall Rally, —- ContactSonny@MyrtleBeachBikeWeek.com or call the Myrtle Beach office 843-477-1366or my cell phone at 843-455-1638 for vending information.

BIKERNET EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT–A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small.
The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow A human; it was physically impossible.
The little girl said, “When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah”.
The teacher asked, “What if Jonah went to hell?”
The little girl replied, “Then you ask him”.
–from Chris T.

CHARLOTTE RUN FOR BREATH LAUNCHES WEB SITE– I setup a website for Mike on the Run For Breath. Check it out if you get a chance.

TAHITI RUN PLAYER GOES DOWN–Into each life some rain must fall. So it was with me at the Horse Smoke Out. I was having a blast at the Horse Magazine’s 4th anual Smoke Out in Salisbury N.C. Schmoozing with Billy lane, Indian Larry and Irish Rich amoung other notable chopper world dignetaries.
This was the first time that I was able to get together with the entire Horse Mag staff at one place and one time. The weather was georgous, the beer was cold and the ladies were hot and the bikes from all across the country were smokin’.
My bride , who let discression be the better part of valour, decided to loosen the reigns a bit and let me fly solo to the event. My damned cell phone rang early in the evening as I was surrounded with a fury of femine pultritude. It was the wife…never a good sign when I’m on the road. She had just gotten a call from Kiki in Tahiti. He was trying to reach me to tell me that a good friend of mine in Tahiti, Jean-Noel Tourneur had been in a bad wreck on his Fat Boy and had sustained severe head trauma and it was not known if he would survive. I was devastated. Being appx 9,000 miles and an ocean away, there was nothing I could do to help.
I tried reaching my buddies in the club there but was unable to contact anyone. I had to continue working the event, being on stage to host the Horse Maiden Contest with the Ice Cream Man From Hell and Billy Lane, play congenial host to Indian Larry and his crew from GasolineAlleyNYC and the Shade Tree Racing boys as well as meeting and greeting Horse and Bikernet readers. Man, It was one of the toughest weekends I’ve gone through in recent memory.
As soon as I got back home to NY, I phoned Kiki in Papeete and got the good news that Jean-Noel would live. The extent of his injuries have yet to be determined and his eventual recovery is still uncertian.Jean-Noel is no kid. He’s a Belgian who happened on Tahiti and fell in love with her people 25 years ago and stayed. In his youth he rode the Paris-Dakkar Rally a few times on a bike just for kicks. He’s the kind of guy that you want to have a beer and swap stories with. OK, now I’m not a guy who likes to pray, but it couldn’t hurt. So if you happen to think it’s OK, please take a second and ask whoever you think rules the universe to see that Jean-Noel pulls through this and I’ll buy you a beer next time we cross paths.
Thanks folks,

BIKERNET READER’S FIRST BIKE–Right from the start custom builder. Note the ape hanger buckhorn handlebars, the narrow front tire the fat daddy slick tire on the rear. The S.T P. sticker on the front neck . With my P. F. Flyer tennis shoes and bright red sweater. Pretty good considering parts were limited and empty coke bottle collection low.
Note no front brake no fenders rigid frame .Build for speed , solo seat , Pant custom red by spray can.

LETTER TO EDGE, THE SMOKE-OUT PROMOTOR FROM OFFICIALS– Thanks to your staff and the participants of your event (Smoke Out IV) in our city this year; no incidents occurred this past weekend that could be attributed to motorcyclists attending from out of town. They were orderly and well-mannered, and except for a few minor calls involving loud music and partying at a few of the local motels, we responded to our normal amount of calls for service. Several arrests were made for driving offenses, but none that I could see except for one, could be attributed to any of your participants.
Our city residents gave us more problems than the visitors. We were glad to have them come visit our historic City of Salisbury and they are certainly welcome again. Please convey our sincere gratitude to your readership for their friendly and outgoing attitude those two days (June 20- 21, 2003). I have already received a number of comments from both fellow officers and members of the community that this was one of the “nicest bunch of people” we have ever had visit our town. Please call on me if you should need anything on your future visits to Rowan County.
–Sgt. H. H. Coffield
Salisbury Police Department
Special Operations Commander
130 E. Liberty Street
Salisbury, NC 28144
Continued On Page 2