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ANOTHER BIKERNET READER/CONTRIBUTOR OPS FOR KING–Bob T. an old school rider and motorcycle memorbilia collector just bought a new 100th anniversary King. He’s the guy to supplies us with all the old shots we run. Keep an eye out for the next HORSE. His old school story comes to light on the pages.

SONS OF LIBERTY LEGISLATIVE REPORT– It’s For The Children – Fact or Fiction?Have you noticed the abundance of motorcycle charity rides lately? It seemsthat now that the mainstream have realized that bikers aren’t the scum ofthe earth and actually do have money; it’s become fashionable for everycharity around to have a Ride. But how much do we really know about wherethat money is going?
I recently picked up a brochure about the Inaugural Miracle Ride benefitingChildren’s Miracle Network. I might have overlooked the significance ofthis except that recently my TV has been flooded with commercials fromChildren’s Miracle Network that say that they are the “premier alliance ofchildren’s hospitals” that benefits Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Thereis my problem with this “Miracle Ride.” If you raise money for Children’sHealthcare of Atlanta, you are raising money for a hospital that doesn’teven like motorcycles. Not to mention that they have 6 lobbyists at theCapitol. Even that wouldn’t bother me quite so much, except that they arelobbying about something has nothing to do with children.On the day that our bill was defeated in the Senate (at 9:04 PM), we spoketo several of the legislators who had told us they supported us and thenvoted against us. One of them was Senator Rooney Bowen. He said his reasonwas “the doctors and hospitals got on to me.” My comment at that time wasif Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta has enough money to pay 6 lobbyists,they have too much money.
In fact, a couple of months ago I got a call froma Missy Valentine asking us if we could do a Ride for Children’s Healthcareof Atlanta. I basically laughed at her and told her I was surprised thatshe called us. She asked what I mean. I said “your lobbyist is at theCapitol lobbying against our bill, what makes you think we would raise moneyfor you?” She said she had no idea, and said she had never heard of theirlobbyist named David Tatum. It certainly didn’t stop her from findingsomeone to help them put on a motorcycle ride anyway.
So I just thoughtthat any motorcyclists out there who are planning on supporting this rideshould know just what their money would be going toward. Every penny thatthey can raise only helps them be able to afford to keep these lobbyists onthe payroll.So when you hear about a ride for charity, especially one that’s “for thechildren,” before you give them your money, ask yourself, is it really goingfor the kids?
–Kim Adams
Office Manager
ABATE of Georgia Inc.

MassPike, Motorcycle Association, Collaborate on Awareness Campaign– enlarged yellow signs have been placed on the 47 toll boothsin Massachusetts during the 18-day period surrounding Laconia Bike Weekwhere over 100,000 riders travel though the Commonwealth, reading “Whenchanging lanes, check twice, save a life, Motorcycles are Everywhere!” -This program was funded by our Motorcycle Safety Fund, administered by theRegistry of Motor Vehicles who approved this joint project(On the stationary of the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority).
See their website, you arrive at the web site, click on “Motorcycle Safety” on the lefthand side under “What’s New”. This will take you to the recent pressconference, as well as a link to the web site of the MassachusettsMotorcycle Association.
Special thanks to Steve Sebestyen, Deputy Registrar, Paul Joedin of MassHighway for those amber flashing signs, and all the riders who ROARED andSTORMED the STATEHOUSE to ‘save our motorcycle safety fund!”

If you need more info on this or any other subject just go to the Sons ofLiberty Riders Info Zone or
ICQ 34668186

–from Rev CarlR
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