Continued From Page 3
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–As you might all know, just got back from the Horse Smoke Out 4 in North Carolina. I tell you it was a great time and a good event. We had the chance to meet with a lot of people there, readers, friends, celebs, and every homebuilder that you can imagine.The likes of John Towle, TBear, Crazy Horse, Billy, Goth Girl, Ed Martin, Mike Pullin and Meanest, the whole Horse crew, Indian Larry, Paul Cox, and many I’m forgetting. Many friends that we have made over the years riding, or in Internet boards. All very cool people, all very down to earth and that don’t have their heads stuck up their asses.
I’m not going to talk much about the Smoke Out since I’m in the process of finishing my full report, photos and all. I will surely skip over some things this week.I don’t have the full report from Edge yet but it seems like 6 thousand people (more or less) attended this years event, that’s like 5,800 more than last year (just kiddin’), all in all it was a fun packed week end of choppers, Mayhem, burnouts galore, semi naked cuties and lots of talking. Mind you, most of the people rode in; I did not get to see many trailers around that were not vendor related.Anyway, I’m getting a bit carried away with this, so keep an eye peeled for my report.

Now, I gotta talk about the Hawaii trip. Why you ask? I guess I have not been as excited and looking forward to a trip in a long time. This one is different. As you might know, I used to surf a lot, everyday, no matter what. This is the best chance to go back to a place I once called home, surf those kick ass waves, hang out with the locals (girls preferred), see old friends and meet new ones. All with the chance to mix it with what we do and love, bikes.
I just received a poster that really flattered me, it’s the official poster for the event and my name is there, along Bandit’s and Billy’s. Tell you the truth, that is an honor and super fuckin’ cool. I hope the cute Hawaiian chicks get the drift and think I’m somewhat famous. I?ll surely report (most) of what went on there. On the same line, I talked for quite some time with TBear about Tahiti and I really will bend over backwards to make the second trip. There are some waves that need to be ridden. Can’t wait to get there, and like Sifu said “once an islander, always an islander?. You have no idea how similar the Hawaiian Island are to my home here in Puerto Rico, and people there automatically relate to us which is a big plus and leads to very interesting conversations. To top it off, I am totally looking forward to sharing the Island scene with all our readers here at Bikrnet and The Horse. If I’m lucky enough to be able to do this, the least I can do is share the fortune.

It was pretty cool to be asked for photos and autographs at the Smoke Out. As those who really know me (and contrary with what I usually express), I’m pretty mellow and quiet. It was funny that people recognized my name instantly but no one knew what I looked like, which is fine with me. So to people that are a bit confused on what I actually do, here’s a short Resume…..
Surfed all my life, had a surfing distribution business, raced cars for a few years, raced sailboats for a few years, had some business in NYC, build bikes, have a shop with parts, accessories and stuff, and now have a side career as magazine journalist and writer, plus own Chopper Freak clothing. That’s it, but all the bike stuff started by building bikes.
Anyway, enough. Let?s get to the news.
Indian Larry was there with the Discovery Biker Build off 3 winning bike. You all know that TBear covered that event, but I have some photos of the really cool and kick ass chopper. Congrats Indian Larry and the crew at Gasoline Alley.
We had the chance to meet the guys at Gangster Choppers from Virginia. This family owned business (and no bitching and fighting like other places) is coming out with some pretty cool gear and bikes.Just in case their site is , ask for John, and check out his very cool cobalt blue chop.

Redneck engineering had a kick ass Sportster frame on display, so if you are planning on changing the appearance of that lame sporty, check their site out.
We heard Jesse James and Kid Rock are visiting the troops in Iraq, cool for them, next time gimme a call, I would love to go over and see what’s up
I hardly talk about anything that is not bikes and stuff but there?s a new show on TV that really fuckin’ kicks ass. Boarding House at WB, it’s about surfing the North Shore of Oahu, seven pro surfers and cuties are in the house, VK from Roxy is a mega babe, and Sunny Garcia is king, he knows how to show people how to respect. I really hope I meet Sunny when I get there.

On a sad note, our friend Lil C got busted at the Charlotte airport for carrying a “brass knuckle” jockey shift handle. They charged him with concealed weapon possession, and threw him in the slammer. That really sucks, what’s next, if we have Six gun risers they will impound bikes? In reality, people and the powers to be are getting really stupid with this, watch out people your rights are being trampled with the mere excuse of “security” what the fuck happened to “the land of the FREE” ? He told me that the cops spent hours taking photos of his tats (full sleeves) and kept asking him if he was part of a “gang” (I guess they meant club). If that is not profiling, then what is? FUCK YOU CHARLOTTE airport!
I don’t want to end this week’s report without thanking all those guys that came over and said hi. To the guys we hung out with, as well as the Asphalt 127 after-hours club, you know who you are, you guys and gals, totally and undoubtedly fucking ROCK !
Jose – Caribbean Bikernet report

MAXIMum CHARM– This little bundle of sweetness is Amy from Voodoo Choppers in Rochester, Michigan. I ran across Amy at the Horse Magazine Smoke Out IV in Salisbury N.C. She was sweet as sugar, as pretty as her picture and unassuming about her looks.
Amy has been chosen by MAXIM Magazine to be one of their Home Town Honeys in their August issue. You get a chance to vote for the lady that you think is the finest offering of the month. There is a cash prize for the winner and Amy plans, if you choose her, to use her winnings to put together a kick ass chopper for herself. A noble purpose indeed. I hope you all take a minute to vote for Amy. You can see the results on line at as soon as the judging is over.

–from Rev Carlr

Latest News from The Board of Directors!
The Board of Directors of the Four Corners Iron Horse Motorcycle Rally wishes to express our appreciation for your support and especially your patience. We sincerely apologize for not having more specific information at this time, however we have once again found ourselves somewhat “bogged down” in government red tape. We strongly believed our new location would be locked in by now, but were recently informed we will have to go through the political permitting process, something we had hoped would be avoided. We have secured the land use through the landowners, so it’s just one more hurdle to go. This area will certainly be worth waiting for; we wish we could say more right now. During this process, we will do our best to keep all of you updated.
Also, FYI, there has been much confusion as to whether the rally event tentatively scheduled to be held in Ignacio is the original Four Corners Rally. It is not affiliated with the original rally in any way. A rally is an area-wide event, we are one segment, and they are another. Once again thank you, ride safe.
The Board of Directors,
Four Corners Iron Horse Motorcycle Rally, Inc.

BACK TO THE GARAGE, QUICK–Harley-Davidson snagged a full page of big business coverage in the LA Times yesterday. Here’s a quote: “If there is a bump in the road ahead, it is the question of whether Harley will have the same success after the current generation of owners runs out of gas.”
The writer doesn’t understand the code, “Ride Forever”. When us old farts are dead, there will be plenty of young guns to keep the faith. According to the article (which we all know), Harley is rockin’ financially against all odds, primarily due to the 100th. We’ll see if growth continues to break records next year.
I’ve got to get back to the garage to work on the Beach Ride Project Goliath. Sin Wu hauled her cute succulent ass to Larry Settle’s shop in Harbor City to have the goddamn clutch pressed together. I stayed here to hammer the news. The headquarters requires a used press and a small lathe for cutting spacers. We also need new clip ring pliers–ours suck. I must make a costly sojourn to Sears, but we hate to leave the shop when we’re rolling.
Hang on for the progress reports.
Ride Forever,