The stock market is in the pot, the world is firing into a global religious war and the bike industry is rocking as if bars are serving free beer to anyone on two wheels. I watched BlackHawk Down this week and wondered if we ever learn anything from conflict. Life is bananas. Let’s get to the news.

TRIUMPH CELEBRATES 100 YEARS–I’m not sure how they are counting the years, but congratulations just the same. They are wrapping up a cross-country run from the east coast to Pasadena Elk Lodge Parking Lot Sunday June 30th. There will be Triumph Celebrities, cake, bands and a concourse of classic motorcycles.

AMAZING SHRUNKEN FXR REPORT–The headquarters crew has decided on a new welder to improve the garage capabilities and weld the hell out of the FXR. We decided on a Millermatic 175. First goal is to slice and shorten the swingarm.
We have ordered finders and a tank from the ultimate designer Cyril Huze. This will not be a bold on procedure because we’ve screwed up every move we make. Now one makes fenders for little tires so we’ll need to narrow the rear fender and widen and reshape the front for the 18-inch wheel. Then we’ll need to shorten the tank because we went against the code and instead of stretching a frame we shrunk it. We traded the perfectly good chromed swingarm for a stock swingarm and it’s at the sandblasters today being stripped for the work to come. Hang on.

DEATH TOLL UP–According to some health magazine the old farts on motorcycles have driven the death statistics up. According to the article new studies show bike fatalities up 35 percent in last three years (what ever that means). Of course they blame the deaths on speeding, drinking and helmet use. We’ll look into this further.

Carla sent us a shot of a Texas Ranger on duty.
LOS ANGELES TIMES CLUB REPORT–This is one of the most disturbing aspects of the Code of the West. The first rule is “I shall not snitch.” So what did we see in the Times the other day, but a member of a club decided he didn’t like the life, so instead of gracefully going about his business, he turned snitch. “Federal and state authorities capped a two-year investigation into an international motorcycle club Tuesday by arresting 12 people in four counts on suspicion of drug and weapons charges, officials said. The investigation centered on a member of the Vagos motorcycle club who secretly cooperated with authorities, using government money to buy illegal firearms and drugs, said Jeffrey Ferguson, an Orange County Deputy district attorney.”

V-ROD TOURING PACKAGENext year you’ll see a variety of V-Rod models and even more parts and accessories. This is the new detachable Touring Windshield for the VRSCA V-Rod, which allows you to tour the open road with plenty of wind protection and minutes later, cruise town without it.
For more information about V-Rod Accessories check their web site.
BAD KIDS MC–Little Leroy came into the kitchen where his mother was making dinner.His birthday was coming up and he thought this was agood time to tell his mother what he wanted. “Mom, I want abike for my birthday.” Little Leroy was a bit of a troublemaker.He had gotten into trouble at school and at home.
Leroy’s mother asked him if he thought he deserved to get abike for his birthday. Little Leroy, of course, thought he did. Leroy’smother, being a Christian woman, wanted Leroy toreflect on his behavior over the last year. “Go to your room,Leroy, and think about how you have behaved this year.Then write a letter to God and tell him why you deserve a bike for yourbirthday.” Little Leroy stomped up the steps to his room and sat downto write God a letter.
Letter 1:Dear God:I have been a very good boy this year and I would like abike for my birthday. I want a red one.Your friend, Leroy
Leroy knew that wasn’t true. He had not been a very goodboy this year so he tore up the letter and started over.
Letter 2:Dear God, I have been an “OK” boy this year. I still wouldreally like a bike for my birthday.Leroy
Leroy knew he could not send this letter to God either. So he wrote athird letter.
Letter 3:God, I know I haven’t been a good boy this year. I am verysorry. I will be a good boy if you just send me a bike for mybirthday. Please! Thank you, Leroy
Leroy knew, even if it was true, this letter was not going toget him a bike. By now Leroy was very upset. He wentdownstairs and told his Mom that he wanted to go to church. Leroy’smother thought her plan had worked as Leroy lookedvery sad. “Just be home in time for dinner,” Leroy’s mother toldhim.
Leroy walked down the street to the church on the corner. He up to the altar. He looked aroundto see if anyone was there. Leroy bent down and picked up astatue of the Virgin Mary. He slipped it under his shirt and ran outof the church, down the street, into the house, and up to his roomand sat down with a piece of paper and a pen. Leroy beganto write his letter to God.
–from Redhorse

Pictured in photo are l – r Harry B. show coordinator, Kenny S. owner,Harlan B. driver and J.R. sales
THE KING OF BAD ASS RIGS JUST HIT THE ROAD!–Almost 80 feet and 80,000lbs of Mean Steel and Wheels from SAMSON are Here!
Move over rover, the days of mellow roads are over! Brand new and state ofthe art PETERBUILT, Samson Exhaust has just unleashed its new show and tourrig for 2002. This evil, red and black baby is going to conquer wherever ittravels. Sturgis, Daytona, Indy and any town where bikers chill better poursome more concrete on their bad streets for this SAMSON truck and MotleyCrue of SAMSON crew.
Please visit www.SamsonUSA.com for the ultimate Internet experience.Samson Motorcycle Products, Inc.3818 E. Coronado St. Anaheim, CA 92807(800) 373-4217

H-D AND EBAY AGAINST TOM–I just received an email from Harley Davidson concerning an ebay auction Ihave been running. While I can certainly appreciate a Corporation protecting it’scopyrights and logo’s from other businesses, this is a little overboard.I’m not quite sure what the threat to them is….I thought this was America.I didn’t realize it was illegal for me to use the term “Fatboy” to describemy motorcycle.
Dear eBay Seller:
The motorcycle which is the subject of this auction is neither a HARLEY-DAVIDSON nor a FAT BOY motorcycle. Consequently, it may not beoffered to the public using those terms.
In order for any motorcycle to be referred to or represented as aHARLEY-DAVIDSON (or FAT BOY) motorcycle, it must fulfill both of thefollowing conditions:
1. It must have been initially assembled in its entirety byHarley-Davidson Motor Company; and
2. It must be equipped with three critical components installed byHarley-Davidson during the motorcycle’s original manufacture (or withgenuine HARLEY-DAVIDSON replacement parts for such components): theframe,the crankcases, and the transmission.As you are aware, your motorcycle was assembled in its entirety bysomeoneother than Harley-Davidson, using a frame also made by someone other thanHarley-Davidson. Consequently, while you may make reference toHarley-Davidson in the description of the auction with respect to anyspecific part or parts (if any) which actually originated withHarley-Davidson, you may not refer to the overall motorcycle by either ofthe terms “Harley-Davidson” or “Fat Boy.”
You are required to remove all references to Harley-Davidson and Fat Boyfrom the title and subtitle of this auction, and from the descriptionexcept as described above. In order to effect these changes, it will benecessary for you to withdraw your auction and relist it in the “Custom”category. You should be aware that merely listing a motorcycle in the
“Harley-Davidson” category on eBay automatically inserts”Harley-Davidson”into the title.
Please note that if you do not make the required changes voluntarily, itwill be necessary for Harley-Davidson to ask eBay to terminate theauctioninvoluntarily, which could affect your ability to trade on eBay.Please notify me when the required changes have been made.
Judy Henslee
Trademark Manager
Harley-Davidson Motor Company
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