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WINO JOE DA POET–RHGang, let’s all get along; I want’a live ta see this work. ZThis is my “Hi Kool” poem:
Tha pain in my knee, only hurts when I sit.
Tha poundin’in my heart,
let’s me know I’m alive.
A biker warrior
rides ta live.
A real warrior knows he has won tha war,
when he sees tha smiles of tha children.
Ride On! Wino Joe,USA
BOB KAY LEAVES BIKER’S CHOICE FOR AMERICAN IRONHORSEBob Kay will be leaving Tucker Rocky and Bikers Choice effective July 12, 2002. Bob has accepted an opportunity to become the COO of American Ironhorse. American Ironhorse, based in Ft. Worth, is a major manufacturer and assembler of custom V-Twin Cruisers. This is a great opportunity for Bob to leverage all of his knowledge and expertise.
Bob has been associated with Biker’s Choice, formerly NEMPCO, for 20 years and is an icon in our industry.
We wish Bob continued success in our great industry and, specifically, in his new leadership role with American Ironhorse.
LUNCH BREAKWhen I went to lunch today, I noticed an old lady sitting on a park benchsobbing her eyes out. I stopped and asked her what was wrong. She said, “Ihave a 22 year old husband at home. He makes love to me every morning andthen gets up and makes me pancakes, sausage, fresh fruit and freshly groundcoffee.”
I said, “Well, then why are you crying?”
She said, “He makes mehomemade soup for lunch and my favorite brownies and then makes love to mefor half the afternoon.”
I said, “Well, why are you crying?” She said,”For dinner he makes me a gourmet meal with wine and my favorite dessert andthen makes love to me until 2:00 a.m.
I said, “Well, why in the world wouldyou be crying?”
She said, “I can’t remember where I live!”
–from Bob T.
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–My guess is that some of us watched Monster Garage this week, I know, Iknow, there’s some lame ass things and to some it might have looked like asales ad for WCC shirts, but in reality it’s pretty cool. I know most bikebuilders also have a car projects lying around the shop, even if it is theirdaily transport, or some crazy Hot Rod, but let’s face it, chopper guys arecar guys too.
Jesse has a few cool cars in his shop , and some of us might want to beable to show our four wheeled projects too, because they are part of whatwe are, kinda sick people that can’t leave anything alone, nor stock.
Mostof us are always looking for a project, and most times find one evenwithout looking for it or being able to afford it, we see a VW Beetle andsee a chopped top, califa windows, chrome wheels and flames, that’s the natureof a “gear head”. While reading some VW magazines (yep, I admit it, I likethose little Bugs) I noticed a couple cars built with the same ideas aschoppers, flat black, simple, flames, and lots of manual labor.After looking at the prices of stuff for those “never die” cages, more orless the whole job would cost the same as an Evo motor,got bit by the, pardon the pun, bug.
I’m going to build a chopper bug as soon as I find a cheap one, my budgetmight not be like the three thou that Monster Garage has but I don’t need thatmuch anyway….Will follow up on that one…
Without getting way off track…. Good or lame, it’s good for all of usthat motorcycle people are getting exposure on TV, even if they are doing a5.0 mustang into a lawn mower, Wink, Billy Lane, God Bill and a few othersrepresent our side of the story. Turn Yugo’s into frogs for all I care,it’s good for all of us. I would pray to see a Motorcycle Mania thing everymonth, no matter who it features…We will see in the long run.

The Jack Daniels BBQ was a total success, over 300 motorcycles showed up toenjoy the free, yeap gratis, chow and to look at some cool choppers andcustoms. This event is based on a BBQ competition between several pro’s andamateurs and the public gets to taste all of the competitors cooking. Wehad a pretty big compound with several of our customers and friends showingup on their bikes. I will have some photos posted next week.

It’s official, Discovery Channel will be filming the Horse magazine SMSO inNorth Carolina, so clean up well, and wash those bikes, who knows if youwill end up in national TV….Like I said, it’s great that The Horse isgetting the exposure….
And you heard it here first, Bourget’s is getting a Discovery bikeready….they are being filmed as we speak. There’s more stuff but can’t bereleased yet….Will keep posting when I’m 100 % sure it’s happening.

With my blatant plug of this week, we have stock of our new line ChopperFreak ™ shirts and Bikernet is helping us out.It’s simple, call Caribbean Custom Cycles at 787-721-0633 or e-mail atJose@ Chopper for your shirts, med-lg-xlthey are $20.00 each and include shipping, you can also send a money orderor check to 801 Fernandez Juncos, San Juan PR 00907. Get them beforethey become hot item tickets on TV ! But wait ….There’s more! Get afree key chain and sticker with your purchase , this offer ends by the timewe leave for Sturgis, they will be available at the Horse soon, ChoppersInc and at the SMSO.

Get them thru Bikernet first……we will give 10% of each sale to MikePullin’s run for breath….How about that !!!!!(BTW I’m being totally serious)

Second blatant plug of the week: I have the Orange CFL that is featuredhere in Bikernet, the buyer backed out and I want to sell it.Make an offer around 30 thou and the bike could be yours, or wait 5 yearsand spend 60 grand on a bike by Jesse. I will ship it to the US and it’salready registered here, no special construction, if interested e-mail orcall at the number above. Thanks again.
Time to go, I feel like those infomercial dudes, but since I have the powerto do it…..The 4th CFL is already painted and waiting at the lift, the bikes will beheading to the docks in a week so I have to hurry the fuck up, the crew forSturgis is already set and our plans for the SMSO are rocking….Now if Icould find an old Pan or Shovel and that Bug…yeap I’ll have stuff to dountil we head over to the States……See ya next week…
–Jose, Caribbean Bikernet Report and TV gossip extraordinaire.
PS: Brazil vs Germany Sunday morning………can’t miss the biggest soccermatch in the world !
BIKERNET LEGAL COUNSEL– Subject: Alligators & Lawyers
Two alligators are sitting on the edge of a swamp.The small one turns to the big one and says,I don’t understand how you can be so much biggerthan me. We’re the same age, we were the same sizeas kids… I just don’t get it.”
“Well,” says the big alligator, “what have you been eating?”
“Lawyers, same as you,” replies the small alligator.
“Hm. Well, where do you catch’em?”
“Down at that law firm on the edge of the swamp.”
“Same here. Hm. How do you catch’em?”
“Well, I crawl under a BMW and wait for someoneto unlock the door. Then I jump out, bite’em,shake the shit out of’em, and eat’em!”
“Ah!” says the big alligator, “I think I see yourproblem. See, by the time you get done shakin’the shit out of a lawyer, there’s nothin’ left butlips and a briefcase…”
–from Bob T
LOS ANGELES LEG OF 100TH ROAD TOUR–Harley-Davidson representatives including Bill Davidson, motorcycle-enthusiasts and some surprise legendary musical guests will announce the Los Angeles leg of the 100th Anniversary Open Road Tour during a special press conference today in Los Angeles. The Open Road Tour event in Los Angeles is scheduled to be hosted at the California Speedway, September 6-8.
They’ll be rockin’ the House of Blues on the Sunset StripTo RSVP for the event or for more information, contact Ryan Eichler at 312-988-2208 or
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