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This is a new illustration from the master Jon Towle for Bandit’s Cantina. It’s Puss In Boots, one of our sexual advice columnists.
JON TOWLE GUARDS NICK THE DICK–The master illustration of the majority of the art on Bikernet is Jon Towle. He is also the angry creator of the loser Nick The Dick cartoon series featured in the Laugh Room of Bikernet. Here’s his story:”Do you remember me telling you a few weeks back, that I was doing asearch on “google” search engine, looking to see what was out thereunder the nick the dick name, and there was some faggot dick suckingsite with the same name? Well, I wrote them with some nice attitudeconcerns at first, and they got a little pissy with me. I then made somereal time threats (’cause nick is my baby), and I just found out theytook off their site listing from google.
This makes me happy because their site will not confuse nick fans with afag-ass location. I don’t need to go into what I told them I would do,but the good thing is, it worked, as it should.
Yeah for me, and us!have a nice goddamn day.
International Harley-Davidson MEETUP Day is Wednesday, July 24 @ 7:00PM!You’re leaders in the online Harley-Davidson community, and we’re hoping you can help spread the word to Harley Fanatics everywhere — up to 540 cities worldwide. On Wednesday, July 24 @ 7:00PM, they can meet face to face with other Harley Fanatics in their town.
See the Harley-Davidson MEETUP page:
Link to us to help spread the word:
MEETUPs are informal local, face-to-face gatherings – we want to create an opportunity for people who share an interest or passion to get together and talk, debate, gossip or plan something cool. They happen monthly in over 500 cities worldwide and we’ve tried to make it easy by picking some good MEETUP spots for these events, including local cafes, bars, and restaurants.
Questions, ideas or comments? Write to me – Really, I do want to hear from
PERFUME TERROR– Seven women have died after inhaling a free perfume sample that was mailed to them. The product was poisonous. If you receive free samples inthe mail such as lotions, perfumes, etc., throw them away.
The government is afraid that this might be another terrorist act.They will not announce it on the news because they do not want to create panicor give the terrorists new ideas.
–Kris B.

BROS CLUB SPORTS NEW LOGO–We support the bros club for several reasons. Their road service is designed for riders and if you need help, you be assisted by people who know how to work with motorcycles. They are also available for insurance needs.
We have also contacted a well know motorcycle journalist Dave Aldridge who will send assistance “Stories from the Road” beginning next week. For more information contact:
Liz Holt, Member Services
BROS Club North America
Emergency Roadside Assistance – Cycle Insurance
P.O. Box 3238
South Pasadena, CA 91031-6238
626-403-8104 800-547-2767(option 2) FAX 626-441-3975
FROM THE ANTI-MALE FILE–How does a man show he’s planning for the Future?He buys two cases of beer instead of one.
Hot Bike presents the White BrothersLos Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show Sponsored By Bikernet.Com– Exciting 2-Day Weekend Streetbike Extravaganza set forJuly 20 -21st at the Queen Mary Event Park in Long Beach.
The 2002 edition of the Hot Bike magazine sponsored White Brothers Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show set for July 20-21st at the Queen Mary Event Park, Long Beach, CA, is really coming together with 130 major manufacturers and the leading custom bike builders from across America. Sponsored by Hot Bike, White Brothers, Performance Machine, and The Recycler/Cycle Buys, and featured on the Speed Channel’s American Thunder, The LA Calendar Motorcycle Show has continued to grow every year to become the biggest and most popular streetbike show in America catering to the custom, cruiser and sportbike markets. Exciting features at this year’s Show include an added celebrity host, legendary biker journalist Keith Ball, a.k.a. Bandit of, together with our returning hostess, the lovely Brenda Fox. The lovely Brenda Fox. will also again be hosting the blowout Party on Saturday night aboard the Queen Mary with a huge fireworks display. Last year’s party was a huge success with standing room only, lots of free giveaways, and running until the wee hours of the morning. And just to get things heated up beforehand, in the Event Park there will be a 6pm concert performance by LA’s hottest new performance show band Powder with lead singer Ninette. If you like the well known band No Doubt with lead singer Gwen Stefani, then the talents of Powder will blow you away even further with their electrifying stage performance and vocals focused on the beautiful Ninette in her Madonna-esque bikini costumes. Returning again this year by popular demand as the day-time band both days is the pop / jazz /salsa band Soto. And of course, the Calendar Bike Show Show features the most competitive Bike Contest on the West Coast with it?s prestigious new Performance Machine Best of Show Trophy. Other activities include The White Brothers West Coast Horsepower Dyno Shootout, a Calendar Girl Pageant, and of course the premier of the 2003 Calendars with the beautiful calendar models in attendance. Spectators and Exhibitors can find out more about The LA Calendar Motorcycle Show, the Bike Contest and all the available weekend activities online at See you at the Show! CLOSE THE BOOK ON THE NEWS–It’s time to hit the road. I hold off downing a Jack until the news is complete, since I’d never finish ranting and raving after my third drink. We’ve got it made, being bikers, but we’ve got to be diligent and protective of our freedoms and this joint we call home. Interesting times. Watch the site for more updates and if you can’t get enough, there’s another news column every Sunday (unless margaritas get the best of me), in the Cantina. Motorcycle Online an-all model, road test site just went subscription based due to a lack of advertising dollars. Hang in their guys. Have a helluva weekend and ride safe, goddamnit. I don’t want anyone to become a statistic, or make a girl cry. My Afghan fighting brother thinks I’m going soft. The martial arts master thinks I hit too hard. Who the fuck knows. Ride forever–Bandit.
Best wishes,
Jim Gianatsis