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BIKERNET MEDICAL STUDIES– ? In 1991, Duke University funded a study to see why the head of a man’s penis was larger than the shaft. After one year and $180,000.00, they concluded that the reason the head was larger than the shaft was to give the Man more pleasure during sex.
After Duke published the study, Stanford decided to do their own study. After three years of research and $250,000.00, they concluded that the reason was to give the Woman more pleasure during sex.
The University of Wisconsin, unsatisfied with these findings, spent $13.27 (for a Playboy, Penthouse, and a case of Old Milwaukee) and concluded that it was to keep a man’s hand from flying off and hitting him in the forehead.
–from Ray R.

Chrome Regency(tm) 58mm Performance Inverted Cartridge Fork Kits From Custom Chrome–The finest ride you ever tried!These aren’t just another gorgeous face. We call them performance forks andwe mean it! A classic case of form following function, employing the latestincartridge damping technology.
Unlike conventionalfactory forks with out-dated, rough riding damperrods as the only thing between you and a kidney belt, cartridge dampingoffers superior ride quality and adjustability to suit the load and theroad. Regency forks keep you comfortably in contact with the road like noothers!
Cartridge damping is the same technology used by World Superbike andGP Road Race Teams.They look as good as they work! Chrome forged aluminum lower forksliders have integral fender and brake mounts which eliminates the need foradd-on brackets.
Forged aluminum sliders allow for a greater chromeplating quality, and an increase in strength. The forks are designed toemulate the mounting positions of OEM sliders so all stock fenders, brakeswheels and axles bolt on with no modifications. Super huge 58mm tubes allowtremendous strength and eliminate flex associated with smaller diameterforks.
Here’s some detail features, click on the CCI banner for more information or the dealer near you:
* Flush Brake Tee and Brake Line
* Smooth Top Tree with Easy Rebound Adjustments
* Hidden Pinch Bolts
* Design by John Reed

DISCOVERY CHANNEL TO COVER SMOKE OUT– Discovery Channel “officially” confirmed they will be there. The film crew will be following Billy Lane from Choppers Inc. to the event. They may also be shooting Roger Borget’s Mania bike. Don’t miss this event produced by Edge and sponsored by Custom Chrome, Inc., HORSE and Bikernet.

IMPOTENT FARMER–??An impotent farmer was having trouble in bed for close to a year now andhe?just didn’t know what to do. He ate Viagra like M&M’s but it never seemedto?help.
The farmer had a couple cows that he wanted to breed,and?he went down to his neighbor farmer to ask to borrow a bull for a day.
The neighbor farmer said yes, and the impotent farmer loaded the bull into thebox of his pickup.
When he got back home he put the bull in with the cows. The cows were sureinterested in the bull, but the bull would not?go near them for some odd reason.
The impotent farmer went back to his neighbors and asked why the bull wouldn’t screw his cows.
The other farmer said “Oh sorry bout dat he gets like that sometimes, what you otta do isstick your finger there in one uh yah?cows pussy’s and rub it on hisnose.” The impotent farmer went home and tried it on the bull, and sureenough the bull got all three cows and went back for more about fiveminutes?later.
The impotent farmer was totally shocked. He went home that nightafter a hard days work in the field, and climbed into bed. His wife wasasleep next to him and he got an idea. He figured if it worked on the cowit?might work on him. So he pulled down his sleeping wife’s panties and stuckhis finger down there and rubbed it on his nose. Sure enough he was hardin?an instant. The farmer was so happy about this he just had to show hiswife.?”Honey wake up honey, turn on the light and take a look at this.”
His wifewakes up turns on the light and says “You woke me up just to show me youhad?a bloody nose.”
–from Ray R.
CHOPPERS FOREVER BIKE SHOW–After the first date was cancelled because of rain, the Choppers Forever Bike show was held at the world famous C&L Hog shop in Ft.Pierce. The weather finally held out and it turned into a decent day for a couple hundred hard core old timers bringing the special editions to the front lines for the rest of us to see.
Lou has been slicing and dicing bikes longer than any of these new whipper-snappers and I for one wanted to acknowledge this. When I approached him about having a party, he kinda like the idea, pausing a moment to consider the downside. We agreed to our tasks and who would do what. As it turns out, the damn port-a-potties were the most hassle. Remember we got rained out the first weekend and they didn’t want to give Lou his money back.Well, he succeeded somehow to not only get his money back but also a return visit with the portable toilet on the rain date.
The Christian Motorcycle Association and the Alternatives MC did a phenomenal job in helping set up, clean up and cook the burgers. Wings of Gold MC stepped up to donate the trophies and sell the cooked burgers, along with lots and lots of bottled ice water and beer. Help came from all different places, and individuals that let Lou know he was still highly thought of in our motorcycle community.
The bikes in the show were magnificent creatures. These choppers came in all shapes and motor variables; the Panheads were the hardest to judge. A pearl white ’63 up against a brilliant red ’49 in jamming hardtail frames with incredible chrome.
The People’s choice award went to the Chopfather himself, Gypsy Mike with his ever-popular ’76 Flashback shovelhead. The rainbow of steel and dreams is Mike’s baby and it’s been in heavy competition since he completed it back in ’99. He was thrilled to get that award!
Best of show was humbly accepted by Melbourne’s own, Billy Lane. Billy came riding down with twenty of his closest buds and wowed the crowds with his extremely unusual hubless “Peterbuilt” chopper. Last I heard they were heading to Archie’s Sea Breeze after the show to spend his prize money.

ONLY THE BEACH RIDE WAS CANCELED, NOT THE CONCERT–In place of Beach Ride 11, FOR THE YEAR 2002 ONLY, we will be having a concert at Majestic Ventura Theater, 26 S. Chestnut Street, Ventura, California. Please see the flyer below for details. See you there!!!
All of us at the Exceptional Children’s Foundation are devastated and disappointed that the San Buenaventura State Beach in Ventura decided not to issue a permit for our largest fund raising event, the ECF Beach Ride on Sunday, July 14. Our volunteer Beach Ride Organizing Committee, ECF staff and volunteers have done everything possible to negotiate and ask for a reconsideration of the decision.
For 10 years, the motorcycle community has supported the ECF Beach Ride. Funds raised help nearly 2,000 disabled children and their families every year. Our children with developmental disabilities and acquired brain injuries have received the special care they deserve and parents got the support they needed for their disabled children. We cannot thank the motorcycle community enough for their commitment, their donation of time and money. Beach Ride helps ensure that the kids get the special care and attention they need to really thrive.
Many thanks for your support in the past and we hope you will join us in our plans for next year?s event. There will be updates on our web site at Please feel free to call us at (310) 845-8062 or (800) 696-3727 if you need additional information.
STOLEN MOTORCYCLE PARTS INVESTIGATIONThere is somebody out there I want to see rot in Hell!!!!! Sunday June 23rdat night these%^$#%^#%^$# stole the Kiljay Race Trailer, Progas Bike, PitVehicles and Tools from in front of Broke Biker in Fremont, California.
Below are the details on the parts they may be trying to sell on theinternet. Delkron 4-cam race case with 1-1/2″ raised deck, proflow oil pump,2-10 lb nos tanks 2-5lb nos tanks, PRP heads set up for right & leftcarburators, (4) super “D” carburators with three thunder jets each, B&J3-speed transmission, 10″ Goodyear slick on a carbon fibre wheel. Dyna 4000race ignition, NOS cheater solinoids, slipper clutch W/ hat, thunder crankwheels & crank pin, Jims roller rockers, 3-rail Nungesser frame, Wacker 6000watt generator, off road Go-Ped, 250 cc Honda 4 wheel ATV, Jet 1-1/2 hp aircompressor and 27 ft Black fully enclosed race trailer.
Reward on recovery!!
Stan Sheppard
650 837-8401

ONE OF A KIND– I hate to be like a new father showin off pix of my kid, but CJ sure came through for me on this one!Jon Towle did the drawing for me, Big Paulie did the tattoo, Ripper did a sweet helmet airbrush job and CJ Allan just sent me this shot of what’s going out in the mail to me.
Now all I gotta do is unscrew my prosthetic leg and carve me a peg.Hmmm, now I gotta switch the panhead back from a rocker clutch back to a suicide! No, this bitch is gonna be bolted on my Road Apple. Now I gotta get another done for the old Pan or she’ll be jealous.

MORE UPOLSTERY RECOMMENDATIONS–We used to go to TJ (Tijuana, Mexico) years ago and took our OWN THREAD since their’s is notoriously poor. Also neverleave the vehicle since they have a tendancy to stuff weeds and animal excreations under the leather.
Dealing directly with Bob LaPera or Andy Amador youwill get a uniquely designed gel sel seat made to conform to your body.
Mention my name and you’ll geta righteous price. You rid eyour D with pride and youneed an automically designed seat to make your ride that much more pleasant.
“Sometimes cheap is too expensive”!
Danny Gray made my current seat using Rolls RoyceConnoly Leather…you really don’t want to know the cost!
In The Wind
LOOKING FOR A DURFEE GIRDER?–If you are still looking for a Durfee girder, or know someone who is, please contact me.
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