Hey, I’m heading out to Hawaii for the third annual Choppers Only Show on Oahu in Hawaii sponsored by Bikernet.com. We’ll bring you back the very best of Hawaii Biker Action. It’s rapidly turning into a Hawaii Biker Holiday. There’s more than one scintillating party or event.
If you’re going, stop by our booth and meet a couple of The Girls of Bikernet.com. Grab a shot of the most beautiful girls on the island with Chris Tronolone’s WCC styled chopper and pick up a free Bikernet sticker.
That brings up our introduction of a new Bikernet element and two new staff personnel. Hopefully with this news we will launch the free section of The Girls of Bikernet.com, Girls of Bikernet.com and Bikernetgirls.com. All three names will take you to the same hot location.
Sam Dixon is the man designing this location, with a long history in the photographic site business. He’s also the main photographer and site specialist. Livia, his lovely cousin and a veteran Bikernet model, will be the photo editor. The Girls Of Bikernet.com is destined to showcase many of the most beautiful girls and bikes in the country and maybe the world. We will seek out the most talented photographers on the planet. This is in no way a porno site. Nothing beyond topless will ever be featured. It’s all about the bikes and the most beautiful girls to straddle a motorcycle. Below, in the news, Sam will describe some of the hot elements of the site in detail. And, of course, I’m the boss. So don’t hesitate to contact Sam or me if you need anything. Let’s hit the news:

STURGIS RIDE CORRECTION–Regarding the route outta Cheyenne on Sat August 6th. Route 85 takes us north up the Wyoming SD border, then on into Lead, Deadwood & Sturgis. This is considered the Northern Black Hills.
Don’t mean to split hairs with ya but the actual “Badlands” is located Southeast of there partially on & just North of the Pine Ridge Indian Rez……
–A reader
We’ll still get there. Bandit

BIKERNET MINUTE MAN REPORT–Pedro was trying to get into the U.S. legally through Immigration.
The Officer:”Pedro, you have been given and passed all but one test. If you pass this last test you can enter the U.S.”
Pedro: ” I am ready for the test.”
The Officer: “The last test requires you to make up a sentence using the words yellow, pink and green.”
Pedro: (after thinking for a few minutes) “Officer, I am ready.”
The Officer: “Go ahead let me hear your sentence.” Pedro: “The telephone goes green, green, green, and I pink it up, and say, Yellow, this is Pedro.”
Needless to say, Pedro now lives in a neighborhood near you.
–Nick Trumbo

Blood Sweat & Gears Delivers– Billy Lane with the Blood Sweat & Gears Team Hand over keys to 2005 Springer in Laconia to Army 1st Sgt Mark Gonthier.
Billy Lane and the Blood Sweat & Gears team of Kendall Johnson, Paul Cox, Aaron Greene and Mondo finished customizing the 2005 Harley-Davidson Springer provided by Carolina Harley-Davidson in Laconia during the rally. In the now usual wrap up of the show, Billy lit the rear tire up and did a burn out on stage, only this time he added an extra surprise for the audience. He asked Kendall to start the bike and ‘warm up’ the rear tire while he invited a young man from the audience to join them on stage.

Mark Gonthier was attending the show in Laconia in his Army uniform. Billy began asking Mark about his service and tour over seas. The audience heard Mark tell an impressive story of how he was shot during his tour in Iraq and received a Purple Heart.
Just as Mark ended his story Billy said, “Thank you for keeping us free. What you do is amazing. For your service, take this bike, really, take it”.
Mark shook his head in disbelief,
Billy added “I am not kidding you, it’s yours, take the bike. Free and clear. I do want you to do one thing first before you ride it off stage, do a burn out with it!.”
With tears rolling down his face, Mark turned to Billy and said “No way, this isn’t really happening”. “Yes it is” Lane said. Mark then turned to Lane and slowly unpinned the Purple Heart from his uniform and handed to Lane. At that moment the entire audience that had gone literally silent, began chantingU-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A!

On its fourth stop of 6, Billy Lane’s Blood Sweat & Gears Tour was at the Broken Spoke in Laconia, NH featuring live in your face fabrication delivering on its promise- to give back to those protecting our freedom. Billy and his friends, Kendall, Paul, Aaron plus special guests Dave Perewitz and Mondo got to work finishing the Springer from Carolina HD and starting another new bike that will be given away in Sturgis.
The bikes built during the Tour are built for one purpose, to thank the military personnel serving to protect our freedom. Each bike will be given away during the Tour to military personnel. A new custom was started in Laconia and is slated to be given away at the 5th stop of Tour in Sturgis, SD at the Broken Spoke Saloon on Lazelle Street where Billy and the Blood Sweat & Gears Tour will be fabricating in your face throughout the rally. “Same deal as in Laconia, I am just going to hand the keys to someone in the audience when it feels right” Lane said. It is his way of thanking military folks for their heroic efforts.
“I can’t do this on my own” said Lane. “Without the support of the Blood Sweat & Gears sponsors like Dodge, Activision, House of Kolor , BIKERNET.COM and Paisano Publications, this can’t happen.” Lane finished.
“It is our greatest desire to keep this positive momentum rolling into 2006 and beyond. We really want to be able to give away more custom bikes and more cool stuff. In order to do this, we are lining up sponsors for 2006 right now. We have had tremendous support so far, but need more folks interested in showing their support through Blood Sweat & Gears so we can keep delivering the goods” added Darcy Betlach, Tour Manager.
For Blood Sweat & Gears Tour sponsorship information, please contact Chrome Marketing Inc at 612-940-6115. Blood Sweat & Gears Tour is owned and copyrighted by Psycho Billy LLC, affiliated with Choppers Inc and Billy Lane.

We’ve been working all day getting The Girls of Bikernet.com site up onto the server. At the time of this posting most of the FREE area will be up and Sam and I will be working on it all night until the FREE section is completed.
The members area should be ready to launch Sunday night. It’s just a matter of getting the join page and the passwords working.
The site is going to be the best bikerbabe sites you’ve ever seen. Over 500 photos to start out and we’ll be putting 100+ photos into the site each week. Each week I’ll be selecting a feature Bikerbabe of the Week. I’m also traveling almost every weekend to shows all over the country and will be keeping a photo diary of my trips. Bikini contests, wet t-shirts, bikes and babes…

Sam has shoots scheduled with some knock out models this month in Los Angeles. You’ll be seeing some playboy models making appearances in the site soon.
Check out http://www.thegirlsofbikernet.com and send me an email from the contact page with your comments.

RAFFLE BENEFITTING THE CRAZY HORSE MOUNUMENT FOUNDATION–Hosted by: American Motorcycle 1902, Branscombe Richmond, and Keith Ball of Bikernet.com.
A Raffle to benefit the ongoing endeavors to complete the building of the Crazy Horse Monument. When completed the Crazy Horse mountain carving will be 641 feet long by 563 feet high. Crazy Horse’s completed head is 87 feet 6 inches high. The horse’s head, currently the focus of work on the mountain, is 219 feet or 22 stories high.
Help us support Mr. Korczak vision. He believed that if the public accepted the goals of Crazy Horse Memorial, they would support it financially. He believed in individual initiative and private enterprise without governmental influence. So they need our support. Join us to make it a successful event.
Grand Prize: Custom Performance is making available a Turbo Your Harley package (total value of $6495) for your Harley Davidson Motorcycle, and Keyboard Carriage will transport your motorcycle to and from a local authorized Harley Davidson dealership near you.

Second Prize: Cowboy & Indian’s magazine has donated a custom pair of Ostrich and Leather, hand tailored to the winners specifications, cowboy boots (men’s or women’s), valued at $1000. Other sponsor prizes may also be made available.

THIRD PRIZE: Hand made Brass and Bronze Bandit Belt buckle with a Tony Murga brown or black exotic stingray belt. You’ll be able to pick up your Buckle from Bandit at the Full Throttle and ride downtown to pick a belt from Tony Murga’s booth on Maine Street in Big Al’s Swap Shop.
All prizes will be raffled off to lucky winners at the Horsepower Shootout awards ceremony on Friday evening, August 12th at 7:30-8:30 PM at the Full Throttle Saloon w/ Branscombe Richmond, of American Motorcycle 1902 and movie and TV fame. Proceeds from this raffle will then be made available to benefit the Crazy Horse Monument and Foundation.
Raffle tickets are available online at (www.amc1902.com), at The Long Beach Calendar Show in the American Motorcycle/Bikernet.com booth, at local bar’s and restaurants throughout the greater Phoenix area, and from, Sat, Aug. 6 through Friday Aug.12 available at the following locations: the Custom Performance booth, the Hot Bike / Full Throttle Horsepower Shootout, as well as at Hot Bike / American Motorcycle 1902 Vendor Row, and at all Full Throttle souvenir stands and their Chop Lot office locations, which are all located at the Full Throttle Saloon . Raffle tickets are available at a cost of $10, or five tickets for $30, and are fully tax deductible contribution.

Support this events sponsors: American Motorcycle 1902, American Indian, Custom Performance, The Full Throttle Saloon, Hot Bike, Hot Rod Bike, Street Choppers, Keyboard Motorcycle Shipping, BIKERNET.COM, Pacific Health, Hacienda Custom Motorcycles, VTRacegirl.com, and the Seminole Hard Rock Road House. Sponsors of the raffle to benefit The Crazy Horse Monument and Foundation.
Also, join us on the Crazy Horse Charity Ride leaving the American Motorcycle 1902 booth at The Full Throttle Saloon, on Thursday the 11th of August. Ride with Branscombe and his friends on this fabulous ride through the wonders of South Dakota. Registration is available online at (www.amc1902.com) or from 9 AM till 10:30 AM the day of the event, leaving the Full Throttle Saloon for Crazy Horse at 11AM that morning. Join these worthwhile causes. Help keep The Crazy Horse Monument project moving forward. We look forward to seeing you there.
And of course, if you want to ride on the Crazy Horse/Bikernet ride to Sturgis, you’re welcome to hook up with us in Phoenix and hit the road for Durango, Aspen, Cheyenne and Sturgis. See below for details
If you cannot make it to Sturgis to participate but would like to contribute please send a tax deductible check payable to The Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation to: 19528 Ventura Blvd, Suite 425, Tarzana, CA 91356
BIKERNET RUN TO STURGIS– I’ll give you a brief rundown: Thecharity efforts are to support the Crazy Horse Monument in the Black Hills.We leave from Phoenix on Wednesday the 3rd of August and ride along warmtwisting highways, ducking interstates wherever possible to Durango,Colorado for the night. Then it’s up Thursday morn and down the terrificmountain roads into Aspen, Colorado for the night. Both these towns areknock-outs for terrific restaurants and nightlife. Friday morning we cut adusty trail north again into Cheyenne and we’re almost home. Saturday wemeander up killer roads into the Badlands and Deadwood, but we won’t stopuntil we reach the Full Throttle Saloon for our first party of the Rally.
Each day will cover 250-300 miles so we’ll roll into town in time to hangout by the pool, hit the gym, shop in town then have a killer meal.
Here’s the latest: Master Builder Harold Ponteralli, Barry Wardlow ofAccurate Engineering, Bandit, Rogue the writer, are riding alone. Guys areflying in from Hawaii and moto-journalists from Australia. On the final daywe’ll meet up with the Hamster Ride in Wyoming for lunch before the finalblast into the Badlands. Just today we found that a national non-motorcyclemag will be covering the ride and the celebrity ride to the Crazy HorseMonument during the rally with Branscomb Richmond. We may even have a filmcrew along for the Sturgis Run. We’ve already collected a check for $250 from Biker Attorney and Bikernet Sponsor Mike Hupy, Thanks Mike. Let’s ride.
That’s it, you cover the hotels and your expenses, we make all thearrangements and you make a donation to Crazyhorse.
To get hooked up you need to contact Joerlene, our travel agent and line uphotels. She will have rooms booked from Phoenix to Cheyenne and if you’renot hooked up in Sturgis, she’ll try to help. Her contact info is:
(808) 638-8550
fax 808- 638-0171
email – carefreetours@hawaii.rr.com

PeaceMaker Road King Saddlebag Locks– Now you can lock your leather bags with the PeaceMaker locks for Road King Classic. Carved out of billet aluminum using CNC technology for precise manufacturing tolerances. Beautifully chrome plated and easy to install in about an hour.
Prevent your saddlebags and their contents from theft. PeaceMaker lock sets come complete with chrome lock plate, lock assembly, hardware and instructions.
To order: www.aeromachmfg.com 800 990-9392
Continued On Page 2