Continued From Page 1

CRAZYHORSE PAINT JOB OF THE WEEK–I checked out Bikernet yesterday and it’s all this Hawaii stuff. Thisis where I’ve been, and it ain’t been Hawaii. I been killing myselftrying to finish the lovely Jennifer’s paint job. In the middle ofit, I had to go down toAtlanta to attend the high school graduation of my best and oldestfriend’s oldest girl. It seemed like a tame enough situation. When itwas over I was happy that my friend and I were not in jail.
It was like something outta “Cops”. I found myself in a hot rodMustang with two handsome (very) young guys, in the middle ofdowntown Dogpaw, Georgia, at 3:00 a.m., giving thedumbest answers to the cop’s dreadfully serious questions. They had ussurrounded by four cruisers. I didn’t go to jail, so I can laugh now.
“Have you been drinking or using any illegal drugs ma’am?”
“Is this your car?”
“Well whose car is it?”
“His,” I then point to the kid next to me.
“Well why isn’t he driving it?”
“The car?”
“Yes, ma’am, the car.”
“They asked me to drive.”
“What is the owner of the car’s name?
“Has he been drinking?”
“I don’t know. I was upstairs.”
‘And where was this?”
“At my friend’s house.”
“And where is that house?”
“South Scales road.” (Wrong address. I wasn’t daffy enough to givethe right one.)
“And what is happening on South Scales Rd?”
“Oh that’s where my friend lives.”
“And what’s going on there? Not an underage drinking party I hope.”
“Oh no,” I looked very sincere.
“How long have you been living in Georgia?”
“I don’t live in Georgia.”
“Ma’am, are you aware that the 17-year-old boy in the back seat isout after curfew which ended at midnight, three hours ago? And you’resaying you have nothing to do with the fact that underage teen nextto you is drunk?”
“I didn’t know nothing.”
I figured we were definitely screwed. I was just hoping they didn’tlook in the trunk.
I couldn’t call MaryAnn to warn her that the cops may be on the wayto bust the party. There was a huge cop shining a bright light intothe car watching our every move. We were trapped like rats. Thenafter the longest 15 minutes of my life, they let us go and hustledoff to nab some other idiot who was stupid enough to be out so late.
It’s actually funny as hell. Funny, cos no cars got stolen, cos no onegotarrested, because the only person who got punched deserved it, andcos only one person had a hangover, and for once, it wasn’t me.
I mean I’m a middle-aged woman who is usually in bed by midnight. I seldomgo out at night. I rarely visit my partner-in-crime from my teen years. The one time I escape, I get into some of the worst trouble in my life.

This weeks’ paint job is owned by the previously mentioned lovelyJennifer. The black flames will soon be pinstriped up at GrandeurCycle in Jonesville, NC. Mike Phillips builds some nasty hardtailsand has a state of the art paint shop. They have a full servicemanufacturing facility there but the one product they make that I’dlike to snag is their inverted springer front end, but their standardspringer is pretty sweet too. sometimes sketch out the whole paint job. Here’s how Jen’s tankturned out compared to the drawing.

On Thursday I pack up the Sporty and headed out to Athens, GA to meetup with 10 members of the Amazons M/C club. We’re heading up to a lodge in Townsend, TN where we’ll meet up with eight others for aweekend of riding mountain switchbacks, shooting pool, and eatinghomecooked meals. Werented the whole lodge, as there are so many of us. There’s even a 10person hot tub on a porch that overlooks the Smokies. It’s supposedto rain. Which makes sense as two out of three trips up there, on two wheels,havebeen in the rain.
The lesson I learned this week? One I knew 26 years ago. Beware ofcute young guys with hot rod cars. Are you listening Angie?

STURGIS PAD AVAILABLE– A good friend has her house for rent in Whitewood, SD. for the 2003 Rally. Most of you know Susan as the bar tender at the Silver dollar (rear bar, you know our bar…).Here are the details and contact info:
House in Whitewood, SD. for rent during the 2003 Sturgis Rally. 3 bedroom (king, queen, & 2 singles), Queen hide-a-bed, 2.5 baths, master bath has jacuzzi tub, loft TV room, high speed internet, directv, garage and carport. Deck with gas grill and covered porch. 1/2 block of hard pack roack to house.
ASking $3,500.00 for the week.Please contact Susan at: I have been to the house and it is lovely and feels somewhat secluded. Good luck and have a great day… –Jim Flickinger BIKERNET OZARK REPORT–This past weekend was the big old mountain run campout. The weather was great. Everyone met at the right time and we made the best time ever riding to the river. We have never arrived before dark and we pulled in at 5:00 p.m. The most interesting part of the trip was the juvee girl sneaking up to see me. She had to work until 11:00, and it’s a two hour drive to the river. We got to the river and I gathered up what I thought was enough wood to keep a fire going till about 12:30 a.m. We started drinking early, and I kept getting beers for the guys so they would drink heavily and maybe sleep soundly enough to sneak out of our camp and set up the juvee girl tent. At about midnight I threw all of the wood on the fire and stoked it up to burn fast. At about 12:40 I started saying how tired I was and reminding them that we were going to ride all day in the hot sun, so we needed to get some rest. I had my tent set up away from the rest of them. When they went to bed I figured I had about 10 or 20 minutes til she got there. She was right on time. We set up that tent way down the river from the rest of the pack, and we partied all night. At about 6:00 a.m. in the morning, I got up and snuck back to camp and slithered into my tent. Thought I could sleep a spell–no way. They scrambled out at 6:30 and started their bikes for a breakfast run. I made them come and wake me up, so they knew I was in my tent. We rode all day, drank beer like there was no tomorrow, then went to the mountain party town to go clubbin’. I was dead to the world. I got me something to eat and took a nap for two hours. Then we partied all night. I can’t tell you how fucked up I felt Sunday on that 200-mile ride home. In a million years you couldn’t get anyone to believe what happened Friday. Can’t wait til next year. –Ozark Ed BIKERNET NIGHTCLUB OF THE WEEK–This biker went into a nightclub and saw a gorgeous honey sitting by herself at the bar. He asked her to dance. She agreed and they took to the dance floor for a slow one. While they were cheek to cheek, the guy said, “You really smell terrific. What’s that you have on?” The flattered girl told him it was Channel #5. Then wanting to return the compliment, she said, “You smell good, too. What is it that you have on?” “Well, I’ve got a hard on, but I didn’t think you could smell it,” the guy replied. –from Rogue LITTLE JOE’S PASSING–Sorry to hear of the passing of your friend, Joe Angel. Each time we lose an old time “real biker”, our world becomes a little smaller and less poetic. Motorcycling has come a long way since I started (1964) but some changes aren’t necessarily for the better. I miss the days when not everyone was made for riding, and when you pulled up on a chopper, people looked at you as someone to be respected, feared or just plain let alone. Maybe things are better off now, but I still miss the days when “brother” meant something.Again, sorry about hearing about Joe Angel. Hope you can make it to Milwaukee for the 100th. –Tonypan DAISY CUTTER EXHAUST–Check out these new Daisy Cutter exhaust by Martin Brothers. An alternative to traditional turn down pipes. The aggressive lines & sharp cut tip compliment the lines of any chopper or pro-street style bike. Pipes feature a stepped design, from 1 3/4 to 2 1/4 for a deep, throaty sound. They are available in show chrome, ceramic black or ceramic polished finish. They are available through your local dealers. As well as Arlen Ness, MC Advantages, & Cyril Huze. For more information contact Chris Sanchez at Martin Bros. Bikes. Also check out our latest feature in June 03, issue of Street Chopper! Chris Sanchez Speed TV’s American Thunder featuresPerformance Machine Iron & Lace Calendar Shoot,Joins LA Calendar Motorcycle Show as Associate Media SponsorAmerica’s premier V-Twin Motorcycle Show goes hog wild over the Calendar & Show–Los Angeles, CA, June ? The Performance Machine sponsored Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show produced by Calendar publisher Gianatsis Design Associates has grown to become the biggest and best Custom and HiPerformance Street bike Show in America. And when it comes to featuring the American motorcycle lifestyle on television, the Speed Channel’s long running series American Thunder is the sport’s most popular television program. American Thunder, produced by WATV Los Angeles (Lenny Shabis, producer; Aimen Shawaf, director), has regularly featured since 1995, TV coverage of both The LA Calendar Motorcycle Show, and photo shoots for the popular Mikuni Carburetor and Performance Machine sponsored Iron & Lace Custom Bike Pinup Calendar featuring exotic machines from America’s premier custom builders together with beautiful celebrity models. This year we are excited to announce that American Thunder, now with a expanded 24 programs per season schedule, is joining the Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show as Associate TV Media Sponsor. Upcoming feature programs highlighting this new association include the following: Martina Warren shoots with Performance Machine for Iron & LaceAmerican Thunder segment scheduled to air on Speed Channel on Tuesday, June 10th at 7:30pm ETand 9:30pm PT. It re-airs on Tuesday, July 29th at 7:30pm ET and 9:30pm PT. This American Thunder program features one of the hottest new Calendar girls, barely legal 19 year old centerfold Martina Warren, Penthouse Pet and cover model January 2003, in a photo shoot with some hot custom bikes from Iron & Lace calendar sponsor Performance Machine. The Iron & Lace calendar shoot shoot takes place inside the high security confines of a Los Angeles County power generating plant with reknown photographer Jim Gianatsis and features two great custom V-Twins built by Performance Machine’s Roland Sands, one a contemporary red Chopper and the other a silver Bar Hopper, both running PM components and Mikuni HSR Carburetors.Pictures: Continued On Page 3
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