Continued From Page 2
THE TED REPORT–well the weather has been nice lately. it’s hot in the afternoon traffic but I am taking off work early to beat the traffic. A woman I work with brought her 16 year old daughter to work yesterday. Wow she’s hot for 16. her mom kept saying take her for a ride, take her for a ride. I was thinking how much I would like to ride her daughter, but I just said “most women try to keep their daughters off of my bike” and she let it go.
Surely she knows me by now. I’ve worked with her for 3 years and every chance I get I’m working her for a titty rub. Hell, we’ve gone in to girl’s bathroom at a bar down the street and pissed together in the same john. So if she catches me with her daughter in a few years I’ll tell her it’s her fault. They are both so cute that you know what I’m thinking, don’t you now, huh?
Ted F.U M/C
BIKERNET HISTORY LESSON–In his 1813 letter, Jefferson wrote a one-sentence description of Lewis that is as fine a tribute to a subordinate as any president of the United States has ever written. It is impossible to imagine higher praise from a better source:
“Of courage undaunted, possessing a firmness & perseverance of purpose which nothing but impossibilites could divert from it’s direction, careful as a father of those committed to his charge, yet steady in the maintenance of order & discipline, intimate with the Indian character, customs & principles, habituated to the hunting life, guarded by exact observation of the vegetables & animals of his own country, against losing time in the description of objects already possessed, honest, disinterested, liberal, of sound understanding and a fidelity to truth so scrupulous that whatever he should report would be as certain as if seen by ourselves, with all these qualifications as if selected and implanted by nature in one body, for this express purpose, I could have no hesitation in confiding the enterprize to him.”
I did not know he committed suicide and only?3 years after his return from the Pacific Ocean at the age of 35, October 11, 1809. They now believe he?suffered from manic depression and he also did a lot of morphine and other drugs for what he thought was bouts of malaria, and perhaps syphillis not to mention he drank a LOT of whiskey. He was governor of the Louisiana Territory at the time and the government was fuckin’ with him over money and trying to break him. He was on his way to Washington DC to work it out when he tried to off himself twice and was on suicide watch.?
He’d have probably been fine if his friend Jefferson hadn’t done him a favor and made him governor. He’d have been happier living in Washington and working on his journals. He never worked on them after his return and no one knows why. It was as if he avoided the project altogether. There were huge gaps in the journals as well when he probably?didn’t write for months at a time. One load of his artifacts was lost in a ship grounding while on its way to DC from Louisiana and it really bothered him. That’s why he was heading to WA DC by ground and Clark was heading there by sea. Had Clark accompanied him, perhaps history would have been written differently, as Lewis seemed to be looking for Clark to show up when he was not “right”.
–Helen Wolfe

36 LIMITED EDITION?GRAND PRIX? ALLIGATORS–Price – $35,000 plus tax, $15,000 deposit required?to reserve place in line, balance due upon delivery.
?When the first handmade production ALLIGATOR motorcycles hit the streets, they will include elements of a true American heritage. Dan Gurney ALLIGATOR Motorcycles Inc. plans to build 36 Limited Edition ?Grand Prix? ALLIGATORS to sell to the public as they introduce a unique concept to the industry; combining nostalgia with 21st century technology.
?The number 36 is significant as it was the number that donned the Formula 1 Eagle which won the 1967 Belgian Grand Prix at Spa, a first for an American built car and driver/constructor and an achievement that has not been duplicated yet. Now the first 36 ALLIGATORS will commemorate and bear the color of the car that made F1 history. With the ALLIGATOR motorcycles being designed and built in the very same facility as the Formula 1 car, Dan Gurney hopes that the ALLIGATOR can make history on an entirely different front.
BIKERNET JESSE JAMES RESEARCH– I see Jesse James/WCC wasfeatured on Aaron Brown’s Newsnight on CNN.
Slow news night? Gazillion dollar scooters? I’m trying to think of an anglethat doesn’t include a reference to Dennis Rodman as to why this should beshared with the entire planet.
I haven’t pried into Jesse’s legal affairs, buy I’m sure Aaron Brown would. Maybe the true story was uncovered.
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT– I’ve read some articles about the different rides, some people bitchin’about the expenses of covering all the injuries that occur at Laconia,other people freaking out “if” and big IF, something like Laughlin happens.
So it’s great to receive the millions of dollars that bikers bring into theeconomy of those towns but sucks to take care of people that are involvedin accidents…???
I don’t know if its me, but if someone breaks down in the wind I will stopand help, since I can, but the pencil pushers are worried about how much itwill cost to save someone’s life…. I’m not a doctor, nor fireman, andcertainly no paramedic, but if I were my mission in life and my oath wouldbe to save peoples’ lives, no matter what. More so if this “dirty bikers” areleaving twice the money my town makes in a whole year, Go figure…..

A Borget/Jose creation.
We have just received news that the famous Jack Daniels BBQ competitionwill take place June 23 rd, and as always they are expecting all the PRbikers to show up. We will sponsor the event once more and will have lots,lots, of choppers there. Uhmmmaybe Bandit would like to show up, sign some books and enjoy the tropics. Anyway and a little message to the Weasels, We own the BBQ….don’t even tryto sneak in…..
The Desertores will take off Monday to the US on their way to Laconia. Theywill start in DC and ride all the way to Montreal and then back to OrlandoFl. We wish them luck and a very safe trip.
June 23 will also be the date for the new TV program Monster Garage, whichwill feature the likes of Jesse James and Billy Lane building some whackedcars and trucks…. Check your local TV listings….should be in Discoveryor the Learning channel.
Watch for an upcoming issue of the HORSE, we own the cover and Crazy Horsewill have a full feature on her “controversial” Daytona story. Also we willhave a bike featured on the Sept. issue of American Iron, now if we couldget something into Easyriders…. (Bandit are you listening…)

Since Sonny Barger did not choose our story for his new book, we willfeature it here on Bikernet, and maybe extend it a bit more, once Banditgives me the green light we will let you know.
You got the green light, brother.–Bandit
It’s sort of funny that when we started on this adventure ( the bikething) it was by chance, some friends that liked to ride around town andhave fun, it’s been a few years now but we all still ride around and stillhave fun doing it. We used to go thru the pages of Easyriders and dreamt ofhaving a bike featured one day, we even managed to get Ol’ Rip to visit PRand ride around with us.
We waited patiently for the next month issue and see the new stuff, we evenimagined Bandit being a hard ass pounding on his Panhead desk and throwingletters and bike photos into the trash can. Roll forward a decade and ahalf and you are reading this, week after week, monthly articles in TheHorse, and every now and then at American Iron…..Not bad for some islandboys, not bad at all…..Still wonder though what if we had met Banditduring his Easyriders time….Who the fuck knows…..
Have a great week………
–Jose, Caribbean Bikernet Report……. Gooool !!!!
Let’s see the bike you want in ER. –Bandit

New Life For Old 45’s!–Old enough to remember when 45’s were new and flatheads were nearly stateof the art? Neither are we, but at one time the venerable 45 was thebackbone of a struggling, Depression-era H-D Motor Company, poweringsquadrons of Servi-Cars and police patrols through and around a bustlingurban America – not to mention hauling Allied troops by the tens ofthousands around Europe and across North Africa in World War II.
If you’re into retro, the flywheel pros at Truett & Osborn have crafted abrand new bottom end from the same high quality 110,000 psi ductile iron astheir impressive lineup of more contemporary flywheel offerings. Otherpluses include completely rebuildable thrust washers and full dynamicbalancing when ordered as a complete crank assembly.
Truett & Osborn’s stroker versions of this old favorite let today’sbuilders pack some punch into what was originally a 50-mph tops workhorse.And while T&O doesn’t expect anyone to put a 45 on the bottle, it’s nice toknow these new wheels carry the same guaranteed unbreakable warranty as therest of their family of flywheels.
Available in stock as well as 4 7/16-inch (the same as Indian’s old Chief)and 4 1/2-inch stroker versions for even higher compression, T&O canprovide other strokes on special order. Set up for stock 45 crankpin, rods,stock pinion, and sprocket shaft, they’re perfect for your nostalgia drivenproject, whether it’s new construction, a ground up restoration, or just awell deserved freshen to get you back on the road.
Contact INFO
Paul Osborn
Truett & Osborn Cycles
3345 E. 31st South
Wichita, KS 67216
ViagraViagraA woman walks into a drugstore and asks the pharmacist if he sells sizeextra large condoms.
He replies, “Yes we do. Would you like to buy some?”
She responds, “No sir, but do you mind if I wait around here until someonedoes?”

BIKERNET STAFFER MAKES THE MOVIES–I found the movie I was an extra in!??Apparently it didn’t go to a?theater near you, but the?grocery store video shelf. Hey, it’s even on DVD. I haven’t seen it, just found it on the web. But I’ll be looking for it at?my?local Safeway.?
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