I was recently sent a book named KICK START and asked to read it and comment on it.
It is about the memories of an Outlaw Biker by the name of “Teach” a member of the BARONS MC a well-known motorcycle club which started in 1966. He became a member on July 20, 1969 after hanging around with them for about a month.
In the Foreword he states: “The adventures I lived and the things I saw were no different than the lives of every other club patch holder. That history needs to be preserved for future generations. The 70s can’t be judged by today’s values, it was just too different! Times were tougher it seems and we patch holders had few civil rights as far as the citizens and cops were concerned.”
I agree that a true history of that time needs to be preserved. Being a member of that generation and a member of the HUNS MC mother chapter in Bridgeport Connecticut and eventually becoming President in 1972 it gave me direct information about many of the things he mentions in this book. To my knowledge they are true and correct. I even checked with some other club members whose club is also mentioned and they confirmed.

The thing is that the TRUTH Has to Be Preserved and Not What Someone Thinks Happened During That Time! For those interested this book does that.
KICK START is available through Friesen Press, Suite 300-852 Front Street, Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 1HD, under ISBN – 978-1-4602-2186-0 for the hard cover, 978-1-4602-2187-7 for the paperback and 978-1-4602-2188-4 for the e-book.
Note: The Huns mentioned in the book have No Affiliation to the HUNS MC I was a member of.