Laconia 2003

smokin tires

Most times the best runs are the ones with out 350,000 RUB’s sporting the latest Harley fashion, bright shinny factory billet barges and vendors gouging $2-$3 for a bottle of water. The best runs or events are the ones where a bunch of people with common interests gets together to share ideas and show what they put together with their own imagination and hands.

bare metal shovel

flashlight headlight use

The Horse Magazine’s 4th annual Smoke Out in Salisbury, N.C. was just such an event. “Why out in the boon docks of Salisbury N.C.” you may well ask? Well for a number of good reasons. First, the locals don’t bend you over and grab your wallet. A good hotel room can still be had for under $50 a night. The local people are friendly and welcome you with open arms (and legs). The local police are kind, considerate and down right understanding of bikers and the countryside is great for a ride any time of day or night.

flaming bikes

Over 5,000 folks from every walk of life and on every kind of chopper made the fourth pilgrimage to the Smoke out this year. Illustrator Jon Towle was there signing the posters he drew up for the event. Jose from Caribbean Custom Cycles, Redneck Engineering, Mad Dog and crew from Shadetree breaking the Guinness book of Records for the worlds longest bike, Voodoo Choppers from Detroit, master hand engraver C.J. Allan, Irish Rich from Shamrock Fabrication, Paul Cox Leather, Kevin of Detroit’s Fabricator Kevin, master of stainless steel, Steel City Cycles were just a few of the shops that had displays selling their goods for down to earth prices. Not one $30 West Coast Choppers T-shirt was offered for sale. This was a real event for the down to earth chopper dog.

bike w sleeping bag

On hand rounding out the event was the Infamous Ice Cream Man From Hell acting as ringmaster for the festivities. Shooting rolls of Harley toilet paper across the crowd in the entertainment tent, Getting the lovely bare breasted girls to take a spin on the mechanical bull and keeping the crowd entertained for the entire event with his cool Hot Rod Ice Cream Truck circling the fair grounds with sweet ladies tossing Mardi Gras beads to the guys for a change. Discovery Channels own Indian Larry of Gasoline Alley NYC and his crew were there with their winning biker build off Ed Roth “RAT FINK” tribute bike to pose for photos, sign autographs and mingle with the crowd. CONGRATS LARRY & CO. Billy Lane and the Choppers Inc. boys rode in on Saturday morning and spent the day checking out the bikes.

smokey burnout

Billy was besieged by fans wanting their picture taken with him and have him sign their shirts, hats, bikes, breasts and butts. Billy insisted on only signing parts of female’s anatomy. He was gracious to everyone that came up to him, especially little kids who followed him around like the Pied Piper.

cutie on bike

The staff of the Horse Magazine was on hand to meet their readers. Horse editor Hammer with his calm, quiet Jimmy Stewart style, saw to it that everyone had a place to camp out and anyone that had a break down was sure that Hammer could help them get on the road again. He was last seen running to find a jackshaft for a Primo drive and a welding torch for a guy from Chicago that needed to get back up and running. Geno was to be found at the Horse booth or running around getting photos. English Jim and “Englishman” Dave Gregory, X-Speed, CrazyHorse, Stogie and the others worked their buns off as well.


The choice plum assignment went to yours truly( that would be me). I had the arduous task of photographing the event for posterity, keeping the ladies T-shirts wet, playing security for Billy Lane who certainly didn’t need any and the monumental task of hosting the Horse Maiden contest on Saturday night. Publisher Hank McQueeney also made the rounds passing out free copies of the latest issue of the Horse and personally thanking every one that rode in to the event.

lead shot

Probably the hardest working guy at the Smoke Out this year was Edge. Edge was in charge of putting the whole shmagagle together from start to finish and a hell of a job he did. Thanks Edge for all the hours, phone calls and e-mails and working out all the last minute screw-ups. We’ll get around to making you a saint at next year’s event.

horse maidens

So what do you need to make an event a huge success? People committed to getting things done. Celebs with out big egos and attitudes, vendors who don’t try to rip you a new one and most importantly loyal readers who show up to support the effort and have a damned good time.

carla use
Fab Carla from

Hope to see you all in Salisbury N.C. next year for the Smoke Out V. We just might have some big surprises in store for you.


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