Let’s Ride, By Sonny Barger

Sonny Barger with Darwin Holstrom


Hardcover: 288 pages Publisher: William Morrow (HarperCollins), June 2010 ISBN: 978-0061964268: www.harpercollins.com/
“It’s a freecountry and what you do is your business, not mine. Just know I think youshould wear a full face helmet. If you don’t and crack your skull and killyourself, don’t expect me to feel sorry for you.” We are truly lucky that Mister Barger is still around to mentor usbikers, both young and old.
This is a great book coveringmotorcycles from tires to the tank. Sonny and Darwin put together a greatcomprehensive guide to motorcycling and enjoying the sport of motorcycling. I gave thisbook to the novice rider in my house and he plowed through it in one sittingand he enjoyed it immensely.
Sonny tells you about bikes he has ridden, boughtand enjoyed and bikes that you should avoid at all costs. Along the way he interjects somesage advice and a few well placed jibes and rants that left me laughing outloud and shaking my head yes in total agreement. Sonny advises that you completethe M.S.F. RiderCourse and wear a helmet and protective gear.
–Kevin Thomas

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