Lower Alabama to the Badlands

camy Mt. Rushmore

Well, we did it! We left LA July 24 and arrived at Katmandu campground in South Dakota on the 30th. We would have been there a day earlier but because of rain we decided to spend the night in Wall, SD and put up our tent while the sun was shining. We also did a tour of the Badlands on the way to the campground. A total of 1780+- miles to get there but it was worth it.

camy Badlands

The Badlands are awesome. Having lived in forested, humid areas all my life being able to see such distances and it being dry and mostly treeless was incredible. What a great start to our tour of South Dakota.

We had decided on Katmandu campground because it was supposed to be family oriented and the quieter crowd usually hung out there. There were a few drawbacks. One was the mile or more ride from the paved road down a gravel road to the camp itself. Harleys with belt drive do not like gravel, a rock in a belt can play havoc with your ride. The flush toilets were few and down at the bathhouse, all the rest were your standard outhouse type facilities.

camy South Dakota hills

The showers for the women were adequate and well ventilated, from what my husband said the men's were not ventilated at all and it was like showering in a swamp. Food at the camp would keep you alive but it was nothing to write home about and expensive. We rode to Rapid City to eat most days at a truck stop off I-90 at exit 55 called Marlin's, great food but like every one else they had raised their prices due to the rally.

camy Ride to Devils Tower

We did the road trips to Custer State Park (saw buffalo, burros, prairie dogs, antelope and more), Norbeck National Scenic Byway which includes Crazy Horse Mountain, Needles Highway, Sylvan Lake, and Iron Mountain Road, Mount Rushmore, Devils Tower (in Wyoming) the central hills, the northern hills and the southern hills. Our tours inside the parks and round about the area totaled around 1300 miles. We were usually the first ones up and out of camp, which did not make the party goers happy campers. On the second day we rode and came back to find our tent held down by two tables, our camping neighbors had stayed in that day and when the wind picked up they saved our tent and a few more, some they did not get to and they blew over.


We bought longer tent pegs the next day. We stayed seven days and at first the weather was great, cool mornings and warm to hot days but the humidity was low so riding was good. The fifth night we had a storm.

My husband had told me we were going to a place that had “weather,” he was not wrong. The wind blew so hard we thought the tent was going to blow away and it poured rain and lightening most of the night. Then day six was beautiful and we rode, but again that night we faced a storm, not as intense as the night before but enough to get your attention.

We decided to get out the next morning and it was good we did, news reports said the storms that came after that were even more intense with 3 to 4 inch hail and 60-70 MPH winds.

By then we were on the road again. We rode across I-90 headed East looking like we were both trying to make a right turn, we were leaned into the wind so hard. Found a great rest area near Chamberlain, SD. It has a museum of sorts to the Lewis and Clark Expedition, very interesting and a great view of the Missouri River. Met some folks from Alabama there also, small world. On the way home we decided to go see the Corn Palace in Mitchell, SD. It was a wonderful experience and very interesting side trip, amazing what they can make out of corn.

Camy at the Corn Palace

The rest of the trip home was good riding except for two days we spent in Columbia, MO due to rain. We made it home on the 13th of August, three weeks and over 5,027 miles later. Both bikes needed oil changes and a good cleaning, but what a ride.

Oh yeah, we made it to Sturgis for the rally one night. Got off the shuttle, walked down the street, took a few pictures, walked back to the shuttle and went to the camp. Too tired to go to the races.

Next time we are heading out before or after the rally. Prices are almost doubled during the rally as far away as 200 miles in any direction. I guess everybody thinks “bikers” are made of money. It was definitely an eye opening experience.


Well, we are back in LA and yes, the rain started, the first tropical storms of the season are headed our way and it is back to work Monday, as usual. Some things in life change..some stay the same. Until next time..

Ride Safe.


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