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Jesse Jurrens to open “Top 50 Rally Park” near Sturgis–Jesse Jurrens, well know throughout the industry for his innovative Legend Air Suspension and numerous other products for motorcycle has just announced another new venture, The Top 50 Rally Park
The industries top custom parts manufacturers, the world’s top custom bike builders along with this premier Black Hills location will provide the perfect chemisrty for success. Located at Exit 46 (Elk Creek Steakhouse) it offers high visabilty to the entire acreage from Interstate 90 with easy on/off access. This makes this an obvious destination during the annual Sturgis Rally. Interstate 90 is not only the main connecting route between Rapid City and Sturgis, I 90 is also the “gateway” to the Black Hills of South Dakota” and the best riding in the country.

Some highlights of this premier vending park are:
High visibility from I-90
Multi-level terraces allow high visibility to all vendors.
Located directly between Rapid City and Sturgis at Exit 46
10 Acres of high visibility and easy access
All vending areas are paved
Electric and Internet connection available (no generators)
High end vendors ONLY ~ Custom Bike Builders, Custom Parts Manufactures, etc.
Legend Top 50 Bike Show will be held on site ~ Wednesday, August 9th
Easy Access from Interstate 90 and adjacent roads
Located in the middle of some of the best riding in the country.
Plenty of Parking
Park type atmosphere allowing customers to enjoy & spend time visiting the vendors
The adjacent 10 acres is owned by Buffalo Chip
We are offering any space up to 20×90 for $7,000.00 until April 1st. The PRIME front row spots will go quickly so give me a call to discuss what is available and reserve your spot now.
For additional information or to reserve your space at this premier location I can be reached at 605-430-4085 or>.
Looking forward to hearing from you and helping to make Sturgis 2006 the best ever!

BIKERNET STEALTH REPORT–It is spring here in Charlotte! Yesterday the temps hit 75 and today 80! It feels great! Bikes are out on the road and people are gearing up for the riding season. Here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS we keep moving on.
SBW got our first Triumph to work on. The Triumph has “THE HORSE” written all over it. We are going to do a lot of fab work on the old boy. Chopper john can’t wait to use his new plasma cutter. He?s drawn up some wicked sissy bar designs. We should have one or two done soon. That is what I love about STEALTH BIKE WORKS, we do our own thing. Chopper John, Max and myself work real well together and we are a tight knit group. Our 1 year anniversary is fast approaching (May 10th) and I can’t believe how the time has past so quickly, but as they say, “Time flies when you are having fun!” That is what we try to do at SBW too, have some fun. It is a business but we try to make it a fun business.

Our customer base is getting stronger and growing. Word of mouth is our best advertisement and it is good to hear people tell you that their friends sent them to SBW.
We have a few things lined up for the spring and summer. Starting in April, the 3rd Friday of every month SBW will host “BIKER NIGHT.” We will have food, music of some sort and we willbe showing the Biker-Build Off videos. Just a time to relax, talk bikes and tell some tall tales. Kristophers Restaurant has invited us to participate in their bike night, Wednesday night of each month starting in April. SBW will be at the Smoke-Out June 24th and 25th. We are looking forward to being a part of this great event!
All you hear about lately is the EPA and the new laws concerning exhaust systems and custom bikes. We as bikers need to do what we can to fight this infringement of our rights. Do some research and you will be surprised who supports the EPA and their laws. Let your money do the talking whenever possible; do not support any company that supports these laws. We as bikers will survive this, we have never given in or up when it comes to our freedom to be what we are.
With that being said, it is 80 degrees outside! Do you think “THE MEANEST” would get mad if we closed the shop and went riding????
Until next week, RIDE!

BIKERNET PHOTO-ART DISPLAY OF THE WEEK–Found this Milwaukee Vibrator at the Renee’s Rooster in Jax, FL last Sunday while listening to Big Engine (great biker band)….nice ride with good company. Look for me in Daytona at Ironhorse and Broken Spoke…I want pics of everyone there!
Whiplash Biker Photog VENGEFUL TWISTER FORMS OVER MC ADVANTAGES–When this Twister touched down, MC Advantages dealers could only stand backand watch the rush for this new air cleaner. The D&M Custom Cycle Twisterhas a vengeful twisted design similar to their popular Spear series, butwith even more attitude. With increased airflow compared to stock and adurable chrome finish, the Twister is a must-have for the biker that needsto show off their twisted nature. The D&M Twister will fit S&S®, CV and Mikuni? carbs for Big Twins,Sportsters? and many metric cruisers with adapters available from MCAdvantages dealers. MC Advantages is a distributor of high-performance V-Twin parts based inGrimes, Iowa, and serving dealers in the U.S. and abroad. MC Advantagesdistributes many brands including: S&S? Cycle, Martin Bros.?, Spyke?,Stampede, Prowler?, Bulletproof, D&M Custom Cycle, Rivera Engineering?,Platinum Air Suspension, Tauer Machine? and many more. Check out our RSS feed at: MC Advantages GENEVIEVE’S JOURNAL, A WEEKLY INSIDERS UPDATE–Starting this week, She’s beginning a weekly report called Genevieve’s Journal, delivered weekly via email on Wednesdays to those visitors who’ve signed up on our mailing list. For the first four weeks, I’m making this report available to everyone via this Editor’s Thoughts Column. Just download the PDF here or at the bottom of this page and you can read my insider notes from the week. delivers motorcycling information from a lifestyle point of view that both women and men can appreciate. My journal is no different in that the information I report is something all riders can use. Sometimes I’ll include my perspective if I feel it lends value to the story. So, be sure to click the link on our homepage that says Get On Our Mailing List. Fill out the information and starting in April, you will receive Genevieve’s Journal complimentary via email every Wednesday morning. To see what the journal report is all about, for the next four weeks — the month of March — you can visit this link, the Editor’s Thoughts, and donwnload a PDF version to see if Genevieve’s Journal is something you’d like to receive on a weekly basis to your email address.Thank you being a part of the continuing evolution of news and information delivery on SAXON HEADS FOR DAYTONA– You’ve seen their bikes on, now you cansee them in person. They will have the whole line upon hand including the retro-modernistic Black Crown,Super wide 300 tire Griffin, Flagship chopperWarlord, the long and low Firestorm or the sleekSceptre. In addition you will be able to chat with theSaxon pro’s. So stop by Saxon located at the northeastcorner of the Daytona International Speedway on thefan walk. Tell ’em Bikernet sent you. –J. Ken Conte AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE MADNESS MAY 19-21–Street Chopper Magazine has brought together 15 top bike builders to square off for the $15,000 purse at the All American Motorcycle Madness May 19th, 20th and 21st at the Santa Maria Fairpark in Santa Maria, CA. Aaron Greene of Paramount Custom Cycles took home the top prize in last years Street Chopper build off. He will be back to defend his title along with second place winner Johnny Chop and third place winner Cole Foster. The rest of the field reads like the who’s who of custom bike building. Jim and Shaun Wubben from PB Choppers top the list of new invites for the 2006 competition; they cleaned up in 2005 at Sturgis winning the Biker/Penthouse build off, second place in the Legends Top 50 show and first and second place in the American Iron show. Other confirmed builders include Mike Stafford of MGS custom bikes, Scott Long of Central Coast Cycles, Kirk Taylor Custom Design Studios, Gard Hollinger LA County Chop Rods, Kevin Brooks Thunder Mountain Motor Sports, and Harold Pontarelli HD Performance, Bob Phillips of Wizard Cycle Creations, Tom Foster, Lucky 7 Choppers, Mitch Bergeron and The Count of Counts Kustoms. The Street Chopper build off is just one of the many exciting elements of this years Madness. Mitch Bergeron, Johnny Chop and The Count will be building the All American Dream Bike during the show and some lucky person will take it home with them on Sunday just for being at the show. Speaking of giveaways Sunday is also when the enclosed bike trailer from Central Coast a Trailers will be given away. Live music, 3 custom bike shows and tons of vendors in the motorcycle marketplace round out the Motorcycle Madness weekend for more info go to ATTENTION ALL CANADIAN MOTORCYCLISTS–We have sent the following letter to the Gateway Program regarding theexemption of motorcyclists from the proposed toll on the twinning of thePort Mann Bridge. You may not be directly affected by this toll, but pleasetake the time to read this and support our initiative because if a precedentis set on this project, then it may prove to be useful in other parts of theprovince one day. February 13, 2006 Attn: Sarah Johnston This program is very important and we feel that the government needs to lookto other forward thinking cities in the world to see what techniques theyare using to reduce the gridlock. Specifically, all over the worldmotorcycles are used as an alternate form of transportation. Motorcyclestake up less space, create less impact on our roadways and are a moreenvironmentally friendly form of transportation than the single occupantvehicle. Motorcycling is encouraged in these cities by waiving tolls onbridges and roadways, along with free parking and other incentives. The government is willing to invest “$50 million in cycling infrastructure -the largest in the history of the province” which is commendable, but it isalso very important to recognize that not everyone is physically capable ofriding a bicycle and that is where a motorcycle or scooter comes into thepicture. The government needs to acknowledge the benefits of motorcyclesand the role that they play in reducing congestion. It’s also a great timefor them to invest in the role of motorcycles in traffic reduction byexempting motorcycles from any of the proposed tolls involved in the GatewayProgram and any other future traffic planning programs. We would love to work with you and find out ways to make this program evenmore effective. I will look forward to hearing from you. Yours truly, Adele Tompkins HOW CAN YOU HELP?There are a couple of ways that you can help. The first is to write them aletter expressing your opinion on the proposed toll and why you thinkmotorcyclists should be exempt. Letters can be sent to: Attn: Sarah Johnston The other way to help is by attending one of their community consultationopen houses to voice your views on the matter. The schedule can be found here. Your voice makes a difference, so please use it! B.C. Coalition of Motorcyclists
Rise Above Consulting LLC
Gateway Program
Suite 2010 – 4720 Kingsway
Burnaby BC V5H 4N2
Dear Sarah:
I was very excited to read about the Gateway Program in the Sunday editionof The Province and believe that you should be commended for your ambitiousplans designed to reduce traffic congestion and get “people and goods movingagain.” Being a resident of Surrey and with many of our members residing inthe Lower Mainland, this initiative will impact many of us greatly.
Executive Director
B.C. Coalition of Motorcyclists
Gateway Program
Suite 2010 – 4720 Kingsway
Burnaby BC V5H 4N2
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