Bikernet’s Board of Regents, University Finance department authorized a lengthy and costly study of the economy, and we are releasing the findings today: Pay absolutely no attention to mainstream news reporting and the economy is fine. There’s documented proof right here in the Thursday News. There’s no mention of historic declines, spiraling lay-offs or disputes as to whether we’re in a recession or depression. What a handful of crap.
The main stream media should have a code or guideline to live by. First, we’re Americans and the future of America is utmost important. The media is not about finger-pointing but sharing the news, good and bad. Don’t forget the good! Let’s ride:

Master builder Craig Whitford, featured on Discovery Channel?s Biker Build-Off, announces new appearance– Texas, March 12, 2009 — Craig Whitford will be displaying some of his exquisite two- and three-wheeled creations at, Richmond Motorcycle Expo/Bikes & Ink 2009 including his Biker Build-Off trike. Whitford will also be available to sign autographs.
Owner of Hostile Cycles, a division of CC Trikes and Custom Bikes located in Terrell, Texas, Whitford is known for his unique builds, each fabricated from the ground-up and finished with skillful, creative paint designs. His passion for bike-building is evident in his exploration of the boundaries of his craft.

Whitford?s exquisite line of custom trikes and bikes is a major crowd pleaser at motorcycle venues, as is his congeniality and ability to entertain. He has a calm and subdued nature, but as a former pro wrestler, he?s the center of attention when the opportunity arises.
For more information about Craig Whitford, or to schedule an interview or appearance, please call (972) 524-9476 or (214) 497-3188, or e-mail info@hostilecycles.com.
— Carol Mittelsdorf

BIKERNET UNIVERSITY CULTURAL STUDY FINDINGS– A man in the company of a hot, suggestively dressed woman must remain sober enough to fight.
Never hesitate to reach for the last beer or the last slice of pizza, but not both, that’s just greedy.
If you compliment a guy on his six-pack, you’d better be talking about his choice of beer.
Never join your girlfriend or wife in discussing a friend of yours, except if she’s withholding sex pending your response.


Bonhams & Butterfields? Inaugural Quail Lodge Motorcycle Auction – 9 May 2009 in Carmel, California– Based on the success of Bonhams & Butterfields? annual collectors? motorcar auctions, held on the luscious lawns of the Quail Lodge Resort and Golf Club in Carmel, California, the West Coast?s leading fine art auctioneers today announced they will partner with Quail Lodge to hold its first vintage motorbikes sale from Carmel — on Saturday, May 9th, 2009 ? to be held during the first annual The Quail Motorcycle Gathering, an event showcasing the finest motorcycles from the past, present and future.
Bonhams & Butterfields Motorcars Division has had record-setting success offering motorcars, automobilia and collectibles each August at Quail Lodge during the wildly popular The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering. In 2008, the Bonhams offering set three world auction records, featured five motorcars selling for multi-million-dollar bids, and totaled more than $21-million. Mark Osborne, Vice President and Director of the Bonhams US Motorcar Dept., said, ?Much anticipation is likely for another Quail Lodge Gathering topped off with a Bonhams & Butterfields auction. Building on the eleven years of thrilling auctions in Carmel, we?re assembling an impressive collection of bikes for May.?
Highlights of the Bonhams auction include multiple motorcycles to be offered with no reserve — always enticing to collectors and aficionados. A 1920 ABC Sopwith TT, estimated at $10,000-12,000, features an advanced wet-sump lubricated horizontal opposed twin, while a 1905 Orion Single could bring $24,000-28,000. Both of these no-reserve motorcycles stem from private collections and offer an opportunity to acquire very rare and unique motorcycles. One of the auction?s star lots will be the 1959 BMW R69, a restored, matching numbers example featuring a large capacity Hoske long-distance tank and a rare factory option tachometer, estimated at $25,000-35,000. The sale will also include automobilia, with racing posters and collectibles.
?This will be our newest addition to the series of world class motorsports events held here at Quail Lodge, and with our partner Bonhams & Butterfields, we will continue developing the event, with the goal of its becoming the most respected Motorcycle gathering,? says Sarah Cruse, Quail Lodge General Manager.
The inaugural event?s theme will feature “The History of the Motorcycle,” opening entrants to both pre- and post-war eras of sport and racing motorcycles. The Quail Lodge team has joined with leading motorcycle manufacturers, dealerships, accessories and lifestyle vendors, promising that the event will deliver much excitement for all, in an intimate setting.
Bonhams & Butterfields will present its illustrated auction catalog online in the weeks preceding the May sale at www.bonhams.com/us, and consignments are invited. For more information on Motoring sales at Bonhams & Butterfields, please visit: www.bonhams.com/motors

THE ON-GOING BIKERNET SAFARI WILD SEARCH FOR APES–The first picture of the Sunday post has a chick in a bikini and a guy behind her on a bike with apes. Know what kind of apes they are?? I’ve been searching all over for bars like that. Please help!
While you’re at it, what do you think of the grip ace?
–Jim Check later in the news for new Biker’s Choice Apes, or check the Flanders web site.–Wrench
Jim Braniecki

DAYTONA LAST DAY–Ah, the last shot on the last day of Bike Week from a Bikernet Reader.

AMI JAMES READS TATTOO MAGAZINE–World wide tribe, that is the new name for Ami James latest show. Coming up later this year. Ami

BIKERNET 15-STATE VICTORY VISION ROAD TEST–WOW great article and well written and plenty of bike information, very well done! The article is ?15 STATES ON A VISION Check the Road Test All the Dirt, Sand, Dust and Bad Roads? Is there anyway to get a copy of the map he followed I will be out that way this spring on my new Harley Tri Glide and I would love to cover the same 8000 he did. Please let me know if you can.
Love your page and articles and have for years!
–Randy B.

FATBOB MOCK-UP–Hey, here is the mockup, just tacked. It is set up for a stock fx frontend. It looks really highboyed though. It should be up and running by late April. It is all handmade by Bird. Im digging the look the seat post is 2.5 inches lower than stock, thus giving it the HB look. Talk to you soon.
The setup allows using stock beltdrives, just cut the teeth off the 45 and press and pin to the belt front pulley.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK–“It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little.” Author Sydney Smith, quoted in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, from The Week Magazine.

–from Ramon

JACK DA HAT LUNA CD RELEASE WITH LAST STOP RECORDS AND CD BABY– NOW YOU CAN PURCHASE THE CD OR DOWNLOAD IT TO YOUR COMPUTER OR I POD. With Digital Distribution, my music will be available for sale on the following services and more:
Apple iTunes
Downloadable program for Mac and Windows.
Downloadable program for Windows, based more towards playing/streaming/listening than downloading.
Subscription service where members can download up to 40 tracks per month of high-quality MP3 files.
Yep. They now have an mp3 store!
Downloadable program for Windows. Subscription and a la carte service. Verizon V-CAST

US RIDER NEWS GIVE PERMISSION TO BIKERNET– I received this from my friend Lynne who also writes for US Rider News. She has given permission to forward and to be used by other. That Being You LOL
This is more than just Myrtle Beach. It is time for the Protests to Start All Over The Country on Motorcycle Issues. Since I do have some experience in that area I will be helping as I can.
I may not be able to attend everyone but I am sure I can find some one to photograph and do a article on them.The more the protests get ink the more people will attend and we can eventually change things around.We did this years ago and we can do it again. RIDE FREE
Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005
By Lynne Hendrix ? SC – Lake Murray Abate
(With special thanks to Ralph, Dean, Fred & Don)
From the Midlands of SC
The invitation was to meet up outside of Lexington at the Barnyard Flea Market and ride together to Murrell?s Inlet. The weather forecast the day before was rather bleak, prompting a few phone calls to verify what was billed as the ?Myrtle Beach Helmet Freedom Ride? was taking place (despite having a published rain date). It was ON!
Getting up so very early in the a.m. was difficult enough, actually getting to Sam?s seemed like a daunting task in the gray sludgy morning. Arriving at the Barnyard I spotted the riders under the shelter, and realized I knew all of them. We exchanged our hellos and did a quick review of the plan?on to Jimmy?s in Sumter and later to the Bo Jangles in Manning, both stops to join with any waiting fellow adventurers.
On to Jimmy?s it was. Their was hot coffee and cheerful encouragement here. We exchanged pleasantries and anticipated the actual ride. After waiting about 20 minutes past the appointed time, we departed for Manning…
As I followed these motorcyclists I wondered at the effort and energy they put forth on a weekend?a day off?Saturday?Cold, nasty weather?Wouldn?t they rather be inside warm and snug? (probably?.)
They rode on in the wet and the cold. Along the way they came to a railroad track and as they crossed, the water shot into the air looking like a gray clammy sheet springing up out of the road and wrapping around each of them in turn. They were road warriors coping with nature?s elements on the way to do battle with ?elements? of man. Whether you agree with them or not, one must admire folks with convictions of principle this strong.
At times these skilled riders disappeared into the fog, only one visible as the silvery fabric across the shoulders of his jacket shimmered faintly, and then they would all mysteriously return back into sight. Around a curve in perfect formation, they seemed to blend into one lone tall shadowy motorcycle. On the long straight stretches they blended into only two vehicles. In and out they appeared to weave in the mist.
Arriving in Manning, a fuel stop and joining of another adventurer. The band of ?like minded?s? continued on to the Beaver Bar to join in raising a voice of protest. The group grew in small numbers as a rider or a pair would come in. All got a chuckle when an adventurer came in pulling a helmet behind him on a rope.
Round about discussions hit upon many topics: Where was the multitude? Did you bring a helmet? Are you riding with or without your lid? Are our citizens going to endorse the discriminatory targeting of motorcyclist by the city of Myrtle Beach? Why haven?t more people realized that a municipality has enacted ordinances that seem to be in direct conflict with existing State laws? How can this be? Where are the vast numbers that should be here to help raise the alarm?
The parking lot was comfortably full (not overflowing) and noon had arrived. Adventurers from all over SC had arrived as well as from NC, FL, VA and MI to name only a few other states. A call to attention went out along with an invitation to any one wishing to depart shortly might want to be aware of some things. The advisors re-iterated the ordinances and the penalties as they currently stand. Riders were encouraged to show their protest as they were comfortable ? with our without a lid. This ride was about a show of support against the discriminatory practices of one city! Participants were advised to make sure to follow instructions from any police officer and to not interfere with the officers performing their jobs. A brief thank you to those present and it was time to mount up and ride.
It has been reported that 100 rode into the city down Ocean Blvd., where they were met with a barrage of blue lights. In a peaceful act of civil disobedience, those targeted pulled over and accepted their citations. Riders continued down Ocean Blvd. turned onto 29th and then down Kings Hwy.
Four dozen tickets had been claimed as prizes by these seekers of Liberty.
Such was the day?s adventure done. Everyone re-convened at the Beaver Bar where hotdogs & hamburgers were served up. Riders warmed themselves by the fire and in the glow of the shared adventure of defending the rights of the citizens of SC.
If you have still not realized?the Myrtle Beach Helmet Freedom Ride (also known as the ?Not a Dime in 2009 Ride?) wasn?t at all about helmets or even actually about the MB Rally. It was and continues to be about protecting the citizens of SC from municipalities enacting ordinances, rules or regulations that supersede state laws for whatever reason. The SC State Law requires those under 21 to wear a helmet, thus allowing ?those who ride, to decide?. So what will be next? Will you stand idly by while one city in SC discriminates and targets one group? If so, will you be in the next group that is targeted? DECIDE and take a stand! Isn?t that what ABATE (A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments) is all about?

PAUGHCO DIY GAS TANKS–Check this out. Paughco is now offering a number of their trend setting gas tanks in kit form! That?s right; you can purchase tank halves separately or in pairs along with all the hardware required to custom fabricate your own tank. And you can do it without breaking the bank. Symmetrical styles are sold each, meaning each half individually, and they start at just $74.95 each.
The Sportster style is a single shell and those that require a matching right and left side are sold in pairs. While you?re at it you will want to grab a tank bung, tunnel and appropriate fittings. No matter if you?re a Pro, apprentice metal fabricator or home builder these pieces allow you to do-your-own-thing and save a few bucks in the process.
For complete details contact Paughco at 775-246-5738 or catch them on line at www.paughco.com

Continued On Page 2