Continued From Page 2

EASY CHOPPERS & TATTOOS NEW RIDE– The bike is perfectly street legal, has 2003 Washington State licenses plates and title, including insurance from Progressive. I said I was going to do it and I did. Where I go with it from here is unknown.
I have promised all of the people that helped me with this project that I would give them due credit. That list basically goes like this, Schultz Advanced Fabrications, RC Components, Merch, Zippers Performance, Le Pera, Conder Customs (paint), EASY CHOPPERS & TATTOOS and so on.I do have some photos of the bike way back when it started out on the frame jig. I was told by several people to put the bike in the show with the body off!
The frame and all of the detail on the inside look?as good as the outside, the oil bag, gas tank inside and outside of all aluminum panels are fully polished so the look is definately there, inside and out.
Richard Hooe
“rich hooe”
We plan to feature this monster on Bikernet in the near future.

BIKERNET HISTORY SEGMENT–Muslim terrorists before WW I. General “Black Jack” Pershing was born September 13th, 1860?near Laclede, MS. he died July 15th, 1948 in Washington, D.C.Highlights of his life include:
1891 Professor of Military Science and Tactics University of Nebraska
1898 Serves in the Spanish-American War
1901 Awarded rank of Captain
1906 Promoted to rank of Brigadier General
1909 Military Governor of Moro Province, Philippines
1916 Made Major General
1919 Promoted to General of the Armies
1921 Appointed Chief of Staff
1924 Retires from active duty Education West Point.
Just before World War I, there were a number of terrorist attacks on the United States forces in the Philippines by Muslim extremists.So—General Pershing captured 50 terrorists and had them tied to posts for?execution.?He then had his men bring in two pigs and slaughter them in front of?the, now horrified, terrorists.?Muslims detest pork because they believe pigs are filthy animals. Some?of them simply refuse to eat it, while others won’t even touch pigs at?all, nor any of their by-products. To them, eating or touching a pig,?its?meat, its blood, etc., is to be instantly barred from paradise (and those?virgins) and doomed to hell.!!!!
The soldiers then soaked their bullets in the pigs blood, and proceeded to execute 49 of the terrorists by firing squad. The soldiers?then dug a big hole, dumped in the terrorist’s bodies and covered them in?pig blood, entrails, etc.?They let the 50th man go. And for the next forty-two years, there was?not?a single Muslim extremist attack anywhere in the world.
Maybe it is time for this segment of history to repeat itself, maybe?in Iraq? The question is, where do we find another Black Jack?Pershing?

NEBRASKA FIGHTS HELMET LAW–We were able to get the story from Forbes Magazine. It was written by DickTeresi. In May of 1999 for Forbes magazine. You made a interesting commentabout car operators wearing helmets. It might come in handy in the debate.
We are getting real close to changing the mandatory helmet law in Nebraska.I will keep you updated as it progresses. If you have any questions pleasegive me a call at 402-559-0107.
–Breeze Grove

SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS E-NEWS–Biker Radio now available on internet.You can hear it live from 3-5pm CDT on Mondays.Archives are available.Go to and look for American Cycle Talk.
CONGRESS SEEKS TO BAN LIVE MUSIC AND DANCING–Congress is considering two pieces of legislation that couldeffectively ban live music and dancing, while throwing innocentpeople like you in jail. If enacted, either bill could prevent youfrom hearing your favorite band or DJ live. Every musical style wouldbe affected, including rock and roll, Hip Hop, country, andelectronic music. Both bills would allow overzealous prosecutors tosend innocent people to jail for the crimes of others. The two billsare the RAVE Act (H.R. 718) and the CLEAN-UP Act (H.R. 834). Bothcould be passed this year without your help. (Links to the Acts textprovided below.)
The RAVE Act would make it easier for the federal government topunish property owners for any drug offense that their customerscommit – even if they work hard to stop such offenses. If enacted,nightclub and stadium owners would likely stop holding events – suchas rock or Hip Hop concerts – in which even one person might usedrugs. Similarly, the CLEAN-UP Act contains provisions that wouldmake it a federal crime – punishable by up to nine years in prison -to promote “any rave, dance, music or other entertainment event” thatmight attract some attendees that would use or sell drugs. In bothcases, it doesn’t matter if the concert promoter and property ownertry to prevent people from using drugs. Nor does it matter if thevast majority of people attending the event are law-abiding citizensthat want to listen to music, not do drugs.
If either the CLEAN-UP Act or the RAVE Act becomes law, Congresscould effectively ban live music and dancing, as well as any otherevent that might attract someone that would use drugs (essentiallyany event that draws a large crowd). Your help is needed to stopthese bills from becoming law!!! Dancing, singing, and playing musicshould not be a federal crime!
*** Fax your Representative. Tell him or her to oppose the RAVE Actin its entirety and to oppose Section 305 in the CLEAN-UP Act. Youcan fax your Representative for free by going to
LEGISLATIVE BUS TRIP TO DC FROM KANSAS–March 16th there is a Bus trip leaving Tulsa and picking up bikers from 5States total.We will be converging on DC.. thru the 22nd, 40 of us. from Kansas, Texas,Oklahoma,Missouri & ArkansasAppointments are made with our Legislatures & visits to The MRF office aswell as the AMA are scheduled.
The Bus trip in paid by the MILE (Motorcyclist Improving LegislativeEffectiveness) as well as our SMRO’s.Just throwing out a heads up to any others who may be there that week andwant to meet or an Idea for other SMRO’s to get together and do.
Carol Maurich
A WORD FROM JESSE–Anything can be accomplished, if it’s planned right and you have the desire and creativity to execute it.
–Jesse “The Governor” Ventura
BIKERNET STUDENT OF THE WEEK– A high school English teacher reminds her class of tomorrow’s finalexam.”Now class, I won’t tolerate any excuses for your not being here tomorrow. I might consider a nuclear attack or aserious personal injury or illness, or a death in your immediate family, but that’s it, no other excuses whatsoever!”
A smart ass guy in the back of the room raises his hand and asks, “Whatwould you say if tomorrow I said I was suffering from complete and utter sexual exhaustion?” The entire class does its bestto stifle their laughter and snickering.
When silence is restored, the teacher smiles sympathetically at thestudent, shakes her head, and sweetly says, “Well, I guess you’d have to write the exam with your other hand.”
It took 15 minutes for the class to come to order.
–from Chris T.
5th Annual Run For Breath
In Memory of his son Justin
Sunday, July 27, 2003
Poker Run & Bike Show
Buffalo?s Caf? in Monroe
(Buffalo’s will soon be Tumbleweed Bar & Grill ? watch for grandopening!)
Poker Run Registration — 10:00?12:00
Ben?s V-Twins — 2429 South Tryon Street, Charlotte
$10.00 Per Hand (3 Hands for $20.00)
Poker Run ends at Buffalo?s Caf? in Monroe ? last hand in at 2:00
Bike Show Registration ? 12:00?2:30
Trophies will be awarded at 3:30
Unique custom-made trophies in every class!!!
Door Prizes
Good Food & Drinks
Music by Mike Brooks “The DJ”
Camp Air Care – American Lung Association of NC
This camp is for children with asthma.
Justin Pullin lost his life from asthma at the age of 16.
For more information call Mike Pullin at 704-847-4647 or704-573-9396
BIKERNET DIPLOMATIC LESSON–France has neither winter nor summer nor morals. Apart fromthese drawbacks it is a fine country. France has usually beengoverned by prostitutes.” —Mark Twain
“I would rather have a German division in front of me thana French one behind me.” — General George S. Patton
“Going to war without France is like going deer huntingwithout your accordion.” –Norman Schwartzkopf
“We can stand here like the French, or we can dosomething about it.” —- Marge Simpson
“As far as I’m concerned, war always means failure” —Jacques Chirac, President of France
“As far as France is concerned, you’re right.” —Rush Limbaugh,
“The only time France wants us to go to war is when theGerman Army is sitting in Paris sipping coffee.” — Regis Philbin
“The French are a smallish, monkey-looking bunch and notdressed any better, on average, than the citizens ofBaltimore. True, you can sit outside in Paris and drinklittle cups of coffee, but why this is more stylish thansitting inside and drinking large glasses of whiskeyI don’t know.” — P.J O’Rourke (1989)
“You know, the French remind me a little bit of anaging actress of the 1940s who was still trying todine out on her looks but doesn’t have the face for it.” —John McCain, U.S. Senator from Arizona
“You know why the French don’t want to bomb SaddamHussein? Because he hates America, he loves mistressesand wears a beret. He is French, people.” –Conan O’Brien
“I don’t know why people are surprised that Francewon’t help us get Saddam out of Iraq. After all,France wouldn’t help us get the Germans out of France!” —Jay Leno
“The last time the French asked for ‘more proof’ itcame marching into Paris under a German flag.” –David Letterman
How many Frenchmen does it take to change a light bulb?One. He holds the bulb and all of Europe revolves around him.
Next time there’s a war in Europe, the loser has to keep France.
–from Rev CarlR
BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP TRAINING– HER DIARY: Saturday night I thought he was acting weird We had madeplans to meet at a bar to have a drink I was shopping with my friends all daylong, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he madeno comment.
Conversation wasn’t flowing so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet sowe could talk, he agreed but he kept quiet and absent.
I asked him what was wrong he said nothing I asked him if it was myfault that he was upset. He said it had nothing to do with me and not toworry.
On the way home I told him that I loved him, he simply smiled and kept driving.
I can’t explain his behavior; I don’t know why he didn’t say I love youtoo When we got home I felt as if I had lost him, as if he wanted nothing todo with me anymore.
He just sat there and watched T.V. he seemed distant and absent.
Finally I decided to go to bed, about 10 minutes later he came to bedand to my surprise he responded to my caress and we made love, but I still feltthat he was distracted and his thoughts were somewhere else.
I decided that I could not take it anymore so I decided to confront himwith the situation but he had fallen asleep.
I started crying and cried until I too fell asleep I don’t know what todo I’m almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else My life is a disaster.
HIS DIARY: Dolphins lost today, but at least I got laid.
–from Rogue

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN DAYTONA REPORT–Yes, back from Daytona, the rally that never was, profitable for the same people that are bitchin’ about the noise and ” rude” bikers. There were cops left and right from Port Orange to Holly Hill. No way you could ride US 1 without seeing at least 20 cops doing their ” duty”, loving those dark parking lots. We even managed to see a fist fight, which I have not seen in a long, long time. I find it strange to see members from different clubs hanging out together, also for the first time in many years bikes were stolen from the same place I stayed–not one but two. That is weird, I guess it was better to leave them in the booth, since my bikes are not ” weather friendly” .

We managed to head up to Orlando but never saw the ” claimed” 100,000 bikes, even though it was to pick up our friend Sheriff at the airport. We even made it there in less than an hour, no traffic, and this was at 7:00 pm.

Geno from the HORSE and Sheriff from nowhere.
As always we were dying for the Hot Wings at the Oyster Pub, and seems that with all the rain the bars were the places to be. Very few bikes parked outside, but we got sick of looking at the new Hummer 2’s, everyone and their mothers had one towing their trailers–of course with the “official” company stickers in them.
The Europeans were there “en force” and we saw a really cool metal bike from Belgium (no photos, sorry) plus our friend Marcus from Walz Hardcore and his bikes teaching us to swear like a German trucker.
It was funny to see the people’s faces when they read the Priceless shirt, it was easy to figure out who had the Twinkies by their expression, By the way, don’t judge a book by it’s cover, our friend Gary, rode his Twinkie from Miami with Wicho and Kevin on their Pans and he’s a cool guy. Maybe soon we will be able to bring him into the ” brotherhood” so he knows what he’s missing. It takes a true “brother” to hang out and wait for two old pans, thru thick and thin, he’s got my respect.

Since there’s no rest for the wicked we are already working in two bobbers, I will be reporting on those two as the work progresses, Old School Rules !
Oh well, this is going to be short and sweet since most of the stuff that went on will be on the Daytona Report, but before I log off, I want to send my regards to all our friends that read this week after week from all over the World. it was really good to see you all once more, hope you had a safe trip back.
Jose, Bikernet Caribbean Report.
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Continued On Page 4