March 14, 2002 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

BIKERNET DEAL OF THE WEEK–Wassup bro, I’m tryin to sell some of my used parts on your site but don’t move around real well in cyber space, kind of like ridden a rigid halfway cross country and then goin’ out chasin’ whores and doin’ burnouts at the Iron Horse. How about E-mailing me back and smooth things out for me to run this list of parts…?

Know anybody looking for some early 900 sporty elec. start cases? How about a 54 K model?? Keep your powder dry bro, Larry,

DAYTONA REPORTS–Over the next week you’ll see so much bullshit about Daytona, you’ll get cross-eyed. Rogue has already reported in. I’m hoping for something special for Joann Bortels who is also writing some of the bike mags.

Initially the report is, well here’s one quote, ” Just got back from Daytona, The weather was fucked so it wasn’t as crowded as usual.” from Larry. Another reliable source said that since this year followed the 60th numbers are expected to be down.

Watch for a series of reports to be launched shortly.

Leather Help From A Bikernet Regular—
The proper way to patch a hole in your jacket.




BIKERNET REPORT ON BIKERNET REPORT ON–Month before last we almost hit 2 million hits. Here’s the latest, good or bad. We’re still growing, yet the hit count is down this month. John Siebenthaler said that hit counts aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on and he’s a marketing expert. That’s his business. So here are the other figures in addition to the hits.

These numbers are not generated by the staff, but an independent source, Web Trends, through our server. Does that mean they’re accurate? You goddamn right.

Date & Time This Report was Generated Saturday March 02, 2002 – 06:40:36
Timeframe 01/31/02 16:00:04 – 02/28/02 15:59:24
Number of Hits for Home Page 32,468
Number of Successful Hits for Entire Site 1,771,321
Number of Page Views (Impressions) 311,471
Number of Visits 109,496
Average Number of Hits Per Day 63,261
Average Number of Page Views Per Day 11,123
Average Number of Visits Per Day 3,910
Average Visit Length 00:08:20
Number of Unique Visitors 36,803

Engineers perspective


VENTURA, CALIFORNIA BEACH RIDE SIGNS WAR FOR SUMMER EVENT–Since I’m out of the loop except on the vicious rumors, don’t quote me. The Beach Ride which I’m a committee member of (missed a few meetings this year so far, oops) celebrated its 10th anniversary last year. This one-day event in July is a pure Charity Event for the Exceptional Children’s Foundation in Los Angeles. We at Bikernet support two efforts, grass roots motorcycle rights organizations and children’s charities. Last I heard the committee was still in negotiations with the Ventura Parks people over their usual location. Unfortunately the parks people are not a friendly bunch and hit up this wonderful charity for a large chunk of the profits. On a positive note the Beach Ride is sponsored by the Uglies Motorcycle Club which is very connected to the film and music industry and this event draws the best bands and this year they are already boasting WAR and perhaps Toto along with several major names who come every year. I’ll have more reports in the near future.

BELT DRIVE LIMITED LAUNCHED NEW CLUTCH SETS–This report takes the cake. Beyond knowing that BDL is launching a new line of clutches for big twins I know nothing. I mean it. I don’t know which models they will fit, if they will fit stock bikes, early years or only their own belt drive lines. I don’t know shit, and we’ve been trying to find out more for a few weeks. Check their section on the site and drop them a note. Maybe you can pull some weight from the boys at BDL and we can post more info.BDL

Belt Drive Banner

How good is your trailer hitch?

good hitch

TAKE A BREAK–I mean it. We all work too fuckin’ hard trying to impress someone with a title, another degree or a pay raise. What the fuck for? The whole world is out there to enjoy. Life is too short and tomorrow your health or life could be scooped out from under you like magician yanking the lace table cloth out from under a silver place setting. That fast lane can change in a blink, so take some time to enjoy it, goddamnit. Make some time for your old lady and the kids instead of shoving them off to a fuckin’ daycare center or pushing them in front of a television, ’cause you’ve got bullshit paperwork to do at night. If you don’t have a family, take the time to ride, work on a scoot and chase women. It’s all part of the adventures of life. Ride Forever, Bandit.

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