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ATTENTION BIKERS–So, you think you’re a biker! Well, now is your chance to come and meetthe man who has been there and done that. Tuesday night, May 1, 2001ABATE Local 9 is proud to have as a guest speaker Keith R. Ball. Betterknown in the biker world as “BANDIT”, Keith was the heart and soul ofwhat was once the bikers bible; Easyriders Magazine. As the editor ofthis magazine for over 20 years he played a major role in establishingthe biker lifestyle.
Along with being kicked out of more bars than most of us have been in, heis also one of the original founders of ABATE. Make plans on being at ourMay meeting and hear some of the very interesting history of ABATE andthe people who helped make us what we are today. Find out why there was aneed for an ABATE. Keith will be there to educate, entertain, answerquestions, and you’ll also have a chance to pick up an autographed copyof his most recent book; Sam “Chopper” Orwell. For those of you who don’tknow about Sam Orwell? he is character that Keith introduced inEasyriders several years ago. Now he is back, still fighting for theright to ride in a society that has outlawed motorcycles.
Where: The Swallows Inn
31785 Camino Capistrano Blvd.
San Juan Capistrano
When: May 1, 2001
Time: 7:00 PM
Host: ABATE Local 9
Information: Steve Bauman (949) 586-9468

DAYTONA REPORT IS UP ON BIKERNET–thanks to JoAnn Bortels of Crazy Horse Painting, “Glad you liked the report. I had 3 bikes in shows down there. I have attached pics of two of the tanksto this email. One is of the Purple Haze chopper that won in Columbus, theother is the top of a black prostreet that was down there. Purple Haze didok in Daytona and Arlen Ness had Click park the black prostreet at hisdisplay as it has many Ness parts on it. But my real killer paint job didnot show up. The customer only showed the bike in Louisville. But it is thewildest paint job I have ever done.
I have attached 3 pics of it. I wishthis bike could have been in Daytona. Maybe next years Rats’ Hole.I worked today, sprayed a red candy softail. But I’m taking the night off.”
BANDIT’S CANTINA LAUNCHES AT THE CRACK OF DAWN ON THE 16TH–Sure you’ve seen it all. You know about Stephen King’s e-book site. Now’s there’s Bandit’s books e-style. You’ve seen soap operas, now enter the grizzly world of Bandit’s Cantina–the series. You’ve stumbled on a $20 on a restaurant floor, as a member you’ll have the opportunity win valuable door prizes. You’ve discover treasure on the discovery channel. In the cantina you’ll find unique fact and treasures from the lost biker planet. It’s all there Friday the 16th of March, Bandit’s Birthday, in the Cantina for a lousy 1.60 a month.
A LADY FROM CALIFORNIA– purchased a piece of timber land in Oregon. There was a large tree on one of the highest points in the tract. She wanted to get a good view of her land so she started to climb the big tree. As she neared the top, she encountered a spotted owl that attacked her.
In her haste to escape, the lady slid down the tree to the ground and got many splinters in her private parts. In considerable pain, she hurried to the nearest doctor.
He listened to her story then told her to go into the examining room and he would see if he could help her. She sat and waited for three hours before the doctor reappeared.
The angry lady demanded, “What took you so long?”
The unperturbed doctor replied, “Well, I had to get permits from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Forest Service, and the Bureau of Land Management before I could remove old-growth timber from a recreational area.”

THANKS– for all the info over the last couple months. Here is where we are so far. Near future mods will be wheels and 4-degree trees.
Thanks Again,
Paul Coon
Euless, Texas
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