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I didn’t get to hook up with Val. We have emailed back and forth, and plan on getting together at the Atlanta AHDRA event. If I can get some “crew” help, I’ll run my FXR..It would be cool if we could work out a side by side during practice or something..jeez, cover my own spanking..only for Bikernet!
Daytona went OK, but a tad rough.I raced with Jay Springsteen, Tim Joyce, and numerous other great riders. Ride of a lifetime. I’m way behind the curve with these guys. My claim to fame. “I’ve been lapped by Jay Springsteen!”
Riding those Hi-Banks is like being on another planet. Seriously. Unlike anything else I’ve ever done.
I hurt a head gasket on the Kaw first day. It totally went last lap of the second day. Coming across the start finish, going into turn 1, brakes, brakes, whhooossshhh! I’m covered in coolant!! Face sheild, windscreen, can’t see!!….doin about 100mph going into a corner I struggled with lovely..
I finished 19th both days. I guess not bad for a rookie with a hurt bike. Heck, I beat the guys who broke or crashed! I’ll take my Honda 350 next year.
My Old and Oily teamate, Keith Bennett, took a third place trophy on Tuesday, way to go brother!! Our pit and campground neighbor, Stan Keyes of Cyco Cycles also took a third on one of his Nortons ..bravo Stan!
A Good time was had by all. I heard a couple things said that kind of sum’s things up. Cute little blonde from Pittsburgh says to an AMA hall of famer buddy of mine,
“Will you sign my ass?”..then the second quote.”Don’t make ME..make YOU sign my ass!!!”
–Charles Young

MRF NEWS FROM WASHINGTON D.C.– Last week was the annual AMA Welcome to Washington seminar, and Capitol Hill was feeling it after the week was over. The yearly seminar had just about thirty AMA members in attendance, many of whom were also MRF members. The three-day event aims to take political neophytes and transform them into savvy political motorcyclists’ rights advocates. Like most educational opportunities in life, you get out of it what you want.
Those individuals who attend the seminar, pay attention and ask questions when needed emerge as budding lobbyists for all things motorcycle. The event, like the AMA, focuses on both on road issues and a large amount of off road and racing issues as well. After three days of exhaustive education, the attendees are turned loose on their members of Congress to lobby them on motorcycle issues. Congrats to the AMA for another event done well.
ABATE of MN was also in town the same week and let me tell you, they brought a posse. Almost twenty bikers walking the halls en masse was a welcome sight to this lonely lobbyist. I had the opportunity to tag along with the group to a good chunk of their meetings. The MN congressional delegation has a substantial amount of weight this Congress.
For example, Congressman Jim Oberstar (D-MN) is the new Chairman of the House Transportation Committee. Oberstar does have a soft spot for some two-wheeled modes of transportation, mainly bicycles; the 73-year-old pledges to put over three thousand miles on his bicycle this summer touring the state, again. While we may not always line up on safety legislation with Mr. Oberstar, we can always count on him to advocate for share the road and awareness campaigns.>
ABATE of Wisconsin and ABATE of New Mexico were also in Washington DC last week as well. This was a first for the ABATE from the Land of Enchantment and definitely not a first for the dairy state. C.J. August from New Mexico took some time off while here for a work commitment to lobby her Representative and Senators. The folks from Wisconsin brought some new faces and some familiar ones as well. MRF President Kirk “Hardtail” Willard and MRF SSMRO rep to the board, Dave Dwyer were both part of the crew from WI. I had the opportunity to participate with both groups while they successfully lobbied the Hill. Several other MRO’s had representatives in DC last week including but not limited to, ABATE of AK, IL, MD, and NY. Yours truly wasn’t able to tag along with every state but I rest assured knowing they all had productive and profitable meetings with their elected officials.
Ride With The LeadersTM by joining the MRF at or call 1-202-546-0983

BIKERNET WEEKLY TRAVEL TIP–Three women and three men are traveling by train to the Super Bowl. At the station, the three men each buy a ticket and watch as the three women buy just one ticket. “How are the three of you going to travel on only one ticket?” asks one of the men.
“Watch and learn,” answers one of the women.
They all board the train. The three men take their respective seats but all three women cram into a toilet together and close the door. Shortly after the train has departed, the conductor comes around collecting tickets. He knocks on the toilet door and says, “Ticket, please.”
The door opens just a crack, and a single arm emerges with a ticket in hand. The conductor takes it and moves on.
The men see this happen and agree it was quite a clever idea; so, after the game, they decide to do the same thing on the return trip and save some money. When they get to the station they buy a single ticket for the return trip but see, to their astonishment, that the three women don’t buy any ticket at all!!
How are you going to travel without a ticket?” says one perplexed man.
“Watch and learn,” answer the women.
When they board the train, the three men cram themselves into a toilet, and the three women cram into another toilet just down the way. Shortly after the train is on its way, one of the women leaves her toilet and walks over to the toilet in which the men are hiding.
The woman knocks on their door and says, “Ticket, please.”
I’m still trying to figure out why men ever think they are smarter than women!!!
–from Chris T.

WHIPLASH MEET MIKE LICHTER IN DAYTONA–Every artist has an influence and I met one of mine on the last day of Daytona Bikeweek ’07. As I took this shot I looked to my right and there he stood, loaded with equipment and busy shooting the flow of bikes coming down Beach Street. I couldn’t help it, I had to interrupt the well known perfectionist to tell him how much I admired his work and vision. He stopped and took the time to shake my hand and even give some advice. I know that kind of shit is a pain in the ass when you are trying to work, but Michael Lichter is a class act. Thanks Bro!
Ride Hard,
–Whiplash Biker Photog

BIKERNET SUPPORT USO TOUR EFFORT–I just heard from the USO about the tour I’ve proposed to them. We have our list of builders that are committed to going. Now I need a couple of things from all of our invitees. First is a short bio about each person. I guess the military wants to know who we’re sending to meet the troops.Second is a 7-10 day long block where you’ll be available for the tour.
Right now they’re talking about mid September on out. That would work best for most of us I think, it’s after Sturgis and Bonneville and the weather is a little cooler there. They said we could go in August but the weather is like 120 degrees every day. I suggested sometime after Bonneville. Let me know what dates work for you and I’ll put together the proposal for the military.

STEALTH BIKE WORK REPORTS–Here in Charlotte we hit 80 degrees this week and the bikes are on the road and the bike nights are starting earlier than expected!
STEALTH BIKE WORKS is filling up fast with service work and that is a good thing to see. Spring is a great time of year. Everything is new and full of life. People are excited about riding and getting their bike ready.
Just a few things to mention. Biker magazine has it’s 20th Anniversary issue out. I looked at it yesterday and it was pretty cool. A lot of old outlaw style bikes from the past and a lot of old pictures. All of them take me back to some good memories. Check it out, I think you will like it.
This week I cleaned my 91 springer Softail , (AKA SKELETOR.) I really cleaned it top to bottom. Kury-Akn has some great new cleaning products. I used 3 of them on Skeletor. First I used Doc Bailey’s Leather Black on my seat. Man this is some great stuff. It is easy to use and does a great job.

After washing, I used Spider Web and Swirl remover. Spider is a polish and you rub the first coat into the paint or until it disappears, the second coat, you let haze over and then remove. This did a great job making the painted surfaces really smooth. Then I applied Glare. Glare is a wax that works with Spider. The first coat is rubbed into the paint or until it disappears. The second coat of Glare is when the paint really pops! The second coat is applied and you let it haze over and the remove it. Man the shine is a foot deep and is glass like! On the Glare label it says it will last for up to 60 months! The Spider polish retails for $29.99 and the Glare wax retails for $34.99. It did not take much of either to do the job, so it should last for awhile. I know some of you are already screaming about the price. Think of it this way, How much is that paint job on your bike worth? See it really does not seem expensive, now does it? Anyway you get what you pay for. Now, I have two more bikes to try this stuff on.
Oh, before I forget, all of us here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS would like to wish Mr. Bandit a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (3-16-07) Have a great One!
Until next week, RIDE!

2007 DONNIE SMITH INVITATIONAL BIKE SHOW–Hop on and celebrate Minnesota’s Motorcycle Legend and experience one of the nation’s largest collections of custom-built bikes!
What: Donnie Smith is a Minnesota native and well-respected Hall of Fame Master Builder who literally pioneered what has become the “custom bike craze”. Featured in numerous biographies and histories of chopper building books and complimented by popular TV series such as Orange County Choppers (OCC) and Biker Build-off, Donnie’s work has proven to be a major influence in motorcycle design for more than 30 years. In addition to the recent media attention, Donnie’s work and achievements are nationally recognized via his 1995 induction into the Sturgis Hall of Fame and Lifetime Achievement Awards from both Hot Bike Magazine and V-Twin Magazine. His company, Donnie Smith Custom Cycles, located in Blaine, specializes in one-of-a-kind custom-built bikes. Donnie is well-known for creating his signature “Girder” front ends which are popular on choppers of the 60’s, 70’s and today.
The 2007 Donnie Smith-House of Kolor Invitational Bike Show is among the largest motorcycle shows in the country! The 2007 Show is the 20th annual, one of the longest running shows in the industry. “This event offers something for all bikers from antique to custom rides,” says Neil Ryan of American Thunder Promotions. “It’s a family event too, so bring the kids and make a day of it,” Ryan adds.
When: Saturday, March 24, 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Sunday, March 25, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Where: Saint Paul RiverCentre
Tickets: $12 or $20 for a two-day pass. Kids 12 and under get in free!
For more information on Donnie Smith and the 2007 Donnie Smith-House of Kolor Invitational Bike Show, go to: www.donniesmithbikeshow.comFor interview opportunities contact: Michael Deering at 952-944-1319 or

BIKERNET EUROPEAN DEAL OF THE WEEK–I am Steve Fiak from Hungary. We won a second place in old school category at the European Chamionship in Mainz last year with “the Hawk”.
We would like to sell the bike now and we wonder if you can help us in this.
For further details of the bike, please see the below home page:§ion=viewbike&event=2006euro&bikenumber=097>§ion=viewbike&event=2006euro&bikenumber=097Thanks for your help in advance.
The price is EUR 35,000.

COURTNEY, EDITOR OF BIKE WORKS DOWN–Parts are being auctioned off to support this talented freelance editor who worked for several mags in our industry. He recently had a stroke and can’t work. Here’s the first item to go on the auction bloc.
“H-Bomb” Oil tank by Sucker Punch SallyHere’s a brand new oil tank design that’s the Bomb! Tank comes complete with a cool “Spinner” type screw in cap and mounting brackets for welding to your frame. Tank measures approx. 8″ in diameter. Made in the USA by Sucker Punch Sally.
Curt Lout

MILLION DOLLAR BUILD-OFF CANCELED–Got a call today saying the Million Dollar Biker Build-off
Builders in the competition just started getting word today. I called John Dodson from Gangster Choppers who is/was in the competition. He had not heard the news but called me back about 30 minutes later to say it was true.
I’ve been unable to find out today how this impacts the rest of the heritage rally. I’ve heard the whole rally is cancelled and some didn’t know. Have you heard anything?
Biker Beauties Magazine

BIKERNET WEEKLY ART EXHIBIT–We reached out to the Tiki Gods this week and they were pissed, son this is what we got by Bernard Oliver. Maybe it’s a biker Tiki God?
Phone (949) 637 1885
Web site:

JUST PUBLISHED, MOTORCYCLE JOURNEYS THROUGH THE AMERICAN SOUTH BY SCOTT COCHRAN, US RIDERNEWS EDITOR–If you grew up below the Mason Dixon line, you know the joys of riding the backroads of the American South, but do you know its best-kept secrets? And if you ?ain?t from here? as they say, well, you just don?t know what you?ve been missing! Discover a region filled with gorgeous scenery, challenging roads, engaging history, and fabulous local food. Buy this travel guide, pack your bags, and go now.

Order Now and Save 20% on Kevin Cameron?sNew Book, Top Dead Center A Collection of His Best Articles From Cycle World Magazine Ready July 2007
This is the book we’ve all been waiting for the feature articles and columns that have made Kevin Cameron one of motorcycling’s best-read writers. We are pleased to offer our Enews subscribers a special pre-publication price of $21.56 on this new hardcover collection. That’s a 20% savings from the regular price of $26.95. Order before April 15 to reserve a copy now and ensure your special pricing. We’ll ship and bill the book automatically when it arrives in July. The pre-publication price will be applied when we process your order, but not on the website.

BANDIT’S DAYROLLS TESTIMONIAL– We got the Dayrolls in the mail yesterday, thanks. I strapped mine to my bike last night using several bungees and packed my lunch and gym clothes in it, just before leaving for work. I can’t believe the room in these things. Here’s a few pics of it on my bike. It works great and even helped to break the shrill morning air on the way home this morning.
I can’t wait to attach it with tie wraps and see how it does. The bungee cords worked ok, but they still strain against the wind and cause the bag to shift a little…but no problem. I will strap Salena’s to her Sporty and take a few pics before we go out on our next ride. It will be nice to be able to ride without everything shoved into my jacket. I also love the fact I don’t mess up the look of the bikes with a saddlebag.
Something about the dayroll still looks clean enough to be called stripped down. Anyways, thanks again for sending them so quick, best 110 bucks I have spent on my bike yet!
–Johnny Humble

This is the Bed Roll. The Day Roll is a little smaller.
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