COLORADO, MOTORCYCLE HELMET BILL STALLS IN STATE SENATE–A bill to require helmets for children riding motorcycles was sent back tocommittee on a voice vote today after a two-hour fight in the state Senate.
The Senate had been expected to cast its first official vote on the House Bill1117, but in an unexpected move a handful of Democrats joined Republicans tostall the controversial measure.
Republicans railed against the measure, saying it expands the slow erosion ofparental rights and freedoms to decide what’s best for their children.
“We’re really good at telling people how to run their lives,” said Sen. DavidSchultheis, R-Colorado Springs. “We want to tell people to wear a helmet. Wewant to tell parents to have their girls vaccinated against the HPV virus. Weneed to stop stomping on people’s personal liberties.”
–Rockies News

OKLAHOMA HELMET LAW THREAT IS DEAD–I thought you’d appreciate the news that HB 1539,the Mandatory Universal HelmetLaw Proposal for Oklahoma, is officially DEAD, effective this weekend! I wentto the OK Confederation of Clubs meeting in Tulsa this past Sunday, where Ifunction as Liaison. Over 300 riders were present, representing a large numberof motorcycle clubs, organizations and associations from different backgrounds.It was standing room only at the American Legion Hall where the meeting tookplace. Rep Skye McNiel, the bill’s author, attended our meeting (you have toadmire her courage!), announced the bill’s demise, and explained why sheauthored the bill.
Basically, she had responded to an emotional appeal from oneof her constituents who lost her son in a bike wreck, and she reacted withdetermination to forge ahead with her plan tosubmit the legislation in spite ofbeing cautioned by the Republican House leadership that it might not be a goodidea to tackle this thorny, controversial issue as a Freshman Legislator! Sheadmitted that she was unaware of how passionate (and well-organized) theopposition to such a proposal would be.
Rep. McNiel apologized for submitting such a bill, affirmed that she’d neveragain propose a Helmet Law, and pledged to work together with our RidingCommunity on issues that truly would help improve our motorcycling Quality ofLife, like obtaining funding for the state’s Rider Education Program.
Yours in Freedom,
–Tiger Mike
ABATE of Oklahoma
Liaison, OK COC

NEWS AIN’T FREE?–I can’t believe that the news won’t be free anymore. I understand the need to make money, but it’s the poor biker like me that made you what your are. Now you’re going the way of H-D itself. Let’s all get on the rub bandwagon, because you know it’ll last forever. Even if it doesn’t, I’m sure that all the people screwed over will forgive and forget. It’s the American way. It’s been great. I’ll miss the site, but I guess there’s nothing on Bikernet for me anymore.
Ted S.
Yep, We’re just like the industry big dawgs, selling bling and metalflake. Yep, .28 cents a week is a bitch. -You’re breakin’ my heart.–Bandit

ASE’S SMOOTH NEW OPERATION–Air Systems Engineering (ASE) proves once again to be the number one choice when it comes to control. The creators of the award-winning FXA-1003 mono-shock and the popular AirFX FXA-1002 air suspension for Softails present the state-of-the-art FXA-1004 air suspension for vertical shock applications. The ASE FXA-1004 shock combines exceptionally controlled rebound, killer looks, and easy-installation all for an affordable price. Available in chrome, polished, or black anodize, the Air Systems Engineering FXA-1004 will enhance the performance and appearance of any Sportster, Dyna, Bagger, or V-Rod. The system’s pricing starts at $1195.00.
For more information, contact: Air Systems Engineering, Inc., (800) 210-1454, www.airsystemsengineering.com.

NEWS IN THE CANTINA–Sunday News/Cantina was the best yet !!! Fuck the cheap asshole that will spend major dollars on his cable TV and not support a Brother’s website……that prick is what’s wrong with the so called “bikers” of today. Ride Forever Bandit !
Dan B.
LATEST HELMET STATISTICAL STUDY RELEASED–Here’s the most current statistical study many bikers have been waiting for. Bottom line: Results (pp. 13-18) 1. Helmets are shown to have no statistically significant effect on the probability of a fatality given that a motorcycle accident has occurred. A better solution posted: Easy on the beverages and improved rider education. Duh!!!!
WORLD’S FASTEST MOTORCYCLE CHECKS IN–After much touring with the BUB streamliner, and promoting the BUB Speed Trials across the country, I am back in the office and working full force on the 2007 BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials.
Firstly though….. finally the SPEED Channel TV show “the World’s Fastest Motorcycle’ is now available on DVD!!!!Reformatted and put together, the story of the top three contenders for the title of the ‘World’s Fastest Motorcycle’ battled it out , and you can watch it again!The DVD includes a bonus feature of the EASYRIDER’s 1990 Record run.
We are selling directly from our office for $24.95. Follow the link for more details on getting a copy for your DVD library.http://www.speedtrialsbybub.com/2007_event/index-2007.html
Again after much time out of the office we now have some updates for our website. Also updated is the title of the event and new logo!Now know as the BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials, updates will be more regular in the coming months
Links to the 2007 FIM rules, Run Watcha Brung Rules are there, with the 2007 AMA rules and Pre-entry forms coming soon.
Of course don’t forget if you have any question at all, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
Event Manager
PH: 530 272 4310
Email: salt-info@bubspeedtrials.com
A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR 2006 SPONSORS-Drag Specialties, Parts Unlimited, Pingel Enterprises, BUB Enterprises, Bikernet.com, Potter Lumber, NRHS V-Twin Performance, Buell Bros Racing, Bennett’s Performance, Bakker Motorsports, Dealer-World.com, Nick’s Performance, Horsepower Marketing.

LIFESTYLE DEAL OF THE WEEK–2007 HARLEY DAVIDSON FAT BOY $15,678.00!!!!This super clean 2007 Fat Boy only has 2943 miles on it! It’s basically a brand new Harley, and still has the remainder of the factory warranty! Features 96 cubic inch fuel injected motor, six speed transmission, dual exhaust system and super fat 200 series rear tire.
Why pay over 20 grand at the Harley dealer when you can get it from LifeStyle Cycles for less? We’ve only got one and it won’t last!!
ONLY $15,678.00!
(714) 490-0155

AGENT ZEBRA ESCAPES TO KRAKOW AFTER GIRL OF BIKERNET STORY RECEIVES THREATS–After Agent Zebra’s latest article in the Girls of Bikernet an attorney from Primedia called and demanded his whereabouts. We said, “Mums the word.” Then we received this shot of the Agent in disguise, with his lovely wife Sonya and their new son, Zebra Stripes, in Krakow, Poland.
We’ll bring you more reports on this legal action shortly.

BIKERNET ATTORNEY’S ADVICE – NO CHARGE–Read this and make a copy for your files in case you need to refer to it someday. Maybe we should all take some of his advice! A corporate Attorney sent the following out to the employees in his company.
1. Do not sign the back of your credit cards. Instead, put “PHOTO ID REQUIRED.”
2. When you are writing checks to pay on your credit card Accounts, DO NOT put the complete account number on the “For” line.Instead, just put the last four numbers. The credit card company knows the rest of the number, and anyone who might be handling your check as it passes through all the check processing channels won’t have access to it.
3. Put your work phone # on your checks instead of your home Phone. If you have a PO Box use that instead of your home address. If you do not have a PO Box, use your work address. Never have your SS# printed on your checks. (DUH!) You can add it if it is necessary. But if you have It printed, anyone can get it.
4. Place the contents of your wallet on a photocopy machine. Do both sides of each license, credit card, etc. You will know what you had in your wallet and all of the account numbers and phone numbers to Call and cancel. Keep the photocopy in a safe place. I also carry a Photocopy of my passport when I travel either here or abroad. We’ve all heard horror stories about fraud that’s committed on us in stealing a Name, address, Social Security number, credit cards.
Unfortunately, I, an attorney, have firsthand knowledge because my Wallet was stolen last month. Within a week, the thieve(S) ordered an Expensive monthly cell phone package, applied for a VISA credit card, had A credit line approved to buy a Gateway computer, received a PIN number. From DMV to change my driving record information online, and more.
But here’s some critical information to limit the damage in case this happens to you or someone you know:
5. We have been told we should cancel our credit cards immediately. But the key is having the toll free numbers and your card Numbers handy so you know whom to call. Keep those where you can find them.
6. File a police report immediately in the jurisdiction where your credit cards, etc., were stolen. This proves to credit Providers you were diligent, and this is a first step toward an Investigation (if there ever is one).
But here’s what is perhaps most important of all:
7. Call the 3 national credit reporting organizations Immediately to place a fraud alert on your name and call the Social Security fraud line number. I had never heard of doing that until advised by a bank that called to tell me an application for credit was made over The Internet in my name.
The alert means any company that checks your Credit knows your information was stolen, and they have to contact you by Phone to authorize new credit. By the time I was advised to do this, almost two weeks after the theft, all the damage had been done.
There are records of all the Credit checks initiated by the thieves’ purchases, none of which I knew about before placing the alert.Since then, no additional damage has been done, and the thieves threw my wallet away this weekend (someone turned it in). It seems to have stopped them dead in their tracks.
Now, here are the numbers you always need to contact about your wallet, etc., has been stolen:
1.) Equifax: 800-525-6285
2.) Experian (formerly TRW): 888-397-3742
3.) Trans Union: 800-6807289
4.) Social Security Administration (fraud line):800-269-0271

ASSALT WEAPAN UPDATE, THE PAUGHCO FRAME WAS COMPLETED TODAY–Chris Kallas is working on the nose art. Joe Jelf from Custom Chrome is picking up sheet metal to be modified from Kraft Tech and the following just came in from Leo DiOrio, the master behind the World’s Fastest Panhead girder front end.

“It’s good to here from you, Shannon at Rmd is building all the universal parts in the girder assembly now and has the material for the A arms and is getting ready to mill,” Leo said. “The only thing were missing on my end is the strut materialand it’s been on order and I’m expecting shipment anytime in the next week or so.When you get the frame we can get together and figure it out (final dimensions ). It will be easy with the frame in your hands.”

NEW BULLET HEADLAMP KIT FROM HARLEY-DAVIDSON–MILWAUKEE (February 26, 2007) – The new Bullet Headlamp Kit from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories features a visor-style shell that changes the profile of the bike’s front end. The deep-drawn aluminum housing is precision machined for a perfect contour and surface finish, and then plated with brilliant, mirror-perfect chrome. The complete kit includes a smooth lens lamp assembly and a replaceable halogen bulb.
The Bullet Headlamp Kit is offered with a 4 _ -inch diameter lens (P/N 69851-06, $309.95) or with a 5 _-inch lens (P/N 68593-06, $329.95). Installation requires separate purchase of appropriate Headlamp Mounting System. Both kits fit a number of Sportster, Softail and Dyna/FX models. See dealer for fitment details.
For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at www.harley-davidson.com. To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.

OUR SPIRIT LIVES ON through DiOro Jeans–Dioro Jeans is cut from a different cloth…a contemporary line of denim, accessory, and knitwear products reflecting the lifestyle of today?s active person. Dioro’s licensed products lines, American Motorcycle 1902, Motorcycle Mafia, and American Indian embody that attitude as well. Designed for the active lifestyle we all embody in today’s world the products of Dioro Jeans are meant to be a part of enjoying and reflecting that spirit. A new embodiment of style focusing on active living. Check out our video and see what we mean… The Spirit of Dioro is found in each of us. A richness for life. A passion for fun. A focus on family. Style. And, a connection with the people around us. This is the Dioro Spirit. Our products include men’s and women’s (kid’s will be coming shortly) denim, knitwear and accessories. The denim is of the highest quality Italian cloth that is soft to the hand and comfortable to wear. Styling is contemporary and fun. Knits include amazing graphics reflecting the passions we share in our lives. The licensed products reflect our connection with the world of motorcycles as we develop strong graphics around the sport of motorcycles and automotive. From retro looks to skulls and radical graphics our knitwear rocks. Accessories are designed with attitude and they set our customers apart. If you really enjoy life, stand out in a crowd, and want to reflect that spirit of independence and freedom check out Dioro Jeans and see how we reflect that attitude in the products we create…you will love it. www.Diorojeans.com AMERICAN PERFORMANCE CYCLE/APC INTRODUCES THEIR 2007 MODELS–Las Vegas, NV – American Performance Cycle, a market leading world class custom production bike manufacturer located in Las Vegas, NV introduces their ’07 product line. All of their models are now offered with right side drive, S&S engines, Baker 6-speeds, billet closed primaries, forged one-piece Forge-Tec or 80 spoke wheels and way too much chrome and billet to list. APC has also decided to go “bigger” with their rear tires and most models will be available with either 240, 280, 300 or 330 rear tires. Mike Sample Jr., Vice President of APC stated, “We currently have 4 distinct models with various versions of each one (chopper, drop seat, FLH style and pro-street) that are all reasonably priced, but can be custom built with a variety of options to suit the most discriminating buyer.” Sample added, “Three out of our 4 models are available in 3 different packages, ranging from a 96″ S&S motor all the way to a show quality polished 124″ S&S engine.” “We have been engineering our latest model and are introducing a full-blown custom bagger at the Cincinnati Expo in February,” exclaimed Mike Sample Sr., CEO of APC. “Our bagger will be rubber mounted, have either a 280 or 300 mounted on it, will be low, long, mean and very sexy” Sample concluded. “We now offer free flooring for our dealers for one full year! All they have to do is qualify with GE Capital,” concluded Mike Sample Sr, CEO of APC. ’07 Double Down:Their ’07 line up starts with the Double Down, a pro-street style bike packed with features found on bikes costing thousands of dollars more. This bike starts at $23,995 which includes a wild custom paint job. Perfect for the beginning rider or the 30 year veteran. This 3″ stretch softail pro-street style bike features 34 degrees in the neck and 3 degrees in the trees for a total rake of 37 degrees. It has a 93″ wheelbase and superb rake and trail make this pro-street style bike easy to maneuver and a blast to ride. This bike as well as most of the other models offers an S&S124″engine as an option. STOP THE PRESSES–Life is nuts. I patiently drink whiskey day after day to hide from the stress of waiting for a Bonneville frame to arrive. The book publisher jams me for chapters, and stab my wall calendar with a Buck knife after each day passes. “We’re burnin’ daylight,” jostles my electrified brain cells daily. I tried to ignore the stress by working on Jeremiah’s Shovelhead.

One of the interesting aspects has been building an oil tank. It started out in Jay’s Studio as a football shape welded together. Jeremiah asked that the tips be removed and replaced forming concave ends. Then he delivered the concoction to the Bikernet Headquarters. We added bungs to mount the beast, cut the hole in the top for the oil fill. We machined oil line bungs and taped them 1/8-inch pipe. Then Jeremiah bought a tank plug from an autoparts with a magnet in it. So we made another bung for the bottom and taped it with _-inch fine threads. There’s a lot to building an oil bag.

Just when I was about to pour Jack over my granola this morning, to chase my frazzled nerves away, the phone rings. The Paughco frame is complete. Then Lee Clemens calls, photos are coming of the 45 engine modifications. Chris Kallas calls to discuss the nose art for the Assalt Weapan and shit is happening. The day was suddenly brighter.
Time to get to work. Bonneville is waiting.
Ride Forever,