March 16, 2006 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

Horse Banner

THE EFFECTS OF THE NEW EPA LAWS IN GEORGIA AS TOLD BY A STATE INSPECTOR– Yesterday a friend of mine had a special construction bike inspected by a state inspector to get his bike titled. During the process he asked about the new EPA laws and what Georgia is doing. He said the inspector seemed to know the EPA law very well and told him that the law is in effect here. He then went on to say that at this time the State of Georgia is NOT enforcing the law.(Specifically the one time EPA exempt bike portion). He said the state has no mechanism in place to check how many bikes you have registered or titled in your name or have had titled in your name so no one is checking to see if you are in violation. He also said that he knows of no intentions of the State to start enforcing the law.

He stated at this time that any individual or shop can build as many special construction bikes as they desire and can get then titled (with proper receipts etc of course) with no problem.

Also the law in Georgia regarding turn signals is vague & is not clear whether you have to have them on your bike when inspected. The safest thing is to have them especially if you get your bike inspected at one of the centralized spots. You MAY get by without them if you make an appointment to have the inspector come to your location but the safest thing would be to go ahead & at least put temporaries on.

Again, this is not my interpretation but from an actual inspector as told to me by my friend. Your results may vary!!!

from the HORSE board

dbw full right

dbw motor close

DEPARTURE BIKE WORKS DEAL OF THE WEEK–Whatta deal, a2002 Iron Horse “Tejas”, withLow, Low Miles, a114-inch S&S Motor and plenty of sharp extras for only:
Price: $16,500.00

This Link will take you directly to the web site.


BIKERNET BONNEVILLE 2006 SALT SHAKER REPORT–First from Barry Wardlaw of Accurate Engineering:

Mock-up engine is on the way. I just now received 4 sets of 120 cases and that is since Nov. 23rd. We have a lot of orders for them. Reggie Sr. At R&R is going to help me solve the connecting rod problem (make our own) and I am discussing the crankcase solution with a casting company.

Getting ready for the Biker Build-off, finishing the center section of my building so it ain’t boring, that is for sure!

I will need the mock-up engine back a soon as you are finished. Those are not the pieces of the Bonneville engine but rather another customers. I am sending the coils, exhaust flanges and electrical components as well. I’ll be in touch. –Berry

Jims Banner

BUSH FAILS TO PREVENT EAST COAST BLIZZARD– As President Bush and his staff cowered in the White House, the snow continued to pile up on the many poor and African American victims who could not afford to get out of town or to safety in Florida.

Crucial supplies of blankets, hot cocoa, popcorn and dark rum, so essential to surviving the stress of any major snowstorm, lay in stores undelivered.

“Where is the government? I need my sidewalk shoveled so I can get out to buy my danged lottery tickets!” said one D.C. resident from his living room.

“Why are we wasting money in Iraq when we could be spending it here on me?”

Progressive blogs blasted the President for his inaction. “We find the timing terribly suspicious, just as the Domestic Spying hearings kick into high gear, what happens? A major northeast Blizzard. Why now?” wrote one blogger.

Hearings into the Blizzards’ effect on hearings are almost a certainty.

Howard Dean has suggested he will call for an investigation once his new medications kick in and John Kerry took a break from the sporting activities of the glamorous super-rich in some exotic locale (random choice: Ice Sailing in Finland) to call for new legislation outlawing snowstorms.

“The Republican Congress has dropped the ball once again. I have always been a staunch supporter of anti-snow legislation, except for certain locations where I ski. Snow has no business on our roads and the President and Congress knows that.”

Calls for impeachment over “Snow Gate” as some are calling it already are mounting as deeply as the snow itself, and what will be discovered underneath will prove to have a truly chilling effect on the Republicans, as the inevitable thaw proceeds. Or something like that.

More breaking news……

Al Sharpton wants an investigation as to why snow is ALWAYS white.

Cheney has stock in Tru-Value Hardware. Do you have any idea how many SNOW SHOVELS they sold today to the unsuspecting consumer?

I demand to know why FEMA has been so late in reacting to this storm. THEY KNEW IT WAS COMING! And yet they failed to have crews in place to fix the electricity as soon as it went off. It just shows that Bush and the Republicans just don’t care about the people in the N.E. The Senate needs to investigate this with administration people under oath.

I’ll bet that the great junior senator from N.Y. has opened the doors of her home to all of the heatless poor of her neighborhood and is busy baking cookies for them while her husband applies body heat to the nearly frozen teen-aged girls.

–from Bob T.

Chop and Grind

BONNEVILLE 2006 CHOP N GRIND RACING UPDATE– If you can believe this we got snowed in here in the High Desert this past weekend. No real work was done except we picked up a better fuel tank, some flat stock for the new brackets for the fuel tank and oil tank.

bmc tank

On the brighter side of things Big Mike of BMC Choppers has lend his support. Which is way cool for Mike to take the time out of his busy schedule to help us. We all appreciate his help with our project.

Avon Banner

Avon Tires shipped us our tires this week. So we are making some headway. Finally found a tire shop “Nates Tires” in Long Beach to shave and buff our tires to get them rated for our speed. We are trying to get them to cut the BikerNet race teams a deal.


Nick with AMSOIL is getting ready to ship our oil and lubes.We are still in the need for a front 19-inch light weight rim. Anyone out there who has one, the help will be great. I am already been getting calls from old bros of mine across the country from North Carolina to Texas that will be joining us. This event is going to be TOO COOL, hope you all can join us. We will keep you posted.

–Bob T

whiplash cutie

BIKERNET WEEKLY PHOTO ART EXHIBIT– I am somehow drawn to Main St. Daytona every year even though I tell my self to stay away …dammit I’m just drawn in by the freaks…I HAVE TO PHOTOGRAPH THEM! Here is one of the biggest who is there every year.

The hottie was riding a stretched chopper and looking very nice!

Whiplash Biker Photog

bad as hell

BAD AS HELL RING COMING SOON–Soon to be available and excepting orders are these original custom made “Bad as Hell” and in process “Skull” designed rings. Made in NY by a famous designer orders will be filled first upon that a small stock will be kept.

bad as hell horns

Limited production and exclusive to the Bad as Hell line of Chrome Servives……Retail is $99 delivered made of sterling silver!

All rings delivered Fed Ex ground orders can be phoned in to 714-420-7431 Or clicking

Orders are 60 days!

WVBB WISH RUN AND HOG ROAST–I came across your website. I wanted to share an event we have in Summersville, WV in June. It ‘s the WVBB Wish Run and Hog Roast. Check us out on the web at

West Virginia Biker Barn

ricks chopper green

CHOPPER BUILDER DISCOVERED–Hi, my name is Anita Nicolier from Langley British Columbia Canada. I am emailing you to tell you about my brother Rick. He has been building custom choppers since 1972. He has a deep passion and natural talent to come up with hundreds of bike designs with little to no effort.

I know that if you could see some of his bikes you would agree. I am emailing you two of the ones that I have pictures of. Please take the time to look at them. I thank you for your time

— Anita Nicolier

goodson news and notes

DO YOU WORK ON HARLEYS?– Are you looking for a one stop source for hard parts and tools?Goodson Tools & Supplies for Engine Builders has added a wide selection of hard parts specifically designed for Harley-Davidson? heads.

oc expo

ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS–Costa Mesa, CA Friday, APRIL 14th and Saturday, April 15th

Quick Throttle Magazine is thrilled to present the first Motorcycle Expo at the Orange County Fairgrounds in 5 years! We will kick off the riding season on April 14th and 15th at the Orange County Fairgrounds & Exposition Center, 88 Fair Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626

The purpose of this 2-day event is to bring riders, vendors and manufacturers together, 2 weeks before the Laughlin event.In one location, you will be able to buy a new motorcycle, get an oil change on your bike, buy parts, chrome, a GPS, a new seat and see all the latest gadgets and gizmos that make your lifestyle that much better. You can watch a fashion show and get yourself some new leathers and other clothing, talk to your favorite motorcycle attorney, sign up for other events that are happening later on in the year, meet and greet your favorite builder, see a Biker fashion show, buy some great touring bags to carry all your new stuff, listen to your favorite music and even keep the kids busy with the Easter Bunny!



Thanks for reply to my last email. The end of the compensator nut was that I used a 36″ cheater pipe and broke the belt in half due to the upwards pressure. I then loaded my half built chopper up and paid $8.20 to get it removed, money very well spent.

I am now at a new cross-road and am seeking your expert advice. I am now trying to align my motor, tranny, and back-plate. I have read the instructions on the BDL website and cannot say that I have a clear understanding. What would you advise me to do here? I have two choices, do it myself, or pay to have it done which defeats any learning curve.


First, check Bikernet and click on the BDL logo on the homepage. It will take you to several installation articles. It’s always best to do it yourself. You can take your time to insure the job is done right. Mechanics are in a hurry. On the other hand sometimes they have the tools, like you experienced.

The key to alignment is taking your time. First put in the engine and bolt down the rear motor mount bolts hard, then check the front for a gap. If there is a gap create a shim.

Next, loosen the engine and set the tranny in place loose. Now bolt up the inner primary and pull it up tight. Then check the tranny. If it needs shims, put them between the tranny plate and the frame. The goal is to have the primary pull the engine and tranny into perfect alignment. Once shimmed, with the primary up tight, snug down the engine and tranny. Call me if you have any questions. Take your time. Make it so the primary slips into place, no binding and fits perfectly against the engine and tranny.-Bandit

HardBikes Banner

TECH QUESTION ANSWER OFFER–Hey bandit, In the latest Sunday post there was a article from a guy named Aubrey. This was about a leaky primary on his 1994 Dyna. If you could have him email me, I’m almost 99% sure I can help him with his problem.

–Gary D. Hayes

Continued On Page 4

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