The Stars are once again out of alignment, or was it the Chilean earthquake causing the butterfly effect? Harley faces upheaval and perhaps a take-over. Just when life seems the sweetest, another celebrity affair rocks the world like it?s every body’s business.The official press release from JJ ?
?The vast majority of the allegations reported are untrue and unfounded. Beyond that, I will not dignify these private matters with any further public comment. There is only one person to blame for this whole situation, and that is me. It’s because of my poor judgment that I deserve everything bad that is coming my way. This has caused my wife and kids pain and embarrassment beyond comprehension and I am extremely saddened to have brought this on them. I am truly very sorry for the grief I have caused them. I hope one day they can find it in their hearts to forgive me.?
This is all we?re going to post on JJ. I hope they can work this out without the sadistic constant badgering of the media.

We went bowling on St. Patty’s day and the River Rat and Crawdaddy roamed the parties on the Delta streets. I’m still eating Birthday cake and I’m right in the middle of a sugar buzz. My books arrived; I hope you like ’em.

I’ve always wanted to learn a musical instrument. We bought a 1925 Wurlitzer spinet piano for 100 clams, and Pablo is coaching me about Harmonicas. You’ll get a kick out of his rig. Let’s hit it:

Rally for the Rugrats at Myrtle Beach Spring Rally, May 15–Rally for Rugrats is holding several Rally’s around the country in 2010, benefiting Toys For Tots and The Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund. These Rally’s will be during Myrtle Beach Spring Rally, Laconia Motorcycle Week, Sturgis Bike Week, The Wharf Rat Rally in Digby Nova Scotia, Biketoberfest in Daytona Beach and The Lone Star Rally in Galveston Texas.
At the first charity ride during Myrtle Beach Spring Rally, they also attempt the Guinness Book of World Records for the most Harley-Davidson motorcycles in a single ride. Proceeds from this event will benefit The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation along with The Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund. All motorcyclists are invited to this event, yet only Harley’s will be counted for the World Record attempt.
The route for the ride is said to be announced shortly, including start- and end-point. You can register online at www.rallyfortherugrats.com. The donation to ride is $40.00 with a $15.00 extra rider fee. There will be goodie bags for all riders including commemorative t-shirts, pins, discount coupons from business along the Grand Strand surprises. Sponsorship opportunities are also still available, call 407-235-5212.
– – C.S. Berg

REMEMBER WHEN INSULTS HAD CLASS–“He is a self-made man and worships his creator.” – John Bright
“I’ve just learned about his illness. Let’s hope it’s nothing trivial.” -Irvin S. Cobb
“He is not only dull himself; he is the cause of dullness in others.” -Samuel Johnson
–Ray Russell

VIETNAM VETS HONORED–I read the story about the Welcome Home event for Viet Nam Veterans in California and I was happy to see that finally happening. It was stated that it was the only such event in the nation, but other states did have parades planned. I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know about a huge event planned for Wisconsin this coming May.
I’ve already told you that Vicki formed the Diamond Posse Ride to bring awareness to the needs of our wounded heroes coming home and to help raise funds for the Center for the Intrepid, in San Antonio, Texas. Her group is riding back to Wisconsin from Texas, visiting VA Medical Centers on the way.
Once back in Wisconsin, the women are joining the Honor Ride group of Viet Nam Veterans staging in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. To learn about this ride, it would be better for you to visit their web site, I cannot do it justice by trying to write something about it here.
I’m working with some guys out of Milwaukee to guide a group of riders to Green Bay to join the other groups coming from Madison, LaCrosse and Eau Claire. This is going to be huge.
Visit http://www.lzlambeau.org for all the details. Leading the Honor Ride group will be Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient, Gary Wetzel, a true hero and I’m honored to call him my friend.
–Tony “Pan” Sanfelipo

BIKERNET BLONDE ARCHIVES, KNITTING– A highway patrolman pulled alongside a speeding car on the freeway. Glancing at the car, he was astounded to see that the blonde behind the wheel was knitting!
Realizing that she was oblivious to his flashing lights and siren, the trooper cranked down his window, turned on his bullhorn and yelled, ‘PULL OVER!’
‘NO!’ the blonde yelled back, ‘IT’S A SCARF!’
–from Jim Waggaman

(written by Marty Robbins, performed by Johnny Cash, with Marty singing harmony)
A rough ridin’, fightin’ Yankee man
I love mom and apple pie and the freedoms that we all enjoy
Across this beautiful land
I’ve worked hard and I’d fight hard for the old Red White and Blue
And I’ll die a whole lot harder if it comes to where I have to
I’m a flag wavin’ patriotic nephew of my Uncle Sam
A rough ridin’, fightin’ Yankee man
And when I see Old Glory wavin’, I think of all the brave menWho have fought and died for what is right and wrong.
And when I see old Glory burnin’, my blood begins to churnin’
And I could do some fightin’ of my own.
I don’t believe in violence, I’m a God fearin’ man
But I’d stand up for my country just as long as I could stand
Cause I’m a flag wavin’ patriotic nephew of my Uncle Sam
A rough ridin’, fightin’ Yankee man
I’m a flag wavin’ patriotic nephew of my Uncle Sam
A rough ridin’, fightin’ Yankee man
And I enjoy the liberty of being what I want to beAnd achievin’ any goal that I can
I was taught to turn the other cheek, but Teddy used to sayWalk soft and pack a big stick, but never walk away
And I’m a flag wavin’ patriotic nephew of my Uncle Sam
A rough ridin’, fightin’ Yankee man
And when I see Old Glory wavin’, I think of all the brave men
That have fought and died for what is right and wrong.
And when I see old Glory burnin’, my blood begins to churnin’
And I could do some fightin’ of my own.
‘Cause I love all my brothers and we’re proud of our birth
We’ve got the greatest country here on God’s green earth
And I’m a flag wavin’ patriotic nephew of my Uncle Sam
A rough ridin’, fightin’ Yankee man

Your Help Is Needed In Support of BATFE Reform Bills S. 941 And H.R. 2296–As we’ve been reporting for months, Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) have introduced S. 941, the “Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act” in the U.S. Senate. Representatives Steve King (R-Iowa) and Zack Space (D-Ohio) have introduced a companion bill — H.R. 2296 — in the U.S. House. The bills would roll back unnecessary restrictions, correct errors, and codify longstanding congressional policies in the firearms arena. These bipartisan bills are a vital step to modernize and improve BATFE operations.

BIKERNET LAUNCHES ONLINE QUOTE ENGINE FOR MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE THAT IS SURE TO SAVE BIKERS MONEY– Finally, a true “free-money-saving-no-obligation” quote engine for bikers. Just click on the “California Bikers Online” button and complete the application. Other states coming soon.
California bikers with motorcycle insurance currently with GEICO, Nationwide, Allstate, Markel, State Farm, and others are gonna love this quote engine. It was built specifically to save you folks money.
If you like the savings that you see, simply buy your motorcycle insurance policy with your credit card, print your I.D. card/policy and ride off into the traffic knowing that you have good motorcycle insurance. So easy even a biker can do it.
For now, this online quote service is available only to bikers in California. We are working on the quote engine for bikers from other states and plan to have this money-saving insurance machine available in other states in about 45 days.
California bikers taking advantage of Bikernet’s motorcycle quote engine will get insurance coverage from top-rated QBE Insurance Corporation (QBE). The real big news with QBE is that they “do not use credit-scores” to rate motorcyclists in any state. This is a huge advantage. Especially given what’s happened to many of us during this prolonged economic downtown. Your actual DMV driving record is what counts with QBE. Yes, your driving experience is what matters in the calculation of your premium friends. Not your credit-scores.
Also cool?
Six month/12 month policies
Online payment options available 24/7
Good-driver discounts, mature driver discounts and many other discounts.
Payment plans that allow you to spread your premium payments over the riding season. WOW! You say.
Remember, QBE rates you on “Your Diving Record” not, your motorcycle riding experience. Add this to “no credit-score-based rating” and you SAVE BIG.
Online motorcycle insurance is available for
Cruisers, Sport Bikes, and Tourers
We love bikers who are young or old.
Go Ahead California! Click and save.
P.S. Bikers from other states. While you cannot get an online quote yet, you can still obtain a money-saving quote fast by contacting >clientservice@bikernet-insurance.com or calling toll-free at 888-467-8703. We’ll take care of yas.

Harley-Davidson dealership closes in Pompano Beach–Sun Sentinel,A Harley-Davidson motorcycle dealership closed Monday in Pompano Beach, another casualty of the weak economy and slow sales of motor vehicles.
Bruce Rossmeyer’s Pompano Harley-Davidson, at 2900 Center Port Circle, shut down Monday. Some of its employees will continue working for the company at its other Harley-Davidson locations in Fort Lauderdale, Sunrise, Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach and elsewhere nationwide, a statement said.

NEW LINE FOR SPOKES WHEELS FROM PAUGHCO–Here’s our new powder-coated 40-spoke wheels. They list for $399.95ea.
Paughco Inc,
Frame and Springer Specialist

THE BIKERNET HUMBLE REPORT–Yeah, my head hasn’t been right in weeks. Financial bullshit! I have tried not to let it get to me… I need a break from all this crap and need to hit the road on a road trip. The more I ride the bobber, the more it becomes apparent my lifestyle and personality fit this bike better than the V-Rod.
While I only owe 6 grand on the V, the stress of the payment plus insurance is an added headache I’m having trouble justifying. While it’s nice to turn the key and just haul ass everywhere I go, I am starting to understand about the bike having soul and all. I am really considering selling the V-rod.
Ooooh, did you see the new frames from Paughco for rubber mounted Sporties? Looks rad.

In the next couple of weeks we will bring you a report on the Economic Salvation Choppers, or how to build a cool bobber or choppers around a used or wrecked Sportsters. Five grand and you’ll be on the road for years. This feature will include products from S&S, Baker, Pauchgo, Licks, and Lowbrow–Wrench

THE CLASSIC CHOPPER FIND/DEAL OF THE WEEK FROM NEGOTIABLE–Nice ’70s Bike, Fresh rebuilt Motor $12,500.00. This bastard is amazing. Could be a Dick Allen springer.


EXCLUSIVE PHOTO ART EXHIBIT FROM RFR IN TEXAS– I realize this is a motorcycle website & I did ride a motorcycle to the car show. I was always a big fan of B&W in the film days, so I have been getting back into it some. There are several ways to convert an image, so I am experimenting and learning just thought I would share a few, the Sunliner I like in both the color and B&W.


PABLO ON HARMONICA LESSONS, THE BLUES, AND SEX– Check these websites http://www.harmonicamasterclass.com and www.gindick.com, www.jt30.com
Adam Gussow on YouTube. This a list of his training videos.
These will get on a fast track for a start. After that it’s lots and lots of practice. Remember “Eating Pussy is playing on the Harmonica-You gotta use your tongue to do any good”!!!
I started playing back in 1973 in the Navy. A dear friend of mine got me started, Acel Hawley Jr. He was from the “Ghetto” LA area. A Vietnam Vet, 6 years in the Army before he joined the Seabees (MCB-40) in ’73. He passed a few years ago, late ’90s or so. We tore up BC street in Okinawa on one of our deployment’s.
I like either Lee Oskar or Hohner Harmonicas. Both have plastic combs unstead of wood. They come apart for tuning & tweaking the reeds. I have mostly Lee Oskar. My Chromatic harp is a Hohner 280/64 16 hole in the key of C. That thing takes along time to figure out and play.

My amp. It’s old tube P.A. 2 6L6’s power tubes. I also installed 2 low gain preamp tubes, keeps down feedback. Put in a grounded power cord. Has nice “Crunch” with tube amp power.

Mobil 1 Motorcycle Built by OCC Presented to Winner at Daytona Bike Week–Oil brand Mobil 1 had commissioned Orange County Choppers to build a one-of-a-kind bagger-style custom motorcycle inspired by OCC founder Paul Teutul Sr. as the centerpiece of the grand-prize package of the Mobil 1 Orange County Choppers Sweepstakes.
The winner, James Polerecky of Omaha, Nebraska, received his brand new ride from Paul Sr. himself at the 2010 Daytona Bike Week during his visit which was also part of the price package.
?The bike is a true cruiser and something that is a real joy to ride,? said Paul Sr. about his creation, ? so I know he?ll have a blast owning and riding this custom Mobil 1 OCC motorcycle for years to come. Meeting James and personally being able to hand this custom bagger over to him in Daytona was great.?
Well then: Congrats to James, and ride safe.
– – C.S. Berg

ACCURATE ENGINEERING SHOVELHEAD TUNING LESSON–Ok, here we go. Almost without exception it is always the basics if it is not mechanical so that is what we will look at first.I am going to assume two things. 1, that the carb is a Mikuni HSR 42, and 2 that the engine WAS running in a properly tuned state until this trip. That being said then the carb should need nothing. You are almost at sea level give or take. I believe the Smoke Out is held in Cottonwood, AZ. which is about (if memory serves) 4,000 ft. elevation. This means that your engine would have been running RICH while in Cottonwood.
Lets check the basics first. This is how I want the carb adjusted assuming it IS an HSR 42, Low speed jet 25, main jet 160, needle #97 with clip in the center position and I want the accelerator pump nozzle to a #50. The accel. nozzle presses in and out with an o-ring for locking in place. It has a screw driver slot so it can be positioned to squirt down the carb throat. It DOES NOT screw in. I want the air/fuel ratio screw at two turns out from a LIGHTLTY seated position. Check intake manifold for leaks. With engine running spray a little brake clean around the intake clamps and listen for any change in rpm or any stumbling. Have engine at a slightly high idle when performing this. I would like to talk you through the accel pump adjustment on the phone. It is easier said than written. Check your fuel delivery system including the gas cap vent.
Ignition. Make sure your engine is properly timed at 35 degrees when in the advanced mode (2000 rpm). Check battery and ground wire. Check plug wires and coil including all connections for broken, loose and corrosion. Are you running points, mag or electronic ignition? Whose ignition (manufacturer).
Spark plugs. You should not need any oxygen additives in your gasoline. You never had to have them before. I am again assuming this isn’t a high compression hot-rod but rather a standard built 93 Troublehead. In truth spark plugs SHOULD look almost clean on the porcelain or a slightly tanned color. When you are running really lean and hot your porcelain will have a pink/green color and the ground electrode will have a deteriorated look and gray in appearance. Very noticeable. Do not run engine in this case without re-tuning. If you are running 1975 and up heads with 3/4 reach spark plugs the first four threads should be dark. This is your heat exchange. Electronic ignition gap @ .035-.038, points ignition @ .025. Please use Autolite 4265 plugs if the head require 3/4 (long) reach plugs. Remember that it takes awhile before your new spark plugs start to “color”. A wide open throttle, cut engine, check plugs is best but not always practical.
Valve train. Are you running hydraulics or solids? Whose lifters? If your pushrod keeps showing signs of needing adjustment you must check your lifter roller and if ok you have to check the valve assembly. To help direct you here I need to know what kind of lifters and I can share a few tricks here. Unless there is a mechanical issue, that happens, it is back to basics. Good luck and keep me informed.
I am freshening Rogues engine that we did a few years back. 97,000 miles and needs very little. Pretty neat, eh?

BANDIT’S DAYROLL REVIEW–Discovered your “how-to” on the day roll, and wanted to toss this in. It’s not that bad as a sub for carry-on luggage; fits great under the seat, holds iPod, camera, snacks, water bottle, etc. Everything else goes overhead.
If you’ve got a camera bag around with a detachable shoulder strap, use it to convert the dayroll into a real “man-purse”. Hey, these days nobody cares what the hell you look like on the plane – you’re going to stand there in your socks with your arms overhead holding a shoe in each hand anyway.
–John Siebenthaler

SPECIAL ST. PATTY’S DAY REPORT, Multiculturalism Run AmuckAnother California NorCal Postcard–Brother Bandit ? Wish you were here. But, since you?re not, we?re sending you another NorCal postcard from, what turns out to be, the vary barricades of multiculturalism run amuck. Not in a bad way mind you. Think of this as a snapshot of how some of our old cultural stereotypes are getting gooey around the edges.
Which is not to say it isn?t all a bit confusing at times. In fact, over the past week or so there have been moments when I was as confused as a hungry baby at Hooters on waitress tryout night (love them hot wings, don?t you?).
But, per usual, I digress. First, does it go without saying that Ms. River Rat and I are unrepentant scooter trash and, as such, well known as such in these parts? We are often greeted in our local dens of iniquity (and the local drug store too) with phrases such as: ?Oh God, them bikers is here again, hide the Jack Daniels, Velma!? (At the pharmacy, it?s the Vicodin and her name is Hortense). This is sometimes said ironically, but not always.
So we know profiling when we run into it like a street corner lamppost on a dark night, or not. This was one of those ?or not? weeks. It?s almost like we all might have been right back in the glory days of the ’70s; maybe we are just brothers and sisters under the skin. Let me give you an example of what I?m talking about. It must warm the cockles of your big Bandit heart to know that this all started hereabouts with a celebration last weekend of Chinese New Year overlaid with St. Patrick?s Day.

Throw in the fact that, locally at least, the river folk were hot and heavy into the Sturgeon Derby (participants have their own flag, national anthem, and handshake). A few miles north, other folks (and not a few riders) flocked to annual Almond Festival in the Capay Valley. Then they threw in Vernal Equinox Daylight Savings Time and we all ?sprang forward? on Sunday. Or, rather, some of us limped forward after a weekend of multicultural celebration, knowing that the real St. Patrick?s Day as well as the first day of spring lay somewhat ahead. We had to conserve our energy if not our livers.
The year of the tiger beat
Let?s start at the beginning. Saturday morning found us down at Isleton Joe?s Restaurant and Saloon in Isleton sitting at the bar with extra spicy Bloody Mary?s and plates heaped with their special breakfast sandwich ($2.50) and biscuits and gravy ($5.00). Like I said, wish you was here. We were killing time waiting the new Chinese Cultural Museum down the street to open. In these parts, 19th Century Chinese labor built the levees that hold back the many rivers and sloughs that give this area its distinct character. Later, Chinese residents founded some of the local towns or made up important neighborhoods where local canneries operated. From there it was onward and upward.

However, society was segregated then. There was, for example, a school for the Chinese students and a separate one for white kids. European families also played key rolls in establishing local farms and ranches. The new museum honors both. As the ribbon across the museum door was cut, there were speeches from the local mayor and even the Acting California Lieutenant Governor, Mona Pasquil, was on hand. She grew up here bouts.

The streets were blocked and there was a demonstration of martial arts. Then the parade of lion dancers took to the streets, accompanied by a banging of cymbals and drums to drive out the evil spirits. Firecrackers snapped and cracked at the dancers? feet.

Businesses that hung cabbage (to feed the lion) and paper envelopes with money (lions don?t live by cabbage alone) in their doorways had special attention paid. While Ms. Rat snapped away with the Canon, I slunk across the street to Rogelio?s, a nice bar that also serves Chinese, Italian, Mexican, and American food and boast a full 99 menu items (also, vodka on the rocks). It seemed to be the right place at the right time.

Continued On Page 2