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NEXT BIKERNET FEATURE BIKE–Watch for this sleek Cyril Huze monster to hit the site in less than a week. Here’s his Daytona report: We all dried up after 10 days of rain & storm in Daytona. We still managed to ride our bikes, gave interviews to the Discovery & the Travel Channels, did pictures for a new coffee table book on the ‘Art Of The Choppers’ and for European magazines, met our clients and friends at bike shows, and drunk a lot (of hot chocolate) at our favorite place on Beach Street: Martini’s (the best Italian food and the best looking/friendly/motorcycle knowledgeable waitresses in town).
For the 1st time, we showed our latest creation called “Exotika”. ’03 confirmed the two big trends in custom building: the retro Choppers and the new high tech Softails with a low stance and a very fat front tire on a 16″ wheel. “Exotika” emphasizes this latest trend. It’s Cyril’s vision of what a 21st century high tech Hot Rod motorcycle should look like. Very macho…
Although attendance was down because of bad weather, and the number of cops was up for no reason, Bike Week was still Bike Week: an exceptional social event of people of all ages, races, social classes, sharing in the same place their love and passion for motorcycles. If there is a special memory we will keep from this 2003 edition, it is this shy 10 years-old little girl who came to visit Cyril on his booth. She had a small notebook and wanted an autograph and a small sketch of a different motorcycle on each page. For her and five of her girlfriends at school in Tampa. Then, we looked at her disappearing in the crowd, with a big smile on her face, her notebook signed by Cyril, and wearing one of our tee-shirts (too big for her). Let’s never forget that our profession is a beautiful one. For a simple reason: it goes well beyond designing motorcycles…
* Download for free a new screensaver with 45 studio pictures of our creations including the new one called “Exotika”..
* In our store at Our hottest new 2003 items are: For retail clients, we offer secure online ordering with a credit card and worldwide shipping. HAUTE-MOTEUR. THE ART OF THE CHOPPER– If you love custom motorcycles, you can write the name of this new “coffee table” book on your Christmas list. Still in preparation, it will be released on time for the Holidays. Cyril Huze joins Jesse James, Arlen Ness, Ron Simms, Jim Nasi, Roger Bourget, Billy Lane, Mitch Bergeron, Paul Yaffe and a few others, to illustrate the Art of the Choppers. The book is about designers who build $70,000 motorcycles to die for! It?s about their legerdemain with sheet metal, and their legendary personas. It’s not about biker culture; it’s about how the bikes are culture. And it’s about the men who build them. The theme is the celebration of an American art form. It is a testament in the guise of an elegant volume of fine-art photographic prints that will be as well regarded on coffee tables in Missoula as Manhattan. It will be just as appropriate to find it in the bookstores of metropolitan artmuseums as on shop tables in every wrencher’s garage. You might say this isn’t Vogue; and instead of chiffon you’re gonna get chrome. But this tome is a tribute to high fashion nonetheless. Instead of the glamorization of haute couture, we give you Haute Moteur: The Art of the Chopper. Customs Forever! Cyril Huze Custom HOLIDAY FOR MEN–TODAY– MARCH 20–Guys, you know the drill. Every 14th of February youget the chance to display your fondness for a significant other byshowering her with gifts, flowers, dinner, shows and any other baubles thatwomen find romantic. Every Valentine’s Day you rack your brains for that onespecial, unique gift that will show your wife or girlfriend that you reallydolove them more than any other. Now ladies, I’ll let you in on a little secret; guys really don’t enjoy thisthat much. Sure seeing that smile on your face when we get it right ispriceless, but that smile is the result of weeks of blood, sweat andconsideration. Another secret– guys feel left out. That’s right, there’s no special holiday for the ladies to show theirappreciation for the men in their life. Men as a whole are either too proudor too embarrassed to admit it. Which is why a new holiday has been created. March 20th is now officially”Steak and Blowjob Day.” Simple, effective and self explanatory, thisholiday has been created so you ladies finally have a day to show yourman how much you love him. No cards, no flowers, no special nights on thetown; the name of the holiday explains it all, just a steak and a BJ.That’sit. Finally, this twin pair of Valentine’s Day and Steak and Blowjob Day willusher in a new age of love as men everywhere try THAT much harder inFebruary to ensure a memorable March 20th. Its like a perpetual lovemachine! The word is already beginning to spread, but as with any new idea, itneeds a little push to start the ball rolling. So spread the word, and helpbring love and peace to this crazy world.And, of course, steak and bjs! –from Rogue DAYTONA IN THE ROCKIES– I survied Daytona’s drowning one week on the road limping back in a used van after replacing one Alternator, two Starters, three batteries, cables, four front Alignments and finally Five tires later!! Always look forward to reading Rogue’s write up “Daytona Flordia Sinks Giving Up Her Land To The Swamps Of Hell!” Fuck, it was bad but makes for a great “true” and interesting event feature coverage. I have begun to write up a ruff draft. I will submit it to Scan Bike and magazines published in Denmark. Thinking of offering another write up different photos to a biker newspaper published in Texas Skunk Dots. I’d like to appologize to you in not inquiring if would be interested in information packet regarding Vendor information for Rally in the Rockies Four Corners 2003? If Bikernet is already booked perhabs you know of another who is interested. If not a vendor packet may be registration forms or even a sponsorship proposal? Now that Daytona Bike Week is over except for writing and submitting, my mind, soul and entire life is all 100% focused and devoted on the Rally in the Rockies event. Let me know if you want me to send you any information or contact listings, what’s what, who’s who and who do I have to kill now? Take care my brother BB BROTHER NEEDS HELP– MC Accident happened to Paul Sothbey Friday night. He’s at Good Sam. in Phoenix 602-239-3301, the hospital needsinfo because he can’t remember anything, family, friends or anything sothey can let someone know. Paul Sothbey 74 yrs old and he has severe head injury’s from this mc accident and this needs to get out. So if youknowof any other website or , Hog Chapter, MC Club or any other site thatI missed please let them know this rider needs our help. — Mike S. MMA SRD Continued On Page 3
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