Note the logo on the front of the trailer.
As the fever grew, so did my excitement. I was determined to ship my 1939 Milwaukee Iron flat-track racer to the field and ride the Blue Flame. Don was on his way when I got a call from Sin Wu. She had been toying with her Epson digital camera and had promised to deliver a couple of girls to the headquarters to pose in the new Dragonfly Hawaiian shirts that we were going to carry. She called the night before the show. “Remember that weekend?”
“No, what weekend?” I shot back.
“That weekend,” her voice lowered, “we spent all weekend in bed?”
“Hell, that’s every weekend.” I was trying to finish an article and go for a ride, and she was dragging this thing out.
“Not like that, honey,” Sin said, and her voice dropped to a sad wisper, like a child who cleaned her room and I failed to notice. Every syllable was like a piece of ice on the back of my neck. I woke up.
“I’m sorry baby, of course I remember that weekend. Remember the warm honey?” I added the detail to let her know I was back on track.
“Thank you babe,” she said. “Well, I have a surprise for you. On Sunday I’m bringing two intimate friends from college over to party with us. Oh, and they’ll pose wearing the Dragonfly shirts.”
I got all tingly, like a 13 year-old going to Disneyland for the first time. My mind started to race, then I remembered the bike show… We better get to the news:

10TH ANNIVERSARY BEACH RIDE–It’s coming like the salt off the ocean and this year it will be better than ever. The Beach Ride benefits the exceptional Children’s Foundation of Los Angeles, one of the largest organizations in Southern California serving children and adults with developmental disabilities. Larry Hagman will be the grand marshal this year. They’ll have three hot bands, a bike show run by Bikernet, a tattoo contest, a Mr. and Mrs. Beach Ride contest, lotsa food and over 150 Vendors. It’s coming July 15th to the San Buena Ventura State Park, Ventura, Calif.
For information on sponsorships, advertising in the 10th anniversary collector’s journal, or for vendor information, call (310) 470-3644. And write me at Bandit@bikernet.com if you’re interested in sponsoring the trophies for $1,000. TP Engineering

WOW–The guy who designed the above ad for TP Engineering designed our billboard and is working on a poster for Laughlin. TP Engineering has sealed a deal to supply Big Dog with more than 800 engines. That’s a helluva compliment and vote of confidence from the best custom bike manufacturer in the country.
YOU KNOW YOU’RE IN CALIFORNIA, IF–You make over $250,000 a year and still can’t afford a house.
It’s sprinkling outside, so you leave for work anhour early to avoid all the weather-related accidents.
Your child’s third grade teacher has purple hair,a nose ring and is named Breeze.
You can’t remember… is pot legal?
You’ve been to a baby shower for an infant whohas two mothers and a sperm donor.
DOWNED BROTHER– A bro from K.C., Mo., e-mailed me and told me that Chuck Ashley just died. He was awaitng a bypass operation the next day, I was told. Chuck worked for Titan about two years ago and ran the motor room there. He is in one of Eric Herrmann’s paintings. Chuck finally got his own shop going again. He was located a couple of blocks from GlendaleH-D. When I last saw him he was doing the motors for Jim Nasi’s custom bikes.
Chuck was originally from the Modesto, Calif., area. I did some welding for him while he was at Titan — engine repair shit, cyl, cases, tools, etc. He was a walking book of knowledge on a lot of things, along with his H-D background. Alwayswas a lot of help when you had questions. I thought he was a genuine bro. You always knew where he stood on things, no bullshit. He will be missed by many.
I guess Arizona Bike Week is coming up soon. Again, I can’t make it. My bro from K.C. is going. I went last year. Miss seeing my buddies out there. If you go, check out Chandler H-D/Buell. It’s a new dealership. It’s owned by the corporation that owns Glendale H-D and Tucson H-D. That’s it for now man. Just wanted to pass on the news about Chuck.
— Paul
NOTICESCHEDULING EVIDENTIARY HEARING– for the Quantum case. I have objected to the trustee’s motion for authority to compromisecontroversy and shorten time. This matter pertains to the selling of motorcycles and other items toAquino’s Auto Service Inc. for $251,000. After payments to various individuals, there was a balance of $141,000.
When I asked the judge at a previous court hearing how money was dispensed,I was told court fees and expenses would be first, then the next prioritywould be employees’ back pay up to $3,400 each.
In the trustee’s motion, the $141,000 was awarded to InternationalHoldings, Inc. (Joe Hale) My argument is that employees should have been paid before Hale. Hale went to Quantum’s office at 731 Washburn Road and removed truckloadsof office equipment and who knows what else. He also made a deal withAquino’s to purchase everything else in the building.
All visible property that was at the Washburn address is beingremoved. Therefore, no assets are to be sold to pay employees. The hearing on this will be held on April 3 at 10:30 a.m. at the UnitedStates Bankruptcy Court, 135 West Central Blvd., Orlando Fla. It is requested that everyone appear at this hearing to let the judge know yourfeelings on this matter. There is plenty of time to make arrangements to attend this hearing.
If for some reason you just can’t make it, at least write to the judge andlet him know how you feel about this matter and what a hardship it hascaused you.
Honorable Judge Briskman
135 W. Central Ave.
Orlando, Fla. 32802
I am hoping to see all of you in Orlando and please tell everyone you know.
FIVE SURGEONS– are discussing who makes the best patients to operate on. Thefirst surgeon says, “I like to see accountants on my operating table becausewhen you open them up, everything is numbered.”
Second surgeon says, “Yeah,but you should try electricians. Everything inside is color coded.”
Thirdsurgeon: “No, I really think librarians are the best, everything is inalphabetical order.”
Fourth surgeon: “You know, I like construction workers.Those guys always understand when you have a few parts left over at the end,and when the job takes longer than you said, they’re cool.”
Fifth surgeon:”You are all wrong. Politicians are the easiest to operate on. There’s noguts, no heart, no spine, and the head and butt are interchangeable.”
DON’T MISS THE PARTY– Just wanted to let you know that we here at cyclpath are having a party on June 3, with food, drink and a band. More information is coming soon to the Web site, www.cyclpath.com. Thanks and hope to meet you some time if I have not already!
–Jeff Carney
SURVIVOR 3– Rated PG. A major network is planning the show “Survivor 3” this winter. In response, Texas is planning “Survivor, Texas Style.” The contestants will start in Dallas, travel through Waco, Austin, San Antonio, over to Houston, and down to Brownsville. They will proceed up to Del Rio, on to El Paso, then to Midland/Odessa, Lubbock, and Amarillo. From there, they proceed to Abilene, and on to Ft. Worth and back to Dallas.
Each will be driving a pink Volvo with a bumper sticker that reads, “I’m gay, I voted for Al Gore, and I’m here to confiscate your guns.”
The first one to make it back to Dallas wins.
DEVIL DOLLS HAUNT CANTINA–“Devilish Chaos in the Cantina!” Gawd, I love it..Hey, can I write a fictional (yeah, sure) story about a damsel in distress being rescued by the Devil Dolls? Or better yet, a kidnap/fantasy scenario involving the Dolls and the really handsome but oh- so-brutal rebel boy club?
Goth rock star
My God, what will be next?–Bandit

DRAGONFLY HAWAIIAN SHIRTS HIT BIKERNET–We’ve selected 12 styles of Dragonfly’s hot lineup of wild-assed Hawaiian shirts for the coming summer. These shirts are killer, and if you like them, we’ll take on more styles. They’re 100 percent polyester or 100 percent acetate/rayon for that heavy satin look. Besides, they’ll look good draped over your girlfriend the morning after. What does Samantha look like the morning after…? Like the tattoo around her thigh.

ITALIAN CONNECTION–for antique bikes. If you have one for sale, he’ll also look into taking it on. Check out his extensive collection.
THE BIKERNET EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL DEPT. BRINGS YOU–Modern terminology for the hip and with-it.
BLAMESTORMING: Sitting around in a group, discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed, and who was responsible.
SEAGULL MANAGER: A manager who flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything and everyone — and then leaves.
CUBE FARM: An office filled with cubicles.
PRAIRIE DOGGING: When someone yells or drops something loudly in a cube farm, and people’s heads pop up over the walls to see what’s going on.
MOUSE POTATO: The on-line, wired generation’s answer to the couch potato.
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