The News Is Brought To You This Week From Noosa Heads, Queensland Australia–Bandit and I left Tuesday night for a ten-hour flight to Nadi, Fiji – then another 3 ? hours to Brisbane. Another two hours on the wrong side of the road to Glenn & Kerry?s place at No. 1 Hastings Street. Every minute of this trip was worth it; it is absolutely gorgeous here.
As I am moving about this luxury condo, sipping a Vodka Cranberry and trying to capture the beauty of this place on my cheapo camera, Bandit and Glenn, have a more challenging schedule. Glenn and Kerry picked us up at the International portion of the airport then straight over to domestic we went so Bandit and Glenn could make the day and a half trip by plane and car to Millicent, for the Millicent Sand Drags. They finally arrived tonight and they?re getting some well deserved rest in preparation for the event tomorrow.
We?ll still do the news and Sunday Post along with a few articles and updates of wonderful Australia, so hang with us. It?s business as usual while we holiday down under?

CHECK OUT THIS BIKE–Enclosed are some shots from Bike week 07 of my firstchop and one of the girls treating me well downtown.If you would like to know more just ask.
Take it easy
Ethan “creep” Dean
Creep Cycle Works
the specs are
127″ el bruto evo
roadmax 6 speed
bdl 3″ open
donnie smith girder
hush boys rigid frame
Jolly roger customs Fuel tank
jrc oil tank
jrc custom bent bars (stainless)
Jrc sissy bar (stainless)
Jrc licencse plate bracket (stainless)
modified D&D fatcat
gma brakes
bdl hand and foot controls
dakota digital speedo/tach

SHIT HAPPENS–Shit may just be the most functional word in the English language.
You can get shit-faced, Be shit-out-of-luck, Or have shit for brains.
With a little effort, you can get your shit together, find a place for your shit, or be asked to shit or get off the pot.
You can smoke shit, buy shit, sell shit, lose shit, find shit, forget shit, and tell others to eat shit.
Some people know their shit, while others can’t tell the difference between shit and shineola.
There are lucky shits, dumb shits, and crazy shits.
There is bull shit, horse shit, and chicken shit.
You can throw shit, sling shit, catch shit, shoot the shit, or duck when the shit hits the fan.
You can give a shit or serve shit on a shingle.
You can find yourself in deep shit or be happier than a pig in shit.
Some days are colder than shit, some days are hotter than shit, and some days are just plain shitty.
Some music sounds like shit, things can look like shit, and there are times when you feel like shit.
You can have too much shit, not enough shit, the right shit, the wrong shit or a lot of weird shit.
You can carry shit, have a mountain of shit, or find yourself up shit creek without a paddle.
Sometimes everything you touch turns to shit and other times you fall in a bucket.Of shit and come out smelling like a rose.
When you stop to consider all the facts, it’s the basic building block of the English language.
And remember, once you know your shit, you don’t need to know anything else!!
You could pass this along, if you give a shit; or not do so if you don’t give a shit!
Well, Shit, it’s time for me to go.
I just wanted you to know that I do give a shit and hope you had a nice day, without a bunch of shit.
But, if you happened to catch a load of shit from some shit-head………..
Well, Shit Happens!!

Absolutely the best picture EVER! —Hillary Clinton (D-NY) has already started her 2008 presidential campaign by aligning herself with the military and pretending to be tough on terror. Fortunately, the ultra-liberal Hillary has yet to brainwash all of the voting public in to believing that her symbolism is really substance. Many have never forgotten that when she was co-president for eight years she was quoted as saying : ” I loathe the military.”
The picture shows that this soldier has been thru Survival School and learned his lessons well. He’s giving the sign of “coercion” with his left hand. These hand signs are taught in survival school to be used by POW’s as a method of posing messages back to our intelligence services who may view the photo or video. This guy was obviously being coerced into shaking hands with Hillary Clinton. It’s ironic how little she knew that he would so inform us about the photo—perhaps because she’s never understood our military to begin with.

THE NEXT GOB FROM RFR–A good tease shot for a GOB? Does she meet the Bikernet Standards ofHot/Cuteness? I vote Hell Yeah and besides you know you want to see more!
It will still be a couple of days before I do much with them as I have tocomplete my stuff for the hottie on the pink BG Krystal first. Then weshould complete another GOB with the Victory Vampire soon too.
Later, RFR
Lane avoids suit questions–
VIERA – A Brevard Circuit judge Monday upheld motorcycle builder Billy Lane’s refusal to answer questions in a civil case filed by the family of his alleged drunk driving victim because those answers could influence the criminal case against him.
“Our thought was that he very well could have not invoked the Fifth (Amendment) and made things easier,” said S. Sammy Cacciatore, attorney for victim Gerald Morelock’s family. “We were trying shortcut things (and) get some basic things admitted from him. But if he won’t, we’ll call witnesses and prove it up and show how bad his conduct was.”
Lane, 37, faces 15 years in prison if convicted of DUI manslaughter in connection with the Labor Day crash, in which, police said, Lane crossed a double-yellow line and hit Morelock’s mini-Yamaha motorcycle.
In the civil suit, Lane has refused to say whether the accident took place or whether anyone died as a result because those are elements that prosecutors must prove in the criminal case. He also refused to say when or where he met Erin Derrick, the 22-year-old passenger in his Dodge pickup the night of the crash, or what they were doing immediately before the crash.
“The circumstances under which they met could definitely be a link in the chain of evidence,” said Gregory Eisenmenger, Lane’s criminal lawyer.
Judge John Dean Moxley Jr. agreed, saying the state must prove any negligence by Lane in court.
Lane’s attorneys said they will disclose Lane’s prior driving citations — including one in which North Carolina authorities in June charged Lane with driving a motorcycle while intoxicated and revoked his license after he refused to take a breathalyzer test — because Lane no longer faces a revoked license charge in Florida.
Lane was cleared of the North Carolina charges in October.
Brevard prosecutors could not pursue the suspended license charge, initially filed by the Florida Highway Patrol, because North Carolina authorities never reported Lane’s refusal to take a breath test to Florida, which would have suspended his Florida license for a year, said State Attorney’s spokeswoman Lynne Bumpus-Hooper.
The FHP also charged Lane with a DUI causing serious bodily injury charge, but Bumpus-Hooper said Derrick, the passenger, declined to pursue charges against Lane for her injuries.
Florida law allows prosecutors to proceed without the woman’s consent, though it is unlikely they will do so, she said.Contact Summers at 242-3642 or ksummers@floridatoday.com .
Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

HEY BANDIT, NEED SOME SOAP–Boston SoapWorks is manufacturing the Perewitz line of bike care products and they are looking for some exposure. Told Glen, their PR guy, you might be interested. Glen said he would even fly out for a presentation, which you don’t need, but if he’s willing to do that he might be up for a site sponsorship. He will certainly provide items for evaluation!
Boston SoapWorks
Glen ILacqua
Two Trends For Magazines, — Show Any Weakness And The Publication Is Consigned To The Internet–
Only Or Worse, And The New Buzz Word is VideoBY Philip M. Stone
With all the bad news about magazines closing, or being consigned just to the Internet, the surprising news from the Magazine Publishers of America is that in 2006 some 262 magazines were actually launched ? that?s a 2% increase over the year before. But what the figures don?t say is how really tough it is out there these days.
No need to dwell on all the happenings at Time, Inc, that has had a couple of years of downsizing staff and also sold18 magazines to Bonnier; no need to dwell on the fact that according to some reports General Motors spent $600 million less on traditional media advertising last year and magazines would have felt a whole lot of that pain including Time Magazine itself; no need to dwell on magazines either being shuttered or put up for sale ? the Dennis Publishing stable that includes Maxim and Stuff ? or magazine consigned just to the Internet ? Elle Girl ,Shock and Premiere.
The question these days is what is it that magazines need to do to survive? There?s the new-look Time Magazine that now publishes. on Fridays rather than Mondays so Mr. and Mrs. Public will have the opportunity to read its redesigned pages over the weekend and if you look closely enough you?ll see the news emphasis has shifted ? the breaking news and all that is now on Time?s web site and the magazine is now mostly analytical and featurish in nature.
There?s no question that the Internet now plays a very large part in a magazine?s life. Magazine publishers, perhaps even more so than newspaper publishers, have come to the realization that for those magazines kept in print there has to be a true convergence on the multiplatform of print and the Internet. Others have already given up the ghost of print, and even though their circulation numbers sound fine, to the ?suits? it?s not good enough and magazines are being dropped from print and left with just an Internet presence, if they show almost any sign of weakness.
Foremost among those ditching the print side is Hachette Filipacchi Media US, part of France?s Lagardere. Just last week it announced that the US version of Premiere, with a circulation of 492,498 would be consigned to just the Internet starting with the April issue. Premiere has shown some weakness of late and that is just not on these days ? ad pages are down 3.2% year-to-date with total paid circulation down 2%. There are a lot of magazines out there that actually would be happy with those kinds of numbers but that doesn?t do it at Hachette Filipacchi any more.
It has already consigned Elle Girl and the US version of Shock to the Internet, and it must like the result for that is where the real investment seems to be made these days and not in print itself.
A further sign of the importance of video are the separate deals made by Hachette Filipacchi, Hearst and Rodale, Inc., for video services from privately- owned Brightcove Inc.
Rodale, for instance, plans to bring Brightcove?s video to its flagship Men?s Health and its other health and fitness titles. The Men?s Health online video channel will contain instructional videos for the magazine?s recommended health workouts, there will be celebrity interviews, relationship advice, and the like.
And why do this? Ken Citron, Rodale?s senior vice president and chief technology officer, explained in a company statement, ?We are focused on inspiring our users to leverage all media formats in their quest to achieve their health and fitness goals. Video gives our editors a way to connect more directly with consumers.? Rodale?s various titles now reaches some 40 million people every month, the company says, which in turns gives it a very good audience for new revenue opportunities via video advertising.
Brightcove seems to be the name these days in providing such services, having already contracted with the likes of Dow Jones, Reuters, SonyBMG, Time Life, MTV Networks and British Sky Broadcasting.
Hachette Filipacchi has its own dedicated video studio for which it is already providing material for such magazine web sites as Elle, Car & Driver, and Woman?s Day. The next step with the Brightcove deal is to expand upon that and also take advantage of the video advertising revolution.
But for all of the Internet activity, reality was brought o earth last week in Hanover, Germany, at the Magazine Media 2.0 conference that included executives from more than 25 countries. Just a very few of the 350 companies represented said they made more than 3% of their sales online. Only Meredith of the US (Better Homes and Gardens, Family Circle, Ladies Home Journal) said it was actually making a profit online.
The real question facing magazine publishers, as it does newspapers, is how do you sell a product online that most people will expect for free? Perhaps the future is what Hachette is trying in Europe ? selling digital facsimiles that also contain embedded audio and video, for E9.90 a month, but will people pay that kind of money on the web? The first results are so- so.
More important perhaps is that advertisers are spending more and more of their money online, so a magazine that does have a web presence to go with its print presence is probably in the best position to make use of that, and video features heavily in that.. For instance some of that General Motors $600 million found its way to the Internet ? would not magazine sites have been a logical convergement placement?
Yet more proof, in a different way, that the advertising model is probably the one that works best, even for magazines.
Time Magazine To Switch Publication Date to Fridays But In These Days of Breaking News On The Internet Do We Have Time To Spare Reading A Print News Weekly Any More?
The magazine industry is in the dumps ? few new launches, some famous titles are experiencing falling circulation ? and they?re trying anything they can to buck the bad tidings from changing publication dates to spending more on their online sites.
Faster Than You Can Say ElleGirl, Cargo, or Celebrity Living, Magazines Are Killed; Quicker Than You Can Say Time Inc. and Staff Are Fired And Now The Final Indignity ? Internet Advertising Will Surpass Magazine Advertising This Year.The US magazine industry went into shock earlier this month when Hachette Filipacchi Media killed ElleGirl. Paid circulation was up 20% over 12 months, ad pages were up 50%, but this was a magazine targeted at teen girls. And teen girls look more at the Internet than they do glossy paper, so after its May issue ElleGirl , with its 500,000 paid circulation, becomes only ElleGirl.com for free.
With Major US Magazine Publishers Time Inc. and McGraw-Hill Making Savage Job Cuts The Signals Are Clear ? The Difficulties Magazines Faced in 2005 Are Just a Taste of What to Expect in 2006 So much attention has been focused on newspaper circulation and advertisement woes that magazines seemed to have slipped under the radar, but with advertisers forecasting they will cut back on magazine advertising more than newspapers, and circulation at a basic standstill for most subject matter, the largest US magazine publishers have started to cutback.
Gruner + Jahr May be Europe?s Largest and Most Successful Magazine Publisher, But Its US Operation Was An Absolute Disaster That Severely Tarnished the Brand. Its Solution — Hold A Fire Sale and Then Get the Hell Out of Dodge City In announcing its sale of Family Circle, Parents, Fitness, and Child to Meredith Corporation for $350 million ? about half of what they should have gotten if the magazines had been well looked after — Gruner +Jarhr has finally given up the ghost of its US magazine operation. If it can?t sell its two remaining properties, Inc. and Fast Company, by June 30 then Meredith will take them on and sell them probably in an auction.
“Heard on the Web” Media Intelligence: Courtesy of The Precision Media Group.Print, Publishing and Media Consultants Contact – Robert M. Sacks 518-329-7994 PO Box 53, Copake NY 12516
email: bosacks@aol.com
phone: 518-329-7994
web: http://www.bosacks.com

Congratulations to Ann E. Biglin, she is 2007’s first candidate for village-idiot of the year!–Biglin lost control of her Fire-Engine red 2000 Ford Focus and careened into a Ford Explorer, after jumping a curb and bouncing off a lightpost. According to Biglin, “several old coffee cups as well as assorted pieces of trash” fell onto the drivers’ side floor obstructing her access to the brake pedal, while she was backing out of a parking spot.
And yes, that is a real life shot of the inside of her car.

American Performance Cycle/APC Introduces the Wild Card–Las Vegas, NV – American Performance Cycle, a market leading world class custom production bike manufacturer located in Las Vegas, NV introduces their Wild Card?a drop seat pro-street style bike packed full of features found on bikes costing ten?s of thousands of dollars more. It specs out with a 5? stretch and 93? wheelbase which provides great tracking and a superb ride. It also features a blind side swing arm, tons of billet and chrome and a 44 degree rake and start at just $26,995. Perfect for those that want both ?show? and ?go!?
The Wild Card is right side drive and comes complete with an S&S engine, Baker 6-speed, billet closed primary, forged one-piece Forge-Tec or 80 spoke wheels and way too much chrome and billet to list. APC currently has 4 distinct models with various versions of each one (chopper, drop seat, FLH style and pro-street) that are all reasonably priced, but can be custom built with a variety of options to suit the most discriminating buyer. Three out of 4 of their models are available in 3 different packages, ranging from a 96? S&S motor all the way to a show quality polished 124? S&S engine. APC will soon be introducing a low, long and mean bagger which will be rubber mounted and have either a 280 or 300 mounted on it.
All APC models are CARB and DOT approved. For dealers interested in adding APC bikes to their current product line up and getting up to 12 months of free flooring, please call (702) 314-5272 or check out their website at www.apccycles.com.
Continued On Page 2