Continued From Page 1

Chopper Chick Crew Pink Ribbon Chopper Build A Huge Success–March 3, 2007-Daytona, FLA-The Chopper Chick Crew, a dedicated, all-female team of bike builders, built a chopper in seven hours and 13 minutes on March 8th and 9th at the Daytona International Speedway and donated it to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. The build was a complete success and the Crew couldn’t be happier about the results. The bike was shipped, courtesy of Harley-Davidson Shipping, to the foundation after it was finished. The Pink Ribbon Chopper will be used for fund raising, or any other medium that raises awareness and funding to help the foundation toward its goals. The Pink Ribbon Chopper is the second bike the crew has built for Breast Cancer, but the first for the foundation.
Built in front of a live audience, the Pink Ribbon Chopper is a long lean hard tail in white with a pink ribbon painted on the gas tank and a pink rear fender in the shape of a ribbon. The chopper also has wheels with huge pink ribbons as spokes. “We are just so excited that the build went off as well as it did, but we couldn’t have done it without our sponsors. So many people gave their time and energy to this amazing project. We are very grateful. I was surrounded with the best crew any builder could have and I am blessed to have so many wonderful friends who are passionate about what we as BIKERS represent” said Athena Ransom, one of the Crew.
The National Breast Cancer Foundation’s response to this generous act, “Bravo!!! This is a standing ovation for ALL you gals. You must be very tired after all that incredible work. It looks just GREAT! You could not have made us here at NBCF any prouder to be associated with such caring, loving, and compassionate people. Simply the best. You are loved.” The Chopper Chick Crew wish to give extra special thanks to the men who graciously treated us like queens while we worked; Don Ransom (Mr. Wonderful) of Vagabond Chopper Company, Chad (Kentucky) Booher of Vagabond Chopper Company, Berry Wardlaw of Accurate Engineering, Rogue (Media Extraordinaire) of, Axel Froyd and Phil Petress, both of Vagabond Chopper Company, Charlie Bretchel of, Don Little (Kate O’Shea’s Brother), Ken Conte of Rise Above Consulting, Contos of Crossroads Magazine and Jay Allen of The Broken Spoke Saloon. These gentlemen are heroes to us always and we love and respect them for the incredible men they are. Stay tuned to the website for information about the future promotions of the “Pink Ribbon Chopper” and remember, October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month.
The sponsors of this event were Harley-Davidson Shipping,, Leroy-Thompson Choppers, Manatee River Harley-Davidson, Cool Cat Tattoo, Crazy Horse Painting, Metzeler, Barnett Performance Products, Stinger Custom Cycle,, Vagabond Chopper Co, Jaybrake, RT’s North Hills Cycle, Rise Above Consulting, Mitch Bergeron Customs, S&S, Paul Yaffee Originals, Redneck Eng, Motor Maids Inc., International Master Bike Builders Association, Detroit Bros,, Stevenson’s Cycle, Gardner-Westcott Company, Lucas Oil, Custom Chrome, Bruce Rossmeyer Harley Davidson, Original KD’s and Daytona International Speedway.
The Chicks Crew consists of Athena Ransom of Vagabond Chopper Co., who has been around motorcycles her entire life and riding since she was seven; Joann Bortles of Crazy Horse Painting, an award winning painter whose work has been featured in magazines like Easyriders, Ironworks, and American Iron; Jayme Gray from Pussy Cat Choppers, an avid motorcyclist with a degree from MMI and extensive V-Twin experience; Katie Putman from Mitch Bergeron’s, an MMI degree holder with tons of mechanical and building experience; Kate O’Shea another MMI degree holder and builder from Manatee River Harley Davidson and Vivian “Gypsy” Charros of Gypsy Highway Custom a creative, self taught, builder
The NBCF mission is to save lives by increasing awareness of breast cancer through education, and by providing mammograms for those in need. The NBCF works with health care organizations in places like Los Angeles, New York City, and Puerto Rico to provide underserved women with access to information about breast cancer and free mammograms. The founder and president of The NBCF is Janelle Hall, a breast cancer survivor of twenty-five years, who relates to women with compassion, understanding, and inspiration as she conducts public educational programs across the nation. To learn more about the NBCF, visit them online at
Every twelve minutes a woman in America dies of breast cancer. This year more than 211,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 43,000 will die. One in six women either have breast cancer or will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. 1600 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 400 will die this year. If detected early, the five-year survival rate is 95%. Mammograms are the best early detection methods, yet 13 million women 40 years of age and older have never had a mammogram. Support The National Breast Cancer Foundation today and give the gift of hope to those in need.

WHIPLASH PHOTO OF THE WEEK–As seen next to the Hard Rock Stage.
Ride Hard,
Whiplash Biker Photog

King of Rock and Roll Inspires King of the Motorcycle World
Elvis Motorcycle Unveiling, April 22, 2007 during Elvis Rock ?n? Roll Ride for Life FT. LAUDERDALE, FL (March 12, 2007) ? Entertainer Elvis Presley not only left behind a great musical legacy behind, but contributed to the popularity of Harley-Davidson? motorcycles through his well-know passion for the bikes. Bruce Rossmeyer, CEO of 12 Harley-Davidson? locations – including the World?s Largest Harley-Davidson dealership located at Bruce Rossmeyer?s Destination Daytona and the all-new Graceland? Harley-Davidson located in the visitor center at Elvis Presley?s Graceland? Mansion in Memphis – proudly announces the all-new Elvis Presley Anniversary? Bike Signature Series, a one-of-a-kind collection of Elvis Presley-inspired, custom designed motorcycles.
To commemorate the 30th anniversary of Presley?s passing, Rossmeyer is recreating the personalized 1957 Black Harley-Davidson FLH model that Presley once owned. With only 30 of these motorcycles being customized and individually serial numbered from one to 30, each motorcycle in the elite Elvis Presley Anniversary Bike Signature Series will capture Presley?s passion for motorcycles. Although designed to replicate the 1957 model that Elvis owned and appearing as a classic custom vintage bike, the motorcycles will feature a 2007 Softail? chassis and drive train maintaining all of today?s engineering and safety features.
Rossmeyer has also partnered with renowned Harley-Davidson? painter David Uhl and Harley-Davidson? sculptor Jeff Decker, who will be creating unique pieces that will be included in the purchase price of each of the Elvis Presley Anniversary Bikes. Each exclusive piece created by Uhl and Decker will be numbered from one to 30 and paired with the corresponding motorcycle. The Elvis Presley Anniversary Bike Signature Series will be unveiled at Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee on April 22nd at the inaugural Elvis Rock ‘n’ Roll Ride for Life to benefit the American Diabetes Association.
Bikes 2-24 of Signature Series will be offered for sale through the lottery system at the April 22nd ride in Memphis and will be sold for $58,815. In order to purchase one of the Elvis Presley Anniversary Bikes, interested parties must register for the April 22nd Elvis Rock ?n? Roll Ride for Life. Those who register for the ride will be chosen out of a lottery and contacted that day to determine their intent to purchase. Participants need not be present for the opportunity to purchase if selected in the lottery. To register for the Elvis Rock ?n? Roll Ride for Life benefiting the American Diabetes Association, call 901-682-8232 or 800-DIABETES ext. 3121 or visit
Bikes 25-29 will be available for purchase at a later date. The bike numbered ?1? (one) will be sold for $100,000, with $40,000 of that being donated to the American Diabetes Association. Bike number ?30? (thirty) will be auctioned off in Memphis, TN on August 15th during Elvis Week, the annual celebration of Elvis? life and career
All of the Elvis Presley 30th Anniversary Signature Series Harley-Davidson Motorcycles will be delivered at the steps of Graceland? the morning of August 15, 2007 ? the day before the 30th Anniversary of Elvis?s passing. The purchase price also includes a two-night stay at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis, a unique Graceland? Pre-Delivery Party on the evening of August 14th, and one round-trip ticket from within the continental U.S. to Memphis for the delivery experience.
As a sculptor, Jeff Decker?s artistic ability far exceeds his mechanical talent, yet his custom-built bikes speak for themselves. At no time is there a lack of creativity in regard to the motorcycle, for in the same room reside both a restoration and a work in progress. What he calls a studio, most would refer to as a museum with a vast library and a small collection of motorcycles including two Crockers and a Cyclone. Long before he became the only officially licensed sculptor for Harley-Davidson?, he sought to immortalize in bronze early American racing. This is undeniably his all-consuming passion. The romance Frederic Remington captured before the Industrial Revolution is like unto to Jeff?s goal of observing man?s relationship with his ride in the post-Industrial era.
Entering his tenth year as a fine artist for Harley-Davidson?, painter David Uhl continues to display an uncanny ability to capture the nostalgia and romanticism of Harley-Davidson?s rich history. His art is displayed throughout the world in museums and galleries and has been sought by serious art collectors to celebrities alike.
Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. (EPE) is based in Memphis, with additional offices in Los Angeles. In addition to Graceland and its related attractions in Memphis, including the Heartbreak Hotel, EPE is aggressively involved in a worldwide licensing program, merchandising, music publishing, and television, film, video and Internet projects. For more information on EPE and Graceland, visit EPE is a subsidiary of CKX, Inc., a publicly traded company listed on the NASDAQ National Market? under the ticker symbol “CKXE.” Also visit
Bruce Rossmeyer currently owns 12 Harley-Davidson? locations, including the famed Ft. Lauderdale and Daytona Beach locations and the new Bruce Rossmeyer’s Daytona Harley?Davidson located in Ormond Beach at Destination Daytona, the World?s Largest Harley-Davidson dealership. In January 2007, the new Graceland? Harley-Davidson location opened in Memphis, TN on the property of Graceland and in 2006 Southern Thunder Harley-Davidson opened in Horn Lake, MS. At the Harley-Davidson dealerships owned by Bruce Rossmeyer, the dealers are the lifelines to the customers. Employees at the stores provide clients with the knowledge, service and information necessary to get riders on the road. Bruce Rossmeyer, the World?s Largest Harley-Davidson dealer is located at 1637 North U.S. Highway 1, Ormond Beach, FL, 32174. For more information, please call (386) 671-7100 or visit
Sorry, no photos yet.

STEALTH REPORT–Spring is in full bloom here in the Charlotte area with temps ranging between 70 to 80 degrees! This weekend the Concerned Bikers Association of Charlotte holds their32nd Annual Swap Meet and Bike Show at the Metrolina expo fairgrounds here in Charlotte. The swap meet is always a great time. STEALTH BIKE WORKS will have a booth set up there.
Something happened to a friend of ours last week that really burns my ass. Chuck is a good customer of ours and is stand up guy. He rides a 51 Panhead. It is a bitchin bike. Last Saturday Chuck was attending a funeral and he rode his bike. He parked in the lot and went into the funeral home. While paying his respects a guy comes in and tells him some guy just rode off on his bike! There is no lower form of life than a bike thief. You see they not only steal your bike they steal a part of your soul because I have always felt that your bike is more than just a machine. So the low life gets on the bike and rides about 15 miles through Charlotte, no helmet, so he was easy to spot. Now here is the kicker, when the police get to him, they don’t charge him with stealing the bike? You see he laid the bike down and damaged the left side, so when the cops get there he is not on the bike, so they are not sure it was him that was riding it? What bull shit! To borrow a title from one of Mr. Bandit’s books, it is time for some “Outlaw Justice.”Hey Chuck, we are glad you got your bike bike! Enough said.

Hey on a lighter note, a guy come in to have 18″ Ape Hangers installed on his Road King. He said he love the look but was concerned about his friends saying he was making the bike “Too Redneck looking?” I laughed and said, “First do what you like to your bike and second there is not a classier look than Apes!” I also told him to tell his friends to “Keep their bikes just like they came out of the box and all that P+A glitz to their bike so their bikes could look just like a million other bikes!” He got a laugh out of that and was happy with choosing the Apes! Apes Forever, Forever Apes!
Until next week, RIDE!

Big Dog Motorcycles? And Its Dealers Score High Marks In Industry Reports
Motorcycle Dealers Rank Big Dog Motorcycles As The #1 American V-Twin Motorcycle Manufacturer While The Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index Puts The Company?s Dealers At #2 In Providing The Best Shopping Experience.
WICHITA, Kansas (March 14, 2007) ? Big Dog Motorcycles?, the world?s largest manufacturer of custom motorcycles, is pleased to announce that it has scored high marks in two industry studies: The 2007 DealerNews magazine OEM Report Card, a dealer survey, and the Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index, a customer survey.
DealerNews magazine?s OEM Report Card ranked Big Dog Motorcycles higher than competitive motorcycle brands in several categories, in turn making the manufacturer the #1 American V-Twin Motorcycle Manufacturer. The Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index placed Big Dog Motorcycles dealerships at #2 in providing the best shopping experience. This study is the first of its kind in the motorcycle industry.
?From our motorcycle styling and performance, to the programs we offer our dealers, satisfaction is at the core of everything Big Dog Motorcycles does. It?s fantastic news that our dealers continue to be extremely pleased with Big Dog Motorcycles and that customers are also having satisfying retail experiences within the dealership,? commented Sheldon Coleman, company founder and CEO.
?Receiving such high marks is a great achievement by the entire Big Dog Motorcycles team ? from those building the bikes to the dealer network that sells them,? he added.
2007 DealerNews OEM Report Card
In late 2006, more than 8,000 dealers graded their OEM partners on a scale from one to ten in 17 criteria in three categories: products, dealer support, and programs. Specific criteria ranged from product craftsmanship to visual appeal; promotional and training programs; and communications and credibility. Nearly every dealer in Big Dog Motorcycles? 100-dealer network responded to the survey.
Big Dog Motorcycles scored above the industry average in 14 of the 17 criteria and scored above Harley-Davidson and Victory in 13 criteria. These numbers clearly make Big Dog Motorcycles the number one American V-Twin Motorcycle Manufacturer. –
?Exchanging ideas with our Dealer Advisory Council ? and even the entire dealer body ? has been integral in the constant improvement in our line of motorcycles, accessories, and apparel. The dealers are also extremely valuable as we develop the programs that support the dealer and make purchasing our bikes easier for the customer,? Coleman added.
?Seeing the results shows where we are strong, but also where we still need to focus. I am confident Big Dog Motorcycles will continue its reign in the motorcycle class as we continue to improve,? he continued.
The OEM Report Card was last issued in December 2004, in which Big Dog Motorcycles was also Ranked #1 above all other motorcycle manufacturers.
Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index
The Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index report, administered by California-based Pied Piper Management Company from November 2006 to January 2007 and published in PowerSports Business magazine, rates the effectiveness of motorcycle dealer sales forces and the best shopping experience among top motorcycle brands. The report, calculated after nearly 400 shopper evaluations across the United States, was the first of its kind in the motorcycle industry.
Shoppers evaluated the retail experience for a specific motorcycle brand and never visited the same dealership twice. Evaluations were based on such criteria as the overall shopping experience, what products and services were offered, and salesman effectiveness. In total, over 50 key elements of the sales process were studied.
Big Dog Motorcycles dealers were ranked #2 (out of 7 companies) and well above the motorcycle industry average.
?The report?s findings are an amazing compliment to our dealers, their knowledge, effectiveness, and service,? Coleman added. ?And it also confirms Big Dog Motorcycles? commitment to delivering the best total customer service experience through our dealer training programs, improved product quality, forward-thinking styling, and valuable retail incentive programs,? Coleman said.
?The manufacturer that truly listens to the voice of the customer and the needs of the dealer and make necessary improvements is rewarded with great acknowledgements like these reports and, ultimately, long-term customer loyalty to the brand,? he added.

YOUR PLEDGE MAKES A DIFFERENCE IN A WOMANS LIFE–It was announced at approximately noon today, EST, that North Carolina, Sen John Edward’s wife, Elizabeth as been re-diagnosed with breast cancer. In this case it is State 4 breast cancer and the disease had moved into her bone. News like this is always very sadbut it also re energizes is to keep doing what we are doing. For the moment we can keep women from getting breast cancer but with early diagnosis we can help give them a chance and that’s what we?re going to do. If you have, in any capacity, pledged help to the 1 in 8 Motorsports Series but for whatever reason have not acted on that pledge, perhaps this is your call to stand up and follow through. I certainly understand how busy we all our and how stepping up can often be inconvenient but just take a moment to think about how it feels to learn you have inoperable breast cancer. We are going to be doing 1 in 8 events across the US this year and we need your help! If you know any venue who’d like to partner with us to do one, we need to talk to them.
We’d like to hear from each and every one of you. Meanwhile, thank you for your love and compassion.
Ken Vrana
CEO – 1 in 8 Motorsports Series Against Breast Cancer.
OAuction items are finally up on e-bay for our brotherCourtney “Tito” Halowell. You can bid on great itemsfrom Sucker Punch, Leroy-Thompson, Stevensons Cycleand LA County choprods. Bid on cool items andcontribute to a great cause! If you would like to donate items please email a photo of the item and description to:
donation4tito@johnsonsgarage.comThe auction information is here:
Help the guy out and bid on these first-class items. He is a fellow biker who is in need of our help.
Here are a list and pictures of the items thus far:
Leroy Thompson Moto-x-Grips and pegs

Leroy Thompson Dice Risers.

Stevenson?s Cycle Lollipop Mirrors

Sucker Punch Sally?s H-Bomb Oil Bag

LLAC ?STOP? Tailight

Thanks again from all of us here at Bikernet!

THAT?S IT FOR THE NEWS–It?s about 5:oo am here. I couldn?t finish last night and I woke up feeling guilty that is was almost noon back in the US. It?s a short one, but with heart. I’ll update pages of news as more news comes. It’s a little more challenging working on a laptop, but I’ll plug away a little at a time. In between enjoying my vacation that is…
Before I finish, I have to tell you about my tooth. I cracked a molar on the flight from Fiji to Brisbane. Half the tooth broke off, I thought I bit in to a rock in the sausage. Bandit tells me to keep it incase they can glue it back in. I don’t think thats possible, but… I can no longer drink or eat anything hot or cold, it goes straight to the nerve. Once we arrived here in Noosa Heads, Kerry calls at least five different dentist, none of which could see me. On the last call (and the closest one), Dr. Thomas Klein tells her to bring me right in. I thought for sure I would have to have major dental work and wait two weeks for a crown, or worse yet an extraction, but he tells me how he can photograph the tooth and his computer will make a 3-D image and with a little magic on his part, the missing portion is duplicated and glued back in place.
He told me that the metal our dentists use to use expands over the years, causing our teeth to crack. He ground out the old filling and glued the porcelain inlay in to place. I was done in an hour and better than new.
I’ve never heard of this in the states, but if ever again I need a crown, I’m gonna search high and low to have this procedure done instead.