–from Bob T.
I watched the President speak this morning. He wasn’t saying anything new, but during the FOX reporting they mentioned and showed footage of Iraqi people scrambling for aid packages. The reporter said that the people are still afraid to say anything in public supporting our troops, for fear we will abandon them again. That hit home as a major reason for this effort.
I pray that when the dust settles, the Iraqi people are free and living comfortable lives full of promise, that the world is a better more peaceful place, that terrorism has suffered a severe blow in many ways, that the United States is vindicated for our efforts and the Muslim religion followers know that this campaign was not religiously oriented. That’s a lot to ask, but in my way of thinking, it comes down to doing the right thing for all of humanity.
Let’s get to the news:

CYRIL HUZE CHOPPER SPIKEE GRIPS– Unique design from Cyril Huze with extra length for added comfort. Complements the Huze Spikee line of handlebar risers, mirrors, footpegs, velocity stacks, primary side covers. For factory style or internal throttle systems. A spike theme to develop all over your custom bike. All Spikee grips have a removable end on the clutch side for installation of an optional mirror directly on the left grip
Description and ordering online at: Cyril Huze WILL BIKERNET BECOME A BAD RIDE SPONSOR?–I have not bugged you as to your involvement with theB.A.D. Ride. BUT, We are approaching a deadline ofsorts. The last printing of flyers will go to pressApril 1, and to have your logo on the flyers, it willtake an involvement of $1000.00. A verbal commitmentis all that we need at this time and of course yourartwork for the logo to go on the flyer. This flyerwill be distributed at all the pre-Laughlin openhouses and of course at laughlin as we do every year. It would be a real asset to our effort to have”BikerNet.Com” as a partner in our effort. Even if youcould get involved with the committee to adminsterthis fund raiser. All, 100% of the monies go to theAmerican Diabetes Assn. I am told that a cureis available to cure Diabetes, it just needs moremoney. Please help in any way you can. Thankyou… Call Lori or Angie at the office, (800) 828-8293ext. 7439 or 7446. The web-site iswww.ripsbadride.com. The next Committee meeting forthe LA chapter is Wed. nite 26, MARCH, 03 at 6.30 pm atBartels Harley-Davidson. Any time I see you is a real treat, recently, alongthe aisles at the Long Beach Swap Meet and severalyears ago, in Carson City, Nevada, when coming out ofa restaurant and seeing you on your way to Sturgis. Last year as a journey for me, I RODE my 1978, 750Honda to Kenniwick Washington, for the hydroplaneraces, then over the hills thru Idaho, Montana,Wyoming and eventually into Sturgis. In Cody Wyoming,the street actors thought I was Fank of ZZ Topp andsigned a poster for me. After working for several daysfor other people, I headed to Minn. and Wisconsin,thenIll. for a 45th reunion of my high school class. Firsttime I had been back for a reunion. Then back thruMissouri, Oklahoma, where I wathched Tornadoes on theroom TV, before Passing thru Texas, N. Mexico, andArizona. It was real journey and treat for me to roamaround the US on two wheels. This year I will go thruCanada to Alaska on the AlCan highway. Then on thereturn leg I will venture to Sturgis again. All thison an old Honda. Hope to see you soon. We have made contact with Lori and a sponsorship offer. We haven’t heard back. BIKERNET CONNECTION OF THE WEEK–Are you looking for Vincent parts, early Triumph parts, early English or Jap parts? Check with Cindy at Century. If you’d like to buy one of the first Excelsior-Hendersons, mine, she has that too. It’s custom, it’s new, it only has about 3,000 miles on the clock, $13,850. EASYRIDERS RODEO COMES TO EVANSTON, WYOMING–HEY BANDIT;ARE YOU GONNA GO UP TA EVANSTON, WY FOR MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND (EASY RIDER RODEO)? IT’S LOOKIN’ GOOD THAT WAY. I JUST GOT BACK FROM UP THERE. THEY’RE GONNA HAVE JOAN JETT AND HANK WILLIAMS, JR.IF SO… LET’S HOOK UP!!! “KELLY’S” BAR IS THE PLACE TO BE. —- REDHORSE/STEVE BROWN BIKERNET CAPTURES THE ACTION IN IRAQ–U.S. Marines from the 15 Marine Expeditionary Unit fire a shoulder-launched Javelin missile during a battle with Iraqi troops at the port in Umm Qasr, Iraq . –from Bob T. SADDAM ATTEMPTS TO RAISE WAR EFFORT CASH–The report from Rogue in Bagdad. “Saddam has closed a deal with Dixie Chicks to cut a CD and sell it worldwide to pro-terrorist groups,” Rogue said reporting from the war-torn streets of Bagdad. “I’m sure that with guns at their heads, all terrorists will buy my new CD,” said Saddam. “Anthrax is getting expensive.” We’ll bring you more on this development from Saddam’s recording studio in Bagdad. “It’s tough to cut a record when bombs are rocking the building,” Rogue said as he radioed GPS coordinates to USS Kitty Hawk. — from Rogue BIKERNET WAR REPORT FROM CARIBBEAN–Ok, so you know what they say, while the cat’s away the mice will play… This might not be the case since the commander in chief and his immediate staff are going to enjoy the tropical shores of Tahiti, yes, the same trip that I was going to, the downside is that I can’t go. That means, It sucks to be me….and they will have a bit less fun.I have other matters to attend to, if not, better believe I would be taking off as well. But you will find out later which important matters are keeping me on this side of the continent. This week I refuse to talk about war and stuff, no need to, since all the TV stations have been stuffing the shots and events day and night. I find really cool that all those prim and proper reporters are on the front lines, no shower, no shave, no gel……Although I wish I could be there and report it my way. I imagine my coverage would sound something like this…” Here we are in this fucking sand trap, those motherfuckers were shooting at us from I don’t know where, this lame ass guy next to me is not shooting back because of his strict instructions. Fuck that ! I’m taking his weapon and shooting those scumbags out of their hole…..After getting my ass beaten in this damn contraption for 8 days I’m sick of it. Everyone smells like a goat here, so I guess it’s part of the camouflage. Fucking sand in every little orifice of our bodies. Fucking sand all over the god damn place! “While you assholes are back in New York in air conditioned studios and plastered with makeup, I have just one thing to mutter through the sand storm, ‘fuck you too. You look gay, by the way. Don’t ask me again where the fuck I am. You know that I can’t tell you, you fucking cunt. If I knew I would not tell you anyway. Have you ever been in the middle of nowhere?’ “This is sick, but at least some of the troops had a few Hustlers and I’ve been having a great time checking those out. I got to ask a few questions to the commander and all I got where some evasive answers, but I will quote him anyway, ‘Get the fuck outta my way you pussy reporter, go hide in the fuckin’ armored vehicle before the rag heads blow you away.’ I politely asked him where he was from and his address. I will make a point to go back home, look for him and kick his ass….Anyway, don’t bother me for a while, I’m going to find one of those hot chicks in uniform to see if I get lucky. “Reporting from this shit hole called Iraq…Me ! Who the hell did you expect, Larry King ? That pussy !” Or if I was in the briefing at Commando Central answering the questions…..General why does Iraq still has their TV station and radio?”Dude, you ask that once more and I’m going to fucking puke,” The commander said, “are you retarded? What’s the use of blowing it up if we have to re build it with tax payers money later on. Shut the fuck up! General, when do you expect to arrive to Baghdad?”What the hell ! Are you in a rush to get back to your sissy beachside resort? We will get there when we fucking get there. You should be praying that we don’t end this soon or you will be back to reporting about sex amongst gay squirrels in Central Park…Sit the fuck down !” What is going to happen when the enemy hides in Mosques and Hospitals, what are the instructions? “Hey scumbag! the General spat, “I’m not supposed to say this, but I will say it anyway since I bet those Iraqui fucks are watching this…I don’t give a flying fuck if they are hiding in the fucking Mecca, I’m blowing those fuckers away, dressed, undressed, in uniform or not. If they think they will have a haven in those places they are fucking wrong, We gonna get you sucka! They can stick that white flag up their dirty, sand loaded asses, we are going to blow the fuckers up ! And before you ask me the next question, which I know what it is.” General What do you think of the press participating side by side with the troops? (this being asked by a hot blonde babe reporter) It’s the best thing that has ever happened,” said the General eyeing her shape, ” let’s say I take off with you in my Humvee and we spin around town for a bit. I could answer all your questions. I will campaign to have all reporters equal you, to improve the morale of the fighting men. Anyway, you are not wearing a bra right? Man you are hot ! And those knockers real !!!!! Would you like to see a Patriot rocket?” That’s it for this week. next week we won’t be around and Bandit will still be in the Pacific in hiding. We live in uncertain times, so read this and laugh if you want, it’s not intended to bash anyone, just to get the mind away from the shit that is going on. Do the stuff that you always do and appreciate it even more, those little things we take for granted. I hope this mess ends soon. Also I wish all the Bikernet crew a safe and excellent trip…. See you next week, or maybe the next…. –Jose, Caribbean Bikernet reporter SHOW SOME CLASS– Dress up that game room or garage and let folks know how youfeel at the same time. These patriotic art prints, called Old Glory,are available from the artist Chris Kalllas. They come two ways:Don’t Mess or Don’t Fuck with the USA. These and other black andwhite prints are availble directly from Chris. Contact him atCGKNAK@aol.com and make sure you check out his color printsthat we offer in the Gulch. Continued On Page 2
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