Continued from Page 1

NEW SAMSON LOGO AND PERFORMANCE TESTING–Watch next week for new performance exhaust testing results. It’s something I’m constantly interested in.
RAY PRICE READIES FOR 2001–The Ray Price Racing Team has had an uncharacteristically slowstart for the 2001 Screamin’ Eagle Nitro Harley season. But all that’s aboutto change.
Price, the senior Harley drag racer, will soon climb on his 170-cubic-inchnitro burning, 800-horsepower, two-wheel rocket to compete with the IHRA atRockingham Dragway this weekend.
Price opted to miss the traditional first race of the season, spending timeat his Speed shop in Raleigh. “Last year we made tremendous horsepower, butwe couldn’t get the power to the ground without breakage. This season it’scost us time on the front end, we’ve re-designed the heads, belt drive,clutch and fuel system. Even the bracketry and the body style will bedifferent. We are striving for reliability this year.”
Crew chief Nick Richendollar is joined this season by Rex Harris, comprisingthe midnight oil burning nitro team. “It hasn’t been uncommon for us to workall week till 3 or 4 in the morning, get a couple hours sleep, a shower andback at it,” according to Price. “We are hoping to get in a couple practicesessions before going to the Rock this weekend.”
Price intends to join Steve Earwood, Rockingham Dragway track owner, and theIHRA management staff at Rockingham Dragway on March 28 for achamber of commerce luncheon. More than 300 local, state and national dignitarieswill be treated to a trackside meal and tour of the internationally renownedrace facility. –
ANOTHER CRITICAL VOTING OPPORTUNITY–Let your voice be heard on the subject of the government closing your land. With more than 5,000 responses as of this morning, 76 percent are opposed to Clinton’s land closure. You can increase that percentage.
MSNBC is running another poll to verify support or opposition to theClinton/Gore Roadless Initiative. We need to send the strongest messageto the Bush administration that this effort to circumvent congress shouldnot be implemented.
Make your vote count at:
HELMET VOTE–The News-Journal in Daytona Beach has a poll to vote if you want to put thehelmets back on. May I suggest that you go to the below site and vote NO,
BANDIT’S CANTINA TEASER PAGE–If you’re skeptical about joining the Cantina, we snatched the content page from inside and posted it on the outside so you can actually check out the departments. This joint is growing fast, but we’re a flexible bunch. If you think there should be more, let us know.
NOTICESCHEDULING EVIDENTIARY HEARING– for the Quantum Case. I have objected to the trustee’s motion for authority to compromisecontroversy and shorten time. This matter pertains to the selling of motorcycles and other items toAquino’s Auto Service Inc. for $251,000. After payments to various indivuals there was a balance of $141,000.
When I asked the judge at a previous court hearing how money was dispensed,I was told court fees and expenses would be first, then employees’ back pay up to $3,400 each.
In the trustee’s motion, the $141,000 was awarded to InternationalHoldings Inc. (Joe Hale) My argument is that employees should have been paid before Hale.
Hale went to Quantum’s 731 Washburn Road address and removed truckloadsof office equipment and who knows what else. He also made a deal withAquino’s to purchase every thing else in the building. All visible property that was at the Washburn address is beingremoved. Therefore there are no assets to be sold and pay employees. The hearing on this will be held on April 3 at 10:30 a.m. at the UnitedStates Bankruptcy Court, 135 West Central Blvd., Orlando Fla.
It is requested that all interested parties appear at this hearing to let the judge know theirfeelings on this matter. After all, it is your money that is at stake here.
If for some reason you can’t make it, at least write to the judge andlet him know how you feel about this matter and what a hardship it hascaused you.
Honorable Judge Briskman
135 W. Central Ave.
Orlando, Fla. 32802
FIVE SURGEONS– are discussing who make the best patients to operate on. Thefirst surgeon says, “I lie to see accountants on my operating table, becausewhen you open them up, everything is numbered.”
Second surgeon says; “Yeah,but you should try electricians. Everything inside is color coded.”
Thirdsurgeon; “No, I really think librarians are the best, everything is inalphabetical order.”
Fourth surgeon; “You know, I like construction workers.Those guys always understand when you have a few parts left over at the end,and when the job takes longer than you said they’re cool.”
Fifth surgeon;”You are all wrong. Politicians are the easiest to operate on. There’s noguts, no heart, no spine, and the head and butt are interchangeable.”
PARTY ALERT IN SEATTLE AREA– Just wanted to say hi and let you know that we here at Cyclpath are having a party on June 3. There will be food, drink and bands. There’s more info on the Web site,–Jeff Carney
BLUE FLAME FOR SALE–I hate to sell any motorcycle, but I’ve been informed that the time to sell is while it’s fresh. If it’s not gone before Laughlin, it will haul my ass through the desert to the island of neon along the Colorado River. The price is $32,500, cheaper than a lot of clones, and packed with class and reliability. Write my sad-to-see-it-go self at
BENTONVILLE, ARK. (AP) — Some Wal-Mart customers soon will be able to sample anew discount item — Wal-Mart’s own brand of wine. The world’s largestretail chain is teaming up with E&J Gallo Winery of Modesto, Calif., toproduce the spirits at an affordable price; in the $6-$8 range. While wineconnoisseurs may not be inclined to throw a bottle of Wal-Mart brand wineinto their shopping carts, there is a market for cheap wine, said KathyMicken, professor of marketing at Roger Williams University in Bristol, R.I.”There is wine in a box that people are willing to buy,” she said. “Theright name is important.”
The top 15 suggested names for Wal-Mart Wine:
15. Box O’ Grapes
14. Chateau Traileur Doublewide
13. White Trashfindel
12. Big Red Gulp
11. Grape Expectations
10. Domaine Wal-Mart “Merde du Pays”
9. NASCAbernet
8. Chef Boyardeaux
7. Peanut Noir
6. Blue Light Special Nun
5. Chateau des Moines
4. Martha Stewart’s Sour Grapes
3. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Vinegar!
and the No. 1 name for Wal-Mart Wine…
1. Nasti Spumante

10TH ANNIVERSARY BEACH RIDE–The Beach Ride benefits the exceptional Children’s Foundation of Los Angeles, one of the largest organizations in Southern California serving children and adults with developmental disabilities. Larry Hagman will be the grand marshal this year. They’ll have three hot bands, a bike show run by Bikernet, a tattoo contest, a Mr. and Mrs. Beach Ride contest, lotsa food and over 150 Vendors. It’s coming July 15th to the San Buena Ventura State Park, Ventura, Calif.
For information on sponsorships, advertising in the 10th anniversary collector’s journal, or for vendor information, call (310) 470-3644. And write me at if you’re interested in sponsoring the trophies for $1,000.
ULTRA MOTORCYCLE MAKING HEADWAY– Ultra Motorcycle Co. announced results from the 33rdannual Dealer News International Powersports Dealer Expo held in Indianapolisback in Februrary.Their exhibition of motorcycles netted them around 60 new dealerinquiries, which are currently being reviewed.
The Dealer Expo was attended bynearly half of UMC’s current dealer base, and those in attendance placedmotorcycle orders at the show for approximately 200 units, totaling more than$4 million.
On Feb. 16, at their annual Dealer Conference, the company unveiled itsnewest model, the ”Titanium Series 2.” The differences between the ‘T’series 1 and 2 include 6-gallon stretched gas tanks, cruiser-style handlebar,18-inch front tire and wheel and uniquely styled longer rear fender withdistinctive flip.
I like the idea of more gasoline capacity, especially ifyou travel some of the long runs in the Southern California desert countrywhere fill-ups are far and few between. ADAM TO EVE– I’ll wear the plants in this family! THAT’S IT– I just walked out back and discovered that the costly chunk of glass I had cut for John Buttera’s desk is cracked, so I’m ready for a shot. Of course the glass company said I shouldn’t have put it in the sun. Glass in the sun? It wasn’t 78 degrees today on the point. What gives? I’m bummed, but ordered another piece, and we’ll stay on schedule. Damn, somedays I hate learning life’s little lessons. For some odd reason I’m looking forward to the weekend. I suppose some of it has to do with the sun, motorcycles that run, and women who like to have fun. That spins my wheels every time. Let’s ride–Bandit