This is coming to you live from Noosahead Australia, plus I?m working on a new, small, dinky, Dell XPS laptop computer. I?m stumbling and grumbling. Ah, but we?re on the job. Glenn Priddle, Bikernet Correspondent and master seat maker, and I have traveled over 2/3?s of the country from the East coast to the west, judging shows, visiting shops and installing PM Brakes and D&D Exhaust. With Layla at my side, we haven?t finished the mission yet. Another week to go.

By the end of this mission we will bring you event coverage, motorcycles catching fire, bike features from Colt, in Melbourne, bike show coverage from the Sand Drags in Millicent, interviews from little Mick in Brisbane, tech tips from Mike?s Custom Bikes in Noosa. We?ve met the owner of TCB, a small Roth style, old school bike mag, and Doc, roving editor of Heavy Duty magazine, who interviewed me for HD.
Let?s hit the news. My mind is scrambling with thoughts of returning to the States, moving ahead on the Assalt Weapan, Sturgis Plans and more plans for Bikernet. As you will see, we?re launching Bikernet TV.

NEW MOTORCYCLE LAW FIRM–My name is Joe Butch and I’m with MotorcycleInjuryLawFirms.com. Our site is dedicated to informing the public about motorcycle accidents as well as providing the service of locating a motorcycle accident lawyer for anyone in the United States.
We have recently come upon bikernet.com and we believe that your site’s audience will take advantage of the service we provide. That’s why we would like to inform you about our site and to propose submitting our link to your web page located at http://www.bikernet.com/rights/archive.asp?Article=101704
Our site information is:
Title: Motorcycle Injury Lawyer
Description: Find Motorcycle lawyers specializing in motorcycle injuries, motorcycle statistics, motorcycle recal, unmaintained roadways, driver negligence, and motorcycle wrongful death.
We would appreciate it if you could include a link to our site on your web page. Thank you and all the folks at bikernet.com for your time and consideration.
–Joe Butch
Motorcycle Injury Law Firms
100 West Cypress Creek Rd. Suite 1050
Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33309
1-800-631-5158 Ext. 225

SIMPLE TEST IS SAD BUT TRUE–Ask, anyone who is teaching them. What the current crop of kids is capable of learning and/or doing? The answer will shock you because … all these kids know is how to take tests that they have been specifically groomed to pass. Their favorite question for their teacher is ” will this be on the test?…. ’cause I don’t care about learning it unless it’s gonna’ be on the test …”
BIKERNET TECH QUESTION– What is the proper way to pressure test a fuel tank for leaks?Please help me out,
Eric Presnell

BIKERNET PHOTO ART EXHIBIT OF THE WEEK–Sometimes you just have to tell everyone in your way…Suck It!
Ride Hard,
Whiplash Biker Photog
NOMINATION FOR STURGIS FREEDOM FIGHTER HALL OF FAME 2007–My name is Ken ?Barron? Seelig. I would like to formally nominate Gary Sellers from Saint Paris, Ohio for the Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame Award. Gary has been, and continues to be a shining example of what a freedom fighter should be. Although he didn?t know what to call it at the time; Gary was drawn into motorcyclist rights in the mid sixties; long before organized motorcyclist rights existed. His hometown, Springfield, Ohio had passed a mandatory helmet ordinance; long before Ohio had a helmet law. That coupled with problems that motorcyclists encountered parking their motorcycles in ?car spaces? in his employer?s parking lots. Damage from cars, and theft were daily occurrences. Gary wasn?t successful with either of these issues before he went into the Army in June of 1966. Gary served 14 months in the Army with the 4th Infantry Division.
When he returned to Ohio after his Honorable Discharge; Ohio had a helmet law, and parking problems at work were even worse as his employer International Harvester had increased it?s workforce to over seven thousand employees at the three plants. In 1970 Gary was able to convince the company to establish motorcycle-only parking areas at all their facilities. Over the next thirty-four years; he was able to negotiate, that the motorcycle-only parking areas be not only increased in size, but in numbers as well. The areas were moved next to the employees? entrances; as a reward for the motorcycles fuel efficiency; secured perimeters, and electronically monitored for safety.
In 1974 ABATE was being formed in Ohio, and Gary joined immediately. Shortly after joining; the membership discovered that the two organizers made off with the state membership funds, and ABATE collapsed. I believe it was 1976 ABATE again organized, and Gary joined once more.
Before his retirement from motorcyclist rights on December 31, 2000; Gary held several positions at the County; Region, and State levels for ABATE of Ohio Inc. When he retired from ABATE of Ohio, Inc.; he actually retired from three positions. Chairman of the Board of Directors; Chairman of the Political Action Committee; and Legislative Agent (Lobbyist). He also retired from the Motorcycle Riders Foundation on the same date. Gary had been a past board of directors member for an unexpired term of another individual; then was elected to a full term; and was retained at an Ex-Officio Board Member for six years.
Realizing early on, that riding around the Statehouse on a Sunday afternoon; wasn?t doing us any good and that we needed to work within the system; on their turf. Gary became a Lobbyist for ABATE of Ohio, Inc.
Some of the victories that he was involved with during his tenure with ABATE of Ohio, Inc. were: The Repeal of the helmet law; lobbied for, and legislation passed to place four dollars of every motorcycle registration into a fund to support riders? education; lobbied for, and legislation passed to waive the on bike licensing test if the rider had successfully completed a riders? education class; defeated two helmet bills that were introduced just days apart (1991 & 1992); was able to get the motorcycle language removed from the Tort Reform bill in 1994; Gary with ABATE of Ohio, Inc. were responsible for the ?Applegate Amendment? which removed all of the motorcycle specific language from the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991.
When the Motorcycle Riders Foundation finally offered individual membership; Gary immediately joined; becoming a Charter Member. Shortly after that, he became the first MRF State Rep for Ohio. Recognized as the top State Rep two years running; he was asked to fill an unexpired term on the Board of Directors. He took that position, and when that term expired; Gary was elected to a full term on the BOD; with his primary responsibilities being all product procurement; design of awards; and managing the Sustaining Membership program. Gary gracefully declined another term on the BOD; but was retained as an Ex-Officio Officer for special projects; and as an advisor to new BOD members for six more years.
Also as a member of the American Motorcyclist Association; he participated in their ?MEMBER GETTER? program from 1986 thru 1992; signing up a significant number of new members. Gary is not a braggart and does not ?recall? that exact number but I am sure it was a significant one. He worked closely with AMA Legislative Affairs Specialists; Chris Kallfelz, and Eric Lundquist over the course of a few years. Chris and Gary were co-presenters of legislative workshop. Eric and Gary gave testimony before the Mayor and city council of Sidney, Ohio, and were successful in over-turning a motorcycle ban that had existed almost twenty years at the Tawawa City Park in Sidney. The Region Director of ABATE of Ohio, Inc. represented ABATE; Eric the AMA, and Gary the MRF.
Gary has provided legislative; riders education and safety; and motorcyclist rights information to marquee clubs for several years; receiving two recognition plaques for services rendered. Although the plaques were not dated; I believe they are from 1991, and 1992.
Noticing a rather large void in the availability of motorcycle riders training in a large four county area; Gary contacted the Ohio Motorcycle Enrichment Program in Columbus, Ohio (now called Motorcycle Ohio); asking if they could support another site with their mobile program if he secured a facility. Their answer was affirmative. As the UAW Safety Chairman at the International Truck and Engine plants in Clark and Champaign Counties; he was able to convince the company to supply the needed range and classroom areas. This agreement continues even today; ten-plus years after the first class was held at this site.
While working as a liaison for OMEP, and International Truck and Engine Corp; the site in Springfield was a springboard to first try, and successfully complete, a two-shift riders? training classes at a mobile site. Another innovation, and a first for the State program was to hold riders training classes for military only personnel.
When the BOD of ABATE of Ohio, Inc. initiated a points award program to promote the incentive to the membership; to become more involved in the goals of the organization; the awards were set at three levels. The levels were at the 30 point; 50 point, and top award being 90 points for the calendar year. Gary was recognized for accumulating 1500 points in the twelve months of the first year of the program?s existence. This record still stands sixteen years later. The following seven years he received the top award of 90+ points each year (The program stopped counting points at 90 and I am sure Gary was way over that number year after year).
In the mid-nineties Gary gave workshops for women riders; educating them on motorcyclist rights; supporting the organizations that support riders (ABATE of Ohio; AMA, and MRF) and the importance of rider safety training and education. Gary was the person responsible for initating the circulation of the petitions that lead to the veterans and handicap license plates for motorcycles here in Ohio as well. Gary lobbied for 9 1/2 years to make the plates available to Ohio bikers. I am proud to say that they are enjoyed today as a result of Gary?s unrelenting pursuit to make it happen.
I again will state for the record that Gary is and has been for the 30+ years I have known him, a perfect example of what freedom fighters should be. He has served motorcyclists without fail every time he is called on. I am proud to not only call him my mentor, friend, and fellow biker, but the title I hold most dear to my heart?.BROTHER. Thank you for your consideration of Gary for this Award. I, and as you can see from the attached letters of recommendation, many others feel he is very soffordphotos@comcast.net deserving of the award.
With Honor & Respect,
–Ken ?Barron?Seelig

ASSALT WEAPAN NOSE ART CONTINUES–I took some time yesterday to take the art a little further. Next I’ll work out the type.
Official Bikernet 5-Ball Racing Artist
–Chris Kallas

HOT NEW BIKES JUST HITTING THE FLOOR LifeStyle Cycles just got some new pre-owned bikes just in time for the weekend. If you see one you like, get into LifeStyle Cycles today and grab it now before someone else does!
CALL TODAY: (714) 490-0155 ________________________________________
2006 HARLEY STREET BOB!ONLY $11,500.00

NEW BIKERNET BIKE FEATURE COMING–I am sending some pictures of a bike I just completed, not sure if it is good enough to go. But take a look anyway. The paint is by Joann Bortles, she did an amazing job.
–Tim Drennen
We?ll work with Tim, as soon as I have my trusty I-Mac in front of me, to bring you a completer Bikernet feature.–Banditwww.classicmotocycles.com

WORLD?S EASIEST SEAT PAN KIT COMING TO BIKERNET–Continuing a tradition of innovation, the engineers of Stampede? parts havedeveloped what they believe is the world?s easiest and quickest custom seatpan kit. The easy-to-work-with, two-part clay epoxy Insta Pan seat pan canbe made in less than an hour, though it allows 2-3 hours of working time,and can be cut and machined similarly to hardwood in about 48 hours.
Stampede? Insta Pan Seat Pan Kits are available for large single seats,double seats or in bulk quantity for builders, allowing them to use only asmuch as they need each time they make a pan. Each kit includes the claymaterial, rolling pipe and rails, clear pattern material, fiberglass matte,protective tape, vinyl gloves and complete instructions to create a seatpan. Best of all, the Insta Pan is made with non-toxic materials that do notrequire a great amount of protective gear and washes off skin with warmsoapy water.
MSRP for one standard to large seat is $145.00 for medium or large seats,and $194.99 for a extra large or double rider seat kit. Contact your localMC Advantages dealer to purchase yours today!
MC Advantages is a distributor of high-performance V-Twin parts based inGrimes, Iowa, serving dealers in the U.S. and abroad. MC Advantagesdistributes many brands including: S&S? Cycle, Martin Bros.?, Spyke?,Stampede?, Prowler?, Bulletpr?f?, D&M Custom Cycle, Jims?, Dynatek?, DakotaDigital, Wire Plus, Hooker? and many more.
–MC Advantages
BIKERNET TV IS ON– The new Bikernet Radio is up. It’s located at www.bikernetshop.com. It includes audio and video. The first Bikernet TV is with Bob Osias and he interviews Dooley of Hard Krome. Please point Bikernet to www.bikernetshop.com. We will no longer use bikernet.com/mediacast -Jeff

BIKERNET WEEKLY ART EXHIBIT?WE DELIVER BIKER CULTURE WEEKLY– This gas station is in Pasadena on Lake St. (if I remember correctly), but it’s a different color and has no signage, or globes on the pumps etc. All of the cars were heavily modified by me (beyond the rods and customs they already were). The guy being strangled is Tony Wood, who is George Barris’ right hand, and a good friend. The other guy is Brian Jones (not the dead Rolling Stone).
This picture is available on my website: www.retrovisions.com
–Larry Grossman

FORGE-TEC MOTORCYCLE WHEELS AND BIG BEAR CHOPPERS JOINS FORCES–Oxnard, CA- Two of the industry?s fastest growing companies have joined forces?Forge-Tec Motorcycle Wheels and Accessories and Big Bear Choppers. Forge-Tec Motorcycle, an industry-leading manufacturer of high-end aluminum wheels and blanks supplier to many of the industry?s leading wheel manufacturers announced today that they are now the exclusive wheel manufacturer for Big Bear Choppers. Mark Finnie, GM for Forge-Tec recently paid Big Bear Choppers a visit and was astonished to see the daily operation at Big Bear Choppers. Finnie exclaimed, ?When I met with Kevin and he took me on a tour of his state-of-the-art facility, I knew that we were perfect for each other. I?ve visited most of the industry?s bike manufacturers and Big Bear Choppers definitely has one incredible operation. All of their equipment was nothing short of the finest that money can buy!?
Kevin Alsop, CEO of Big Bear Choppers added, ?Mark and I discussed what constitutes the manufacturing of a great product and we saw eye-to-eye on everything that we talked about?manufacturing, equipment, engineering, delivery times, materials, employees, styles and the market in general. Once I saw several of the samples that he brought up to me, I knew right than and there that we found a home for our wheel business. I decided to go with Forge-Tec Motorcycle because of their quality, their state-of-the-art manufacturing processes and their ability to meet our demands in a timely manner. We are also working with them on some non-wheel related parts and accessories which we will announce at a later date.? Finnie added, ?Forge-Tec Motorcycle is proud to work with Big Bear Choppers and will be manufacturing all 8 of BBC?s proprietary wheel designs and selected accessories.?
Kevin, CEO/President and Mona Alsop, Vice President started BBC less than 10 years ago and sales continue to sky rocket because of their cutting edge designs and incredible prices. While other manufacturers keep offering the same old styles, Kevin and his team of enthusiast are always working on a new cutting edge style and design. As the market changes?so does Big Bear Choppers! A perfect example of this philosophy is that BBC just recently introduced the first bike in the industry specifically designed for the woman rider called Miss Behavin.
Big Bear Choppers currently has 12 different motorcycle designs that fit any rider?s style or budget. Their cutting edge motorcycle designs are setting today?s trend in the production motorcycle industry. And in the custom world of motorcycles, their customer?s ?stock? bikes seem to keep winning awards at bike shows world wide.
Mark Finnie, GM for Forge-Tec concluded, ?We are extremely honored to have been chosen by Kevin as the exclusive wheel supplier of his creatively designed wheels and look forward to a long lasting relationship!? Big Bear Choppers will also sell other styles of Forge-Tec wheels on their website.
Forge-Tec Motorcycle and Accessories is a division of American Metalforming Technologies which also has an automotive division. AMT?s manufacturing and process technology capabilities are unparalleled in this industry and provide the company with a significant competitive advantage and has the capacity to build 50,000 wheels per month on a 3 shift operation.
The AMT facility is located 60 miles northwest of Los Angeles, in Oxnard, California. Situated on approximately 6.3 acres, the facility consists of approximately 100,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing space which houses a tool and die shop, material storage, stock preparation, rotary forge, spinning, machining, heat treatment, finishing, quality control and shipping operations. The complex is surrounded by additional land that allows for facility expansion to accommodate future growth.
Forge-Tec Motorcycle wheels are available in a wide variety of popular sizes for Harley and custom bike applications (including the new 23? x 3.5? front wheel and 20? x 10.5? rear wheel), with matching rotors, pulleys and sprockets. All wheels go out shipped with the rotors and pulley attached and torqued to OEM specs which eliminates a lot of guess work at the dealer level and ensures that wheels arrive to their customers in perfect condition.
For further information, please contact Forge-Tec Motorcycle directly at 805-982-9820. Forge-Tec Motorcycle Wheels and Accessories, 950 Richmond Ave., Oxnard, CA 93030. www.forgetecmotorcycle.com. Dealer inquiries invited!

Continued On Page 2