Continued From Page 2

KEN MILLER PROJECT START–Frank’s bike is kicking off with a 6-inch stretch, 2-inch drop neck, 46 degree rake, 113 S&S 6-SPEED.
EUROPEAN DOLLAR BOOSTS H-D SALES–NEW YORK (CNN/Money) – If you’ve traveled to Europerecently, or have even considered a trip, you probablyknow just how big the impact of the depressed dollar hasbeen.
When I visited Paris a few years ago, the euro was downto 85 cents. Clothes were so cheap that I just threw outa lot of the things I had brought and replaced them withnicer stuff at Bon March?, the Paris equivalent of Saks.
But when I went back to Paris last October, the euro wasup to $1.15, and to economize I tried to buy as littleas possible and ended up staying at a hotel in acommercial neighborhood — the hotel was nice enough butI did have to pass a couple of adult theaters to get toit.
Since then, the dollar has dropped ever further againstthe euro.
Currency exchange rates have equally great impact onstock prices. Figuring out what the effects will be,however, can get quite complicated.
If a company produces goods in the U.S. and sells themoverseas, it benefits from a cheap dollar, because itsproducts become less expensive for foreign buyers. Salesgenerally get a boost as a result.
This benefit, however, can be offset for many reasons,especially if the company owns factories or other assetsin foreign countries. In that case, labor costs andother expenses in foreign factories may rise in U.S.dollar terms. Or the company may be affected by changesin the dollar-value of foreign property, plant andequipment or investments denominated in foreigncurrencies.
Harley-Davidson isn’t affected much by those factors.The company makes classic American motorcycles in thiscountry and sells some of them in Europe and Japan. TheU.S. dollar is down so much against the euro and the yenthat Harley’s motorcycles look relatively cheap toforeign buyers. And not surprisingly, sales are upsignificantly in both those markets.
Moreover, Harley (HDI) qualifies for my list of 70 long-term growth stocks even without the current boost fromforeign sales. Earnings are projected to grow at a 16percent to 17 percent compound annual rate over the nextfive years. At just over $53 a share, the stock tradesat less than 20 times estimated 2004 earnings.[ ]
Although today’s unusually cheap dollar is giving salesan extra boost, Harley has a long history of success inall kinds of markets. The company has just celebratedits 100th anniversary. And Harley’s most recent earningsreport — a 31 percent gain in profit from 2002 to 2003,on a 13 percent rise in sales — represents thecompany’s 18th straight annual increase in both revenuesand earnings.
–By Michael Sivy, CNN/Money contributing columnist

A DOCTOR’S ETHIC– Doctor Dave had sex with one of his patients andfelt guilty all day long. No matter how much hetried to forget about it, he couldn’t. The guilt and senseof betrayal was overwhelming.
But every once in awhile he’d hear an internal, reassuring voice thatsaid: “Dave, don’t worry about it. You aren’t the firstdoctor to sleep with one of their patients and you won’t be thelast. And you’re single. Just let it go..”
But invariably another voice would bring him backto reality, whispering…………..
“Dave, you’re a veterinarian…”

QUOTE OF THE DAY–“Once the pin is pulled, Mr. Hand Grenade is no longer our friend.”
–U.S. Marine Corps
DAYTONA TOPLESS PROTEST– Liz Book believes exposed breasts are a part ofmotorcycle culture, so she plans to lead a protest of topless women on thelast day of Bike Week.”
I’m not making this up. Try the link above, for today’s AP sourced protestparade details scheduled for Bike Week wrapup this Sunday. Of course, Ifully support – if that’s the correct word – all civil disobedience thatseeks to right social injustices.
The $253 fine ($126.50 a side) does seem a bit excessive. My hunch isDaytona could set out tip jars along the parade route and fund all new roadconstruction for the next decade. Hell, they could probably build anelevated freeway from I-95 to the beach ramp with plenty left over.
If the link doesn’t work, try the Daytona Beach News-Journal>APWire>offbeat.

BIG DOG BUILDS ENGINEERING STRENGTH–Joining the company is Glen Martin as Regulatory Compliance Engineer; Ryan Linton as Mechanical Engineer; Kevin Werner as Current Product Support Engineer;and Shawn Berkley as an intern in industrial design.
WICHITA, Kansas (March 2, 2004): Big Dog Motorcycles (the leading designer and manufacturer of high performance, highly-styled heavyweight cruisers, has expanded its engineering team, allowing for greater focus on overall motorcycle design, accessories design, as well as drivetrain engineering and compliance.
“In the last two years, with the rapid introduction of our exclusive components and technologies, we officially finished the transition from an aftermarket assembler to true OEM status,” stated Sheldon Coleman, founder and CEO, Big Dog Motorcycles. “With this new status and our new growth, it is critical we focus on engineering and design to stay cutting-edge while maintaining compliance,” he added.
Hahn announced the appointments of Glen Martin to regulatory compliance engineer, Ryan Linton as mechanical engineer, Kevin Werner as current product support engineer, and Shawn Berkley as an intern in industrial design.
Adding these four employees expands Big Dog Motorcycles? engineering department to 16, eleven of whom hold degrees in engineering and design.
Glen Martin, as regulatory compliance engineer, will focus on drivetrain design, specifications, and compliance with government standards. With a rich background in engineering and compliance, most recently with Mercury MerCruiser, a leading manufacturer of inboard marine engines, Martin comes with a Bachelors of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering.
Ryan Linton, as mechanical engineer, will concentrate primarily on BDM Performance Products, Big Dog Motorcycles? exclusive line of accessories. Charged with designing accessories that make the company?s complete line of six bikes more stylish, functional, comfortable, and custom, Linton also holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering.
Kevin Werner, as current product support engineer, will serve as the engineering liaison for any production-related issues. He will also concentrate on integration among engineering, production, warranty, and technical support, ensuring issues are communicated and resolved appropriately and effectively by each department.
Shawn Berkley, who is currently pursuing is Bachelors of Fine Arts degree, also recently joined Big Dog Motorcycles as an intern in industrial design. Using education and practical experience, Berkley will contribute to overall motorcycle design, focusing primarily on bike style.

DAYTONA BACKDROP FOR FILMS– ORMOND BEACH — Thunderous motorcycles blast along South Beach Street, past a boy slumped in a wheelchair.The noise catches the youth’s attention, but he can’t see the gleaming flashes of chrome and steel against the Halifax River — because, according to the movie script, he is blind.
“The Bike King,” a made-for-TV Christian movie being shot here this week, is using Bike Week as a backdrop. The movie’s director is one of several filmmakers capturing biker activities this week for documentaries, videos and Internet broadcast. Janet Kersey of Convention and Visitors Bureau Daytona Beach Film Office said “The Bike King” movie crew got its film permit last week.
Christian talk-show host Julius Ah Sam of Ormond Beach, formerly of Hawaii, is backing the movie and wrote the 80-minute screenplay, which he will market to religious channels. He brought his talk show, “God’s Love,” from Olelo Community Television in Honolulu to Orlando’s WACX Super Channel 55 last year.
Another cameraman capturing Bike Week events on film along Main and Beach streets and State Road A1A is Harold “Raven” Kionka, who operates a 24-hour Internet webcast station, Another film company, Hot Spot Entertainment from Los Angeles, also has applied to the film office for a permit. Rick Wren of Hot Spot said he plans to film in the area during Bike Week and Spring Break, including a pilot for Spike TV — an MTV network for men — along with videos for sale on the Internet. He said he hopes to counter any negative reputation left behind in other years by other film companies. By AUDREY PARENTEStaff Writer –from Rogue ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE–Center Conway NH, January 2004. Whether you’re looking to get grease up to your elbows or just want to keep up with your fast-talking mechanic, The Essential Guide to Motorcycle Maintenance is the latest must-have tool for motorcyclists. Written with humor for the average bike owi~er by expert Mark Zimmerman, this authoritative new guide will help anyone master basic motorcycle maintenance skills and keep their favorite two-wheeled machines ruining smoothly and safely. Featuring more than 500 full-color photos and illustrations, The Essential Guide to Motorcycle Maintenance covers each component of a bike’s anatomy and offers step-by-step instructions for all common tasks on street and dirt bikes. Included are simpler tasks such as oil and coolant changes, bleeding brakes, changing drive chains, replacing fork seals, and balancing tires; as well as more complex projects like properly adjusting today’s complex suspensions, synchronizing carburetors, and replacing a clutch. For even quicker reference, a handy troubleshooting guide will help diagnose and fix the most puzzling problems. Along the way, Zimmerman cuts through the clutter of mechanical misinformation to explain, in his easy-to-follow style, how motorcycles work. The author has tackled every topic from ignition and electrics to engine tuning and suspension in a way that allows even the most amateur mechanics to learn their way around any type or model of motorcycle. More than a manual, The Essential Guide to Motorcycle Maintenance is destined to be every motorcyclist?s favorite dog-eared reference. Softbound, 8-114 x 10-1/2 inches. 256 pages, 500 illus. Price of the book is S29.95 plus shipping. VISA, MasterCard, American Express. Discover, checks, or money orders accepted. Note to international customers: Shipping is by air and actual cost is charged. Please contact Whitchorse Press for a quote. Whitehorse Press. 107 East Conway Rd., Center, Conway NH 03813. 603-356-6590, or SWAP MEET DALLAS–This Sunday at the Gigantic Historic – LONGHORN BALLROOM Live Band * Door Prizes * Parts & Party* $100 to Win – Jalapino Eatin? Contest * Show Hours: 10am-5pm Info: 254-687-9066 M-F 9am – 6pm SATURDAY MARCH 6TH – Before The Swap Meet It?s Texas Scooter Times “Texas Style Party Drags”
Admission: $8 Adults – $5 5-12 – Under 5 Free
Location: Longhorn Ballroom is located on the corner of Industrial Bouldvard and Corinth. Take Industrial Blvd. Exit from I-30 or I-35 where they cross in downtown Dallas go south 5 blocks & you?r there…
Continued On Page 4