
Hi Everyone;
I have learned that the House plans to pass a 60 day extension to TEA.This will require the House to amend the 4-month extension it recentlypassed. The Senate is also expected to approve a 60-day extension. This voteshould come sometime today.
Bottom line…nothing is expected to happen tomorrow..and the TEA money runsout this weekend. There is a “tentative” mark-up scheduled for March 3rd in the Highways &Transit Subcommittee, chaired by Petri of Wisconsin. There is no guaranteehere…
Boyd has sent the House TEA language back to Young’s Office. We stillexpect our language to be included in final mark-up..whenever that happens.
I would like to thank everyone, especially Boyd McFail, for all theircontributions and comments to this language. Several SMROs, SMSA (StateMotorcycle Safety Administrators), TEAM Oregon, and the AMA all offeredvalued comments.
When we have the “polished” version from Congressman Young’s office, we’llput it out for everyone. If you would like a copy of the “rough draft”please e-mail me or Boyd. Please keep in mind the “rough draft” is proposedlanguage. Congressman Young has the final say in what he is planning tooffer.
–Karen Bolen

North Carolina’s helmet bill, HB-670, is being heard in the House SelectCommittee on Motorcycle Helmet Laws. The next meeting is on March 4th, andis to focus primarily on the impact the bill could have on tourism andeconomic development. The members of the committee have so far proven to beopen-minded and fair. The two primary sponsors on the committee have beenvery aggressive and thorough. Now is when we need your help. Pleasecontact the committee members and let them know that the rest of the countryis watching and waiting to decide on where to spend their vacation moneynext year! We have a good head of steam going on this bill, but this islikely our make-or-break year. We need your input! The motorcyclists ofNorth Carolina have been doing everything we can to push this bill through,but the more voices heard, the better we will do.Thank you, and please make those calls and emails.
Sam Nobles
Legislative Director, CBA/ABATE of NC
Lobbyist, NC BikePAC

Committee Members:
Rep. John Sauls Co-chair
418A Legislative Office Building
Raleigh, NC 27603-5925
Rep. Earl Jones Co-chair
536 Legislative Office Building
Raleigh, NC 27603-5925
Rep. Rex Baker
302C Legislative Office Building
Raleigh, NC 27603-5925
Rep. E. Nelson Cole
1218 Legislative Building
Raleigh, NC 27601-1096
Rep. L. Hugh Holliman
1213 Legislative Building
Raleigh, NC 27601-1096
Rep. Don Munford
539 Legislative Office Building,
NC Raleigh, NC 27603-5925
Rep. Keith Williams
418C Legislative Office Building
Raleigh, NC 27603-5925
Rep. Larry Womble
537 Legislative Office Building
Raleigh, NC 27603-5925

WE need to get on this ASAP…even if you don’t plan on riding throughMissouri in the next year – they don’t have to KNOW that as things change.WE need to flood these flood these people with email. Remember, we’re out ofstaters. WE need to be cordial, professional and to the point…it’s ALLabout the money we would spend in tourism dollars in the state of Missouri”if” the helmet mandate was repealed/modified.
We’re all in this together…let’s get the word out and make a positivedifference in a helmet state.
We need to create some numbers for the tourism people to look at inMissouri. We need motorcyclists from across the continent to e-mail theMissouri Tourism Commission to let them know that motorcyclists will not betraveling through Missouri during the upcoming Midwest riding season becausethey do not wish to bring along a helmet!
If motorcyclists are going to Daytona, we need for the tourism people toknow that Missouri was bypassed, and we need for them to know approximatelyhow many dollars were spent in other states instead of Missouri. Even ifyou are hauling to Daytona, Missouri could be bypassed because it appears tobe motorcyclist unfriendly!
If motorcyclists are planning trips for Laughlin, Laconia, Sturgis, etc.for the summer of 2004, we need for the tourism people to know that Missouriwill be bypassed, and we need for them to know approximately how many dayscould have been spent in Missouri, and how many dollars Missouri will missbecause of the helmet restrictions.
Send e-mails to:
Missouri Tourism and Missouri Tourism Director, John Robinson The Helmet Bills ( HB 1109 and HB 770) are ready to be heard before theHouse. We are claiming that Missouri is losing revenue from motorcyclistsacross the country. Help us show the Tourism people that we knowmotorcyclists will come here to ride and spend money in our beautiful stateif Missouri makes them welcome! Freedom isn’t FREE… YOU have to FIGHT for it. From: Matt Howes, National Internet Organizer, ACLU 1) Tell Your Legislators to Stay Out of the Matrix Your state is currently participating in a program to compile your personalinformation into a giant database that law enforcement agents can combthrough to find evidence of wrongdoing.According to news reports and internal documents, the Matrix (which standsfor Multistate Anti-Terrorism InformationExchange) is an effort to combine state government records, such as driverslicense information, with commercially available data, such as credit cardinformation, to create a vast database capable of compiling and analyzing aprofile of every American. This database is then used by law enforcementagents and government contractors to search through your private records andinvestigate your activities. Matrix is an expensive, invasive program being undertaken without theapproval of your state legislature. Take Action! Urge your state legislators to reign in this domesticsurveillance database. Click here to get more information and to send a free fax to your statelegislators:http://www.aclu.org/Privacy/Privacy.cfm?ID=15032&c=40 Send any nominations to tmor@nauticom.net and the Officers will pick fromthe cast of entrants and characters. If you need more info on this or any other subject just go to the Sons ofLiberty Riders Info Zone:http://solriders.com/ or http://solriders.net/index.php Later BRAND NEW CUSTOM CHROME CATALOG RELEASED– Custom Chrome’s new offering for 2004. The California based distributor brings you the most comprehensive product offering in the Harley-Davidson aftermarket! At over 1,200 pages and over 22,000 part numbers, their 2004 Catalog features the new RevTech 110 Motor, Hard Core II, Ares bikekits and noumious frames and forks–everything from nuts & bolts to performance products. It’s the Custom Bike Bible for the year. ONLY $9.95 + 6.95 Shipping**
To: ACLU Action Network Members
Date: February 24, 2004
ICQ 34668186
Sons of Liberty Riders
http://www.solriders.com/ or http://www.solriders.net