Continued From Page 1

BIKERNET RESEARCH ON EUROPEAN REGS THAT MIGHT IMPACK US RIDERS–Recently I was moved by the threads of new European Union regs that might force anti-tampering laws, helmet laws, leg protectors, etc. on American rides. I contacted FEMA and Ian Mutch in England for his thoughts. Here’s his response:
I think these rumours are not ill founded but are based on ideas rather thanconcrete plans. There are people who would like to inhibit the ownersability to take his engine apart because they want to make sure that if abike is constructed to conform to emission regulations then it can’t enjoygreater performance and higher emissions after its owner modifies it. Theoriginal motive for this form of type approval was safety and has its rootsin the French culture of tuning mopeds until they do 50 mph. French teenagerswere totalling themselves after performing this kind of surgery on bikesthat were not constructed to cope with the performance enhancement they weregetting.
The remedy from the EuropeanCommission was to draft a set of design criteria that included sheer bolts(fastners). Sheer bolts were designed to snap in half when an attempt wasmade to undo them – don’t ask me how that works. Thus the teenager whosought to pull his engine apart and modify it would end up with a pile ofuseless shit. The real problem came when the architects of this idea decidedto extend it to all bikes. We lobbied hard on this one and ended up with acompromise whereby only mopeds were subject to the anti tamperingregulations. Since mopeds are by definition, bikes of severely limitedperformance it was hard to argue against this particularly as 14 year oldsin some European countries are permitted to ride them in recognition oftheir low performance.
The concept of anti tampering is a worrying one though and those nowinterested in enforcing stringent emission regulations are becomingconcerned that those levels of emission could be circumvented by outrageousperformance enthusiasts who have the temerity to want to work on their ownengines. To the best of my knowledge there is no definite proposal right nowbut all of these ideas enjoy currency in the forums of the boffins in theresearch departments.
Response from FEMA
Sorry for this delay. Christina forwarded your request to me, and I amafraid there isn’t a website Bandit can be directed to (until we manage tofind the time to properly update the new FEMAwebsite…
You mentioned the possibility of a helmet directive. The Commission isabout to release the proposal for the 3rd Road Safety Action Plan 2002 (yes,they are late)-2010. The reason for this delay is that the issue is verysensitive because of the targets the Commission has declared they want toreach by 2010, namely a 50% reduction in fatalities and serious injuries intransport.
When it comes to motorcyclists they are therefore also focussingon helmet use with awareness campaigns and even considering a Directive onhelmet use, which was by the way already supported in 2000 by the Council ofMinisters and by a resolution of the European Parliament. In practicalterms, we question the contribution this directive might make to safety,since the use of a helmet is already compulsory in all the EU Member Statesaccording to national regulations, and it is a matter of enforcing the law.We have asked the Commission for further information which I will forward toyou as available.
I think there are two subjects of main interest at the moment, one positiveand one negative. The first one is that on the White Paper on TransportPolicy which covers the same 2002-2010 time span FEMA received the supportof the European Parliament for “improved mobility for motorcyclists”. Weplan to use this support to obtain a mention of better infrastructure whenthe Road Safety Action Plan is proposed by the Commission.
The second one,which might actually be of higher interest for the US, is that theCommission is now investigating through TUV the effectiveness ofantitampering measures (when it comes to speed, noise and gas emissions) forsmall motorcycles as contained in Directive 97/24. The aim of the project(which will be finished end of this year) is to assess if these should/willbe extended to mid and large motorcycles in a future amendment of thedirective.
This could have serious implications for the servicing of themachines and the extent to which they could be customised. FEMA is takingpart to the meetings and has been bringing forward points such as costeffectiveness and socio-economic impact assessment (small businesses) and wehave been receiving support from the UK delegation, who is actuallyquestioning the need to extend/tighten antitampering measures.
I hope this is helpful, should Bandit need more information please getback to me.
SALE ON NITROUS KITS–From now until March 16th, we will be offering 10% off MPS Dry Nitrous Kit forFuel Injected Motorcycles. Check it out on our web special page . Just imagine another 20 to 40horsepower in just 2 hours! That’s the reality of our Dry Nitrous Kit ForFuel Injected Motorcycles.
Flip the switch to activate the nitrous and turnyour horn button into a horsepower button. Our kit comes complete with allwiring. Most will plug directly into your stock wire harness.
Dealers, this offerwill get you 10% off your pricing as well. You will need to mention theInternet special to get this sale pricing. Go to our web site and click on the secure order form to order yours today.These purchases will count towards the 2003 contingency purchases, soregister online now!
Click on over to the ever growing instruction areawhile you are surfing. You will find over 50 sets of product instructionsfor MPS, MSD, NOS, Dyna, and Computech products. And as always, enter theTether Kill Switch drawing. Dale Johnson of Red Wing, MN was the luckywinner in February. Congratulations Dale!
–Dan Rudd

In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
by John McCrae
from Bob T.

MYSTERY SLEDS–Check out this “under construction” pic and a “Tail Dragger V-Rod! That’s all we know.

SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS E-NEWS–Patriot Act and Civil LibertiesHey a chance for more feedback? is your view? In a 400-450 word essay, explain whether the new PatriotAct is a necessary part of life after September 11 or whether it overstepsthe boundaries of privacy invasion. Send your completed essay to NewsHourExtra( Exceptional essays may be published on ourwebsite.
There is a wealth of good information at the following link too:’ Alliance ‘Shocked Beyond Belief’ by TSA DisclosureBy Jeff Congressional Bureau ChiefFebruary 25, 2003Capitol Hill ( – Airline pilots supporting the law that allowsthem to carry guns to defend against potential terrorist hijackings saidMonday they are “shocked beyond belief” that federal aviation securityofficials have publicly revealed weaknesses in the Bush administration’splan to implement the law.
As previously reported, a spokeswoman for the TransportationSecurity Administration (TSA)acknowledged Friday that pilots who participatein the program will only be allowed ready access to their guns when they areinside the cockpit with the door locked.
“The jurisdiction of use of the weapon is in the cockpit and the cockpitonly,” explained TSA spokeswoman Heather Rosenker. “The weapon needs to bere-secured in the locked box if the cockpit door opens.”

In this 2 hour 47 minute video, Ron Covell goes through the process of making two very different motorcycle gas tanks – one steel, and one aluminum.Design, layout, patterning and buck construction are shown in detail. You’ll see annealing hand shaping, welding, and the English Wheel, plus details on leaktesting and rubber mounting. Each step is shown clearly, and it’s easy to follow. The video sells for $60, and it’s available on DVD for $70. (Add$8 for s&h, California residents add local sales tax.)
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ETHEL’S WHEELCHAIR TIPS–Ethel was a bit of a demon in her wheelchair, and loved to chargearound the nursing home, taking corners on one wheel and gettingup to maximum speed on the long corridors. Because the poor woman was onesandwich short of a picnic, the other residents tolerated her, and some ofthe males actually joined in.
One day, Ethel was speeding up one corridor when a door opened andKooky Clarence stepped out with his arm outstretched. “STOP!”, heshouted in a firm voice. “Have you got a license for that thing?”
Ethelfished around in her handbag and pulled out a Kit Kat wrapper and held it up tohim.
“OK” he said, and away Ethel sped down the hall.As she took the corner near the TV lounge on one wheel, WeirdHarold popped out in front of her and shouted, “STOP! Have you got proofof insurance?”
Ethel dug into her handbag, pulled out a drinkcoaster and held it up to him. Harold nodded and said, “Carry on, ma’am.”
As Ethel neared the final corridor before the front door, CrazyCraig stepped out in front of her, stark naked, holding a very sizableerection in his hand.
“Oh, good grief,” said Ethel, “not the breathalyzer again!
–from Chris T.
Continued On Page 3