NYC CHOPPERS AND INDEPENDENT CYCLE JOINS ONE-OFF RAFFLE BIKE FOR KIDS AND CHROME– May 2007 – – Kids & Chrome, a benefit for Children’s Home Society and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame, is proud to announce that Nick Genender of New York City Choppers
The new school meets old school custom is built with ICI’s Hardlife drop neck mid control frame, rear fender kit, mount and drive line. “With an 80 inch S&S shovelhead motor; Contour Gasser wheels, pullies, rotors, hand controls and mirrors from Performance Machine; six-speed right side drive Baker Transmission; Kiwi front end; Slither tank from Independent Cycle; license plate and exhaust flanges from Fab Kevin, Gimp Hangers by Nash Motorcycle Company; primary drive from Tech Cycle Products; and Colony Machine chrome hardware kit, this bike stays true to the New York City Choppers old school style,” says Genender.

Valued at over $50,000 this one-of-a-kind motorcycle is sure to draw attention as it rolls down the road and it could be yours! There are just 999 raffle tickets available on the NYC Chopper custom, selling for $100.00 each, or six for $500.00.
Kids & Chrome raffle tickets for the NYC Chopper old school custom can be purchased at Black Hills Harley-Davidson in Rapid City daily, August 4th through August 11th, during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. The motorcycle will also be displayed at Jesse Jurren’s Top 50 Rally Park on August 9th and nightly at the legendary Buffalo Chip. Tickets can be purchased at all three locations and will be available for purchase on the Kids & Chrome website beginning June 1st.

Tickets for the 3rd Annual Kids & Chrome event, held Wednesday, August 8th, at 5:30 pm at the Holiday Inn in Spearfish, South Dakota, are available by invitation only. Guest seating is limited to 425. If you are interested in attending call 605.347.2001 or email If you are interested in donating an item for the auctions there is still time. It is the perfect opportunity to showcase your product and in doing so, you’ll also benefit two worthy non-profit 501 (c) 3 organizations: Children’s Home Society in Rapid City and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame. Contact Darla Crown to get involved 605.391.5555, Further information and updates on 2007 Kids & Chrome will also be available after June 1st at NASH MOTORCYCLES GIVING AWAY HANDLEBARS–Were doing a contest every month now where we give away a free pair of our gimp hanger handlebars and a subscription to cyclesource magazine/free t-shirt. I was wondering if you could maybe get something up on your website about it for me. Check it out it should be pretty cool, people are already getting stoked on it, its only been up since last night and 30 people have already entered. –Marlin BIKERNET STAFFER BUILDS BIKE FOR IRAQ VETERAN WITH SUCKER PUNCH SALLY, BIKERNET AND HOT BIKE AT HIS SIDE–Today, May 3, 2007, starts my quest to build a bike for my brother. I reached out for assistance with the build a year ago and now my efforts are finally coming to fruition due with the help of some awesome individuals and several companies. While I do not have all the components yet, I have received a large contribution from Sucker Punch Sally?s towards my brother?s bike build. Today, I received a pallet of some of the parts for my brother?s build. While I won?t bore you with all the details, I did receive some of the larger components such as the frame, wheels, tires, oil tank, headlight, and forward controls. Scared to death and calling everyone I have ever known for help (two people), I dug in and mounted the engine, oil tank, and forward controls to the frame. While it did require a trip to Ace hardware for a few bolts, the progress thus far has been straightforward.
Check it out here:
It looks as if I may cut a few tabs from the frame and drill the holes to mount the gas tank, but I will wait for the paperwork to arrive from Sucker Punch before I get too far into it to ensure I don?t get too far ahead of myself.

I am extremely stoked about the process and have included a couple of pics for your pleasure. I want to remind everyone that a series of in-depth articles will be featured in Hot Bike and Bikernet.com in the coming months. We are going to chronicle the build from mock-up to final assembly, the shakedown run, and finally the presentation to my brother, SGT. Joe White, USA. Once everything is completed and my fame has spread worldwide, there will be an extremely in depth, incredibly detailed series of the whole account right here on Bikernet. So stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed for me?I?m gonna need it.

DID THAT NEWS KICK ASS OR WHAT?– I?m even going to keep this deft conclusion to dull roar. This week I?m pouring over the Assalt Weapan again, but I still have our Laughlin report to deliver and a handful of other articles.

Next week we?ll hit you with a Bonneville update, I promise. You?ll be dazzled or I?ll be shot. I also have a wild story from Knockout Motorcycle Company. Ralph, the owner, was sick and tired of hearing stories about builders who don?t ride. He built a full blown custom in Phoenix and rode it to the Smoke Out on the East Coast. We have the whole story.
So have a helluva weekend. Go for a ride and take your girl. She deserves a break.
Ride Forever,