Wire Plus Powersports Electronics– is proud to introduce their new, state-of-the-art digital instrument panel. This new innovative rectangular solid state digital Speedo features a speedometer, tachometer (bar graph tach on rectangle shape only), trip, odometer and all indicator light functions. Unlike most of the digital units on the market, Wire Plus instrument panels feature super bright display technology for true daylight readability with a built-in light sensor for auto dimming for night riding. Various mounting options are available including a flush mount in your gas tank.
Wire Plus has been providing innovative high quality products for the V-Twin market for the past decade and continues to provide their customers with the most cutting edge technology needed to survive in the Harley-Davidson and custom bike markets.

Wire Plus also manufactures a complete line of self-diagnostic wiring systems to fit any stock or custom bike application. Some of the advantages that you get with products from Wire Plus include Solid State breaker technology (the breakers never have to be replaced) and a replaceable start relay that can be purchased at any auto parts store. Their power modules are submersible waterproof and very compact in size with harnesses that are engineered to be smaller than any other on the market. Wire Plus? main focus is on the reliability of everything that they manufacture.
Industry leaders such as Arlen & Cory Ness, Kevin Alsop, Kendall Johnson, OCC, Jessie Jurrens, Russell Mitchell, Jerry Covington, Tim Edmondson, Bill Rucker, Wayne Kemp and Michael Prugh all use products manufactured by Wire Plus. In addition to these world renown custom bike builders, Wire Plus products can also be found on the following production bikes: American Performance Cycle/APC, Apollo Choppers, Big Bear Choppers, Covington Cycle City, DD Customs, Desperado, Edmondson Custom Built, Hellbound Steel Motorcycles, Paramount Custom Cycles, Pro-One, Proper Chopper, Ridley, Spencer Bowman Customs, Swift, V8 Choppers and Thunder Mountain Custom Cycles.
For those interested in obtaining more information on Wire Plus, you can reach them at (620) 221-2417 or check them out online at www.wire-plus.com or email them at sales@wire-plus.com.

Klock Werks Bends the Rules– Undisputed Bagger Kings at Klock Werks bring the award winning World?s Fastest Bagger Exhaust to the Market
May 3, 2007 Mitchell, SD? The World?s Fastest Bagger (WFB?) continues to set the pace for the Bagger aftermarket by launching the innovative ?Double Back?? true dual header system that not only look like a millions bucks, it also provides proven performance.
Manufactured in cooperation with BUB, Klock Werks utilized the design of their ?Double Back?? headers from the WFB to create the all new true duals system that fits with most aftermarket slip on mufflers. Klock Werks Oxygen sensor friendly ?Double Back? header systems give your Road Glide, Road King or any FLH model a finishing touch that provides more than simple eye candy. ?Double Back? true duals perform and come with bungs installed. Never before has a true dual header been routed like Klock Werks has done with the ?Double Back. Klock Werks has bent the rules resulting in the gorgeous ?Double Back? header systems. Leave it to the industry leading innovators at Klock Werks to deliver a punch like this and in time to enjoy this riding season. ?Innovative, clean and smooth Ideas are what drive me, sometimes they appear off the beaten track and may even seem impossible, but that is what keeps us fresh?challenges. Taking ideas from bar napkins or scratch paper to a finished piece that not only works, but truly performs are what keep the design crew at Klock Werks striving to do more with Baggers? said Brian Klock, founder Klock Werks.

Double Back true duals by Klock Werks are available exclusively through Drag Specialties dealers everywhere. Part # 1800-0531 2007 models, Part # 1800-0532 1995- 2006 models. *Bob Woods (Woods Cams) is just one of first believers in the new technology and has recommended them with his new belt drive system.
Klock Werks has developed a broad spectrum of new bagger specific parts based off of the WFB Project Bike. This all new line is distributed exclusively by Drag Specialties and also available at the new bagger devoted website:
Klock Werks continues to design and manufacture innovative new parts and accessories for all motorcycles including adding to their new line of WFB? (World?s Fastest Bagger) parts, fenders, and exhaust specifically designed for touring models. To see the full range of what Brian Klock and the team at Klock Werks is capable of, please visit
Klock Werks is located in Mitchell, South Dakota at 915 S. Kimball. To reach the shop, please call: 605-996-3700 office or 605-996-9900 fax

Witnesses Testify at Telban Trial–Jane Flasch (Rochester, N.Y.) – For the first time Tuesday, witnesses told what they saw the night an off-duty Monroe County Sheriff’s deputy collided with a motorcyclist. The cyclist was killed.
In a surprising move, James Telban?s attorney does not deny alcohol use, but said it didn’t cause the crash. Immediately after his green pickup collided with a motorcycle, former sheriff’s deputy James Telban refused a breathalyzer test.
One of the first officers on the scene said Telban had poor motor coordination, slurred his speech and could hardly stand.
“He was almost falling down on the pavement, that’s why he was holding onto the truck bed,? Officer St. John testified. “He said he must have pulled out in front of someone.”
Blood tests show Telban’s alcohol level was .24 which is three times the legal limit. and his attorney does not dispute he was drinking. But he said the alcohol played no role in what happened.
He blames a blind spot in the intersection and the speed of the motorcycle.
Peter Volkmuth, 27, was riding his motorcycle home from work that September night.
Witness Ronald Birch said the cycle passed him and pulled back into his lane when Telban’s truck pulled out.
“The motorcyclist kind of laid down because the truck was still inching across the road…” Birch testified. “The driver was trapped between the bike and the truck.”
Birch estimated the cycle was traveling 55. The posted speed limit is 40.
Telban?s attorney said, “If he was traveling 40 mph he would have had more than enough time to stop? the accident was going to happen regardless–whether my client had one drink, zero drinks or 50 drinks.”
But the driver of another car said Telban clearly pulled out across two lanes into oncoming traffic.
“I thought to myself, ‘He’s cutting it kind of close,'” Bert Cholewa said. “I saw some sparks and heard a crashing noise.”
James Telban is charged with DWI, and with the most serious charge of vehicular manslaughter.
To prove that, prosecutors must prove more than his drunk driving. They must prove that his condition contributed to the crash which killed Volkmuth.
In the bench trial, a judge, not a jury will decide on the verdict after hearing the evidence. The defense attorney asked for it because he said jurors might hold Telban to a higher standard because he is a police officer.
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation announces opposition to H.R. 984–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation today announced its opposition to H.R.984, a bill introduced into the 110th congress by United StatesRepresentative Henry Waxman. Mr. Waxman?s bill is referred to as the”Executive Branch Disclosure Act of 2007.” This bill would require certainfederal executive branch officials to make a record of and file a reportto the Office of Government Ethics of any “significant contacts” betweenthe executive branch official and any private party relating to anygovernment action.
In announcing its opposition to the Waxman bill, MRF Vice President ofGovernment Relations Jeff Hennie had this to say, “Communication withexecutive level officials is a cornerstone of our lobbying efforts. Webelieve that having the government create a database of citizens of whoexercise this right will have a chilling effect on our ability to mobilizeour members and the motorcycling public to contact the Secretary ofTransportation for example, on issues that effect motorcycles.”
The bill goes on to define a significant contact as “oral or writtencommunication (including electronic communication) that is made by aprivate party to a covered branch official in which such private partyseeks to influence official action by any officer or employee of theexecutive branch of the United States.”In section 602 of this bill it states that the Director of GovernmentEthics shall make “a publicly available list of all private parties whomade a significant contact; and computerized systems designed to minimizethe burden of filing and maximize public access to reports filed underthis title.” Thus our employer, local elected officials, or even a nosyneighbor may have easy access to our views on issues and with whichexecutive level federal official we chose to communicate.
This legislation is increasingly being referred to irreverently as “H.R.1984” in reference to 1984, George Orwell?s classic novel depicting ahorrific totalitarian state.
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation encourages our members, our SustainingState Motorcyclists? Rights Organization partners and all concernedAmericans to contact your member of the United States House ofRepresentatives and express opposition to H.R. 984, the Executive BranchDisclosure Act of 2007. Ride Free Forever
Michael Kerr
MRF Vice President
Contact: Jeff Hennie, MRF Vice-President of
Government Relations
jeff@mrf.org (e-mail)

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!So, we had this 10 year old cat named Jack who just recently died. Jack was a great cat and the kids would carry him around and sit on him and nothing ever bothered him. He used to hang out and nap all day long on this mat in our bathroom.
Well we have 3 kids and at the time of this story they were 4 years old, 3 years old and 1 year old. The middle one is Eli. Eli really loves chapstick. LOVES it. He kept asking to use my chapstick and then losing it. So finally one day I showed him where in the bathroom I keep my chapstick and how he could use it whenever he wanted to but he needed to put it right back in the drawer when he was done.
Last year on Mother’s Day, we were having the typical rush around and try to get ready for Church with everyone crying and carrying on. My two boys are fighting over the toy in the cereal box. I am trying to nurse my little one at the same time I am putting on my make-up. Everything is a mess and everyone has long forgotten that this is a wonderful day to honor me and the amazing job that is motherhood.
We finally have the older one and the baby loaded in the car and I am looking for Eli. I have searched everywhere and I finally round the corner to go into the bathroom. And there was Eli.
He was applying my chapstick very carefully to Jack’s (the cat) . . rear end. Eli looked right into my eyes and said “chapped.” Now if you have a cat, you know that he is right–their little butts do look pretty chapped. And, frankly, Jack didn’t seem to mind.
And the only question to really ask at that point was whether it was the FIRST time Eli had done that to the cat’s behind or the hundredth.
And THAT is my favorite Mother’s Day moment ever because it reminds us that no matter how hard we try to civilize these glorious little creatures, there will always be that day when you realize they’ve been using your chapstick on the cat’s butt.
–from M. Bragg

STURGIS MOTORCYCLE MUSEUM & HALL OF FAME, INC.APPOINTS HINES TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS– May 2007 – – Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame, Inc. proudly announces that Kennon D. (Ken) Hines, Vice President of Business Development and Customer Support, Lehman Trikes USA, Inc. has been appointed to its Board of Directors. Hines is a dedicated advocate of the motorcycle industry and the sport. He also is a respected leader throughout the motorcycle community and the industry. Currently, he plays a substantial role in Lehman?s continuing industry innovations, designs and firsts for the trike industry.
The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame, like the city of Sturgis is synonymous with motorcycles and people who love them. The museum pays special tribute to the Jackpine Gypsies Motorcycle Club, which was the impetus for the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally honoring motorcycles, and the people who ride them. The City of Sturgis has been hosting the ?world-renown? rally since it began on August 14, 1938. Annually, during the first week of August as many as 600,000 motorcyclists descend on the quiet little town of 6,700 conservative people and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame welcomes them all. The Museum preserves the sport, past riders, racers, and the history of motorcycles with displays that bring the past to life.
The Museum, Board of Directors, and Mr. Hines look forward to working together and building a better tomorrow for the Museum. Pepper Massey, Executive Director of the Museum stated, ?We are extremely fortunate to have someone as knowledgeable about the industry as Mr. Hines serve on our Board of Directors. We expect that his expertise and professional experience will have a positive impact on our future. We welcome his participation and look forward to a long and beneficial relationship.?
Hines stated, ?I am honored that the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame has chosen me to serve as a member on their Board of Directors. I hope that working together we can build an even greater legacy for the future of motorcycling and its lifestyle by preserving the history of the machines and the people who have made it the great sport that it is today.?

Top 50 Rally Park Announces the Expansion of the?Legend Top 50 Custom Bike Show?!–
TOP 50 RALLY PARK SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 2007Conveniently located between Sturgis and Rapid City just off I-90 at exit 46, this 12 acre destination is open Sunday August 5th through Sunday August 12th from 10:00am to 7:00pm. The Top 50 Rally Park will be the EXCLUSIVE host to The Legend Top 50 Custom Bike Show, customs from Boyd Coddington?s Garage, and the Suicide Girls. The Top 50 Rally Park is a must-see destination for any Sturgis Rally enthusiast. For a continually updated list of events, vendors, featured builders and guests log onto www.Top50RallyPark.com.
DEMO RIDESAn Oklahoma-based manufacturer, Ridley Motorcycles has been producing clutch-free motorcycles for more than 10 years. These cruisers look, sound and feel just like any other cruiser, but have no clutch to master. Just twist the throttle and go. Take one for a test ride yourself August 5th through the 11th at Top 50 Rally Park.www.ridleymotorcycle.com
MONDAY | AUGUST 6thHotBike Magazine is hosting a charity ride benefiting Kids and Chrome. Participants will gather at Top 50 Rally Park between 10:30 and 11:30 for registration, then take off at noon. The ride features stops the locals prefer and takes participants through the scenic Black Hills and grasslands of South Dakota and Wyoming. Riders will arrive back at Top 50 Rally Park around 6:30pm for a reception. www.Top50RallyPark.com
TUESDAY | AUGUST 7thThe Dakota Classic Car and Custom Motorcycle Auction features 60 classic cars and 60 motorcycles that will be set up for viewing from 10am till noon, then auctioned off from noon to 4pm. Harley Davidson?s and custom built bikes will be on the auction block along with classic car models from the 1930?s through the 1970?s, hot rods and muscle cars.
Red Bull TNT Freestyle Motocross features legends landing right in front of you, nine time X-game medalist Tommy ?Tom Cat? Clowers and Jeff ?Full-Tilt? Tilton. Performing more than 50 demos per year clearing an 80- ft gap between two Red Bull freestyle ramps, performing maneuvers like the ?superman? and ?stripper? that have made FMX the high?light event of the X-Games! Multiple shows are slotted for 1:00pm, 3:00pm and 5:00pm Tuesday the 7th and Thursday the 9th. www.tntfmx.com
SuicideGirls. If you haven?t heard about these colorful pinup girls and their show or seen them on Showtime, where have you been? These pierced and tattooed ladies known collectively and affectionately as SuicideGirls will be signing autographs and taking pictures exclusively at the Top 50 Rally Park.?They?re the girls next door but more colorful and with better record collections? -Spin Magazine.www.suicidegirls.com
Icon Motor Sports ?From the streets ? For the streets?. You won?t want to miss the biker fashion show that features the suicide girls sporting everything from helmets and boots to casual wear and jackets. Shows start at 2:00, 4:00 and 5:00 pm. Icon riding gear will be on display and for sale at Top 50 Rally Park.www.rideicon.com
Discovery Channel Biker Build-Off Winner Dave Perewitz will have his hand crafted Hardlife and Lowlife based bikes on display, while selling and signing his newest book ?Dave Perewitz: Chopper Master and King of Flames?. www.perewitz.com
Discovery Channel Biker Build-Off Winner Brian Klock will have his World?s Fastest Bagger here! That?s right, the Discovery Channel Build-Off winning bagger that set a new AMA land speed record in Bonneville will be on display!www.kustomcycles.comLaura Ellifson the world record holder on the world?s fastest bagger with a speed of 147.359 mph will be at the Rally Park with the Klock Werks crew!www.kustombaggers.com
The Official AMD World Championship of Bike Building after party will bring bikes and bike builders from the site of the AMD competition to Top 50 Rally Park. Here the industry?s top vendors and builders will come together for a night of celebration while admiring the latest creations of the ?world?s best? builders.
The Kids and Chrome Hardlife based raffle bike built by New York City Choppers will be on display all day. Stop by and purchase your chance to win a one of a kind custom and donate to a great cause.
Icon Motor Sports From street wear to safety gear and leathers, the Icon fashion show has it all… including the sui?cide girls! Shows start at 5:30 and 6:00pm. For those who want to look their best while they ride, Icon gear will be on display and for sale at Top 50 Rally Park.
The ?Legend Top 50 Custom Bike Show? has added more classes this year, expanding Sturgis Rally?s biggest and best bike show! Returning classes include the Hardlife, Lowlife and Open or custom divisions. Now the event now welcomes modified Harley Davidson?s in the Modified Harley Baggers and Modified Softail classes, Metric Sport bikes and Metric Cruisers along with an International class. Log onto www.top50rallypark.com to pre-register and learn more about this exciting event.
Boyd Coddington?s Garage one of a kind custom rods and bikes as seen on TLC?s American Hot Rod will be on display. Duane Mayer of Boyd Coddington?s Garage will have his custom built Lowlife motorcycle on display and will be on hand to sign autographs from noon till 6:00pm.
Red Bull TNT Freestyle Motocross Big names and big air… the TNT Freestyle Motocross event will be back at Top 50 Rally Park with shows slotted for 1:00pm, 3:00pm and 5:00pmwww.tntfmx.com
SuicideGirls. The pierced and tattooed ladies will once again be available for pictures and autographs.Check them out at www.suicidegirls.com
Icon Motor Sports Icon Motor Sports will be showcasing the latest in street wear and ridding gear during a fashion show featuring the suicide girls. Shows start at 2:00, 4:00 and 6:00 pm. www.rideicon.com
Discovery Channel Biker Build-Off Winner Dave Perewitz Meet custom bike builder and author Dave Perewitz in person and see his hand crafted Hardlife and Lowlife based bikes on display. www.perewitz.com
Discovery Channel Biker Build-Off Winner Brian Klock will have his World?s Fastest Bagger here! That?s right, the Discovery Channel Build-Off winning bagger that set a new AMA land speed record in Bonneville will be on display!www.kustomcycles.comLaura Ellifson the world record holder on the world?s fastest bagger with a speed of 147.359 mph will be at the Rally Park with the Klock Werks crew!www.kustombaggers.com
Miss Miller Light. Debbi Davids is the former two time (2005-2006) ?Miss Sturgis?, the 2007 ?Miss Miller Lite? and a current Playboy Special Editions model. She has been featured in Biker Magazine, on the Speed Channel, Howard Stern, Paul McCartney?s ?The space within US? DVD and much, much more. This year Debbi will be at Top 50 Rally Park, signing her poster which features a custom Miller Lite bike, taking pictures, and selling and signing her Playboy special edition magazines from noon till 8:00pm.
FRIDAY | AUGUST 9thTop 50 Rally Park is proud to present the ?Bike for Breast Cancer Charity Ride?. The event will benefit the Ameri?can Cancer Society. At 10:00am, bikers from across the country will meet at Top 50 Rally Park at for registration and will take off on a charity motorcycle ride through the scenic Black Hills of South Dakota at noon. When they return riders will be greeted with a reception party and women?s awards ceremony.
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