Continued From Page 3

2007 AMA SUPERMOTO SCHEDULE REVISED– Hartford, Oklahoma City and Galveston added to 10-race schedule PICKERINGTON, Ohio (May 8, 2007) ? AMA Racing announced today that the 2007 AMA Supermoto Championship schedule has been revised, adding events in Oklahoma City, Okla. (Sept. 9) and Galveston, Texas (Nov. 3) and moving the Hartford, Conn., event to a new date (Aug. 25) and location.
Each venue will welcome their inaugural AMA Supermoto Championship race. Stafford Motor Speedway near Hartford, Conn., will now host Round 5 of the series, Oklahoma Motorsports Complex in Oklahoma City, Okla., will host Round 7 and one of the largest motorcycle rallies in the nation, the Lone Star Rally in Galveston will host Round 9. Both the Denver stop at Invesco Field and Connecticut?s round at MotoTown USA have been removed from the schedule due to local ordinance issues.
The AMA Supermoto Championship is one of the most exciting series in two-wheel racing, with both dirt and pavement sections that form a race course combining the attributes of supercross, flat track and road racing.
The series kicks off on May 19, with a first-time visit to the Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre in St. Louis, and culminates on Nov. 11 at Troy Lee Design?s Duel at the Docks in Long Beach.
?We are very excited about the addition of the latest events to the national schedule,? said AMA Supermoto Director, Joel Grover. ?We are working hard with each event promoter to ensure the most successful series so far.?
Combing the United States, the AMA Supermoto Championship will showcase some of the most talented motorcycle racers in the world, including racing legend and current AMA Supermoto Champion, Jeff Ward, as well as two young-gun support class Champions in Cassidy Anderson (AMA Supermoto Lites) and Ben Carlson (AMA Supermoto Unlimited).

BIKERNET PHOTO ART EXHIBIT–Ride hard as hell all the way to your babe’s house or ’till you get stopped by the f’n train.
Whiplash Biker Photog

Fellow Freedom Fighters:–Delaware Freedom Riders, in conjunction with Gary Hilderbrand, LegislativeCoordinator, ABATE of Delaware, is requesting your out of state assistancewith SB 46, An Act to Amend Title 21 of the Delaware code relating tomotorcycle safety helmets…. This Act reinstitutes the requirement ofwearing a safety helmet while operating or riding on a motorcycle regardlessof age…. Full text of the bill can be found here:
We request that you please write to the members of the Senate Public SafetyCommittee, as well as the sponsor of SB 46, Senator Gary Simpson.
It would be most effective if you wrote from the aspect that you are mostcomfortable or knowledgeable about, whether it be social cost, statistics,the device, the law, and/or tourism dollars. The proponents and supportersof this bill are emphasizing the “public burden” and number of lives thatcould be saved by a helmet mandate.
The legislation is still in committee, but Senator Henry (Chairperson) willnot say whether she will hold a hearing or not.
Help us to turn up the heat.
As always, please be courteous. Supporters of SB 46 feel that they are doinga good thing. They just need more education…. You will find the list ofthe Senate Public Safety Committee members and their contact info here:
Margaret Rose Henry (Chair) – District 2 –
Thurman Adams – District 19 –
Catherine Cloutier – District 5 –
Charles Copeland – District 4 –
David McBride – District 7 –
David Sokola – District 8 –
Sponsor: Senator Gary Simpson – District 18 –
Chainsaw and GirlGeek
Delaware Freedom Riders

KRUGGER SUPPORT NEEDED–Hello Bandit, attached picture of my last bike “Goodwood”.I would like compete at AMD Sturgis and ride at Bub Bonneville speedtrial!But I need to find some sponsors, or a major sponsor!
I can change the color of the bike against a free shipping for the bike and fly ticket for me!
Could you help me or give me a good contact?

BIKERNET STEALTH REPORT–Mr. Bandit is coming to Charlotte today! We are glad to have him. It is always a good time talking to him.
Here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS we are waiting on our frame to come back for ourbike we are entering in the SMOKE-OUT bike show. The parts are off to thechromer. Man I am excited about the bike, the SBW pipes by Chopper John arecool and I think the paint scheme is really nice. I tried somethingcompletely different for the paint. I am usually a red, black, or blue kindaguy when it comes to paint but this time after several talks with ourpainter Rusty we decided on something completely different. I am not going togive it away until we get it back.

You know I am kinda crazy I guess about holding onto things, especially oldthings or things that I have memories tied up in. A lady walked into STEALTHBIKE WORKS today and she rides a Street Bob that has been styled to looklike a REAL bobber. Yeah, Milwaukee you missed it again. So back to mystory, I have this old brass EASYRIDERS belt buckle that I have had for atleast 25 years, you know the one with the skull in the middle and EASYRIDERSwrapped around it. She offered me a $100 for it and I turned it down. I didnot sell it because of the times I remember through that buckle and I know Iwould never find one again. I know that may sound stupid but I just couldnot sell it. It also takes me back to a time when that magazine was whatbeing a biker was about.
That is it for this week, we have to get ready for Mr. Bandit’s arrival!
Until next week, RIDE!

Police seize arsenal, arrest top leader of Pagan Motorcycle Club–HAGERSTOWN, Md. (AP) – Police have arrested a 66-year-old Hagerstown man they described as a senior member of the Pagan Motorcycle Club on charges of illegal possession of weapons and explosive devices.Jay Carl Wagner was arrested by members of a task force made up of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, state police said in a release.
Armed with a warrant, investigators went to a single-family Hagerstown home about 6 a.m. Wednesday. Before entering the home, they deployed a robot to check for booby-traps or other hazards and then conducted a thorough sweep, police said. State Police said they recovered more than 20 firearms, including handguns and rifles, improvised explosive devices and large amounts of ammunition.
Wagner is barred from possessing such weaponry under state and federal law because of prior convictions, state police said.
He was scheduled to appear before a Washington County District Court Commissioner Wednesday evening.
State police said the raid was part of an ongoing investigation of the Pagan club by a task force comprised of agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, state police, and the Washington County sheriff’s office.

THAT?S IT FOR THE NEWS–I?d like to thank all of the hard working photographers that send us photos of beautiful women, that we use for filler. Curt Lout, Ken Conte, Rigid Frame Richard, Andreas, Peter Linney, Pete Alva, etc? I know I?m missing some and I?m sorry, but I want to finish the news and go eat.
Bandit and I have been on the Nutri System diet for about two-weeks now and three words are on my mind constantly, ?I?m fucking hungry?. Today I cheated on Bandit and had a hamburger for lunch. McDonald?s Angus Third Pounder Deluxe. Sinful? I?ve lost three pounds so far but after that burger I?ll probably get it back. Don?t tell Bandit, please.
Just in case you all didn?t know, we have a forum board here on Bikernet. There?s a really good group of regulars that are worth their weight in gold for all their friendship, good advice and teasing. However, today the guys are already trying to get Bandit and Mike Pullin in trouble while Bandit?s in North Carolina. I know men will be men, but I have one word to say about that, ?Meanest?. No worries here.
If you find yourself with some time, check it out. There is a font of knowledge in there, not to mention really, really great guys. I love them dearly and I?ve never even met them.
Have a great weekend! Layla