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We threw the potentially radical chopper that Bandit and I have banged together up to this point, into the back of my pickup and jammed over to see the Doctor. Dr. John, the frame specialist took one look at the bike in the back of my truck and shook his head. Behind that scraggly beard and those beady blue eyes there is a wealth of experience. He’s seen a lot of biker hopes and dreams, sometimes nightmares, come through his Anaheim Hills shop. He’s managed to salvage most of them.
For more on the project see the garage or the Custom Chrome department.

MAXIM ON ALCOHOL–The mag for boys the pointed out how ridiculous it is to have “Proof” double what the actual alcohol percentage of a drink is. How’s that for lame? If your booze is 25 percent alcohol, then it’s 50 Proof.
It seems that back in the 18th century when moonshine making was state-of-the-art booze bakin’ they had to figure out a measuring system. They had no way of knowin’. To test it, they mixed gunpowder with an equal amount of that powerful liquid, the color of clear water, then struck a match to it. If it exploded, it was proof that the shit was a puissant mixture. Ultimately scientist discovered that if it popped that it had at least 50 percent alcohol which became known as 100 proof. According to their connection at the Jack Daniel’s factory, “This all happened out in the woods.”
BIKERNET DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE– Attention Southern CA Riders – Mark your calendar for May 25th… Be at the Anaheim Convention Center from 4PM-11PM to help the SRA with an all-new Sportbike Challenge Bike Show. Enter your bike or just come to see some of the best sportbikes. Awards will be given to best in show. See the SRA site for details and free passes!! Don’t miss this show… In addition to the bikes, there will be an Import Car contest and of course there will be the Super-Models.
What about the rest of the country… stay tuned… the SRA is planning to travel with this show across the country. We will keep you posted.
We released some fun and games at Stop by and see how well you can do!

You said you could adjust a carb?

So what’s the problem officer?

When they said she was hot, they weren’t kidding.
BIKERNET FREEDOM FILM EXPLODES–with new images. If you want to see images from home or across the country the Freedom Film area is the place to go. From wild bikes to untamed women, it’s the joint to check out. Besides you can submit shots whenever you choose.
BIKERNET BIKE SHOW WINNER–Hey! Got a trophy and your book in the mail last night! Thanks, man!Started reading the book… I see a screenplay in there somewhere… Hey Iwant to pick your brain (or if you could direct me to other unbiased brainsto pick) about a motor choice.-Pete
Pete is looking for recommendations for engine choices: S&S, TP, RevTech, Merch. Let’s take a poll. Let me know what you’re running and how you like it?–Bandit
BROTHEL TRIP– An elderly man goes into a brothel and tells the madam he would like a young girl for the night. Surprised, she looks at the ancient man and asks how old he is.
“I’m 90 years old,” he says.
“90!” replies the woman.
“Don’t you realize you’ve had it?”
“Oh, sorry,” says the old man, “How much do I owe you?”

BIKERNET HANGOUTS AND SHOPS–We’re searching high and low for shops and hangouts to share with our traveling readers. We’re about to launch all the shops in the free area of the site for your easy access.
Hell, here’s a new hangout called JAVA JUNGLE, coffee shop and surf shack, 602 Pacific Coast Highway, Huntington Beach. It’s only one block north of the pier. One warning. The cops in that coastal berg have a bad anti-bike reputation. I’ve heard of shops that moved out of the city. Watch your ass.
THE SIDECAR CONNECTION–Are you into sidecars, looking to start, bought a family and need one. There’s a publication devoted to sidecar enthusiasts called Hack’d. They are located at P.O. Box 813, Buckhannon. WV 26201,
They’re motto is the Magazine For And About Sidecarists and their other omen is “Remember to RIDE OFTEN and then some more”. They cover the heart of riding a sidecar, the people, the events and tech advice.
It’s just a black and white newsletter type publication, but it’s full of heart, check it out.
ARLEN NESS’S NEW SITE Yes, the man who is blamed for every expensive, high-dollar, RUB, billet part on the planet has a new web site. I always find that class bullshit to be out of whack, especially when it comes to Arlen. He started as a mailman working in his garage building bikes and fighting with Bev, his wife about joinin’ a club, like the rest of us.
He’s good people, always has been, always will be. I don’t have to like all the parts he designs, but I still respect a man who works hard every day for what he built. So check out his site, goddamnit.
CONDOR CUSTOMS RETURNS–If you love choppers, art, manufacturing talent and live in the northwest, check Condors Customs. Tim drew the original touring chopper concept illustration for my red ride. He builds bikes with a unique twist. He’s the only builder on the planet to create the ultimate flame job. He set himself on fire in downtown Seattle traffic.
“Now lately I’ve made some decisions to do with ATF that have confused andpissed off a few people. It’s also gonna make what I’m doin’ a hell of a lotbetter…. This whole gig of mine is going to be built by art.” Tim said, “
My painting and design skills have benefited a hell of a lot from this”vacation” (?) I’ve been on. Fundamental truths have been revealed to me.”Conder Customs is alive once again. Drop him a line and go check out his place. You won’t be disappointed–
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