Continued From Page 3

One Hundred Years of Fun and Excitement Roars Across the Country.
It was a hundred years in the making and we’ll never see anything like it in our lifetime again. It’s huge (more than 25 acres), it’s truly an entertainment extravaganza (more than 12 bands on two stages) and it has something for everyone.
On the weekend of July 20-21, at the Atlanta Motor Speedway, Harley-Davidson Motor Company will officially kick-start its 100th Anniversary with the Open Road Tour: a series of gigantic weekend festivals roaring into 10 cities worldwide celebrating motorcycles, music, history and more. Once the Open Road Tour rolls to a stop in the Summer of 2003, enthusiasts can join the Ride Home, organized rides throughout North America heading to Milwaukee, for three days of celebrations and special events. The official birthday party will take place in Milwaukee on August 31, 2003 and launch Harley-Davidson into the next 100 years.
For the complete report see Special Reports on Bikernet.

BIKERNET NEW PRODUCTS–The sweatshirt was actually a gift from Helen Wolfe. The goddamn thing was so comfortable we decided to produce and sell them on the site. Check it out in the Bikernet Originals Area.
The shorts are perfect for the summer, light and comfortable. They’re available in the Crime Inc. area. Don’t miss ’em.

OFFICIAL VAGOS MC PRESS RELEASE–In response to the many news media reports linking the Vagos MotorcycleClub to the incident that occurred in Harrah’s Casino in Laughlin,Nevada, and to claims it is joining in a gang war with other motorcycleclubs, the Vagos M/C wishes to submit the following statement:
As a result of events that occurred at Harrah’s Casino in Laughlin,Nevada, during the River Run on April 26 – 28, 2002, allegedly involvingmembers of the Hells Angels and Mongols motorcycle clubs, there havebeen numerous statements published in the press attributing claims tolaw enforcement agencies that the Vagos Motorcycle Club is part of analliance formed by the Mongols and other motorcycle clubs to sideagainst the Hells Angels. If there are sides to be taken in any allegeddispute between the Mongols and Hells Angels (and the Vagos M/C does notmean to imply by this statement that any dispute exists), the VagosMotorcycle Club is not taking any side and emphatically denies being aparty to any coalition or agreement with any motorcycle organization(s)against the Hells Angels or any other motorcycle club. The VagosMotorcycle Club is an independent organization and is not affiliatedwith or a part of any alliances with any other clubs.
The Vagos M/C did not know about and was not involved in the events thattranspired in Laughlin during the River Run. Members of the Vagos M/Cwere not even in Laughlin that weekend, but were in Jean, Nevada, nearLas Vegas, approximately 80 miles away. Without intending to placeblame for the incident, the Vagos M/C feels it was tragic enough,without law enforcement agencies and so-called “motorcycle gang experts”embellishing or fabricating facts to release to the news media for thepurpose of angering or scaring the public.
For the full report see Bikernet Special Reports.
BIKERNET ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEY–A lady from California purchased a piece of timberland in Oregon. There was a large tree on one of the highest points in the tract. She wanted to get a good view of her land so she started to climb the big tree.
As she neared the top, she encountered a spotted owl that attacked her. In her haste to escape, the lady slid down the tree to the ground and gotmany splinters in her private parts.
In considerable pain, she hurried to the nearest doctor. He listened toher story then told her to go into the examining room and he would see if he could help her. She sat and waited for three hours before the doctor reappeared.
The angry lady demanded, “What took you so long?”
The unperturbed doctor replied, “Well, I had to get permits from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Forest Service, and the Bureau ofLand Management before I could remove old-growth timber from a recreational area.”
2002 Sprint/Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America Set to Take Northern Route–Sprint returns as presenting partner of this year’s event.
The 2002 Sprint/Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America featuring NASCAR celebrities, sponsors and fans will kick off on June 23, following the Winston Cup event at Sears Point Raceway in Sonoma, Calif. This year the riders will break with tradition and head northeast making stops in Jackpot, Nev.; Jackson Hole and Cheyenne, Wyo.; Omaha, Neb.; Chicago, Ill.; Cleveland, Ohio and Hot Springs, Va. The ride will conclude at the Petty Farm in Trinity, North Carolina on June 30.
“I can’t believe how much the ride has grown over the past seven years,” said Petty. “When we first started this event in 1995, it was just a few of us on our bikes. Last year 250 riders participated and we were able to raise $500,000 for various charities. This year we’re planning to take the Sprint/Kyle Petty Charity Ride farther north than we’ve gone in the past. It will be a great opportunity to reach hospitalized children in cities beginning in California, with visits in Chicago and North Carolina along the way.”
In addition, Coca-Cola, Victory Motorcycles, High Tech Performance Trailers Inc., Daytona Harley-Davidson and others will join this year’s ride as corporate partners.
“Its great to have partners like Sprint, Victory, Coca-Cola and Daytona Harley-Davidson,” said Petty. “They truly understand the meaning of giving back to the community, and they realize how important it is to put a smile on a child’s face. It will be great to have them along for the ride again this year.”
The 2002 event marks the eighth year that Petty, father Richard, wife Pattie and other friends in and out of the racing community will take to the open road to visit children’s hospitals. Since its formation in 1995, the ride has raised approximately $2.5 million dollars for children’s hospitals, the Winston Cup Wives Racing Auxiliary Trust, the STARBRIGHT Foundation and the Victory Junction Gang Camp. The national charity of the 2002 Sprint/Kyle Petty Charity Ride is the Victory Junction Gang Camp. Kyle and Pattie Petty founded the camp in 2000 in honor of their son Adam.
The racing-themed camp is a planned extension of the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp founded by Paul Newman. The camp’s purpose is to enrich the lives of children with chronic or life-threatening illnesses.
For more information on making contributions to the Kyle Petty Charity Ride and many other programs that it supports, contact Kyle Petty Charity Ride, Inc. at 5700 Concord Parkway South, Concord, NC, 28027, by email at or by phone 704-455-9299.
BIKERNET MARRIAGE COUNSELING–“It’s just too hot to wear clothes today,” Jack says as hestepped out of the shower, “honey, what do you thinkthe neighbors would think if I mowed the lawn like this?”
“Probably that I married you for your money,” she replied.

SAMSON SEEKS RIG RIDER–The president of Samson Exhaust and the chairman of the board, Mr. Samson, himself called and told us in no uncertain terms to supply him with a new big rig driver for their brand new, high dollar, luxury (from chromed exhaust pipes) Samson Rig. You’ll have to attend every major motorcycle event in the country. I know, it’s tough duty, just report in goddamnit and make it snappy. Drop me a resume and I’ll pass it on, if it’s worth a shit:

BIKERNET INVESTIGATES BIKE MAGAZINES– There’s a lot of talk on the streets about various bike magazines, but when push comes to shove, there’s a source that audits magazine circulation–ABC, the Audit Bureau of Circulation. While speaking to an industry insider, we discovered that Hot Bike and HORSE are neck and neck in the circulation game and Hot Rod Bikes is head and shoulders above both. Rumor has it that since Hot Rod Bikes was purchased by the Hot Bike Publisher that they may kill the Hot Rod to take out a competitor of Hot Bike and hope that their circulation grows. It’s been about the same for the last decade. We’ll see what happens next.

Frank Kaisler the ex-editor of Hot Rod bikes is working with several magazines including HORSE and Bikernet to bring his 30 years of technical expertise to the community. He is currently working on an article about one of the premier seat makers in the industry Le Pera for Bikernet. Watch for it.

NEW BIKERNET STICKERS–We recently took shipment of a 50-gallon drum full of a new batch of our famous Jon Towle – Bikernet stickers in various colors. No, that’s not me on the goddamn sticker. Now get this. We’ll send you a free sticker the color of your choice: Traditional red to orange flame, vibrant yellow to pink flame, or blue to purple flame. Just send us a self addressed stamped envelope to Bikernet, P.O.Box 1168, San Pedro, CA 90733, and we’ll send you the sticker of your choice for absolutely nothin, free, cheapo. The stickers are cool. First come, first served, until there ain’t no mo’.

GRAB THE KEYS AND HIT THE ROAD–People have asked why we don’t cover the club disputes more with every bullshit report that comes from a paper. They call themselves journalists who play by the rules, yet they are as slanted as a midnight drunk in a downtown bar. I was recently interviewed by 20/20 and the reporter said that they seek the truth. As he said it you could see the ultimate desire to draw scandalous bullshit out of me at any cost glisten in the saliva forming in the corners of his mouth.
I found out in New Orleans this weekend that the motorcyclists rights movement are the strongest grassroots freedom fighters in the country. We’re stronger than the NRA and more respected by legislators. So who are the enemies? It looks as though the real bad guys are the authorities, the straight media and car people who still believe that running a biker down is cool. Well bullshit, and we have people working with every capital in the country to maintain our freedoms and stand tall for us. We need to support their daily efforts.
Yep, it’s interesting times. Let’s ride while we still can.–Bandit