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BIKERNET WEAPONS TRAINING– A man got a raise and decided to buy a scope for his hunting rifle. Hewent to a gun shop outside of town, and the clerk fitted a scope to his weapon.
“This scope is so good you can read the name on the mailbox of my houseway up on that hill,” the clerk said.
The man looked through the scope and a big grin spread over his face.
“What’s so funny?” the clerk asked.
“I see a naked woman and a naked man through the window.”
“That can’t be!” the clerk exclaimed. “My wife’s at work.” He grabbed the scope, took a look for himself, and to his chagrin, hefound the hunter was right.
Furious, he gave the rifle back to the hunter and said, “The scope isyours for nothing if you take these two bullets. Shoot my wife in the head, then shoot off that guy’s dick.”
“The hunter, looking through the scope, said, “I think I can do that inone shot
–from Chris T.

WHITEHORSE PRESS BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT–Big excitement! We’ve just gone back to press for a third printing ofour new book, PURPLE MOUNTAINS: AMERICA FROM A MOTORCYCLE by NotchMiyake, 224 pages, $19.95, order code PURM.
Excellent reviews and word-of-mouth have made PURPLE MOUNTAINS ourcurrent #1 bestseller:”It’s a book that makes you think about the choices in your own life,good and bad.” –Classic Bike Rider magazine
“It may make you figure out how to take a few months off and do a reallylong trip. You might not end up writing such a good book, but it willhave cleared your mind and allowed you to focus on how you want to livethe rest of your life.” –Clement Salvadori, Rider magazine
“All of us possess the fantasy of seeing the USA by motorcycle, andhere’s a book by someone who has done it.” –Trail Rider magazine
“This is Notch Miyake’s first book and he’s off to a great start.” –BMWOwners News
Now! Order your copy of PURPLE MOUNTAINS online or with a quicktoll-free phone call to 800-531-1133. The Whitehorse Press MotorcyclingCatalog has the largest selection of motorcycling books and videosanywhere, plus tools, riding accessories, and novelties. See foryourself at

BEACH RIDE UPDATE–The Beach Ride a Charity Ride for the Exceptional Children’s Foundation in Los Angeles is preparing for their 11th Anniversary Event on the Beach in Ventura on July 14th. The run is Sponsored by Bartels Harley-Davidson, the Uglys MC and Uglys do a damn good job and band promotion and War will be on site, along with Ms. Beach Ride and a Bike Show. If you are interested in entering the show ahead of time fill out the following form and sent it to me at Bikernet, P.O. Box 1168, San Pedro, CA 90731. Make your check out to Exceptional Children’s Foundation. This fee covers your bike, you’ll still have to purchase a charity ticket for entrance.
Bike Show Entry Form
Participant’s Name: ________________________________________
Bike Info –
Year: ___________________________
Model: ___________________________
Class: ___________________________
Classes:First and Second Place Awarded For Each Of The Following:( Sportster ( radical ( Chopper ( Street Custom (( Performance Custom ( Nostalgic ( Strange & Unusual ( And ( Best of Show (
All Participants Receive An Event T-Shirt
Entry Fee: $25
BIKERNET MEDICAL STUDY–A man went into the proctologist’s office for his first exam.The doctor told him to have a seat in the examination room andthat he wouldbewith him in just a few minutes.
When the man sat down and began observing the tools, he noticedthere were 3items on a stand next to the Dr.’s desk:
1. A tube of K-Y jelly
2. A rubber glove
3. A beer
When the doctor finally came in, the man said “Look Doc, I’m alittleconfused.This is my first exam. I know what the K-Y is for and I know whatthe gloveis for,but, can you tell me what the BEER is for?”
At that the doctor became noticeably outraged and stormed over tothe door.The doc flung the door open and yelled to his nurse……..”Dammit, Helen! I said A BUTT LIGHT”
–from Dr. Hamster
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