May 21, 2009 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

bikernet studio chris callen

Chris Callen, Editor of Cycle Source– talks about the Cycle Source Magazine and the Limpnickie Lot Builders’ Big Mountain Run. The Big Mountain Run 2009 kicks off on June 18th, 19th and 20th. Just $10 day pass. The gypsy run starts at Tilley’s Harley-Davidson on June 17th in Statesville, NC. Main site reservations are being limited to the first 2,000 people.

Call Taber at Nash 360-693-4225 for details.

Choppers, Bobbers; Skate with a young new attitude. That’s what the Limpnickie Lot is all about.

Click here to go to Bikernet Studio for the interview or click the player below.

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CALL TO ACTION! ACT NOW! BIKERS INSIDE THE BELTWAY– Join the MRF and Rights Groups From Around The Country In Asking Congress To Preserve Funding for Motorcycle Awareness and Rider Education Programs (2010 funds) And to celebrate House Resolution 269 Declaring May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

Ride To Washington DC This YearMotorcyclists? Lobby Day May 14, 2009

MRF Strongly Opposes US DOT Attack on Training Funds–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has learned that United States Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters sent letters to Capitol Hill with draft legislation outlining her intention to raid the 2010 motorcycle training and awareness funds set aside by Congress in the last Highway Bill (PL 109-59). Peters announced on Thursday, February 14 that she would like to see the earmarked training and awareness funds made available to promote the use of helmets in individual states.

“The MRF is extremely disappointed that Mrs. Peters would choose this small, yet critical, grant program to raid. We understand her desire to encourage helmet use, but couldn’t the Secretary of Transportation find a more suitable program to fund her personal helmet hunt?” said Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations for the MRF.

The 2010 funds were a direct result of years of intense lobbying by state motorcyclists’ rights organizations (SMROs) and individual motorcyclists from across this country, and were intended for two very specific aspects of motorcycle safety ? motorcycle rider education and motorist awareness of motorcycles. These two aspects of motorcycle safety have been grossly under-funded at the state level for years, often solely at the direct expense of motorcyclists themselves through licensing and registration fees.

The 2010 funding program, in its second year, is a way for the motorcyclists of this country to get a little help from the feds to save lives. The fact is that helmet use has always been a major plank in the platform at the US Department of Transportation (DOT). So why now take away funds desperately needed for other areas of motorcycle safety? The training and awareness programs in statewide operation now are in jeopardy of reduced or zero funding every year. This federal program was designed to allow a trickle of cash to the states to at least keep current programs running. Should Peters get her way, that trickle becomes nothing but a drip. In addition, the current 2010 grant program is not funding failing programs. In order to qualify for the grant, each state has to demonstrate success in its programs by reducing fatalities.

Secretary Peters narrowly skates around an existing law that bans the federal government from lobbying states to enact statewide legislation. She does this by not asking that the money be used for helmet LAW advocacy, but by asking the money be used for helmet USE advocacy.

What’s actually happened and how concerned do we need to be? You may be asking yourself that very question about now. Here is the real world scenario: Mary Peters has sent two letters to Congress – one to Speaker Pelosi and the other to Senate President Cheney. The letters include draft legislation that would amend section 2010 to allow funds to be used for the promotion of helmet use. At this point there is no actual legislation – just an idea. If and when legislation results, the MRF will be issuing a call to action strongly opposing Peters’ proposal, and will work tirelessly to convince every Senator and Member of Congress not to support this raid on the 2010 funds. At this point, however, the funds appropriated for your state are safe.

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HOT ROD V-ROD TO BE FEATURED ON BIKERNET.COM– Just got finished reading the “Crazy 2009 Night Rod Review” on the site and just had to comment. My bike is finished and waiting for attention. I have already gotten a spot at Sturgis for the AMD in August and I am currently starting another.


If this bike wasn’t the real deal I wouldn’t be emailing you. Please consider having a look.

–Jason Wonder
Wonder Customs Texas

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HEADWINDS ADDRESSES–NIGHT BLIND?–Headwinds, the leader in custom headlights, introduces their new High Intensity Discharge (HID) Xenon Plasma/H4 Headlight Conversion kit that lights up the night! This Arc Lamp gives you 300% more light than the brightest Halogen bulb.

The light is a bluish color that is closer to daylight than filament bulbs. It also has a lifespan of 2,500 hours, five times longer that Halogen. High-energy wire harness, ballast & igniter are included. Fits bikes, cars, trucks and big rigs!

Simply install in back of your H4 headlight, plug in and go! Contact Headwinds at 626-359-8044 or email at See their website at

Single bulb $99.95/ea


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Club members, Former Police Officers and Attorney indicted in Federal Probe– The AP is reporting that two former Detroit police officers, and scores of members of the national motorcycle club The Highwaymen” and legal advisor to the new Mayor of Detroit have been charged with attempted murder, cocaine and steroid distribution and other crimes.

According to the Associated Press there have been 74 people charged. Authorities say 16 of those men are described as “leaders of the gang and of directing others to carry out crimes.” The indictments accuse others of conspiring to kill members of another motorcycle club and transporting stolen motorcycles into Michigan.

U.S. Attorney Terrence Berg said this was the largest investigation in Michigan history, and among the largest in the United States.

–US Rider News

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WYOMING FOR BIKERS–Thanks largely to efforts by Russ Reddick, Wyoming State A.B.A.T.E.-Vice President, Wyoming HB51 sponsored by Representative George Bagby passed and was signed into law by Governor Dave Freudenthal on February 26th and becomes effective July 1st, 2009–From the Wyoming legislature’s website – – this bill:

? Authorizes the issuance of special license plates for motorcycles that contain a symbol indicating that the operator has a handicap;

? Specifies the size of the plate and the symbol that shall be used on the motorcycle plate;

? Provides that a qualified applicant may be issued one set of special motor vehicle and one set of special motorcycle plates that contain a symbol indicating that the operator has a handicap.

For anyone that has had a handicap placard stolen or lost to Wyoming’s winds, having a permanently attached plate will be appreciated. And with more people riding these days, it’s good to know that for some, there is now an option..

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MIKE’S CUSTOM PAINT NEAR THE LAKE–We have been in the Custom Paint Business for over 25 years, for more information on us and our business give us a jingle or stop by.

–Mike love’s
Custom Paint Specialties
1600 W. Acoma #10
Lake Havasu, Arizona 86403
Phone: (928) 680-1110 Fax: (928) 680-1070

Mikes Custom Paint Banner

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PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCE FROM MICHAEL HUPY–This is a new 30 sec. PSA we did with Sheriff Clark. We will pay to run it twice a day through the riding season in place of one of our regular ads. We will also run 2 15 sec PSA?s featuring Tony twice a day through the riding season.

–M. Hupy

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THE TOURING LINK FROM K&G–The ?Touring Link?by ProgressiveSuspensionFinally an inexpensive andeasy to install solution tothe handling challengesfaced by most Touringmodels. The brace doesnot hang below the frameso it will not cut into yourground clearance.

Helpskeep motor and swingarmassembly aligned withchassis without introducingunnecessary vibrationto the rider.


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BIKER BEAUTIES FIRST QUARTERLY MAGAZINE HEADING TOWARD DEADLINE– I’ve been busting my ass to make the deadline. Daysget away from me and the weeks over before I realize it.

I’ll write more later to go into more detail on the magazine and I’ve gotabout 1/2 a CD put together to send you of stuff I’ve been editing for yoursite too.

We’re going to feature CoCo. If there isanyone I could put on a magazine to boost sales she’d be a good one. I’ve got 13 bikesshot ranging from street bikes to Easyriders Best Of Show Winners fromIndependent Cycle East. Couple pics attached… Ok for posting in the newsthis week just be sure to put “Photo from” with the pics.



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d&d triumph-header

2009 THRUXTON TT PERFORMANCE PIPES–D&D?s competition exhaust system is available for the traditional Triumph TT-style pipe. It is designed with a reverse megaphone open pipe and comes with a competition muffler pack. It is manufactured with a midnight black ceramic-coated stepped header and comes complete with air pump eliminators and jet kit.

Available for street and racing applications. Go to Performance Enterprises or call 817-834-8961 for more details.

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BIKERS INSIDE THE BELTWAY–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s (MRF) Michael “Boz” Kerr Bikers InsideThe Beltway national motorcycle awareness day event took place last weekand was a success on all fronts. Best of all, attendance was high and theroads were dry. More than 75 attendees rode in to the event from 16different states. The high miler for this year’s event was CharlesFletcher, who rode out from Minnesota.

The event, held on the grounds of the United States Capitol, was anopportunity for motorcyclists from across the nation to invite theirMembers of Congress to come out and talk about motorcycle safety with someof their constituents. Congressman Nick Rahall (D-WV), the number twoDemocrat in the House Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) Committeeand the Chairman of the House Resources Committee, addressed the group ofriders in attendance. Additional keynote speakers at the event includedTom Petri (R-WI), a subcommittee chair of the House T&I Committee; BradEllsworth (D-IN); Judy Biggert (R-IL); and Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), theco-chair of the House Motorcycle Safety Caucus and sponsor of HRes 269,the motorcycle safety awareness bill recently passed by the House.

Thanks to every one who attended and supported this event. You can readpress coverage of the event here:

Photos and video will be available on the MRF website soon.

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Vintage photo from Bob T. collection.

RIGHT TO REPAIR BILL REINTRODUCED–Earlier this spring, in announcing the government’s blueprint for savingthe big three automakers, President Obama said, “The United Statesgovernment will stand behind your (car) warranty.” While it’s unlikelymany car owners would trust the federal government with an engineoverhaul, a bipartisan bill called the Right to Repair Act of 2009 hasjust been introduced in the House of Representatives that would, in fact,make it cheaper and easier for millions of consumers to have their carsrepaired. Although similar legislation has been introduced in previousCongresses but not voted on, it takes on additional urgency in these tougheconomic times, especially with the closing of many auto dealerships.

Currently some manufactures only make diagnostic tools and softwareavailable to their dealerships, severely limiting repair opportunities forconsumers. Enter HR 2057, introduced by Edolphus Towns (D-NY), whichwould require car manufacturers make the tools and diagnostic informationneeded to repair their vehicles available to independent repair shops onthe same basis that they make them available to their dealer-operatedshops. (The legislation expressly protects manufacturer trade secrets frompublic disclosure.)

Basic consumer choice in vehicle repairs means more fair marketcompetition, which helps keep repairs affordable. In addition to theeconomic and convenience issues connected with this legislation, it iswell known that vehicles that are well maintained operate cleaner and morefuel efficiently. Enactment of the Right to Repair Act of 2009 would be awin both for small businesses and consumers at a time when both need aboost.

Although HR 2057 does have a greater likelihood of passage thisCongress than similar bills have in the past, it still has a long way togo before being signed into law. The MRF asks that you contact your USRepresentative to ask that he/she co-sponsor this important piece oflegislation.

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primal leather

PRIMAL LEATHERS REACHES OUT TO BIKERNET–Hello, I am the owner of Primal Leathers. We provide Premium Leather Motorcycle Jackets and Leather Gear to motorcycle riders and anyone that likes to wear leather apparel. We would be proud to be linked from your website. Could you consider linking us on your site?

Primal Leathers is the fastest growing online store for bikers, specializing in premium motorcycle leathers & apparel including motorcycle jackets, leather chaps, vests, gloves, helmets, and accessories. All at the lowest price anywhere.
–Randie Brookshire

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HCW MobileShowroom copy

HARDCORE WATCH COMPANY HITS BIKE NIGHT–Steve Soffa of the Hardcore Watch Company will be stopping by this Bike Night event with his 30 foot mobile showroom. As part of his 2009 summer tour, Soffa will showcase his entire watch and jewelry line.

Soffa is recognized as the official watchmaker of the biker industry. He is one of the only craftsman who uses his own original artwork with in the designs of his watches, jewelry and poker accessories.

Many of his designs are limited edition collectibles and owners of a his pieces often comment how they cherish these unique timepieces. Soffa’s timepiece, Mechanical Madness won the coveted Jeweler’s Choice Award in 2008. These cutting-edge handcrafted watches are constructed of the highest grade surgical steel, unique skins and innovative structural design.

If you are not familiar with his watches, design, jewelry and other products, please visit and then be sure to stop by his mobile showroom on May 27th at the Quaker State Lube and Steak Bike Night from 4 p.m. until they close!

Steve will be on hand to speak directly with bikers and fans about his art and to sign any items purchased.

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FOR PARTS TRY NEGOTIABLE–Click here: My eBay Selling Manager Active Listings for califswapmeet How about my e-bay link,Username califswapmeet, Cool Jesse’s in NY be back in the WCC shop next week.


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CALIFORNIA MOTORCYCLE DEALERS ASSOCIATION AMMO FOR VOTING AGAINST SB 435: ? Motorcycles constitute less than 3% of the total number of motor vehicles in California and travel less than 25%, on average, compared to cars and trucks.

? Motorcycles, because of their low mileage usage and much higher gas mileage than cars and trucks, represent only 1.5% of the total for all mobile source emissions. ACTUALLY LESS THAT ONE PERCENT OF ALL EMMISSIONS.

? Motorcycles do not contribute enough pollution to warrant being included in a smog check program.

? Only 5.2 tons of smog are estimated to be saved by smog testing motorcycles (THIS NUMBER IS ACTUALLY WAY OVER BLOWN SINCE THE STATE FIGURES THAT ALL REGISTERED MOTORCYCLES ARE RIDDEN DAILY, WHICH IS UNTRUE). Compare that to 1,406 tons per day from all mobile sources.

? California motorcycle engine emission standards were lowered drastically in 2008 making California motorcycles already the cleanest in the nation.

? There is no real evidence that motorcycles that have been modified for performance or gas economy reasons emit any more emissions than stock ones.

? The cost to implement and conduct a motorcycle smog check program will cost California more than the value of the emissions it?s estimated to save.

?A smog check program for motorcycles will discourage new motorcycle purchases and encourage owners, who use their motorcycles infrequently, to stop using them.

? Motorcycle smog checks were eliminated in one Arizona county after it was proven that the program did not reduce emissions enough to continue the program.

? If motorcycles have to be returned to stock condition, finding original parts for older bikes will be impossible because historically, not enough spare parts were made when they were built.

H e re ?s How To Contact Yo u rO w n S t ate Senator to Vo t e NO on SB 435. You can find and contact y o u rown state Senator by :
1. Accessing the state S e n a t ewebsite at: w w w. s e n a t e . c a . g o v /
2. Click on District Maps, State Senate.
3. Then, click on Your Senator
4. Enter your Street and City Address and Zip Code and your state Senate and A s s e m b l y Member will be identified and a link to their website provided. Write them a letter and FA X it to them (mail?s too slow). If you prefer e-mail, by clicking their website link, you can send them an e-mail by clicking Contact Me.

Address Your Letters to Members of the California State Senate Like this:
The Honorable ____________________,
State Senate, State Capitol
Sacramento, CA95814

–from the California Motorcycle Dealers Association (CMDA)

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CHARLIE BRECHTEL’S BIKER BASH A SUCCESS–Biker Bash was a blast, wish you could have made it out. Feel free to snag some pix if you want!


Could it be the editor of In The Wind?


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A BIKERNET RELAXING NEWS BREAK–Just sending you a photo of something I found on my last ride. I went off in search of waterfalls…and I’m tellin ya, I found some really nice ones…this one ought to cool some heels….


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The event will take place June 19-21 in the picturesque town of La Clusaz, close to the Swiss border in the popular touring area of the French Alps


France sees launch of double-prize World Championship Affiliate EventIn the past few years, the French market has emerged as a major ‘player’ on the European custom scene despite the difficulties that the market there faces with some of the most difficult regulations in Europe–Builders such as Nicholas Chauvin, Claude Babot and Bertrand Dubet have been respected for years, but success at the Official European Championship and elsewhere for the likes of Xavier Chante (Riverside Motocyclettes), Cyril Gautier (Art of Racer), Jean-Claude Passetemps (School Bar Atelier), Laurent Dutruel (Zen Motorcycles) and Fred Duban (Dub Performance) has firmly placed French customizing at the ‘top table’ in innovation and creativity terms in recent years.

Indeed, 2007 saw two French builders in the top three at the Europeans, with five in the top twenty, and top ten placings at both the last World Championships.

AMD is therefore pleased to recognize the efforts of Wild Magazine in France to forge a relationship with the picturesque town of La Clusaz, in the popular motorcycle touring area of the French Alps, close to the Swiss border, in getting a new Rally underway this year which will be a World Championship Affiliate event for the French market and will take place June 19th to 21st.

The event will promote domestic French customizing and attract leading ‘international’ competitors from elsewhere in Europe by offering the International Affiliate program of two Sturgis expenses contribution prizes, one for the leading French builder, and one for the leading ‘international’ entrant.

La Clusaz, Haut-Savoie, France

World Champion banner

Continued On Page 4

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