Continued From Page 1

PAPPY’S RUN 2005–The 30th Annual run for Donald “PAPPY” Pittsley will be held in Waterford Connecticut on May 29th (Memorial Day Weekend) Pappy was one of the driving forces behind Connecticut Repealing the Mandatory Helmet Law for Motorcyclist in that state in the 70s Pappy’s was inducted into the Sturgis Freedom Fighter Hall of Fame in 2004. ROGUE will be attending the run to honor his friend and brother and to also display the award “PAPPY” received.
IMPORTANT: Please note that there have been some changes in the schedule. The Run this year will start at The Waterford Speed Bowl on Route 85 in Waterford Connecticut. It will Depart the parking lot at 10:30 A.M. so please plan to get there early. There is no fee for attending this event.
There will be numerous parties through out the area following the ride. It has been reported that this may be the last year for this event so you really should try to make it. Hoping to see you there

BEACH RIDE 12–IT ROCKS ONCE MORE–Sunday, July 17, 2005,10 a.m. – 4 p.m.,Ventura County Fairgrounds(Seaside Park),Ventura, California.
Live Music by Foghat featuring Tony StevensNational Dust,Grand MarshalLarry Hagman.
DON’T MISS: Vendors,Mr./Ms. Beach Ride Contest,Tattoo Contest,Bike Show. Proceeds benefit several Los Angeles and Ventura County charities.

BIGGER BLANKS FOR WIDE TIRES FROM ALL AMERICAN WHEEL– As rear tire sizes continue to increase, All American Wheel has kept pace with developments by offering two new sizes of blank.
Three-piece wheels, with the smooth lip design, are now offered in 17×12 and 18×14 sizes for the latest 330- and 360-series tires.
All American Wheel continues to offer its range of one-piece forgings, cast wheel blanks and blanks for pulleys and rotors.

Paramount, California, USA
Tel: 562 602 6560
Fax: 562 408 1959

CHICKS RULE! SBK FAST DATES WORLD SUPERBIKE AND TEAME DUCATI CORSE GIRL ROCK’ ROBIN IS HOSTING THE LA CALENDAR MOTORCYCLE SHOW–Ducati Featured Marquee in new sponsoredMetric Midway at expanded LA Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend July 16-17th
Los Angeles, CA May 25th – An exciting new feature of this year’s Los Angles Calendar Motorcycle Show at the Queen Mary Event Park in Long Beach on July 16-17th 2005 will be the sponsored Metric Midway where Ducati motorcycles will be the featured marquee. A wide range of special activities for Ducati enthusiasts and fans will be taking place in the Midway including custom and performance bike displays, a special MotoCreations Ducati trophy contest class, together with related Venders, Dealers and Product Manufacturers.
But the action doesn’t stop there. Also featured in the Show’s Metric Midway all weekend long will be beautiful girl DJ Samantha Lee ( spinning her original dance tunes to keep things jumping, while spectators can enjoy home made BBQ cooking and Hooters Hot Wings with the beautiful Hooters Girls. While right next door the world record setting Jardine West Coast Horsepower Dyno Shootout will be going full full throttle, open to all contestants, with its own trophy awards and prizes.
The entire Show weekend’s activities are being hosted by TV star and SBK World Superbike Ducati Corse umbrella girl “Rockin’ Robin Cunningham, former Miss Texas and Miss Hawaiian Tropic International. The weekend also serves as the world premier of the the new 2006 Motorcycle Pinup Calendars, published by Show producer Jim Gianatsis, with Robin featured in all the new Calendars which will be available at the Show.
The Metric Midway is just a small portion of the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend which is the biggest custom and performance streetbike show in America, and an Official Qualifying Round of the AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building. Complete details of all the Show’s activities are available online at

The Day of Legends – DICKEY BETTS & GREAT SOUTHERNJACK DANIEL’S OFFICIAL BIRTHDAY PARTY–The World’s Longest Happy Hour ($1 dogs & $1 drafts). Watch the Chip’s 1st edition custom Porky’s Chopper being built from the ground up to benefit CCA – HEY! IT MAY BE YOURS ON FRIDAY!
CHARLIE BRECHTEL BAND,Hawaiian Tropic Girls,DICKEY BETTS & GREAT SOUTHERN,Buffalo Chip/Hawaiian Tropic semi-finals,Captain Jack’s Burnout Bridge Party.
JULY 22-24, 2005
HWY 84.E

MYRTLE BEACH WRAP-UP–Despite the large numbers that turned out for the event, there were few problems with road congestion as bikers returned home Sunday during the last day of the Carolina Harley-Davidson Dealers Association Myrtle Beach Rally.
S.C. Highway Patrol officers said they think the larger crowd remaining in the area for a longer period of time contributed to a higher death toll than last year’s rally. The rally is estimated to have attracted close to 300,000 participants, some who began arriving May 13.
A New York resident involved in a wreck Sunday morning became the fifth person to die during the rally.There were three deaths total during the May Harley and Atlantic Beach Bikefest rallies last year, compared with 15 for the two events in 2003.
Sunday’s crash at 10th Avenue North and Robert M. Grissom Parkway was the first fatality associated with the rally in Myrtle Beach, police Sgt. Harry Rogers said.
In 2003, there were 13 fatal crashes in Myrtle Beach during the two back-to-back biker events.
Horry County had reported a total of 120 motorcycle wrecks as of 6:30 a.m. Sunday, Horry County spokeswoman Lisa Bourcier said.
Myrtle Beach police issued 1,294 tickets by Sunday, said Capt. David Knipes, spokesman for the department. At least 853 people were arrested.
The police and fire departments had a total of 3,996 calls for service, Knipes said.As the Harley-Davidson rally wound to a close on Sunday, few traffic problems were reported.The bikers left the beach at different times and were not stuck in traffic jams, area police said.
“It seems that everybody has either left town or is in the process of leaving,” said Mike Shumate, a supervisor with the North Myrtle Beach Police Department.”There have been no major tie-ups,” he said.
–from Rogue

CRAZY HORSE TO LIGHT UP BADLANDS NIGHTS– Ruth Ziolkowski has high hopes for a new program that people can see this summer and fall at Crazy Horse Memorial.”It will be the story of Crazy Horse the man (and) Crazy Horse the memorial,” she said. “It will be a thank-you to the Indian people for the many gifts they have given us. It will be a little bit of the story of the family and the sculptor and of the future of the Crazy Horse project and the Indian people.”
“It” is the “Legends in Light” multimedia program, beginning this Memorial Day weekend. The side of the mountain on which the sculpture is being carved will become a screen hundreds of feet tall onto which laser light outlines, still slides, animation/video and colored lights are projected, all accompanied by music.
Ziolkowski, chief executive of the Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation and the widow of sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski, hopes that the program, described as “laser light storytelling,” will serve as reconciliation, education and entertainment.
The program will begin at 9 p.m. each night from Memorial Day, Monday, May 30, through Labor Day. The foundation hopes to continue the program through October at an earlier start time. The entire program is about an hour long.
In addition to outlining the shape of the completed sculpture, the laser lights will project various figures such as an American flag and bald eagle onto the mountain. Ziolkowski said “the laser feature was most popular” when the memorial presented a shorter multimedia trial show during the 2003 Sturgis motorcycle rally.
By Naomi Schemm, Journal staff writer.
–from Rogue

A LETTER TO HOT BIKE’S AGENT ZEBRA–I bow in respect and appreciation. The industry needs the kind of open honesty that you deliver. Thank you for understanding my passion, and “explaining” it with such beauty and vision to a truly blind man. I look forward to feeding my ever so hungry mind in your kitchen. The rag has never been better.
I trust you will weather the storm of the corporate critics. You have my un-dieing support.
Eternally, Count

The difference between “guts” and “balls” – –
Guts – is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, beingassaulted by your wife with a broom, and having the guts to ask: “Are youstill cleaning, or are you flying off somewhere?”
Balls – is coming home late after a night out with the guys, smelling ofperfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the ass andhaving the balls to say, “You’re next!”
–from Art Friedman

FIRSTSTRIKE ANNIHILATES COMPRESSION PROBLEMS WITH BOLT-ON EASE–Unlike other compression releases, Spyke’s revolutionary Firstryke Bolt-OnCompression Release boasts a simple installation process and requires nomachining to install. It fits 14mm EVO Big Twins as well as short-reachShovelheads with an adapter. Constructed of polished high-grade aluminum,the Firstryke has proven to extend starter, battery and charging systemlife. It is also an immediate help for hard-to-start bikes-especiallykick-starters.
The Firstryke features new state-of-the-art Autolite? HT Revolution? sparkplugs that have been proven to provide a boost in horsepower. The HTRevolution? was perfected after ten years in development to provide ignitionunlike any other spark plug. They produce a new, innovative type of sparkinside the cylinder head that not only burns fuel more completely, it alsolowers emissions and increases usable power. Each package of Firstrykescontains two compression releases with the spark plugs pre-installed.
Spyke, Inc.
11258 Regentview Ave.
Downey, CA 90241
Phone: 562.869.9333
Fax: 562.869.9323

FAT KATZ FENDERZ — KEEPING UP WITH THE TIMES–You asked for it, and of course we’ve got it. Keeping up with today’s budding custom industry isn’t easy, but when you have the means, minds and the technology it can be done. Fat Katz Inc. is proud to introduce handcrafted rear fenders to fit your ever-fattening tires. Our fenders accommodate up to a 360mm tire and they are available plain, donut, or custom-made to fit any concept you can dream up. Of course the Ventura oil in fender model that debuted with a bang last year, is always available.

Imagine your ideas pounded out in high quality 13 gauge cold rolled steel. Call us up and request an angled fender or one with a fashion forward ridge, anything you can dream up is possible when you are dealing with experts. Since 1989 Fat Katz has been wowing the Industry with new ideas and innovations and our new fenders are no exception. Stop by our ever changing website at or call our easy order line at 877.432.8528 and talk to our friendly staff.

BIKERNET RELIGIOUS MOMEMT–On the first day God created the dog. God said, “Sit all day by thedoor of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. I willgive you a life span of twenty years.”
The dog said, “That’s too long to be barking. Give me ten years andI’ll give you back the other ten.” So God agreed.
On the second day God created the monkey. God said, “Entertain people,do monkey tricks, make them laugh. I’ll give you a twenty-year life span.”
The monkey said, “How boring, monkey tricks for twenty years? Idon’t think so. Dog gave you back ten, so that’s what I’ll do too, okay?”
And God agreed.
On the third day God created the cow. God said, “You must go to thefield with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calvesand give milk to support the farmer. I will give you a life span of sixtyyears.”
The cow said, “That’s kind of a tough life you want me to live forsixty years. Let me have twenty and I’ll give back the other forty.”
AndGod agreed again.
On the forth day God created man. God said, “Eat, sleep, play, marryand enjoy your life. I’ll give you twenty years.”
Man said, “What? Onlytwenty years! Tell you what; I’ll take my twenty, and the forty the cowgaveback and the ten the monkey gave back and the ten the dog gave back, thatmakes eighty, okay?”
“Okay,” said God, “You’ve got a deal.”
So that is why the first twenty years we eat, sleep, play, and enjoyourselves; for the next forty years we slave in the sun to support ourfamily; for the next ten years we do monkey tricks to entertain thegrandchildren; and for the last ten years we sit on the front porch andbarkat everyone.
Life has now been explained to you.
–from Drew
Continued On Page 3