I’m trying to get a handle on the day. We’ve just kicked off a project bike in the middle of finishing a ’62 Pan 6 to 12-Volt conversion, the Shrunken FXR, the King and a Run For Breath show trophy sculpture. Most of the above will be covered in the news.
We shipped some of the parts off to Custom Powder Coating in Dallas today and the sheet metal was hauled to Sandini’s for paint. We’re turnin’ into a bike shop. That’s cool but where’s the whiskey and women. I need a break. Let’s hit the news:

RUN FOR BREATH UPDATE–Just got back from the Run to the Wall in Washington D.C. I am still drying out! Last Thursday I had planned to ride to my brother Gary’s place in Virginia. Well, Thursday morning it was raining, like pouring piss out of a boot. I reluctantly loaded my bike in a downpour and headed to Va.
I arrived that afternoon and it was still raining, it continued until Saturday. We finally got to ride some Saturday afternoon with Gary and my old riding partner Mike J. Mike showed me the ropes way back when I first got into bikes. He is a stand up guy. We headed off to Waugh Harley-Davidson in Orange Va. They are good people. The first H-D I ever bought, a ’79 Sportster came from Waugh’s place.
A little info on how I got that bike: I filled out the credit application and it didn’t go through for one reason or another, age, no prior credit etc. I was really disappointed when they called and told me that I had been turned down. Later on I got a call from Mr. Waugh (Hoss as he is known) saying not to worry. He told me to come by the shop. When I arrived he said he trusted me and he would co-sign the loan. I was blown away. I never let him down and bought three other Harleys from him. Like I said they are good people!
Well back on track now, we left the shop and visited another of my old riding partners, Neal. Neal has always been too kool for school and he is one of the best horse traders I know, iron horses that is. We hung out and talked about old times, then headed back to Gary’s. We watched the weather channel every hour and it predicted 77 degrees and partly cloudy, yeah right!
That night Stacey and Marlon called and said they would meet us Sunday morning. I hadn’t seen Stacey in at least 15 years! Marlon and Stacey are long time riders and great guys to be around. Finally, 6 a.m. Sunday morning arrived and we walked out into a cloudy damp dark sky. Remember the forcast??? We met everyone for breakfast and on the way out the skies opened up, big time. There was some discussion as to whether or not to continue. Everyone looked at each other and without saying another word everyone knew the answer was “Hell no” we are going to ride. I think it had to do with all of us having a chance to ride together again and for a very special reason. There is a special bond between true friends and riding brothers that time and distance can never erase.
On the way, in the rain, I thought about how the people whose names are engraved on that black wall who didn’t have a choice to fight that war. They fought if it rained, if it was cold or through whatever they were asked to face. They hit the line in all conditions, so while I was riding, I thought about how being in the rain and cold (55 degrees-that forecast again) was the least we could do to pay our respects and to say thank you for preserving our freedom. To all whose names are engraved upon the Vietnam wall and to all veterans of all our wars, we salute you and honor you. Overall my trip was a good one. I saw my family and some of my best riding brothers. It was well worth being wet all weekend and as “THE MEANEST” would say “If you ride long enough, you are going to get wet!”
–Mike Pullin
Mike Pullin is the Founder of the Run For Breath out of Charlotte H-D in North Carolina.

In addition to the fabulous fiction, helpful tech articles and up to the minute news, we also provide you with quality products here in our Gulch for convenient on-line purchasing. Take a look at what we have to offer.

“Chopper Heaven” from Chris Kallas. Click here to see more artwork.

4 1/2″ Headlight Assembly Concourse Rocket from Headwinds. Click here to see more.

Now that it’s warming up, you gotta get a tank top from Joker. Click here to see what other cool products they have!

HARLEY-DAVIDSON ANNOUNCES ?OPERATION MISSION ACCOMPLISHED?–H-D and Buell Extend Warranty Coverage for Deployed Military Personnel in Middle East
MILWAUKEE, WI (May 26, 2003) – Harley-Davidson Motor Company and Buell Motorcycle Company recently announced the implementation of ?Operation Mission Accomplished,? a plan to extend warranty coverage to military personnel recently deployed in support of operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.
?Everyone at Harley-Davidson and Buell recognizes the sacrifice made by men and women from the many nations involved in recent military efforts in the Middle East region,? said Steve Phillips, Vice President of Quality, Reliability and Technical Service. ?This program will acknowledge that effort by extending the warranty on Harley-Davidson and Buell motorcycles owned by those who have served and been unable to ride while they were on duty.?
The program will apply to owners of Harley-Davidson and Buell motorcycles who are coalition military personnel from any country deployed to an area controlled by CENTCOM, or deployed in support of coalition operations in the Middle East from November 1, 2001, until June 1, 2003. If their motorcycle is under warranty, Harley-Davidson and Buell will provide an extension of the 12-month factory warranty for the number of days they were deployed to account for the balance of the remaining warranty period. If the warranty on any of their Harley-Davidson or Buell motorcycles expired while they were deployed in the designated areas, Harley-Davidson will offer additional warranty coverage for a period of time equal to the length of their deployment, but not to exceed the original 12 month factory warranty period.
Harley-Davidson and Buell owners who believe they are eligible for Operation Mission Accomplished should see their local dealer upon return from deployment for details on applying for the program.

FIRST ISLAND ALL-CHOPPERS SHOW–is drawing builders from all over the world. Billy Lane will be there from Florida. Jose from Puerto Rico is surfing in. Hell, I’m a bike judge for the show, so I better be there.
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